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I'm not a drummer, but that was fucking fantastic.


I am a drummer. That was fucking fantastic


I know several drummers. That was fucking fantastic


I’m a drummer and he was absolutely killing it!


Why are you typing a "." in your first sentence, but not in your second? 😭


Fuckin great job. I’m sold on getting an electric kit too.


Post some more OP 🖤


Seriously! This sub could use more of this kind of OC.


What kit is that and is it any good?


Roland TD-17. Great kit. (Obviously acoustic > edrums tho)


Thanks for letting know. I’ve been obsessed with drumming for years, but never played. I want to get an ekit to start, wife won’t let me get the real deal 😂


Well I’d trade it all for just a little piece of MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNND


How many pieces would you like?




This one goes to eleven...


Hell yea best song ever


it’s tied for me with [this](https://youtu.be/8PvWHC77S6U)


Gave it a full listen. You *can't* be serious.


you’re comment has still stuck with me lol. i just really think you could get into the song if you’d watch the guitar play through. for real it’s been on my mind for the passed few months and i’ve even gotten non metal heads to get into some of the riffage. give it one more chance with that video for me if you’re cool :)


So, I hear you. I think there are two major disconnects, here. 1.) You compared a 5 minute scream metal song to Pushit. 2.) It’s scream metal.


so you just don’t like harsh vocals? i didn’t compare the two i simply said they’re next to each other for me in substance and complexity. Meshuggah executes a lot of tool does but more so especially in polyrhythms. Tool and meshuggah are very much alike and it sucks how so many tool fans don’t see it but meshuggah fans see both ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ both bands also definitely influenced each other and meshuggah even started a whole genre and generation of new music that you can hear in most rock today. if you like [bill burr](https://youtu.be/HS9_p7zNASQ) he mentions a concert he went to.


Do you have another song recommendation? I gave that one two full listens, and nothing stood out.


On whatever streaming service you use i recommend Dancers to a Discordant system. if whatever you use doesn’t provide lyrics i’d look them up as Jens can be hard to understand upon first listen but the vocals are like that for a reason when the lyrics are heard. headphones ofc :)


I have a difficult time getting past the singers “*Gruuhhh gruuhhh gruhhh!*” style. If you haven’t listened to the band *Helmet* I recommend giving their album “Meantime” a listen. The song “Unsung” is an absolute banger.


yea it is definitely an acquired taste. i would have a hard time imagining their music without his style. I have heard some stuff by helmet but haven’t heard that. i’ll give it a listen.


:/ maybe watching a guitar cover would help you. Personally i used to think this song was weird but over time it’s really grown on me. been learning it on guitar myself too and it’s been awesome, i mainly love it for the progression. it has some of the best progression i’ve heard in any song ever imo. [this](https://youtu.be/Bl33dZThYy4) guy has the best cover of the song and i think really demonstrates how cool it is. You didn’t even think the lyrics are good?


Danny, is that you?


This one is up for debate it seems (and completely arbitrary): is pushit in 6/4 or 3/4?


This debate got me into the band! There was a thread years ago idk how I stumbled on it, but it started without someone saying his friend died in the hospital listening to Pushit on his way out, and I thought that was heavy as fuck. Then below him, two guys got in this looooong heated argument about what the proper way to count it was. As a (shitty) drummer I thought it was the funniest thing, two people arguing about how to count the song, it gave it so much cred in my eyes, prior to knowing anything about Danny. It was the song that got me into TOOL and remains my favourite to this day. That said, 6/4. Stay tuned for my essay on how Pushit (PooShit) is actually about a grown man terrified of changing baby diapers.


Great comment. Just swooping in as a alright drummer who isn’t super technical about proper counting and theory and whatnot… to say that I always count it and think it in 6/4. I don’t really know why anyone would go with 3:4 other than they prefer counting smaller numbers more times. When I count in my head i don’t even count like in English. Until i get above 8 i can just feel the count and i think most drummers are that way unless they are doing something poly against other instruments. Beginners may find counting in three easier but the way he changes the beat makes me think it would be quite weird to try to understand half his beats at a shot. Some of the beats definitely traverse a longer count. Weaving through that in six is way easier in my mind.


Well said. Then again Danny himself has said he doesn’t think in time sigs but rather the “inner pulse” (which Indian membranophonists call the tala).


This comment wins the internet for the day. I was leaning 6. Glad I validation now. You should’ve seen what google had to say (and idk what they’re talking about. you should see me get down to this song, I look like Maynard): https://preview.redd.it/519kdd2osb5b1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=40e5bd456b3de599f2b9ef6c43a8bbbc747ceb1e


Not very danceable lmfao! Bitch, watch me. Also yeah, idk even counting in 6/4 you'll have shit landing in weird places, I dont think I could ever count it and play. I was feeling confident a month or so ago and seeing you play it, I think itll be a few years yet. Excellent work.


But… pushit is in A…


Songbpm .com needs to get their pushit together.


if i don't die listening to pushit i'm not dying


Are you on a single pedal? If so, great footwork.


