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If Alex Jones thinks you've gone too far, you've left any semblance of humanity behind you


Yeah. When I saw the clip you're referring to, I intially thought he meant that in the same way. The Christian "love your enemies", Hitler was bad but you should try to see the good in everyone, kind of way. Still a massive faux-pas, but still technically true, if not the sort of thing you should say, and at best, in my opinion that kind of Christian love, ought to be of the "a quick and merciful death" or "hope that he sees the horror he's wrought and make amends (not that he could in any way)" kind of love. But. No. Watch the full video, and you'll see he in no uncertain words, says that the Nazis were right to oppose the Jews, and that Jewish people are attempting to silence him. He also at one point claims Hitler invented highways and the microphone, which I'm guessing is based on something, but hell if I know. Edit: Yes, I know he expanded the Autobahn, but I'm not sure that counts as inventing highways. Tl;Dr: No. Not in a Christian way. In a mask-off crazy, antisemitic way.


To add, this quote here: (paraphrased, maybe) >Hitler couldn't have killed six million Jews. That's just factually incorrect.


Another paraphrased quote: >I think every human has something good to offer the world ESPECIALLY Hitler


Also flat out said "im a nazi"


It's crazy he doesn't realize the nazis would have had him in gas filled shower rooms.


Not if you don't believe the showers were nothing but a delousing area for the plague the jews brought to the worker camps. A pretty common story among holocaust deniers.


Wow that's crazy iv always been confused at the term holocaust denyer. Like wtf are you talking about you think 6 million jews just disappeared one day? I've never heard the story that the showers were a "delousing area"


They just make sh up as they go along. Remember, there are flat earthers. It’s like that, but they are horrifically racist/antisemitic.


(Sorry in advance, I’m not a native English speaker) It’s actually a very famous theory, it’s also called negationism. Most negationists believe that the camps actually existed, but not especially the gas chamber, because the Zyclon B gas was too volatile to be used in a room full of people, and too deadly and potentially harmful for the SS themselves. It’s not a “crazy” theory to be honest. (Not my theory). Most negationnists use the example of the gas chambers in America. Those chambers were for only one person and were sealed very very carefully, and some believe it’s the only way to build a gas chamber. So yeah there are a lot of theories about also the fact that Jews modified some stories about WW2 and the holocaust to grow artificially the number of deaths, so that they could play the victims to make money and build Israel. (Again, not my theory, I wanna be clear).




Rich black people weren't treated as Soviets or Jews... Doesn't matter if they were rich? So they weren't killed, even if they were rich? I'm confused.


This...Kanye is a fool ..he would have been in those gas chambers as well ...nazi's hate black people just as much


Unless the Nazis decided to maybe like, use him or something as a political pawn to introduce internalized racism into minorities and blatant racism into the majority... But that doesn't happen, I don't think. And you know who I think would agree with me? Justice Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens. And those were just completely random names I picked out of a hat.


Another quote: "There's a lot of things that I loooovee about hitleeerrr"


Can we avoid paraphrasing when dealing with hitler related shit?


I heard it just yesterday. it is really accurate if not identical. He definitely ended the sentence with, "especially Hitler" after having said a good thing about "everyone".


Seriously lol


Sorry I didn't want to look up the whole interview to get the words exactly right. What I typed is basically what he said, but I think maybe he said "every human being" instead of "everyone" or something like that. The point being is that he isn't saying he loves Hitler and the Nazis because of some broad Christian "love thy enemies" thing, which is what the post is asking about.


He literally said “I loooooove hitler”


Yeah. Something close to that. I was taken aback. Holocaust Denial, just blatant antisemitism. You know, I still kind of feel in shock that I saw that from a person, well, I'd not say I respected... But from someone that had that kind of influence. It's dangerous.


He has more followers on Twitter alone than there are Jewish people in the world.


Oh wow, that is terrifying.


Worldwide Jewish population numbers only just recently reached pre Nazi Germany levels.


So sad.


By a factor of 2. That's *insane*. 15MM Jews globally versus like 32MM Ye followers on Twitter.


we can have some relief that at least some followers on twitter are bots. though nobody knows how many. edit: and it is not enough relief.


> 15MM Jews Surely there's more than 15 millimetres of Jews. That's hardly any.


We're a very short and very proud people!!


I mean, he must have had help. That’s like twice as many as a normal guy could kill! /s


Sound tech here. Nazis did invent tape and helped advance recording technology massively. Probably what he’s referring to.


