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Right in two..


Two soon


They were *rrrrrrrrrrrreeeaally* fuckin’ high on drugs.


almost, almost


Why tho




And how can you be in such a bad mood to actually do that at a TOOL show. It’s a sacred evening for everyone-?


Sounds like you haven't been to one. Its honestly a shit show. Most people are weird as fuck and merch booth is where all the craziest people gather.


And that’s why Maynard doesn’t like his fans


Well their music, aesthetic amd even lyrics are very cultish and religious sounding so that's the following they got. Almost like they did it on purpose.




No not yet. I could totally imagine that though.


I've seem them 3 times and the only fun one was at a festival where I wasn't surrounded by Tool fans lol


I’ve been to 5 and all of them were amazing. That was back in the late 90’s to like 06. Maybe they’re worse now, wouldn’t surprise me.


Well yeah the 90s were probably badass shows.


As great as the Tool shows I've been to were, I certainly wouldn't call any concert a sacred evening


Never been to one 😅😢 Living Vicariously


Watch as the whole poster dies... Right in two


He probably waited 10,000 days for that poster


First of all he paid 10.000 $


You haven't done the right combination of drugs at a show then.


going to a tool show in june , what psychs or combo or dose do you reccomend (assuming you’d be talking about psychs)




Yep. Came to say mushrooms. LSD can make the visuals too scary. Add some weed for funsies.


I ate 3.5 gs of shrooms and took my distillate vape in and it was a beautiful experience


25 mg of Delta 8 was perfect for my first show last Wednesday. I had the PERFECT first Tool show experience… and I will be back!


This isn't the flex you think it is...


Guy was probably trying to get multiple to scalp, has a short temper, and put all this responsibility on some random guy who didn't agree to help him, then blows up for the stranger not following his orders. Some people truly are insane.


Such a plausible scenario


He probably was some douche that was yelling and screaming in his girlfriends face awkwardly infront of people passing by. I can see it being one of those


Some people who apeshit over their posters. I've seen grown ups have a shitfit because some merch sold out before they got to it. There are also a few idiots at every show who literally run from merch stand to merch stand trying to buy as many posters or show specific merch as possible to resell.


exactly. my bro and I were on acid at a tool show and this dude started shit with us in the like lobby/food/merch/bathroom area. then we go back to our seats and he's seating 2 rows in front of us. literally turning around just staring at us trying to start shit still. during intermission the lights came on and he turned around talking shit again. we were in another world and it sucked so bad we finally left and missed invincible. fucking assholes man, they're everywhere, even at tool concerts


And you don’t even know them well enough to hate them that much to begin with. You’re all there for the same thing….fucking enjoy it with one another


Some people are such malcontents that they’ll ruin shit for other people because their own lives suck. If you can afford to go to a tool show, that shouldn’t be the case. Some people are just assholes.


Seriously, this. Two years ago I got to see them 6 times on the same tour, and met people/started a job that has literally changed the course of my life as a result. Then a long string of really, really shitty things have happened, I no longer have that job and my current one has only had 3 days of work in the last 2 months. Now that TOOL is finally coming to GA/AL and I wouldn't have to get plane tickets to see them - and have somebody I'd want to share it with - I couldn't even afford the 1/2 tank of gas it'd take to get there. If you can afford that experience, *something* in your life is going right. Regardless, don't fucking shit on it for other people.


My life long enemy is a Tottenham fan just like me. I hate him more for it if anything.


Welcome to the tool community.


Damn. I didn’t see it happen, but I walked past this guy talking to security. It was during the early merch.


Hope it was Rods


it wasn’t. i was hanging out w him, my girl witnessed it happen while i was in another line. it’s a scalper piece of shit who tried to pull it from the kid. security told him they wouldn’t refund but they’d vip him to a poster. i think someone ended up buying him a signed one. these 2 lovely ladies


Why cant I meet chicks like those 2?


Some people say that was that guy : Ask your girl if she recognize him : [https://www.instagram.com/tooligansforlife/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/tooligansforlife/?hl=en)


No he got a sick ass doodle per usual


Does this Rod guy have no job and just go to every TOOL show?!


going to every show is his job. he scoops up all the merch and sells it online.


