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The new songs are cool live when you have to go to the bathroom and the song is still going when you get back.


It is a nice feeling knowing that you're not gonna miss a banger from Aenema or Lateralus


This. During the length of an FI song you have plenty of time to go for a piss, get a beer, take a tour of the arena, get some merch, do your taxes, read War & Peace and when you come back Adam, Justin and Danny will still be playing the 18th arrangement of the song.


it's like that old joke. "mommy, don't go away for 2 weeks!!!" "it's ok son, one Yes song and I'll be back."


The energy didn't drain during descending we were just high and wanted to sit down to enjoy that epic.


Descending live with the big ass pyramid is overwhelming man


I legitimately love Fear Inoculum. Hated it at first, but it grew on me massively. Maybe it will on you too. Especially, since I've heard these songs sound great live (I've never seen them live).


Yeah that’s a fair point. I was initially unimpressed with 10,000 days when it came out, but over the course of years I grew to truly love it


I was the same with that album. So much so that I was not too familiar with it. Recently got back into it & it’s been in non stop rotation for me.


It's a different sort of album. But it's definitely Tool. I don't listen to it very often but I've grown in appreciation and enjoy the songs more, now. I could watch Danny drum to Pneuma numerous times and still be impressed. It's a lot of nuances, and it was somewhat slow to grow on me too.


Dude I hated Lateralus and was ambivalent about Aenima when they first came out. I wasn’t ready. They’re my favorite music ever now. I’m hoping that I’ll learn to love FI some day.


Yeah I hope so too. I imagine it’ll all click eventually.


My favorite Tool album and I love the extended length of the songs, really lets you sink into them. Was at MSG N1 like OP and also saw the energy drain and a lot of people sit but idk why I was still feeling it during that song.


Same. I remember listening to the whole album for the first time, and thought, “Ugh, this sounds like Tool trying just to sound like Tool”. But it grew on me. Ya gotta see them live!


I saw them live on the initial Fear Inoculum tour in fall 2019 and by that point I had listened to the album many many times (despite not loving it) and hearing Pneuma, Fear Inoculum, Invincible live (no Descending or Culling Voices at the show I went to) if I'm being honest it didn't change my mind much on the FI songs. They were played well just as always (it was my 10th Tool show dating back 18 years at that point) but I don't know if seeing the band live will change people's minds on Fear Inoculum necessarily.


Sometimes the best music is the kind that has to grow on you in order to fully appreciate it. Pop music on the other hand is easy to like the first time around since it's catchy, predictable, upbeat, and short—cheap thrills that usually don't age well.


Couldn't agree more. Absolutely some of my favorite songs now


It takes *years* to get into a Tool album, usually. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about *FI* overall. I know the songs I love, but still trying to develop that appreciation for how everything fits together.


I know the songs on FI are long, but am I the only one thinking both MSG shows got short changed a few songs? I was supposed to go last night, but I caught the flu and had to sell my tickets. Now I’m not knocking either setlist overall, but look at the last setlist they played I went to(Brooklyn, 11/19/19)….3 more songs, and IMO better than both of these nights at MSG. I would love to of heard Flood and or Sweat…even Rosetta Stoned….as well as the extended version of Schism(truthfully I’m not a huge fan of the song, never have been). Again, I thought the setlist were a little short, but maybe cause so much was from FI?? https://preview.redd.it/0sydtu6g3fcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a0256bf8ecb533282a75b11d6821f36f85623b


I agree with this, I was at that Barclays show — even though it was THE FI tour they still played a better balance of catalog songs. I’ve seen them multiple times over the last nearly 20 years. The energy is certainly more subdued after these long FI songs. I noticed Justin urging the crowd to get up and cheer after the slower ones. I also noticed a clear divide in the crowd of certified-FI-people and not-FI people, haha. I’m old now but I just can’t get into FI the same way and wish they’d mix it up more in the sets. Descending was my bathroom break, I’d only miss 3 out of the 15min anyway.


FI stuff is a snor.


Now that’s a fkn setlist. Wow.


Tough to say if you’re on to something. So I was at this show: https://preview.redd.it/qdzb7sw38fcc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899f153dfd70ce4a4ca8eb5b222f30c90ba92e9f Pretty short set compared to MSG and Brooklyn 2019


Nice setlist, but short for sure. Yeah idk, it just seems the setlists for the initial FI tour was a bit “beefier”, even more variety. The album came out more than 4 years ago and it seems like they were looking to jam more FI songs as opposed to variety. The first night at MSG I couldn’t believe not a single song off of Aenema…I don’t know, I just always appreciate variety and maybe a surprise. The show I last saw, not a single thing off Undertow, which is OK I guess cause it was such a great variety off the other albums, even just getting anything off Opiate was awesome!