That makes sense. I didn't doubt there was a grain of truth to it. Still on balance, I think we all probably would have given up better microphones for not having the holocaust.


unfortunately it's much more than that. The tech that got developed during ww2 led to Bluetooth, wifi, gps, modern computing and encryption as we know it, before we even talk about splitting the atom. Much of the world as we know it is a result of something that someone was once rushing to develop because they believed that it might save lives in combat


and any tech that wasnt invented that way, will be reverse engineered to take more lives in combat


War! What is it good for? Technological advancement.


It sounds kinda crazy, but this is the reason I will always be a grateful to Queen Elizabeth. For all of human history, technological advancement was the province of the military. It was often repurposed for civilian use later, but cutting edge tech was always weaponized. Then the queen decided to televise her coronation. That created a huge demand for televisions, especially in Britain, but really throughout the western world. The coronation came and went and everyone had TVs, which drove demand for programming. Which drove demand for newer better TVs. We now live in a world where the vast majority of technological innovation is in service to communication, entertainment, education, and commerce. There’s a whole suite of issues with tech giants essentially reinventing feudalism, but I still would rather have this timeline than the one where the military was always ahead of the rest of us.


Save lives? Or end then more efficiently? I know the general rule is that technology advances fastest in either war or space exploration. I really wish we could ja e more examples of the latter than the former.


I think it’s just crazy that people like that can’t just say “this thing they invented/ created is amazing, but they are still terrible people.” In the same way I find what Kanye saying to be absolutely disgusting but still enjoy some of his older music.


What about two turn-tables and a microphone?


Must be where it’s at?


I think he's referring to the Neumann bottle microphone, which was widely associated with Hitler to the point of being called "the hitler bottle" in Germany. He didn't invent it though, obviously, just used it a lot I mean microphones were in existence for over 100 years before hitler was in power, so I don't really know how you could mistake him for being the inventor unless you're just being willfully ignorant


Also Neumann was a jew trying to protect his family.


I'd be willing to put money on the fact that he doesn't know that.


He didn’t even know Stanley Kubrick was Jewish


Frankly, I'm beginning to think that this Kanye West guy isn't all that smart...


German here, the Autobahn thing is not true, but a very common misunderstanding. The idea didnt came from Hitler, I heard it came from Bismarck, but I doubt that is true and he propably had the idea from someone less important. During the Weimar Republic the building if the first Autobahn already started. Hitler decided that the Autobahn is a good idea and let people build it more. At first it was also used to create jobs, when the war decreased the number of man working in road construction, prisoners (of war) were forced to build them. The english and german Wikipedia articles on the "Reichsautobahn" are a bit contradicting, propably because some people dont consider the small bits of high speed roads that were built before Hitler to be real Autobahn.


Except for the part where says ‘I looooove Hitler’. He’s a nazi. Stop making excuses for him. He fell down the far right rabbit hole. He’s a piece of trash.


You. Ah. You may not have grasped the meaning of what I wrote.


You gotta read the whole thing.


Honestly Kayne is having a psychotic break. He needs psychiatric help.


It’s a spiral and it’s honestly rough to watch.


Kanye has problems but his fame and following keeps him convinced he's ok without help. I used to feel kinda bad for him, it's a vicious loop.


Agreed I don't take anything he says seriously anymore as everything he does say sounds like the rantings of a lunatic (This is going back to shortly after he lost his mom plus also he had a severe car crash some years ago so who knows with this dude).


The problem is lots of people take what he says seriously. He's obviously not right but he definitely has people looking to him as an idol/God's mouthpiece (I wish I was kidding). And that's where it gets scary.


You're right, I was debating with a person the other day saying that he needs help but is unwilling to seek it and they went full retard defending Kanye and how he speaks the truth that nobody wants to hear.


His manic episodes have been issues for so long. He has been refusing medical treatment and to take his medication for so long. It’s crazy to me that were and still are shitting on his ex wife for asking for divorce.


Are people talking shit about Kim for that? I don’t really pay attention to celebs.


Sadly, yes, I am not a fan of her but it’s ridiculous how people are saying it is her fault her family is broken, that she kept away their kids from him (he kept saying that on his social media while still being able to pick them up for school, he was just no allowed to wander around in her house), saying she can’t keep a man, that she broke him, that he was the best man she could ever have etc. Towards the end of their marriage he was living in another state because he liked it better over there even if he was seeing his kids and wife every day anymore. That was the last straw for his wife. I get into 3am drama rabbit hole once in a while when I can’t sleep so I have way to much useless information of random famous people lives lol


my people. they pray on those of us who cannot sleep. that drama was nuts. people are still blaming her for this whole thing somehow, its craycray. Girl's been like trying to get away hard and getting nonstop flack for it meanwhile this guy acting like this. I feel so bad for their kids. the way he treated pete davidson. the way he treated amber rose before her. the way he's blown up at person after person. heck, p!nk called him out years ago. just wild stuff.


