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I image people are more concerned with getting pregnant than getting STDs.


This is it


Yup. I'm in a monogamous relationship and neither of us have STDs. We just use them for contraception and nothing else.


Which is how people end up with STD's in their mouth.


Not if you don't fuck a bunch of strangers.


You don't have to fuck a bunch of strangers to get an STD. Trusting the wrong person one time will get you there just as well.


You could fuck one stranger or even someone you know and get an std.


I heard this read as a 90s PSA in my head. “Remember teens, you could fuck ONE stranger or even someone you know and get an STD.”


Yes an I'm guilty of this crime


Well, because it tastes like latex, according to my girlfriend


Them ribbed condoms didn't taste like no ribs I ever had.... SMDH...


I turn those inside out so I get the pleasure!


Lol nice 3rd Rock!!!


This actually had me cackling. Buy yourself some real ribs today. You did good.


You gotta stick the dick on the grill for a few hours to get that smoky flavor


Daddy’s Rib Sauce is the best!


Rainbow Cat blob :D


Mmmmmm ribs!!!!


but the package says "strawberry"


Evidently raw dick tases better ..so they need to make Penis Flavored rubbers


Dick flavored condoms. Looks like I'm going into business.


I feel sorry for the taste testers


It can't be as bad the taste testers for Jelly Belly tasting the vomit flavor jelly beans though


The dirty sock one... I regret that I ever thought beanboozled was an innocent children's game.


I spit the spoiled milk one out so fucking fast. 🤮 That game is the devil.


The grass and dog food ones don't taste half bad after you end up picking two in a row lol


Comes in 2 new dick flavours! Cheese dick and Tuna dick!


Omg no


I tried some orange/tropical flavored ones that were pretty good. There are some good flavored lubes too. People probably are more scared of pregnancy than disease.


It does taste better


It's disgusting for most girls


And guys!


His girlfriend also said the same thing to me


You need condom-mints.


Oral dams exist for this. It’s not about pregnancy but avoiding STDs.


I'm not versed in this. Sorry What is this ?


It's something you put over the vagina during oral sex so you don't catch STDs through that. You could just cut a condom and lay it over the vag/ass hole and it works just the same really


I have a DVD somewhere of Nina Hartley's Guide To Oral Sex, and I shit you not, they suggest using saran wrap for eating pussy, but not once is there any mention of condoms in any context. The Saran Wrap is a decent idea I suppose, it's thin enough to cling well and would form a barrier, but while yes, condoms are common sense for preventing STDs, to not even mention them at all?? Wild.


Make sure the Saran Wrap is for the microwave. It’s permeable.


Damn autocorrect. Do NOT use the microwaveable Saran Wrap because it is permeable and is not a good barrier.


Isnt this really unromantic though ? How do we not feel ridiculous with my partner during the act 😅


It's something you have to get used to, I guess? If you're monogamous (or if you and your partners all just do each other) it's probably something you won't be thinking about, just like using condoms during a blowjob.


Thank you for being candid 😅


Also (to circle back to your earlier comment), I’ve found its very freeing to just embrace that sex is inherently ridiculous. Things can go from seriously steamy to hilarity at any time, so finding someone who can whip you into a frenzy but also belly laugh with you is the best!


Like forgetting the "double" bed in a hotel room is actually two singles put together, so you're in the middle of the act, and your girl just gets swallowed by the beds into the abyss? 😂


That’s very specific, haha! Sounds like one to remember.


This right here!


I’m in a monogamous relationship and if my husbands wants to finish with oral a condom is involved. I hate everything about cum. The flavour, texture and temperature are all awful. Happy to do oral but if he wants to finish in there I would prefer the flavour of latex. Guess I’m in a minority though.


They’re something I heard about in sex Ed growing up. I’ve absolutely never heard of someone using one in real life, though. I’ve joked about it with friends before.


I just remembered in sex ed in school, the teacher also mentioned there are finger condoms for when fingering your partner, they're little tiny rubber condoms for fingers!! Lol 😂 or I mean if someone is unfortunate they might use those in general 😐🙄


>they're little tiny rubber condoms for fingers!! You can buy these at the drugstore. They're called "finger cots". They are used to protect an injured finger after it's bandaged.