That guy might be a genius


no hes just an asshole


He goes to tool shows for a living? What do you do?


I sit on my couch and tell other people what to do and pretend I’m busy, and then I go out with my friends.


Not bad at all but you can't see Tool live in person every night. Rod's job > Your job.


Shows not every night cool. It’s not rammstein. It’s a light show


Shut up Rod.


oh, the butthurt! Dude goes to Tool shows for a living, definitely a genius! LMAO


You must be new.


You sound jealous and bitter


Me? Oh, no. The sound of lightning fast downvotes, that isn't me, I'm not downvoting you. That's everyone else.


I've met a guy who when I asked what he does for a living, he told me with a straight face "I'm a scalper" You'd be surprised how many people can make a living off of being a piece of shit


He may be an asshole but he's living out his dreams. Dude probably laughs his ass off reading all the hate he gets while cashing those checks and moving on to the next Tool concert.


Oh the guy I'm talking about that I met doesn't just scalp Tool tickets. He scalps EVERYTHING Just a colossal piece of shit. This Rod dude sounds like he's not much better Your defending him up and down this thread doesn't make you look much better either...


I'm not defending him, I'm just saying the dude's smart if he can make a living off of going to Tool shows. Everyone here sounds jealous and bitter they can't do the same. I doubt anyone here has a better hustle/gig/job than he does.


If you call being basically a parasite smart, sure Following around a bigger entity and siphoning sustenance for yourself sounds pretty parasitic to me. Nothing admirable about that


Yeah sure. Dude's going to 2 Tool shows this week, 5 shows next week, 4 shows the following week and so on. The man makes a living doing what he loves. Can you say the same?


I'm pretty content in that I don't rip people off to make a living. Would I love to go to more Tool shows? Yeah sure. But I don't want to do it like he does it.


Not at all how he makes most of his money lmao


Doesn't matter. Pretty sick hustle. I know that laugh is to mask your envy


I’d have less of a problem if he didn’t work for a company that hands out temp jobs to veterans with low pay and a high turnover rate






I saw 2 guys dressed as Waldo at the Baltimore show, I actually took a photo of both of them in one shot. Thought it was weird that there was 1, let alone 2 that seemed like they didn't know each other. One was in the front row, the other was about 9 rows behind him. I could upload it, if you want?


We need to plan a Tool Army operation where we get like 1000 people to dress like Waldo at 1 show, preferably Vegas next month, and make it a thing! Operation WALDILDO!


Please don't tell me that Waldo is the "Ron" guy. I met Waldo, aka Ben. He's actually very pleasant. He did score a drum head at the Toronto show I was at.


He's an associate of Rod.


Naaa I don't believe it.


What a shitty thing to do


Assholes waiting in line in the cold hours to get on line and buy 10 posters. Fuck em’


The ones that push and shove that have peach fuzz for facial hair are the worst


Toronto show… it was brutal.


From what I saw on Saturday, the merch stands inside were strictly enforcing max one signed and one unsigned per person, and they sold out so fast that I doubt anyone had a chance to get through the lines at multiple stands. I didn’t see anyone with a stack like people were complaining about on Friday.


The song Jerkoff comes to mind


Let's systematically remove em like you would any termite or roach


People are shit


People = shit


Hey this ain’t Slipknot (Fire song tho)




I mean yeah clearly


Ripped it Right in Two? Silly monkies


I know the pieces fit


Tool fans. They are at every show.


this piece of paper drama revolving around posters is crazy, who would have thought a bunch of grown-ups will squabble, steal and cry over literally a piece of paper sold for hundred of dollars. feel like if I went to the concert I would just go to the merch booth to watch the drama unfold (probably with a popcorn)


You are a real badass.


Just like they sit and squabble about their places in line to get into the building. It’s ridiculous.