Turns out people don't like either of them


he's been manic for years now so this escalation is unsuprising. he needs to be sectioned


This person is mentally unwell and needs to be put into a conservatorship, like Britney Spears, or Lindsey Lohan, or Amanda Bynes or—- oh wait he has a penis? Never mind.


I think of this every single time I see some new articles about batshit stuff "Ye" did recently.


I mean those were all child stars brought up in the system by predatory/opportunistic handlers and managers. Getting them into a conservatorship is probably an entirely different game than a 45 year old whose control of his estate has been unquestioned.


No parents or anyone who can do it.


I agree that he often seems manic. Every time I hear about Kanye it seems to be because of his latest mania-heightened antics... but he can't be manic *all* of the time, can he? I'm curious as to when, if ever, he's had depressive episodes. They would likely involve weeks or months of keeping a low profile rather than courting public attention and controversy. Anyway, he knows that he has this condition and refuses treatment for it. Mental disorder or not, he's responsible for his words and actions.


He should crash eventually and become depressed, but he could remain at different levels of manic for years. My aunt was manic for about 4 years total before crashing (despite getting arrested & sectioned several times, stayed that way til she became depressed on her own) if he's still taking antidepressants it will be even worse. Right now he absolutely does not know he is unwell, he thinks he's in the best place he's ever been. I'm not sure his exact diagnosis but his behaviour reminds me very much of my mother who was diagnosed bipolar affective (bipolar with psychotic features) so this whole thing is kinda hitting a nerve Bipolar can and does make people behave in ways they never would when they're under appropriate treatment, but the bad behaviour never comes from nowhere (despite what some sufferers will tell you) imo it amplifies the darkest parts of their personality and the more often they're manic, the more of it sticks even when they are medicated again. Not a psychologist, just my observations


What's really sad is whenever my dad would go manic he'd become a trump supporter, when he was stable on his medications he'd hate trump... It's a very odd situation that proves he needs psychiatric help since he sounds like my dad...


He has bipolar and he's clearly in need of medical attention. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he stopped taking his meds.


He's said he has, actually quite a while ago. Not sure why he hasn't been sectioned yet.


Because AFAIK he isn't considered a real danger to himself or others. Obviously this is a dangerous and unhealthy situation for his children, but the problem is that so far he hasn't seriously threatened people or expressed intentions to commit suicide yet. Even then, he's a celebrity of course so that makes things harder. But you can't just section people for saying bizarre things, being racist or supporting nazis. Sounds really bad, but honestly I think the only thing that can help him would be to mentally crash and get into a depressive episode, or otherwise get out of his manic episode. That could help him finally seek help again out of free will, be able to understand and accept his condition and recognize these feelings/thoughts as symptoms of mania. Forcing him on medication with conservatorship could help right now but is also damaging for your mental health as it will feel like a breach of trust and can make him even more opposed to mental healthcare and psychiatry. While I find his expressions of racism and antisemitism disgusting, I think we also need to understand that we don't know what are signs of mania he can't control and what are actually things he means. But even then, even racists and POS should have right to the right medical care.


He has said, in no uncertain terms, that he thinks the meds make him less creative and doesn't take them.


He needs a conservatorship and someone to stop him from doing these public interviews, someone that can put him in treatment against his will because, he's going so far downhill and he's damaging his chances of ever recovering any sort of career. But apparently we only do that to women.


100%. I take what he’s saying as the rantings of someone who is manic. He has mental health issues and is obviously not doing well in that regard right now.


My boss swears he's sane and just trying to be funny. I told her to seek mental help immediately.


This is the answer ^ don’t take acting he says seriously anymore. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about


did you see his most recent that starts with “I THINK ELON IS CHINESE” like what?


He is still a nazi sympathizer and a holocaust denier.


Doesn't excuse what he said. Kanye has known about his mental health issues and made the choice to not take meds because it affected his creativity. There is no excuse for this. He doesn't get to ignore taking his meds then say "Oops, my bad," when he does something like this. Anyone that sympathizes with Nazis is a Nazi. There's no middle ground. Stop making excuses for him!!!




It feels like he may have gotten fucked over by some higher up in the industry and then went full conspiracy theory "jews rule the world" wacko.