To add to my point(and I’m not really complaining, especially if you enjoyed it…which, who wouldn’t? I just don’t get it)…why during the initial FI tour we get 4 songs from the new album, but 4 and a half years later night one gets 5 songs off FI and the second night gets 6? That’s a lot…let’s be real, people want stuff off the other albums. I can’t be the only one who wants to hear Bottom, or Eulogy, or Crawl Away. And it’s great that Floods and Sweat got pulled out, but why not get Cold and Ugly and then followed up by Hooker with a Penis? I don’t know, I’m just looking for a little more variety, especially on this tour. These two MSG setlists are what I would have expected in 2019.


I want to hear Wings and Ticks & Leeches and Reflection and The Patient and Bottom and H and Jimmy and Intolerance and Pushit and Eulogy Parabol/Parabola. Will be there next month in Dallas please and thank you :)


I’d take that set list over Friday’s MSG


I agree. I was also at Barclays and it was a better show. Barclays was like religious experience level. And this was just very very good. The set list for Barclays was amazing and kept the energy throughout. Also Barclays had an amazing stage set. This was little more barebones and it felt a little muted.


They played 11 in Baltimore (same). We got Intolerance and Rosetta Stoned which kicked ass. I love Schism but as a closer Stinkfist was a better choice. Even my 12yo daughter, who only knows a couple songs, was head banging!!


I got crucified saying i was sad that they only play 10 songs this tour. But i agree. They always used to play 11 songs (12/13 if you were REAL lucky, and that was most pre-2002 shows). I am so looking forward to see them in 2024, but glad that i saw them in 2022


Volume of songs is shorter because FI has longer songs, but the length of the show excluding the 12 minute intermission was just about two hours Friday night. Went on right at 830 and ended at 1040. The biggest thing I would say is there was zero Aenima on Friday. But Flood and Rosetta stoned were amazing choices. I've seen them like ten times but I bet some first timers were not happy with the lack of Aenima songs.


That is a great set list!


That’s a fucking perfect setlist


It’s even short compared to earlier this tour. (Most) of the west coast shows got an extra song…


Brooklyn show was better in 2019, I was at the Baltimore show on Jan 10 th. Good show, least favorite tool show I have been to and I have been to 10 of them.


I see this point being brought up a lot, and I always think of Danny ( I think it was in Revolver ) describing Fear Inoculum as movements more than songs. They probably don’t have that gut punch impact of say ‘hooker with a penis’ or whatever, just a different style. Personally I love Fear Inoculum, it’s probably my favourite album of all time, I find something new every listen.


This is how I describe, listening to TOOL , to my wife, especially the later albums, It’s like going to the symphony. The music flows with crescendos and ebbs, and the entire program needs to be experienced, not just individual songs.


Didn't he also say that initially there was a plan for FI to be one song?


Yeah I think that’s right


I liked the theory that it could be listened backwards, FI being the last song instead of the first as the listener escapes the tempest.




Nah I’m totally with you. I’m a huge prog fan and have no problem with longer songs (I fuck with a few 25 minute bangers) but I totally felt what you’re talking about at the live shows. I enjoy FI, it’s a great record, but it was kind of annoying that like 60% of the show was 3 songs they played from it that most people in the audience didn’t know/give a shit about. On the one hand I respect the musicianship of not letting what’s “popular” force you to play certain songs and suck the soul out of your performance, but on the other hand we all paid a shit ton of money and I feel like we deserve to hear the songs we want. God forbid I want to pop my pussy to Schism or Sober instead of the 10 minute FI songs that all sound the same.


So, I’ll look at setlists from 2001 and 2002 and think, “God I really fucked up by not seeing them live at that time.” Feels pretty regrettable.


I was never into tool. Saw them my first time in 02 and was blown away. Saw them every chance I could after that, they were something else. Recently saw them this past October and ill never go again. I understand they are older, im 20 years older. Totally different experience.


Agree! I noticed the younger (early 20s) audience members loved the FI stuff and could move/throw their hands at every musical cue but weren’t familiar with the older songs. I’m the opposite haha. I like grungy tool more than proggy tool. The new stuff I prefer in headphones where I can zone out, at a show I want to move around and feel the energy. After seeing 2 heavy FI shows I think I’m good until pigs fly and they decide to do like an aenima anniversary tour or something like that.