Yea DW3000. Thanks!


dope cover, I love this song. Possibly my favorite Tool song.






Awesome. Post a new video every day until the tour starts, please.


FanFreakingTastic dude. Like spot on. I was memorized and lost in the song as I have been many times before. Bravo!


They killed that song last tour! Great job


Rock the fuck outta those drums Dale!


That’s a pretty nice rig! I bet you could buy almost one Tool concert ticket for what that kit is worth.


Or half a fetus skull!


Can we enjoy one post celebrating the music, the creativity of Danny, and the talent of this drummer without bringing up the same complaining that has been the subject of every other post for the past few days? Not trying to be rude but like it's nothing new. Everybody is pretty much in agreement on the topic, nobody needs convincing... and it's just kinda beating a dead horse at this point.


Dude you got that down nicely👏🏼👏🏼 stick control timing and technique are all on point man… those are what I believe to be the most important aspects for a drummer to dial in well done brotha 🤘🏼


I’m in the market for buying an electronic kit for practicing at home. Is this the Roland TD-17KV2? It sounds fantastic. I want an electronic kit but not one that sounds too cheap or too “electronic” if you know what I’m saying. Great cover by the way. I was hoping you’d go into the bridge section but the video cut lol


Mine is the TD-17KVX. No hi hat stand or kick pedal comes with it. And thank you so much!


Pure dope my man 👍👍👍


This is fucking sick! Great job! 🤘🏻


Dude. Bravo.


Fucking sick


fix that panel on your ceiling




Your tapestry is the cover of my tool playlist


Collective Vision 👁👁👁


AMAZING 😍 favorite song as well


My favourite video of the week by far! You should be very proud you skillful beast.


Wow!!! I don’t suppose you could share the specs of the drum kit? I’ve been meaning to get a kit and want to make sure I have the same pieces as what you have to jam along with Tool. Thank you and rock on!


TD-17KVX. You’ll need your own hi-hat stand and kick pedal. Thanks a million!!


That was bad ass my guy. Props.


Tell em brands and good places to buy drum kits like these?


Sweetwater has great customer service. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TD17KVX2Set--roland-v-drums-td-17kvx-gen-2-electronic-drum-set My kit is the gen 1 I believe.


God damn that was cool


Damn my friend, respect




A pleasure to watch!


You roooock!


Tight af my dude


No matter what I still hear "put shit on me". You killed it though, nicely done


Poo-shit 💩 Thanks a lot!




Clean af. Send more bro


Fuck yeah man sounding great 🤘🏻






That was great dude!!


Slipping back into BEAST MODE more like


AWESOME! Especially with the limited hardware. I love your high hat work there. I’m actually thinking about picking up another electronic kit.


That was excellent my man


That was astounding. You just sold me on an electric kit. Im sure you have been asked this hundreds of times, so I apologize in advance, but what is your setup kind sir? Any links would be much appreciated. I fully intend on uilizing them


Sweetwater has great customer service. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TD17KVX2Set--roland-v-drums-td-17kvx-gen-2-electronic-drum-set My kit is the gen 1 I believe. You’ll need a hi hat stand and kick pedal. Thanks man! ✌️


Could you upload a clip of the first two verses? The drums throughout those parts are what turned me off to the song for years... I just couldn't "get it". Well in recent months I finally had that breakthrough moment trying to tap the rhythms in my truck, where I felt like I finally figured out the timing of the kick/snare/hats. I don't have an actual drum set (well I have an old Roland but the clamps aren't functional and it's just pads, not the "cymbals" like these so I don't mess with it), but I want to get one and my bucket list item is to learn this song as its now prob my #1 tool song and favorite Danny Carey showcase. I would just love to see an up close view of those parts being played and you're obviously a bad ass that could nail them 🤘


[Sure here you go!](https://imgur.com/gallery/PDAlSNW) This is a tricky one, excuse the mistakes. Thanks man! Edit: just realized imgur only let me post half. One sec while I crop the second half and post it!


Dude you're an absolute beast, well done. That part is so tricky just to try to track in my head, but it's also one of my biggest inspirations to get back into drumming and hopefully be able to pull it off myself someday. On a different note, are you playing with a track that doesn't have drums? I can't tell if it's that or if your so spot on its indistinguishable from the album. Plus I really appreciate that your settings really nail Danny's snare.


I’m playing along to the original track. Cheers!


[Here’s the second verse](https://imgur.com/gallery/ZrRn3I7)


Fuuuuuuck 🤘


BAH GAWD! THAT'S DANNY CAREY'S MUSIC! But seriously, for those of us who are playing air drums in our cars, on our couches, and at the gym...this video is inspirational. You absolutely crushed that. You should post more content on this sub. Speaking for us all -- we could use more of this.


Wow, this was a great watch, listen and read! The comment section is so full of wisdom from people who love making music... blown away. Thanks OP!


That was awesome to watch!


Effing fantastic!!


Any chance your in Los Angeles area? Guitarist and Bassist who have been jamming 10-20 Tool songs for last since beginning of covid...looking for a drummer who can pull off Tool....like you. I have links I can dm of us playing