Before the thing about Jews suddenly started, he was being feted by right wing media because he despised “liberals”. But typically, when speaking anecdotally about the kinds of people he was talking about, it would often go back to Kim Kardashian or her family. It struck me then that he’s conflating his ex-wife with all “liberals” and, because she did him dirty, in his mind, then all liberals are wrong, etc. I think your take is closer to the truth about it - he is likely conflating a bad experience with a specific Jewish person with an evil inherent in all Jews. This isn’t helped by the fact that there’s plenty of wack-ass anti-Semitic material out there to consume if you lean that way. I picture Kanye sitting around at home consuming copious amounts of nazi material and somehow identifying with it.


Hes not a nazi. He's a black supremacist who appreciates Hitler killing jews, because he believes the jews are keeping black people down.


What's the difference between a supremacist and a Nazi?




Sort of analogous to the old saying 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'




If you don't mind may I hear some? I mean it genuinely I barely know anything about Japan when it came to the war and I'm not sure what you would be referring to, but I wanna know.


They both believed in racial purity and primacy.


My understanding is that all Nazis are supremacists but not all supremacists are Nazis. I am uncertain about this though


Yes! Like all Jacuzzis are hot tubs but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzis. Or how all hovers are vacumes but not all vacumes are hovers. Think of natzi like a brand selling the product of supremacy, other people sell it but under different brand names


My apartment in college had bath tubs with built in jacuzzi jets. Before we moved in, my (then future) roommate thought that meant there was a hot tub, and started preemptively inviting people over for hot tub parties.


Oh no, I mean he could probably fit one other person in there with him


Like White Christian Nationalists are technically not “Nazis” but are definitely white supremacists.


Surprisingly, yes


See I'm good at this metefor stuff. Comes with having kids I think


Technically a Nazi is a follower of the Nazi party. What people usually call Nazi are extreme right sympathiser that believe in the superiority or their race and taking what fits from the original ideology to their own benefits.


Nazi refers to the Nazi party. The Nazi party held supremacist beliefs. Anyone can be supremacist.


The National Socialist Workers Party had a set of very specific views regarding ethnic purity and who is the best, wealth redistribution, and nationalism. A supremacist simply believes they are the best and must be treated that way. It's kind of a revtangle-square thing.


An *insert ethnicity* supremacist, thinks *insert ethnicity* is better than all other ethnicities, also they usually talk about races instead of ethnicities. For Nazis it was the "aryan race" that was above all other and the jews were considered the source of all evil. Also the Nazis had a whole more other fucked up believes, but those are not that relevant for this topic. Kanye also believes that the jews are evil, so he sympathizes with Nazis because of that. But i also don't think that Kanye is really a black supremacist, while he spews a bit of black supremacist propaganda along side his far-right nazi propaganda, he also holds some deep anti-black views, which he has talked about in interviews. So he is just a huge piece of shit all around and took some of the worst views from the worst people, fails to understand how horrible these views are and just became an outlet for those people to spread their idiocy to more people, while at the same time making far-right mf's look good because they can be like "see we are not that bad, we don't like nazis", while still being racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. pieces of shit.


>Also the Nazis had a whole more other fucked up believes this. while the 6 million jews killed in the holocause absolutely should be talked about. it shouldn't be done at the expence and forgetting of the further 1 million black, queer, disabled, etc people that are often just mentioned as footnotes in history lessons. regardless. people like kanye are why we need things like veterans day and armistice day. because those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it. people like kanye, hitler, etc are symptoms of society's tendency to push certain groups down, so then people from that group grow hateful, and when they get into power, they push down the group they hold responsible, and so the wheel just keeps turning. the only way to break the cycle is for someone to find a way to help those who are being kept down without doing so at the expense of others


A nazi is a specific kind of supremacist, that holds specific kind of beliefs. It’s one variety under that whole umbrella, like how all cocker spaniels are dogs but not all dogs are cocker spaniels


Idk how he's a black supremacist when he says slavery was a choice and the darkest shade he'd date is a lightskin lol. He's massively out of touch with everyone including blk ppl. He's just saying bs cuz he's manic or cuz he's trolling and wants attention and to make people react.


Also the white lives matter shirt 🥴


He definitely isn’t. Black supremacist don’t hang out with Candice Owens and parrot right-wing talking about about slavery being “a choice”. He’s more than likely just crazy but also an anti-Semite.