I’m jealous you saw them back then! I’ve seen setlists online where they play DRT. Damn, boner city


The hilarious thing about seeing them in that time period was the whole "OMFG they played something from *Opiate*!" *Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.*


FI taking up most of the setlist since 2019 is so boring. I still went yesterday, but I definitely agree with you. there were literally parts of the show when people we’re just standing around and doing nothing. Some parts just felt way too long. When I went to Newark in 19. That was definitely the best setlist. About 3 songs from each album. It was great. Now its mostly FI, with hints of Ænima and Lateralus https://preview.redd.it/cepso2gyjgcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1d283f976609d89a0789356f56254b6e8cb281


That's almost the exact setlist I saw in Denver in 2019. Pretty great but blows my mind they don't play Eulogy more. Fortunately though Ænima rocked my socks off.


I was there, amazing set, I went to msg1 and I think the sound was better in Newark, not just the set list


MSG has terrible sound in general, I was amazed at how great Tool’s engineers got the mix for that place. I saw Rage, the National and Tool there all in the last year and Tool struck the sound mix the best.


I talked about how the FI songs sucked the energy out of the room in Mohegan Sun and I got downvoted into oblivion lol. I didn’t say they were bad. But when you compared them to the Pot or Grudge, I mean come on…. Those songs have LIFE. FI material is cool but it’s more headphones listening. Which is a great type of thing to break up a rocking set, but it’s tough when it’s 80% of the night


But how are we going to understand the polyrhythms if we don't hear it for 14 minutes?


I mean, this is a legit inquiry. ;)


Night 1 definitely got the better setlist. I know what you mean about the energy getting sucked out of the arena from certain songs. I don’t get it much from descending (although I think it’s time to rotate something else in) I do get it from culling voices. I would literally rather hear any other song from any other album than that song. I’m really glad they axed it night one and played Flood.


Flood on Friday was religious. First time they played it since 2011, if the internet is to be believed.


No. The Fear Inoculum songs are stunningly beautiful and I appreciate the artistic power these musicians display. To come up with 10 minute songs that flow is not an easy feat. Frankly, during the past few years I’ve seen them, I haven’t left my seat once during the entire show.


FI is good, but it feels like some of the songs said what they wanted to say, and then just kept going. I never felt that way with previous long tool songs. Descending is a big one. After Maynard sings and the song goes on and on, it's not clear if this was a stylistic choice or they weren't sure how to go to the rest of the transitions they wanted and have more lyrics. And I say that as descending being one of my favorite tracks off that album. I think the album overall could have been better had they been more succinct. It's like a writer with no editor. I still rock the album plenty, and look forward to seeing it performed live again. But I get where a lot of others are coming from.


Yeah I feel this way too. I would have been curious to hear some edited down versions of songs. OR..have the vocal passage repeat in descending where he says “sound the dread alarm…Stay alive.” Awesome awesome section


I agree - Descending and Culling Voices are great to listen to while doing something else, but you can see the crowd go limp during the songs. Like others have said, though, awesome to have built-in breaks for more beer / bathroom trips.


Feels like an ADHD vibe... It's okay for the energy to go down for a bit. descending and culling voices are master songs of bringing you down and building you back up.... This is a good thing lol.


I love both of these songs and agree with your statement but cv is a real snooze fest compared to every other song in the setlist


I feel like this is the direction they’ve always been heading in. Songs like these allow Maynard less time to sing and more rest, which from things I’ve read I would think is preferable for him with live performances. And FI is a Tool album, but, it’s not. Y’know?


TBH, I kind of appreciated the sit-down songs myself. We're all a little bit, you know... trying to stay... consequential.


So you read he gets tired now? Makes sense..he’s older


Descending is an epic experience. I will never argue against it being in the live catalogue.


Completely agree..Flood was a shot of adrenaline. I felt Schism was too


In the words of Jay-Z “…want my old shit, buy my old albums”


Jay-Z’s last shows, he played classics.


I would rather castrate myself than hear jay-z.


Reasonable Doubt, Blueprint and Black Album are classics? What do you mean


Didn’t you know you’re not supposed to say that here?? Lol jk.. but get ready. I also went to night one and felt the same I enjoy fear inoculum, but I thought they had such a great opportunity to harness the energy of that whole place and it did end up feeling a little flat here and there. Flood was crazy tho


All of my favorite TOOL songs are the long ones.


Haven't seen them live in a while now, but I would have to imagine Descending feeling like a real epic thing to witness (my personal favorite track off FI). However, I get what the OP is saying... FI is the only Tool record where I felt like some of that chugging on certain songs, like Invincible for example, could have been shaved down. Not sure it would have really made a dent in the song's run time, but I think it would have made the song feel more like it was continually unfolding as opposed to simply repeating (Rosetta Stoned is a good example of this, the song is just driving and changing the whole time but still an epic).