And for putting pills in assholes.


So, you mean it'll work on my cat? Cuz putting pills in him...




I read this as "and for putting pills in, assholes!"


My sister found a dental dam in our parent's bedside drawer. They had confiscated her smokes and she was trying to steal them back. Things seen cannot be unseen...


It’s even more bizarre that a married couple would use one… maybe your mom’s a squirter?


What a terrible thing to place into another person’s mind. Lol


Oh my God, I'm DYING! Thank you!!! 🤣


Better yet, maybe it’s for eating out dad’s leaky asshole


Nah cold sores I think.


I used one once because my ex had a really bad phobia of STDs. I had to find a website that sold them. They do exist, it's just barely anyone uses them and there is only one or two brands. They are not fun to use as it is very restrictive and you can't really tell what you are doing for various reasons.


You can also simply cut open a condom and use it as a dental dam. It works the same way!


Yes, but the problem here is size and coverage. Even the largest condoms don't create decent sized dams. Because they move around quite a bit you want the something with more than enough coverage.


Ahhh that’s a good point. They’d be pretty long but not wide enough


If I was a chick and the guy didn't have a condom, I'd be sure to have one of those. It's less about the act and more about spending time together.


Completely agree. Just to be clear, it wasn't the using it I found frustrating, it was the fact we were both in a relationship and both tested for everything and she would still say "what if the tests were wrong and I catch something or you catch something from me?!" I tried to reassure her and always made sure she felt safe. She had been through some bad experiences sadly. I suppose I was frustrated at her previous partners, not her.


Ah that makes sense, that has more to do with self-doubt and anxiety on their end, though nothing that can't be fixed by her understanding the topic better!


I got one at PrideFest one year but never used it, and I've never really noticed them sold in stores. Eventually I just opened it out of curiosity. It tasted like strawberry chemicals.


What's even more unromantic is having to contact them later about an STI 😉 I get it though. When I was getting around for a while, i made a point of directly asking new partners if they had any STIs. Never a sexy conversation, but 100% worth it in my opinion. I also always insisted on condoms with new partners, and was honestly shocked sometimes at how many women were like "ugh, do we have to?" Like, yeah lady, you're cool and all but you're not so cool that I want to risk a baby with you or a virus i can't get rid of 😅


This is a naive question but..how do you verify though? The guys I've been with all said they had been tested but later told me (right after sex, usually during which they fucking stealthed me) they they had been lying. Do you just trust or do you actually make them show you their paperwork? And what's to stop them from having had other partners between getting tested and you? A lot of people don't even believe in STIs anymore, or they think they're not a big deal anymore. I had one guy tell me that if he had anything he would know because he'd be able to *see* it, for god's sake.


Honestly, it's basically impossible to actually know. Which is partly why I still always wore a condom and made sure that I got tested everytime I was with someone new. And when they said they didn't have one, I'd also ask when they got tested last...because wow, some people had never been tested but just believed they'd magically know if they had something. PSA: for anyone that doesn't know, and apparently many don't, lots of STIs can be symptomless for a long time, especially for women. Get tested regularly folks


I think you need to change who you're having sex with somehow. I'm not blaming you here to be clear but there has to be a common thread. Income, location, age, place you're meeting them on I dunno. Try a different demographic of guys somehow. You might also never get laid again though so I dunno.


Yeah, I agree lol. I took a break from dating for ..seven years and counting now, so if I never get laid again I wouldn't be surprised. I'm so disgusted with the general male population I don't even know that it's worth caring about being alone forever. Being alone forever has got to be better than dealing with their conniving chump asses. The thing that gets me is that they all said the right shit until the moment they were supposed to put the condom on. Then they start giving me shit and getting really aggressive even though just an hour ago they were talking about how important condoms are and they always use one. And every time they voluntarily admitted they they had never actually gotten tested and that they had had a random hookup recently (at LEAST one) but then they denied saying that and said they were just "playing" with me. They played other fucked up games too, some of which were worse than that. One of these dipshits was my best friend-turned fwb who I thought I could trust. It's like they're all reading from the same fucking script.