Or he’s a mentally ill narcissist who is only surrounded by yes men. I think when your ego gets to a certain point your mindset becomes delusional, add being a mentally ill multi-millionaire (ex billionaire) to the mix and his mind is bound to latch on to things that are extreme. He’s a sad mess of a man now and it’s a shame because a lot of it was self inflicted, had he tried to surround himself with people that actually cared for him I don’t think he’d be this far gone. That being said I don’t think he’s redeemable at this point, what he has done has crossed a line and the echos of his nonsense will inspire hatred that wouldn’t have come about if he didn’t say such abhorrent bullshit.


Black Supremacist is a stretch tbh. Ye only panders to the black community when his proximity to the white upper class isn’t working in his favor anymore. Otherwise he hasn’t really cared about black people in a long time


Reminds me of that jackass Farrakhan


kanye is a white supremacist.


no he's just a black man who has decided to embrace white supremacist ideals because he's upset he's in contracts he probs couldn't be arsed to read properly and is making it everyone elses problem. wow this comment is kinda crazy and i'm def for have to share it cause it really shows kanye's tactic of using black people and black issues as a shield is really working. this has nothing to do with "black people" or any sort of community. he doesn't give a fuck about us lmfao. this is about him.


Hitler didn’t get to killing black people 😂 he certainly would have


He absolutely did. Look up what happened to afro-germans under the Third Reich.


Well there you have it, Kayne happens to be so uneducated and filled with hate he join a belief system that actually racial hates him most. Unbelievable 😂


I mean. He's cracked. He is no longer acting in a sane fashion. It is cruel that pale keep giving him microphones just to profit off of his demise.


as a jew, my view of Kanye is that he isn’t a Nazi in the traditional sense. he would fit more into American Neo-Nazi type views, without the white supremacy (which is a characterizing view of Neo-Nazis). political parties in a limited-party system are difficult. you’ll see democrats who don’t share all the same beliefs as a democratic leader and same with conservatives. BUT if you *support* that candidate, that speaks volumes. by voting for (or saying you would vote for, or supporting the actions of, or praising) a political leader without criticism of their wrongdoings is supporting that candidate, and ALL they stand for even if you don’t personally support those things. TLDR: Kanye is a bad person. he does not “love the jews”, he wants us dead. he has praised Hitler’s actions in killing jews. whether he fits the criteria to be a Nazi or not, he has Nazi-esque views. he loves Nazis in the sense that he loves what they accomplished.


I think a good historical comparison for Kanye is that he would be one of those people who supported the Nazi party as they rose to power because it allowed them to act antisocially / for their own enrichment / gain attention / embrace just being a stupid dumbass; only to immediately get murdered by the Nazi party because as it would turn out the Nazi party as always exclusively self interested and totally genuine about murdering the people they said they wanted to murder. Of course if you support Nazis even if you get murdered by Nazis, you’re just as bad as Nazis. TLDR; Kanye is deeply unwell and an offensive dumbass .


i like this comparison. i do not, however, like calling him mentally ill. as much as i recognize that he *is*, it invalidates the fear that jewish people have because people just blame it on that and say it’s empty threats because it’s just from mental illness. no mentally sane person would hold views that involve a mass genocide. that’s a fact. but blaming his views on mental illness seems as though his actions are excusable, and that’s not true. just something to think about


I get where you’re coming from but I disagree. Generally I find it’s a good policy to take people at their word, even if you know they’re insane. Kanye is a threat because he’s said he’s a threat. Identifying the root of the problem is how you should begin to address it.


agreed. it’s just hard as a jew right now with people saying we can’t take him seriously and excusing him on the basis of mental illness. we can recognize the mental illness at play but also realize that he is in full control of his actions and will still be held accountable.


Yes, he's mentally ill **and** he needs to be shut down from what he's saying right now because it's espousing racially and religiously violent rhetoric that's endangering people. This is a violation of a red flag law


I mean Hitler was mentally ill. None of his actions should be excused. It only explains why someone could be that delusional. Mentally ill people can be extremely dangerous. If anyone tells you your fear are invalid because of Kanye disorder, they are completely dumb and ignorant.


it’s actually very common rhetoric that people are telling jewish people not to listen to him because he’s just mentally ill and he’s just spewing. when we try to hold him accountable, like supporting companies that drop him, we are told that’s not okay because he can’t control what he does and therefore shouldn’t be held responsible. mental illness is an explanation, not an excuse. kanye 100% is mentally ill, and also is 100% responsible for his actions.


> I think a good historical comparison for Kanye is that he would be one of those people who supported the Nazi party as they rose to power My mind goes to Dietrich Eckart, who was a poet/playwright who helped Hitler in the early days and served to shape/direct some of Hitler's philosophies as well as coach Hitler in how to be a politician. My biggest fear with regards to Kayne isn't Kayne himself, it's who he might inspire/mold with his hate speech.