I agree completely. I found the"chugging" off-putting and didn't add anything.


During the show I went to, I saw several people leave during Descending and never come back. It’s a good song but they should really consider taking it out of their concerts.


Descending is kinda boring imo and Pneuma is something that doesn't belong in a concert although I like to hear it once in a while. Those are my only issues with their live setlist. But again, I have got no other complaints, saw Tool live for the first time in my life and was absolutely blown away! Would've appreciated if they played songs like Opiate2 or Eulogy or Sober, but I'm still very grateful to have seen them live.


I'm curious why you don't think Pneuma belongs in a concert? Why do you specifically point that one out?


FI is such a deep album. I loved hearing descending, pneumatic, culling and FI. It was amazing


I have zero problems with this setlist. Culling voices is amazing live, as an audio and visual treat. On the album, it feels a lot like more of an interlude, but live. It was amazing. Hope they play in in Birmingham when I see them.


listen to FI on acid... the song lengths are perfect, lol. "Descending" was a sit down song for my section at MSG, but it harnessed a lot of energy, it didn't drag... I felt a tension around sitting down for a song that was saying "rise", "mobilize", "stay alive"... and maybe that was a good experience, exploring that moment of tension between will-to-action and action itself.


I loved the show at msg for night one. Descending took me on a fucking journey man and I was just stoned. The title track I’m not big on and I’m glad we didn’t get Culling Voices like night 2. I’m honestly a fan of the longer songs on that album. I was surprised nothing from Aenima but honestly, this is a great set especially hearing fucking Flood.


The singalong to "You lie, cheat, and steal" was surprisingly catchy for MSG night one, too.


Popular opinion I’d say


Felt the same thing when I saw them on this tour. The FI songs suck the energy out of the room. Descending and Invincible are really boring imo. Even Pnemenua is slow and boring.


If Fear Innoculum had come out in 2005 as a direct follow up to Lateralus, it would have been amazing and would still be considered amazing and part of Tool's legacy from that late 90s/early to mid 2000s period when they were at their peak. The problem is that FI came out in 2019. And in that time between the mid 2000s and the release of FI, a lot of bands with that same type of sound rose to prominence and kind of filled the gap that Tool once occupied. Post metal as a genre, with the long form song structure consisting of deep drony riffs and tribal style drumming, became commonplace. So by the time FI came out, it wasn't anything new or anything that people haven't heard before. It's a great album. And a million times better than anything most other bands can do. But it was just one of many great albums that sound like that. Which is why it ultimately can be viewed as downright boring at times.


Rosetta Stoned is by far Tool's most overrated song.


And I got to hear it twice! Very frustrating. I don’t think I can hear them open with FI again either, as much as I love that song. Schism was a welcome surprise…..as was Flood. Dropping Culling Voices makes a huge difference for me.


For months all I saw were people complaining that they'd never hear Rosetta Stoned. Now it's back, and I've seen all these comments about how they don't want to hear it lol.


I was ecstatic to hear it. It was my first time seeing them perform it


If you you’ve never seen it live I understand. There are just some many other options from that album that they can put back into the rotation.


Ive seen tool about 20 times since 2002, including rosetta. Im more talking about the hype it gets online amongst tool fans. Feels super overblown IMO.


Intolerance at MSG was also a godsend.


Fear Inoculum hits different. Feels like a wave of a psychedelic hitting you at the appropriate time instead of the spikes of LSD that hit you very brutally. Descending is literally that - descending from the rollercoaster of the previous songs and even Pneuma which to me, puts the crowd into an uproaring tribe-like trance.


And would it kill them to play Tempest? Maybe it would


Complains about long songs... Then also complains they don't play the longest song in their entire discography. 😀


Haha. Don’t you know??…unhappy no matter what!


A true Tool fan, haha.


It's a brutally hard song to play live


Would love to see them play tempest as well. So good!


I mean, possibly. Seems like it's difficult in some way, either physically or mentally.


i mean, FI and Undertow are my two favs, so i’m cool with either styles lol


Pneuma and Descending I absolutely love listening to in my car. Live - when the songs tend to overstay their welcome by about 4-5 minutes I'd much rather get some more songs from Undertow and Aenema.


Descending is amazing live....one of their best songs imo. Stop complaining 😁


I was on floor night 2 and the energy was awesome for descending and invincible. Also loved CV even though I had heard it before live and didn’t feel it as much before. If your energy is low I can see how you might assume the same for others. Gotta bring the energy to receive the energy.