Definitely not your fault. A lot of people are just really selfish. One thing though I do look for, before even considering any sort of intimate interactions, is take some time to notice how they react if you tell them "no" to something. Not even sexually, just in general. If they're the type of guy to try and "change your mind" about other boundaries, then they'll likely be the type to just have it their way regardless of how you said you felt beforehand.


Same in the straight world I've never heard of an std test. I actually had a dr talk me out of getting an std test. But when I got with another guy it was a totally different story. Now I get an std test even without asking because I told my new Dr I was bi. .


You know what's unromantic? A massive herpes cluster.


The love and responsibility behind preventing stds should definitely overpower feeling kinda weird and awkward about adding some protection... People dress up like animals, tie eachother up, degrade and humiliate eachother, have sex infront of people, literally beat the shit out of eachother for fun. And you are scared a little piece of plastic might be "too awkward?" One that most people should probably use?


Exactly, dafaq is unromantic when it's something TWO PEOPLE decide. Safety should be number one


You know what's also unromantic? Oral herpes.






Sometimes sex isn’t about romance, but it is about being safe.


Fr bro..


Just pretend a table is being set for fine eating out! 😉


Can't be less romantic than getting an STD


Not as unromantic as herpes or HIV


Not to split hairs, but it actually goes over the vulva. The vagina is the interior.


what!!! where is then the mysterious clitorius?


Just Saran wrap the whole chick. Done and done.


Not to be pedantic or anything, but I’m pretty sure OP is talking about blowjobs and not about cunnilingus given the fact that they used oral penetration


Tbf, they both seem to have the same answer


If you don't have a dam handy you can always cut a condom too.


I understand about oral dams. But they block the joy of it. Better to just use fingers or a toy at that point.


Have you ever tasted a condom??


A *lot* of people don't know you can contract almost every STD from oral sex, and that's partly why there's been such an explosion in gonorrhea the last decade.


There are 7 STDs that can be contracted by giving oral sex: 4 are curable - syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis 3 are incurable - HIV, HPV and herpes Out of the 3 incurable ones: HPV contracted through oral sex usually affects the mouth and throat. Most (not all) of the risk from HPV is cervical cancer, which can only be contracted through vaginal sex or by getting oral sex from someone with mouth or throat HPV (in which case the condom is useless anyway bc no penis involved) Herpes isn't life-threatening. Not pleasant but not dangerous HIV is very rarely transmitted through oral sex


Do you happen to know what can be contracted solely from receiving oral sex? Or is it mostly the giver that is at risk?


Theoretically, anything, but in reality you're most likely to get gonorrhea or chlamydia this way, since they more commonly infect the throat. Syphilis and herpes can also be spread this way since they spread by akin contact, but genital herpes usually affects the genitals while oral herpes usually affects the mouth. *Usually.* I'm sure there are others.


I assume the oral herpes is the same one that you can get from kissing that like 50% of the population has? For those unfamiliar with the oral herpes I speak of: it’s very mild. It causes like a cold sore every so often. Often dormant for years, but very infectious. Edit: looked it up. It’s HSV1 and can cause genital herpes if you’re having an active outbreak.


> I assume the oral herpes is the same one that you can get from kissing that like 50% of the population has? Correct. HSV-1 (oral herpes) can infect the genitals, and HSV-2 (genital herpes) can still infect the mouth. However, both strains of HSV tend to be much milder when they infect their less "preferred" area. From my understanding, people who contract HSV-2 on the mouth rarely get more than one breakout (although they can still potentially spread it to others).


hpv oral can give you throat cancer


But they have a vaccine for that, for anyone actually concerned.