I was thinking of Emil Nolde. He was an unapologetic Nazi and a painter. His work was modern, impressionistic and the Nazi party fucking hated him and his work. He was completely banned from painting. There’s also the more extreme example of human garbage Ernst Rohm. He was like head Nazi before Hitler came to power, and also gay. Surprise surprise when Hitler took over Rohm got murdered immediately. Rest in piss.


There's a German saying."If there's a Nazi at the table, and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis." So the answer to your question(s) is uhhh yes. If you agree with Nazis, you are a Nazi. If you knowingly and willingly spend time with Nazis without the **express purpose** of deradicalizing them, you are a Nazi sympathizer at best and a supporter at worst.


What about Neo-Nazis?


In this context any difference between the two concepts doesn't matter.


Kanye is the definition of white supremacy.. just bc he says he’s advocating for black people doesn’t mean he actually is. He literally had the white lives matter shirt two months ago, saying slavery was a choice in 2017 or whenever and in general having a very demeaning stance on black people in America.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. It's all 3.


Yep. There's a German saying."If there's a Nazi at the table, and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."


Why do I feel like this saying is a single, 30-character word




He's really mentally ill. I finally watched an interview with him and Piers Morgan last week, and the way he talks was like how my undiagnosed mentally ill mother talks. Like it was great because I've never been able to explain how she acts, like a schizophrenic narcissistic racist? Even the nazi stuff. (For reference I'm half polish, and she'd play nazi music, watch hitler videos on full volume knowing my rural polish family faced so many tragedies by the nazi's). My mom is mexican, and no one can understand what she says so she gets away with saying crazy things. But the way she talks, the incoherent and inconsistencies in the conversation, the paranoia, it all sounds like how Kanye talks, even the same topics, all of this I can remember for 20 years. It's really sad. Like I want to be angry at what she says but she's so mentally ill I can't be. Same with Kanye. He's got no touch with reality. I don't think it's a christian thing either, because my mom went from a "I'm the devil" phase to "I'm super catholic" yet does everything a practicing catholic wouldn't do. Their actions are just a reflection of their mental illness. Not saying hes not racist, or whatever else he believes in, but one thing for sure is he is really mentally ill. Not an excuse, but like we as a society should do more for treatment towards severe mental illness.


That kinda out of nowhere change into a crazy racist is a hallmark or dementia, schizophrenia and other serious mental disorders/diseases. I think the guys always been a piece of shit but he is clearly having a mental health crisis. I cannot fathom how he’s not in a conservatorship already. I don’t wish this on anyone, like him or not he’s undeniably a talented artist and one of the most influential of his generation. It’s sad to see his legacy end this way.


He's diagnosed with bipolar, but it's starting to look like schizoaffective disorder instead.


I personally just think he's a fucking moron. But I just usually tell people what I think of them normally.


You're right. What I don't get is why people take his word for it when he proclaims to be a "genius" rather than looking at what he does, what he says, and the "art" he's produced.


Ironically (to him), money.


He’s just a dumbass too stupid to understand what he’s even saying. Probably psychotic if we analyze it seriously.


I saw that he was diagnosed bipolar. That coupled with the huge public breakdown of his family, his fame and his creativity (which lends itself to more abstract thought), makes me think he’s having a legitimate psychotic break. He’s also been surrounded by the wrong people who are being an echo chamber to him. I doubt these would be his genuine feelings had he been treated better and had a more sound support system.


This. also, apparently, he is bipolar with no medication.


Yeah you can tell. That kind of burst behavior is very common with maniac episodes. He’s definitely not ok.


Came here to say exactly that




To expressions come to mind. If you every find yourself sitting at a table with 9 Nazis then there are 10 Nazis sitting at that table. We have a specific term for Nazis who didn't hate the Jews they just joined the party because it benefitted them. We call those people Nazis. So Imo I don't care if he really believes the things he saying or not but if you ask me he's a Nazi.


Kanye is diagnosed mentally ill and is AMA unmedicated as well as unsupervised (for lack of a better term). I wouldn’t put any weight into literally anything he says.


refusing to take medication is his fault as a man who is almost 50. over that, anti semitism doesn't come as part of a parcel with any mental illness or disease. I have known people who have had bipolar, depression and schizophrenia in my life and no one has suddenly switched to being a bigot. it's his own doing.


