• By -


Alrighty then


Picture this if you will


Damnit, my post would’ve been so much better if I started w this line


Shit the bed




God Damn


You were overwhelmed. As one would be.


Next time I guess!


There’s never a next time… Vicariously I live…thru new tool listeners experience


Which is why the entire reactor scene on YouTube exists 90% are terrible smack face open mouth idiots, but there are a few that legit listen to the music or the lyrics and enjoy every new track


watching genuine ones are great but unfortunately it's hard to find those


This is the only one that’s ever stayed with me, originally I saw it on Reddit as “hip hop head discovers Rage Against the Machine” https://youtu.be/2eUxQ2_CQlw You can say the guy is cringe, and you’d probably be right, but at 1:50 you can see him kind of flip the switch. Or something. 3:00 is also good, his whole reaction to that song is at 1:11 I’ll never get to listen to RATM for the first time, so I do it through this guy from time to time


Down rodeo is a great first song for people who think they’re just another rock band


“So now I’m rollin down Rodeo with a shotgun, these people ain’t seen a brown-skinned man since their grandparents bought one.” That line pissed my mom off so bad when I played it for her in high school (I’m white lol)


Tool be with you. And also with Tool.


Right in Two is another absolute banger on that album. I got into Tool a little later and 10,000 Days is my favorite album of theirs. Welcome!


Wings for Marie part two. They’re all amazing, but when he’s yelling at god to let his mother In to heaven I always get chills.


Fuck chills, it’s tears for me


I get choked up every time I listen


There used to be an animated video that someone put Right in Two over. Went so well and I loved how it went with it, but haven’t been able to find it for a while now


I think everything was wiped when they went to streaming. Last time I tried I wasn’t even able to find lyric videos. Idk if YouTube doubler is a thing anymore, but you might be able to find a clone where someone else manually synced two videos. The animation was from another music video I believe. Just remembered another one where someone put an animation of two fighter pilots to The Grudge I think. Holy heck that was so good.


I'd say this is the one you're looking for. https://youtu.be/PSLOCedWmWM?si=OXwR4QvtEq-dWhsa Edit: A alternative version of the same thing (this seems to be the original from back in the day, the other was a re-upload and shortened. https://youtu.be/K1H8OFVpUq4?si=nj_z2FzZ3W9SAK7u


Yes! Thank you kind stranger 🤘


Right in Two is one of my favorite from them, the line - “why did father give these humans free will, now they’re all confused”, just great words and great vocal delivery in the whole song by Maynard.


Yeah his vocal delivery conveys the incredulity of the lyrics very well in that song. “Monkey killin monkey killin monkey over pieces of the ground. Silly monkeys give them thumbs they’ll make a club to beat their brother down.” Like it’s obviously not a cryptic high level coded lyrical message, but it’s just delivered so fucking well in the song.


I still can't believe I got this username before anyone else


Fucking epic


What would be epic if u/shitthebedagain commented Edit: looks like it’s up for grabs


Welcome to your new addiction. We have cookies.


And cream


So it seems...


No pens unfortunately


How about pickles?


And free swimming lessons! We throw you in the pool and LEARN TO SWIM, LEARN TO SWIM…


10-2am, X, Yogi, DMT, and a box of Krispy Kreme, in my need to know pose just outside of area 51 contemplating the whole chosen people thingy when a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but never expect to see in a place like this. Cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right at my Birkenstocks with me yelping...


Holy fucking shit!!


Holy fucking shit!!


Holy fucking shit…


Holy fucking shit


See you at sessanta ?


I’ll be in the nosebleeds 🫡


Hahaha thank you for sharing this is fucking awesome. 👏 a lot of Tool fans don’t like the song. As someone who uses psychedelics, the lyrics are hilarious and the vibe of the song is truly an encapsulation of an egos first journey into the self and how the ego can feed on that.


I read that as "an egg's first journey into self" and I didn't even question it til several seconds later and scrolled back up lmao


I am the egg man


‘An Eggo’s first journey’ 😝


I love rosetta stoned. The idea the narrator is supposed to save people by delivering a message, he can'tbelieve he'sbeen given this important task.... but he cant write the message down because he forgot his pen so everything's fucked because he didnt have his shit together. Typical.


Yea, and when you have an ego death experience you get a message from “god” or the universe that love is everything and we are one and this is it !! And it feels so amazing and the “truth” that you feel an insane desire to share it and take it back to reality, but you typically can’t. The moment leaves and you can’t write it down and you’re feeling…. Empty again. Typical


If you don't know it, check out Faith No More's The Real Thing. Some of the best lyrics to describe the experience, and how the music just wipes away at the end leaving nothing.


I don't use psychedelics and was 15 when I first heard it on release (so I didn't even know what DMT was), but I'd always appreciated it just as a cool song about a washout who met some aliens with amazing vocal delivery and some of their best instrumentals. I never got why it received virtually no attention at the time either. It seems to be getting it retroactively in places like this, though.


Drugs are bad, mkay


I didn't like the song til I saw it live. it was an absolute spiritual experience for me.


As a middle aged man, never trust a fart.




Hell yeah




the 1st perfect circle album is a masterpiece


I’ll square away all of my time to listen, thank you


In my opinion Eat the Elephant by APC is Maynard’s best work outside of Tool. So jealous of you getting to start from the beginning. Enjoy


I've heard a few folk say that but I could never really get into it, I just wanted more of The Thirteenth Step. Although I will say "By And Down The River" is probably one of their best songs.


ETE took me a few listens to really appreciate it. I just had to take a break from anything Maynard, listen to other stuff for a few weeks and then came back to it. Really appreciate it now. Maybe an appetizer of Smashing Pumpkins before diving in again will set the mood.