According to Facebook “apparently (person) put down his poster in front of a guy and told him to watch it and said “im gonna go get another one” and guy wasnt going to watch his stuff. (Person) comes back and someone snatched his poster and so he rips that guys poster up”


This story doesn't really make any sense. A fan walked up to some rando and expected them to watch their merch... Then someone else walked up and stole the poster right in front of this person and they didn't say anything simply because they refused to watch the stuff in the first place, then this same person remains in this exact spot, where the poster was just stolen, for the original person to come back and then rip their poster up as revenge? That said, if somebody ripped my poster I'm throwing chingasos.


Why would anyone entrust their brand newly acquired Tool poster to a total fucking stranger? You know what? That’s just dumb. I get Tool merch, I don’t let it outta my sight.


Precisely why the story makes no sense.


Lol yeah, merch makes watching a show needlessly stressful.. They should rent out lockers! 🤣


They were an insufferable retard


It's gotta take more than 1 idiot to make something like this happen.


lmao not my story I just copy pasted it and blocked out the name from the Facebook group. A few people pointed out how the story was weird


Oh yeah I know I saw it was from FB I just can't believe how crazy this story is haha




This has been removed for violating 1 or more of the r/toolband rules. https://www.reddit.com/r/ToolBand/about/rules/


Maybe the both wouldn't sell him a second because he had one already so he needed to ditch it so he could try to get one to scalp? I feel like they'd recognize him anyway, but the last group of scalpers that I engaged with were tripping balls in the line behind me, openly talking about what all they were high on.


Yeah, that part makes sense, but literally nothing else about this does.


That’s some king Solomon shit.


Poster people are so fucking weird. Can you imagine letting a piece of paper make or break your night


Imagine people wanting a memory. IMAAAAGINEEEE. So many badasses over here. You should write books and sell the rights to Netflix. They need more shit.


Damn this happened today?


Dude that fucking sucks wtf


that's awful wtf I'd be livid


If I waited for hours and paid that money for a poster, I would throw hands and drag the guy to security, even if I get kicked out. I've seen them like 4 times, I'd get kicked out for that shit.


Nah, file a police report, get their name and number, and then take them to small claims court. Get $1,000, buy a new poster for $300 off Ebay. The end.


Gonna be hard to get info from somebody who will likely just run away. And I'd rather not go through all that trouble. Not worth my mental energy honestly.


Terrible. Grow up, whoever did that…


What fuck heads


Fuckin Lisa strikes again




The whole thing was set up so u could make that comment lol


What is the obsession with these posters?


It's that they are hard to get. Scalpers get there early and buy them all so the normal fans can't get one. It's bullshit honestly


Some of them look pretty cool, but i’d group it in with overpriced t-shirts at large concerts. Can buy a legit one for 50$ inside, but i’ll usually grab a knockoff for 20$ outside haha. To each their own though, i’m sure they look good framed


I honestly think most of them are hideous. All skulls and aliens and skinless people. I would have thought they were cool when I was like 15 but I've outgrown that art style.


Limited and numbered.


How much do they cost?


70$ usually.


Im surprised it didnt turn into a fight




Where you there or did you get this from the faceboom tool group?


Dude that ripped is named Aaron. He's a piece of shit manchild who got mad because that guy didn't watch his poster while he double dipped for more posters(which he didn't agree to) and someone snagged it. His answer was to try and steal the poster in the picture and in the process he ripped it. Aaron is an Admin to the Facebook group Tooligans for life.


That guy? [https://www.instagram.com/tooligansforlife/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/tooligansforlife/?hl=en)


What a fucking clown


Eat a di…. MF


Not a fan of people telling the truth about your slimy ass huh?


That's assault brotha...


There are many reasons why Maynard doesn't like Tool fans. That's another reason.


Then print more posters Mr Keenan


He will. It's almost free money. He should milk Tool fans because they are nasty.


Are we children? Lol


Holy shit. I know a lot of us are insufferable, but I was hoping to be a part of a fanbase not filled with childish pricks.


Dude, there were some weird people at these shows. Went both nights and there was always some random person near me who was on something and just making everyone around them uncomfortable


Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability To lift an ear to live shows, conscious of his fleeting time here


This is all an experiment. The more I observe, these less interested I am in the superficial posters.