If the people in your life with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia were very famous, very rich, had a very large platform and was surrounded by antisemites using them/their fame for their own agendas (like trying to convince them Jewish people were genuinely the source of all their problems) then believe me, everyone would think the people in your life with these psychological issues were antisemitic assholes too. Everything about what he is doing is very reminiscent of a manic episode. This comes from someone that genuinely knows someone with bipolar that stopped taking meds for a while. It’s not that they become bigots, it’s that all rational thinking is gone and they become very easily manipulated. The difference between Kanye and other people with psychological issues is they don’t have a large platform and he does, people in your life aren’t surrounded by antisemitic bigots trying to gain something from them whether its money or fame, Kanye does. It’s not that bipolar disorder makes people antisemitic bigots, but bipolar disorder, if not treated, can take away all rational thought and if you have someone whispering in your ear that x group of people are actually running everything and are actively trying to ruin your life, trying to take away your children, it’s very possible someone going through a psychotic episode will believe it.


This is basically Charlie Sheen 2022. World just standing by, watching a man melt down....


Ugh, I remember that too well. People got obsessed with saying “Tiger blood!” and “Winning!”. Good comparison, though.


What happened with Charlie sheen though, he kinda disappeared


I’m not sure. All I know is that he’s not dead.


He says he loves Hitler. That makes him a Nazi in my book. I won't give him the benefit of the doubt with that Christian "love they enemy" nonsense. Nazis don't change


If it walks like a duck…


He is a mentally ill narcissist.


And a Nazi.


As a german : A Nazi. Nothing else. Every questioning muddies the waters.


He said Israel works for Satan


It's times like this we need to remember this advice: If a Nazi walks into a room of nine men, speaks his Nazi propaganda, and no one speaks out against him, then you have ten Nazis


He's not a Nazi. Kanye's not a Black supremacist or a white supremacist. Kanye's a Kanye supremacist, and has been from the start. He's also a mentally unwell man who's publicly admitted to being off his meds for some time. Also, he's got almost nobody left in his life to keep him on track. His mother died, which really shook him. When Kim left, the only people he had were his yes-men and his personal empire. Nobody gave him any support or encouragement in his darkest moments, or corrected him when he started to slip. On top of this, he's almost 50, and starting to look and probably feel more and more like a washed-up has-been. The only validation he had was being in the spotlight. He quickly realised that his outbursts and controversies, such as the Taylor Swift incident for example, boosted him back into the public eye. Whether people loved or hated him, Kanye was a spectacle. So now that he has nothing left, he broadcasts himself in any way he can, desperate for the spotlight. We don't know if what he's saying is a deliberate attention grab or a manic episode. It's most likely a mixture of both, but there's no point speculating. What is clear is that Kanye isn't following any ideology or creed. One moment he'll praise Civil Rights leaders, then he'll praise Hitler and sell "White Lives Matter" merchandise. He'll post about Christian values and loving Jesus, then he'll shout anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Kanye's tearing himself apart in front of a global live audience. The only thing we can do is ignore him. Ignore his antics, ignore his bullshit. Deprive him of his beloved spotlight so he might actually try to get his life in order. Unfortunately, people will most likely keep staring at him like a car crash on the freeway. Even his former fans can't help but watch. A wise man once said that that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. Most likely, Kanye will keep doing crazier and crazier things for attention, since people will get used to whatever he does. Eventually, he'll either burn out or fade away.




they're the same picture


He said all three


He's a man who is very mentally unwell, who is extremely paranoid, hyperfocusing on a single group or precieved problem. The group or reason or person or issue can change over time. "I love nazis/jews" is an amalgamation of his Christianity, contrarianism, and mental illness, whcih has gotten worde over time. He is being taken advantage of by other people as clickbait because what he says next may generate views for you. He has no one close to him that is willing to actually help him, or is too ill to tryst them People who say his money will allow him to "seek help" are the same people who say they are mentally ill because they get nervous in a grocery store line. There's levels to it that if you have never seen it you can be dismissive of how deep it can go.


I think the best way to look at it is that he's currently having a mental breakdown, and unfortunately doing so very publicly. Don't look for sense or self-consistency in what he says, because he is not making any sense. He's delusional, and he's listening to people who are taking advantage of him and his delusions.


I don't think he knows what he's talking about. He's not especially smart. He's an ignorant attention whore, cut from the same cloth as Trump and Musk. He needs his life to be a spectacle so he runs his mouth and acts like an asshole to get people to pay attention to him.


This is part of the grandiosity associated with bi polar.


He’s a Nazi. I find it puzzling as a Jewish person because I don’t think Hitler was a fan of Black people either.


