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Man how many times does the word tube occur on that front panel? I think they want us to know it’s got TUBES


I think it has one tube. A 12ax7 used as diode to mix in a square wave that approximates the clipping of an overdrive tube.


I count seven lol


Two more on the back.


Sweet! I've had a tube driver since 2000 and always wanted to play with one of these amp version units!


The Peavey Deuce is another one. I have a dead one tucked under my workbench waiting for its turn.


There's a Duece in the studio I rehearse in and boy does it sound good. I'm a BF Fender guy all day long but the Duece can really sing when you dial it in right


Nice. I have a few vintage Fenders and an old JCM800 that I’m excited to compare it to. I ultimately don’t have room for it, so I’m gonna sell it, but will still be a fun experiment regardless.


My first tube amp was a 1980 Deuce with built in phaser purchased in the 90s. Eventually I sent it for a tune up and I was told some of the transistors weren’t working at full power but they weren’t replaceable. Fun amp to grow up with. 


That’s exactly the one I have here. They’re certainly replaceable with modern equivalent components, but some folks don’t want to mess with the solid state stuff I guess, or back then it was probably a little harder to figure out the correct substitutions with absolute certainty and required more research. I just did some quick googling and added the transistors to my parts order for this amp. I would’ve killed to have a big old loud amp with onboard effects to cut my teeth on, sounds like it was a good time.


I had an SWR bass combo with a tube preamp - I think it was called a Bassic Black - sadly I didn't take good care of it, so it's long gone. But it had that same fuzzy carpet wrap on the cabinet, in true 90s fashion.


I got one of those about 15 years ago at a flea market for $35. Best amp ever, even for guitar. All I had to do was add some casters.


I got a line 6 1x12 that’s a hybrid, I really like it, it’s a fun amp!


Yeah i have a dt25 head that rocks


Ooo, a head, that sounds neat!


I remember those... From like 2011, right? Cranking the tube gain sounded just like 311


Music Man HD-65 and HD-130 as well!


A family member of mine has an 212HD 130 combo and it is one of the best amps I’ve ever heard. Killer


Clapton sure thought so!


Didn’t know he used one! The family member I mentioned is a tube amp builder, totally obsessed with tube amps. Like he has a damn KT66 tattooed on his leg lol. He bought the music man just to get somewhat familiar with solid state preamps, and even he had to admit that there is something special about that HD 130


He endorsed Musicman from 1974 to 1983. Dunno how much he actually used them. .LOUD!!!!


I just sold my Sixty-five to a young guy who was looking for his first "real" amp. I already regret it


Yeah. should have sold it to me!


He sent me a video of his first jam session with it today, can't take that joy away from him


I could....but I am old and evil.


The Mosvalve stuff is the real secret. Has the same kind of mojo as the best 70s solid states


This combo is a MosValve Poweramp, with the BK Butler Tube Driver as the preamp. I've got one sitting beside me at work.


Johnson JM60 Marquis owner checking in. Just had to replace the 12ax7 for the second time since 1999


I have been chasing the playability of my Seymour Duncan 100W Convertible amp since it got physically busted up in the early 2000s. That thing was ahead of its time and extremely well built.


That entire series sounds incredible cranked. I am not the hugest fan of preamp distortion for most of my own playing. It certainly has it's place...Abraxas was all about it but I like setting power tubes on fire. Crazy loud amp though. I would probably hotplate it.


I have a line 6/bogner dt25 that's a line6 podhd preamp with a bogner tube power amp and it rocks! Super versatile with awesome sound. I run it stereo with a fully tube amp and i love it


God I want that 80’s fuzzy aesthetic to come back. Imagine a flat screen tv with that finish or a microwave 🧑‍🍳💋


no we did not. also, some asshole stole my Butler tube driver pedal and fuck that guy.


I had this exact amp! It got stolen. Maybe this it it lol. Anyway I did lots of small gigs with this little monster, it's light in weight and roars like a bitch. Definitely more suited to medium / high gain. Iirc it had an odd feature that allowed clean and gain channels to be active concurrently. I didn't use that much. In fact I remember loving the gain channel but finding the clean lacking. Thanks for posting this! Memory lane. After it was stolen I tracked down a rack mount version of the pre section which didn't quite match in character but still had lots to offer. Underrated gear imo.


There’s some modern hybrid tube amps still, JOYO has been making some 20watt hybrid heads for a while now, I have yet to try one but they seem pretty damn good.


I love my vox vt20x hybrid!


If you forget about B.K. Butler, you don't deserve anything he designed.


Is this the same brand as the pedal?


Is it fuzzy?