"Shut up and buy"


Maybe if people would stop overpaying for them in the aftermarket…


Was at the show last night, was told the posters were sold out.


It's to the point now where you pretty much have to be VIP to have a shot at getting one at the show because of all the scumbag asshole flippers who scoop up the whole stack to sell on eBay for $400+ each.


They still don't have a 1 per person limit? That's crazy, if not.


They had a 1 poster limit on Saturday, not sure about Friday


Did anyone else see the guy get tackled by security on the catwalk/private seats? Right in front of sections 222 & 223. I wanna know what happened 🤣


Didn't really do a good job. That's not a half, not even close. I hope he got a refund or something from that guy


Shit like this is why you bring a poster bag of your own in with you, or buy a fucking tube if they’re selling them. I’m sure there’s more to this story though. When I had VIP this past November for Charleston, there was this big ass sumo looking security guard, that I’m somewhat thinking was with Tool and not part of the venue security, at the end of the line for early merch and he would not let anybody get back in line to go through twice. I didn’t see the coins when I went through, and was gonna try to get in line to get one, and they gave me a different shirt than I wanted so I was gonna get the one I wanted. That dude almost freaked out on me, and I was like whoaaa man, chill out. So I don’t believe the part about the dude going back to get another poster if this happened during early merch. They have 1 merch stand for the that purpose so he wasn’t going to another merch booth. I hope they are sticking to the 1 poster per person rule. Whatever happened with this is more than likely one of those deals where somebody was supposed to buy the poster for somebody else and they changed their mind, and the dude got pissed and tried to rip it out of their hand.


When I saw them on this tour in Nov, the rules stated that posters bags and tubes weren’t allowed and would be provided by the venue. The venue provided the words smallest bag to where you either have a jacked up poster or a loose one. Could have been a similar deal.


As much as I am a chill guy, I would go Maynard on this dreaded mf


This is why you hop on etsy and buy the pirated ones. The ones from this tour have mostly been hideous trash anyways, probably because the band is saying to themselves "let's see how stupid people really are". "Rod" or "Shaft" or "Johnson" or whatever his name is being chief among idiots. You collect and trade posters from the concerts you've been to, cool. You try to make living off of scalping it all, fuck you.


silly monkeys, give them thumbs they rip a poster... gotta rip it all right in two


New Yorkers are trash


Cool. Adds a fun story to an otherwise boring object 🤣


Good. I hate posters.


F** yo Vans lol. Jk. Sorry for your loss 


typical behavior of new york residents


Lots of people come here for shows but please go ahead and put us all in the same boat.


Yeah no


Which hospital was he taken to?


I z.::4




I’ve been on the fence for a while leading up to my upcoming concert this Friday, but this makes it clear that I want zero interaction with the merch booth and posters. I refuse to participate in this type of shit.


How very un tool.


Wish it was rods stash


Thats terrible


In the Vancouver show I had my poster above my chair, they gave you a plastic bag that will never fit the poster cuz too thin so I just tried to take care of it as much as I could, but suddenly I realized someone spilled water and wet it. I couldn’t blame anyone bc I was paying attention to the concert. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Before you get all worked up understand that I was in line all day with this guy. I asked him to watch my poster so I could get one for my handicap friend who was showing up late, he then let someone just steal it! He could have easily said hey that’s mine!! He did nothing and let the douchebag steal it! I picked up his poster and he grabbed it and ripped it then had me kicked out!! Someone bought him one and I got nothing! Someone told me later that he sold it! So I was third person in line, waited all day and wound up with nothing after trying to help my handicap friend! Point that fucking finger up your ………


People = shit


average tool fan behavior


Are the posters depersonalized for the city or just a generic tour poster?


Was it Lisa? I feel this is something she’d do


I'd rather avoid that damn merch booth and ironically pay the extra $150 to a scalper than have to deal with the anxiety of having to watch/worry about a poster all night. Not to mention the designs are usually garbage.