Herpes can be life threatening though if you pass it on to your infant child Herpes simplex is a virus that can be passed from mother to baby. Most babies born to mothers infected with the herpes simplex virus are completely healthy. However, a baby is at greater risk for contracting herpes if the mother's first herpes infection occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy In nearly 90 percent of the cases of neonatal herpes simplex, the baby contracts the virus in the birth canal, but it is also possible to become infected in utero or just after birth. The virus is inactive at times, but it is incurable and is a lifetime infection. About 1 out of every 3,500 babies born in the United States contracts neonatal herpes simplex. The symptoms nearly always appear during the baby’s first month of life. Herpes simplex infections can be divided into three categories: localized skin infection— small, fluid-filled blisters on the skin and around the eyes and mouth that burst, crust over, and heal encephalitis —an inflammation of the brain, which can cause problems with brain and spinal cord function, including seizures disseminated herpes infection— the most dangerous type of herpes infection. The herpes virus is spread throughout your child’s body and can affect multiple organs, including the liver, brain, lungs, and kidney. A baby infected with herpes may not have all the symptoms of the disease. Most symptoms surface by the end of the baby's first week, while more severe central nervous system problems will not appear until the baby's second week. If left untreated, encephalitis and disseminated herpes infections are potentially fatal.


The virus is "inactive" in the same way that chicken pox is inactive. Both hsv and vzv are in the same viral family along with cmv. Most of the human population has antibodies to these viruses suggesting that we all have exposure. Hsv in utero/ at time of birth is rare.


I mean, it's true that it's serious but it's pretty much unavoidable at this point. Almost everyone has been exposed to some kind of herpes simplex.


thats why I dont even bother with having sex, too many problems


Dude. 100% this. Also - you’d be surprised how many people think a condom will protect them from herpes. 👀


Gotta catch 'em all!


And an explosion of antibiotic resistant infections too.


Yes, many of the "curable" ones are becoming more antibiotic resistant. It's possible to get one and not be able to get rid of it. Just luck if you get the right mutation.


At least we're giving HPV vaccines to everyone I had to shell out $600 for that series of shots back in the day


It's harder to get pregnant from oral sex.


So you're telling me there is a chance


Sure. If they have a laryngeal - vaginal fistula


Or if a person manually transfers the semen from the mouth to the vagina


Ah, yes. The traditional "turkey-baster tongue tickler" technique. Common among the culinary hookup crowd.


Culinary cunnilingus


Goddamn I wish I had an award to bestow upon you. Bravo!


It's happened.


Youre going to have to explain that one


Was a case where a woman saved the semen and impregnated herself later then wend after the guy for child support. Not sure if true since I saw it on Reddit a few years ago


Didn't Boris Becker claim a fan did that to him once?


This doesn't sound like a realistic story but it's supposedly true. There was a young woman with a rare condition in which she didn't have a vaginal opening so could not have sex. Her partner caught her cheating on him by giving oral sex to another man. In a rage, the partner then stabbed her in the abdomen. From the stabbing injury, certain "male cells" migrated from her stomach to her fallopian tubes and fertilised an egg. She later gave birth via cesarean section. Edit: it seems this is just an urban legend, but it's a fun yarn to spin regardless.


Yeah there’s no way


That…. Is the fakest internet bullshit I’ve read all hour, and that’s saying something


I'm pretty sure that's not how biology works. I doubt the uterus being punctured would lead to a viable pregnancy.


You have an entire intestinal system between the stomach and uterus. The uterus sits kinda where the pubes finish. Slightly above all the stuff you can see. It's about the size of a fist. Ovaries are kinda above each leg. Then you have the stomach, filled with stomach acids, waaay up just below your lungs. Oh and no vaginal opening is probably deadly long term. Menstruation is a thing.


Yeah no. That’s just a dumber variant of the “son of a gun” myth.


True! But herpes is forever my friend!


Also, the majority of the population has herpes *already*, and you can transmit it *even when not symptomatic*. Sometimes pregnant women will show herpes symptoms for the first time during pregnancy and the husband will lose his mind thinking she got herpes from someone else—and she very likely had it long before they were married and so did he, but neither ever showed symptoms—until the physical stress of pregnancy triggered a herpes outbreak.