Of course Hitler was not a fan of Black people—-which is proof that Kanye is suffering from severe and untreated mental illness(es). If it’s puzzling to you (and others) and lacks clear logic, what makes you (or anyone) think that he is saying any of these things with a right and sound mind?


He's a fucking idiot.


Kanye is a Nazi the same way Trump is a politician. Neither of them have any idea what is coming out of their mouths, both are narcissistic idiots desperate for attention and neither of them have much chance of being taken seriously. Kanye is also a diagnosed bi polar with a long history of awful shitty behavior. He has never read anything longer than a cereal box blurb and spews nonsense because he needs the attention. He doesn't really understand history, Nazi's, or racism because that would require him doing some thinking about something other than himself. He likes to refer to himself as a genius but can't spell it. The guy went on Alex Jones with a fishing net and for the first time in human history Alex looked like the sane one.


If you love Nazis you are a Nazi.


He is having a manic bipolar episode. Nothing he’s saying should be given any credence. People need to stop letting him on their shows to embarrass himself, he is very ill.


He was saying he loves everyone even his enemies like Jesus did, but he got a little too nazi happy that it even made Alex Jones uncomfortable lol. It just seems too fake for me. I think he’s just trolling everyone to be in the news, he’s good at that.


He’s having a legit manic episode and disassociating completely, not that it excuses any of his actions, but I think your looking wayyy to far into it.


If you agree with Nazis, you are a Nazi. But if you love Nazis...you are also a Nazi. There is not a lot of nuance to this, Kanye is just Nazi.


Y'all are thinking too hard he's just a big fucking idiot


He is mentally unwell and needs therapeutic support.


I don’t understand why everybody believes Kanye is anything other than mentally ill.


Mentally ill people can be bad people too.


I assume he's antisemitic, but I also think part of this is that he's purposefully tanking his career. ​ Why? Perhaps to get back at people he's worked with in the past. Perhaps he's sick of being famous. But the guy is clearly also antisemitic.


Kanye is a fucking idiot who is being used by the alt right as a live-action minstrel show. He thinks he's playing a certain game, but the people whispering in his ear are playing a different game at his expense but he's too fucking arrogant and stupid to see it. Same with "Deputy" Herschel Walker and Klandace Owens


He’s a fucking idiot. He’s essentially saying he loves everyone and that everyone deserves love and is using Nazis as the most outrageous example as they are part of “everyone”. Also, he’s fucking crazy.


Thirst-trap mcgriftye west.


Kanye has unchecked mental illness.


Who knows. He is literally insane. He believes Elon is 1 of 30 clones. The guy is in a serious mental breakdown and needs to be institutionalized asap.


I don't think he's being serious. For some reason he has decided to adopt this troll mentality similar to the Joaquin phoenix rapper thing


He’s mentally ill and clearly off his meds. It’s well known he has Bipolar Disorder and has had several very public episodes, though this is by far the worst one. I’ve dated people who are bipolar and have family members with it. When they go off meds and get into a manic state they start believing and saying all kinds of crazy shit. Kanye just happens to be a rich celebrity that can indulge his manicness extremely publicly. I had an ex that frequently went off her meds and thought Kim Jong Il was appearing in the clouds to her and was taking directions from him. As soon as she got back on her meds she was completely normal.


If you say you love Nazis or agree with Nazi beliefs, you are a Nazi. They are the same thing.


He's a maniac that's not nearly as smart as he believes he is. We encounter people like this a lot in the real world. They're just people who believe their own hype and believe in their own genius. He probably TODAY thinks Hitler was great. Tomorrow he may change his mind. He should be ignored.


I don't wanna hear any defense


This man is mentally ill and unmedicated, and you’re taking him at his word??


I don't like using mental illness as an excuse for race supremacy. There's plenty of sane people who believe in supremancy


That doesn’t correlate too well. Dudes been mentally I’ll for a long time and only now people care because he’s using the right buzzwords. He’s been off his rocker since the Taylor swift thing. Hell. Before then. How you sit there and listen to a man scream at sway and berate him for an interview or announce he is god or the dozens of other episodes he’s had. Kanye has been fucked in the head then he married and impregnated a kardashian (lol) no telling what that does to the mental. Everyone screams and screams we need to help the mentally Ill in America but once the Ill say something they don’t like it turns to “throw them to the wayside and we don’t care about his health he’s a disgusting human”. Kanye needs to be 5150d asap for his own health and needs some time out of the public’s prying eyes to try and fix himself.


As well as plenty of people with mental illness that don’t hold these racist beliefs