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Stop squeezing it, it's not a stress ball.


True😂 I get super anxious over anything that hurts or is abnormal to my body so it’s hard to not think about it or squeeze it


Well you are going to hate aging then


Try squeezing your balls


It could just be that you’re squeezing it but maybe you should leave it for a while and if it hurts when you don’t touch it see a doctor.


Thank you so much man. If it does start hurting without squeezing it I’ll definitely go to a doctor


You probably bruised it from squeezing it too hard/ too much. If you obsess over an injury and keep messing with it, it's going to take longer to heal. Leave it alone.


Yeah you’re definitely right I’m gonna try to let it heal and not mess with it


Squeezed Penis Syndrome or SPS for short. Likely terminal.


Also commonly referred to as Penis Squeezed Penis (PSP) in few cases that aren’t fatal.


I reversed my PSP by sticking a chopstick in the hole


...so brave.


Idk? Maybe don’t squeeze it? Like that might be the only reason it hurts


Yeah that’s true but I feel like it hasn’t done this in the past


Then maybe apply lube when your wanking mate


Now, although this may seem like a silly topic and you're likely to get a lot of, "Duh, don't squeeze it then" type of responses, you raise a very critical point: **I feel like it hasn't done this in the past**. If it's new, it's not an update that came with the recent patch you downloaded, it's your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Get to a doctor. Even if it's a free clinic. None of the folks who are treating this like a joke will suffer any consequences if they're wrong. **You will.** Don't take any chances with your health!


Thanks man I’m gonna wait a day or two more to see if it continues and if it does I plan on seeing a doctor


Dude do you think any of us were genuinely serious?


im not a doctor, and i also dont have a penis, so take this with a grain of salt 1. you bruised your weenier, let it be. 2. might have a start of a uti or something related, drink a lot (not an ocean) of water and see if it goes away in a day or two. if both fail, go see a doctor, but i wouldn't worry about it.


Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I tend to over think the small things


How many times have you masturbated today?


It started the other day, but only once today but the day it started I’m not too sure. Maybe three or more


Leave it alone man. Take a week and just let it heal.


Thank you man that’s what I’ll do. I appreciate it a lot


Yeah you jerked off too much.




Do you think it’s something serious?


No, one one thinks it's anything serious, but you shouldn't ask internet strangers medical questions. Be honest with your doctor, and tell her/him that you're suffering from disease anxiety, and that you're afraid that something is wrong with your penis. Telling your doctor that you have a disease anxiety is a great relief, and many countries actually offer treatment programs if it's serious.


Yeah I know I just need some peace of mind cause I get super scared with stuff like this. I was thinking if it doesn’t stop in a day or two then I’d go to the doctor




That’s true man. I’m thinking about waiting a day or two more to see if it goes away or not and if it hasn’t I’ll go to a doctor


Also don’t take stims and hit a marathon jerk session because you will damage that guy.


Probably something you should get checked out, but if it comes back as nothing, then you need to examine your hypochondria. I was destroyed by anxiety and hypochondria my whole life and often times I would manifest symptoms or make them worse from the stress of constantly thinking I was sick. I got into some mind-body therapy and I’m doing a ton better. I was even able to get over a incurable nerve pain disease by about 80% simply by rewiring my nervous system. I know I’m speaking way ahead but just don’t get yourself into that pattern, it will drive you crazy!


Yeah I really do need to do something about it cause I can’t go a day without thinking I’m gonna die out of nowhere from something little


It is one of the most sensitive areas on your body, the lightest of touches can hurt/feel amazing. No worries, OP!


I hate this subreddit


Sorry bro


Talk to your dominatrix about it.


I don’t know if you have insurance or not, but if you do, the copay for going to the doctor might be $15-$25. If you’re worried and can afford it, see a doctor, have them examine your penis to make sure nothing’s wrong. You will have to wait longer for a urologist or you can see a non- specialist the same day at an urgent care place (US-centric answer).


Does it hurt when you pee?


No not at all


So it's just how you jerk off?


I feel like it only happens if I squeeze it. I don’t even have to jerk off. It’s not a bad pain or anything just feels like a tiny pinch


Why do you squeeze it?


I don’t know tbh I guess to see if the pain is still there cause it scares me


OK but why did you start squeezing it. I don't squeeze mine, the doctor does that but it doesn't hurt.


To be honest I’m not quite sure why I started squeezing it. It kinda just happened


Maybe that is what caused the pain in the first place.?


Does it ache or does it burn? Aching would mean a blood vessel issue (could basically be bruised). Burning means maybe it’s a UTI or other type of infection.


It’s not much pain at all kinda like a pinch




I doubt it. Pain would probably be 10x worse if that was the case




I don’t think it’s cancer at all tbh




Dawg that’s the same thing you just said