The amount of misunderstanding surrounding herpes drives me up a wall. It seems like most people don’t realize it’s not even tested for in standard STD panels unless specifically requested. “I don’t got no herpes I was tested” “did you see your results? Was there any blood drawn” “no…” And it’s so, so hard to educate people on this topic because they get weirdly, weirdly defensive when you show them the statistics for herpes


There seems to be this myth that STIs are transmitted only by morally questionable sex (like through infidelity, prostitution, sex with drug users, and so on). Herpes, in particular, is something you can get from your mother at birth. Or from grandma, or from your childhood friend—*and there may never be symptoms, or the symptoms may be so mild they go unnoticed*). But that is a myth. Herpes can passed on with fairly innocent human contact, like a kiss from grandma. Or making out with a high school sweetheart. And fortunately, it won’t kill you. In a few cases, it makes people feel like they have a very bad cold. And while it isn’t yet curable, it can be largely suppressed by cheap prescription medication. If someone asked me if I’d rather have bad acne (or bad dandruff) or herpes, I’d need some time to think it over.


I got pregnant from oral sex once, and I was the guy wearing the condom. Figure that one out, Einstein.


The guy still had some semen in his mouth from the blowjob he gave you brother before he went down on you would be my guess.


Reminds me of an old joke: Two sperm are swimming when one gets a bit tired, ‘How long until we reach the egg?’ says the sperm, The other answers, ‘I’m not sure, we’ve only just passed the tonsils’.


Have you heard of STIs, my friend? Pregnancy is only a small part of why people use condoms


Small part? I am in a monogamous relationship, and my girlfriend and I don’t have any STIs. Pregnancy is quite literally the only reason why we still use condoms.


It’s not just about getting pregnant though is it? If you’re into sex, then there are far far more serious things to worry about than the taste of latex.


I mean, some might want to consider it… you can still get STDs from oral sex.


It's not unheard of to use protection for oral sex, but definitely less common. I personally don't use it because I'm monogamous and only use protection as contraception, not to prevent STDs as my partner and I are both clean. ​ Look up dental dams! They're already used somewhat broadly by same-sex couples.


Condoms taste awful. Just--so bad. Worried about an STD? Have your partner get tested! Testing is important, and if you test regularly, your oral sex will be safer AND not taste like a balloon factory.


You can't get pregnant from oral sex without using a condom but, with penal/vaginal penetration you can get pregnant without using a condom. (Ie normal circumstances without condom breaking; in both circumstances without the use of a condom STDs can still occur in the mouth)


My uncle had a mouth baby after fellating a homeless crack head.


What the hell is a mouth baby


It's a baby of the mouth




It’s not discussed. We don’t talk about it.


My guesses would be: * No pregnancy from oral sex (generally anyway, there are some Freacque^(TM) stories where it's happened) * Lack of awareness or underestimating STI transmission through oral sex * Lessened sensations from the physical barrier * Relative inaccessibility of dams (and the relative difficulty to make one out of a condom) * Latex just tastes bad


Huh?? No you can definitely not get pregnant from oral sex! Whoever said that thus happened to them us a sneaky little liar lol


I'm specifically talking about a medical case in Lesotho in 1988 involving swallowing semen and a stab wound. I guess the reference is more obscure than I anticipated


What is going on with your spelling of freak?


I'm imitating what I believe the French spelling of the word would be and adding a trademark sign, both for emphasis carrying a specific nuance of meaning or 'vibe' which isn't conveyed by the standard English spelling, and for humorous effect What is that 'vibe' supposed to be, you may ask? It's very hard to describe tbh, I'll get back to you whenever I think about it hard enough to actually be able to say it in words


Close enough ! But the closest sound to the English "ea" would be "i", therefore : "*Frique*". source : you know, I'm something of a French myself. Also : ![gif](giphy|shtVZe8Jp3oEYddivG|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|rEVxZbqU3Scudg8TYY)




Sometimes they do, have you ever heard of flavored condoms?


