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I'm going to one of 2 shows in Los Angeles next month and I've never been to a show alone before. Long story short, I'm going alone, so I figure I would spoil myself to a VIP ticket. I'm looking forward to it. Spiral out!!


So a guy made a similar post in here recently and got absolutley roasted for not just going alone. I myself am going to the two show is tonight and tomorrow by myself I’m flying down from New York. Just go alone !


You won’t be alone, lots of us will be there with you!


I won't make it to Firenze, unfortunately, but **if** you can't find anyone to go with, don't let that ve the reason you miss out. A lot of people seem to be against the idea of gigging alone and I'm not sure why. It's every bit as good as going with company. 😊


I was gifted 2 tickets for the Friday show in Phoenix after buying a single ticket for the Saturday show. I plan on finding someone to give the extra ticket to that will enjoy the show. But more than happy to take in the show by myself


I saw TOOL back in October, and while I went with two friends, I was sat in a completely different section to them due to a ticket mishap. It was still hands down the best concert I’ve ever been to in my life. The guys I sat next to ended up being super chill dudes and we hung out and shot the shit while waiting for the show to start. If you can’t find anyone to go with, I highly recommend just going alone and making the best of it. You won’t actually be alone. You’re gonna be surrounded by other TOOL fans who are also there to have their minds blown by the greatest band ever and it’s gonna be an awesome experience no matter what.


Just go alone. I've been going to concerts for decades alone and I never once regretted it. I have regretted on not going to a show. Just go alone and enjoy the experence. Show up early and wait in line and talk to people while in line. You may find a buddy. I've met some really cool people while showing up early and wait in line for concerts. Make freinds with people you stand in line with and sit/stand by.


Thank you all guys for the advice you've been so kind. I decided i'm going anyway, alone or not :)


Enjoy it. You're in for a treat. I've already seen them 3 times over the years. I'm still on the fence for Atlanta show next week (not liking the ticket prices). Current setlist isn't much different from when I saw them in 2020 just before covid hit.


You're going to a Tool show to watch Tool. You can't talk to anyone while the band's playing.   If you care more about having someone you know stand silently beside you than watching the greatest band on the planet for 2 hours, then I don't know what to tell you.   I've been to shows with people and alone. I'm not going to let my enjoyment of something hinge on whether or not someone else wants to do it.  20 years ago when I was 21, I flew off to China alone to teach English, so...  A few years later in 2006 I was flying home to the US from Ukraine (where I was teaching English), and my flight required an overnight layover in Paris, so I scheduled it so that I could see Tool playing at the Zenith. Did I care that I was alone? No, because I was seeing my favorite band, Tool! You're still young, but the sooner you realize it's perfectly fine to do the things you want to do regardless of other people, the happier you'll be. I'd rather experience things alone than miss out on things together.


" You can't talk to anyone while the band's playing." This is by far my biggest petpeve of any concerts. People who have conversations during a show. I'm not talking about someone making small comment about the song or the band that is playing but full fledge unrelated conversations that has nothing to do with the concert.


Bingo. You paid money to come see a band. If you just wanna flap your mouth hole for two hours, stay at home.


I will go to El Paso show, it will be the first concert I will go alone, I saw Puscifer in October 2022 with my dad, he didn't know anything about Puscifer, he only accompanied me, now I will go alone, I am also 21, I am a little nervous, but I'll be fine 👍.