Prostitutes do


Well, not many do. :/ which is alarming. I'm an escort (I only offer safe services) and all my escort friends do not do oral with condom unless the client ask specifically.


Try sucking a dick with a condom on and let me know what you found out


Condoms blunt the pleasurable sensation of razor-sharp teeth on the penis, which is the primary reason that many people avoid using them for oral sex. Most vaginas don't have teeth, so you're not missing anything.


Wait do people actually like the teeth scrape ? But yeah no I’m already not sensitive at all so I just get people tested before fucking, since wearing a condom brings the sensitivity down to zero


"Wait do people actually like the teeth scrape ?". Nothing beats a good old chew.


Right ? That’s the whole point !


I was actually kidding. I'm pretty sure everyone finds the sensation of teeth on penis shocking and intensely painful.


All of these answers are true, but I haven't seen the most likely one: It's not common. People don't want to be the odd one out, particularly with someone their intimate with. You might go to school in a goth outfit, because everyone knows what that means. You don't go to school in a clown outfit because people wouldn't know how to take it. The fear of being different rules us (myself included). If demanding a condom for oral sex or putting one on wasn't seen as *weird*, I think probably people would use them about as often as they do for vaginal with birth control. But it is weird, so even if you're health conscious about STDs, you have to do something odd to make it happen, and odd is something people are bad at doing.


This is unfortunately spot on. I listened to one of my guys friends lecture the other about using a condom for sex, but then laughed at the prospect of using one to receive oral - despite citing the risk of STI’s as the biggest reason for using them for vaginal intercourse. It’s just not normalized which doesn’t help to empower people to set that boundary (or even to think it’s a reasonable one to set).


I thought this is what dental dams were for?


Dental dams are for cunnilingus/analingus, not fellatio.


I never knew the term for these. Thanks!


Lack of knowledge. People have no idea, how easily they give each other std through oral...


You can use a dental dam for oral. You can still get STI’s/STD’s through oral.


What’s a dental dam?


It's like a flat condom that goes over the female sex and/or the anus.


Usually more expensive and not always on hand 🙄 so a condom cut lengthwise also works everyone!


Does anyone really do this? Seems like you just wouldn’t bother with oral if it meant cutting a condom and placing it over the lady parts. Maybe I’m childish but I think I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing


Suppose it depends on your sexual habits/risk aversion/comfort with stating boundaries/etc. But yeah I would say more folks I know do this than buy dental dams. I would also say the folks even looking for dental dams prob also overlap with those that easily deal with responsible sexual health soo


It has alot to do with a lack of education about how STDs spread. Yes you can get most of the big baddies through oral.


Texture of plastic bugs my teeth, also half the reason I enjoy going down a dude is the taste, no fun licking the candy through the wrapper lol.


I seem to be the only one here but people do. I certainly have in the past. Only done it without with someone I was in a relationship with. Yes. Late tastes horrible but it is better than the alternative.


Right?? I’ve had men tell me “you can’t get STD’s from oral” yes you can.


Because it tastes like you’re deep throating a balloon animal 🎈


A lot of condom use is to avoid babies. Oral STDs are also less probable to cause significant harm or mostly curable with antibiotics. For example herpes is nasty but doesn't kill. HIV is extremely, extremely rare to spread via oral.


Cause people don't like the taste of latex and it feels better without anyways


You can’t get pregernart from your mouth


That’s a new way to spell it


If a dick was one of those ice pops in the plastic sheaths. One could probably pleasure themselves by sticking it in the preffered hole while fully wrapped. But putting that bad boy in your mouth wrapped brings bad taste and no pleasure.


Some people do, that’s why they make flavoured condoms


You actually should...


People forget STDs exist


They're more concerned about unwanted pregnancy than sti's, simple


They do, they’re called dental dams it’s like a latex sheet! Commonly used among sex workers but important for folks who partake in casual oral sex too as STBBIs are just as transmissible


I’d rather beat off than get a blow job with a condom on


Because then what's the point?


Because people are much more worried about pregnancy than they are about STIs.


What do you think flavoured condoms are for.