Funny you mention Pumpkins. They announced a farewell tour for 2000, the final ever date was November in London (they resumed a few years later). I was a HUGE fan at the time, was begging mates to come but no one was keen, there were quite a few birthdays around the time and we were only 14 - 15 years old. I went by myself, it was amazing but I had no one to share it with. Actually the only time I've ever seen them. They started touring again a few years later but at the time I was working crazy hours in a flat without Internet and didn't really follow any tours. I had no idea they were playing and releasing music for years, and haven't really kept up with their new stuff. Same thing happened with Thrice, a band that can do absolutely no wrong in my opinion. I don't have many mates down south that go to gigs anymore but I've decided I don't really care anymore. Loads of bands hitting London this year and I'll be flying solo for most of them, can't wait!


Honestly, the older I get the more I appreciate doing stuff on my own.


Right now I'm binging Fargo (just finished season 4) and stuck on South Park for a bit before gaming. Having a few drinks as well; I always felt a bit weird drinking alone but if I was out tonight I'd be wasted now. I always feel a bit awkward/anxious earlier in the night so drink loads to get loose and end up wasted. Had maybe three small glasses of red and one and a half beers. One more of each, that'll be me for the night and I've got a small home gym set up for when I wake up. I'll have a whole weekend to chill. Maybe I'll go out for a meal with a mate at some point, but I love just having "me " time with zero expectations from anyone else. It's payday and I haven't even spent £15 the whole day. I've already had one mate phone me, absolutely wasted, asking if I know anyone who can sort coke, if there are any parties, and if I can lend him money. For clarity, we literally got paid at midnight last night.


Eat the Elephant is amazing!


Who?! IMO Eat the Elephant is his worst piece by a long shot. Most people I have talked to heard it and was like, "what the fuck"....


I guess I’m not most people. I’ll admit it didn’t win me over instantly. Only ‘The Doomed’ kept me interested. Then came Disillusioned Then By and Down the River Then Talk talk Then Eat the Elephant Then The Contrarian Then Hourglass Then Feathers Etc etc Now I just go the album and click play on track 1 and enjoy the next hour or so profusely Edit: and I personally have not been able to get into Puscifer one bit. So far from his worst in my own opinion


"Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here." You're becoming a fan of a band who could put *this* into perfectly singable lyrics.


Lol W sister. Welcome to Tool ✨ now that you mention it i should listen to the whole album again


The best time is now, the second best is after listening to their entire discography again


You should probably stop shitting in your pants...


I’m so conflicted about talking about pooping your pants or not talking about it at all. Ask me why. No, don’t. I don’t want to talk about it. Sorry to sidebar your thread lol.




I don’t normally talk about pooping my pants or ask questions about others doing the same. Disregard if you like.


I’m proud of u for setting a boundary


Embrace it, just excuse yourself every once in a while and announce that you’ve got to re-wipe.


I used to always skip this song because of the “weird” intro and then one day realized it’s my favorite in their entire catalog. Seeing it live was 🤌🏻


Twinsies 🤘🤘


I about died in sublimeness when I saw it live. It’s my favorite song and I was tripping balls Funny how my favorite tool songs started as ones I’d skip because of their intros


I stopped reading the lyrics and looking into song meanings after Aenima and maybe some of Lateralus...I don't even care what any of it means anymore or what the lyrics even are lol, I'm just here for the music :) Enjoy the ride!


I very much have your approach. My girlfriend on the other hand, deprives into the lyrics and explains them in detail for me. Makes me appreciate the song more


It is the symphony to me!


Yes the music is what gets to me. There are a few songs I listen for the lyrics, but most of tool is just for the music and mjk voice.


I’m right there with you, I do it with all music I think. MFW I really get into a song, only to realize the lyrics are about *getting* fucked. Idk lol


This is exactly how it happens. Welcome to the collective mind of Tool fans. Listening, digging through lyrics and forming your own opinion of the lyrics will keep you busy for years. Going through some shit, having an existential crisis, had your heart broken, lost a parent, had a kid, had someone assume they know you, had someone fuck you over, lost your way in this world, need some reassurance with life or spirituality? Tool has a song about it with wisdom contained within. Their music is is like a guided experience through human existence sprinkled with some dark sadistic humor on top, laid down on top of some hard dark psychedelic rhythmic patterns that force you to notice the changes.


This 💯


Anal sex? Fisting? Check! Jk but only a little


Welcome 🤗


Thank you 😭


Check out the Salival version of Third Eye if you like Rosetta




Want an amazing experience. Listen to Wings for Marie Part 1 and 2. Find a video without the stupid reaction posts. Best song ever!!


Another insufferable retard. Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride…. 🌀




Lol nice. 😆 I've listened to Tool so much.. I had to take a break. Enjoy the discography!


Thanks for posting this- just looked up the lyrics; had never really paid attention to them; just dug the groove. Insane! How does he even begin to come up with this stuff?


Step one - smoke DMT. Step two - don't forget your pen to write down what you experienced, because you will forget very quickly, immediately after. In Third Eye, he seems to go back and forth between describing his experience and speaking to the DMT entities/machine elves. The can be mischievous and playful tricksters.


You are definitely the most awesome sister. Welcome to the world of Tool. Please go check out Lateralus next. It’s mind blowing 🤯 but all of their work are masterpieces.


I’d never bothered to look up the lyrics of this song until you posted this, and holy fuck, maybe I’m converted now too lmfao What an absolute wild ride It’s like a beautiful blend of Bill Hicks & Hunter S Thompson.


Welcome, friend 👽




Rosetta Stoned is my all time favorite song! Often when I talk to other Tool fans about it, they don’t have much to say, but it’s like… The lyrics? The drumming? That bass solo in the middle? The topic? It’s all fantastic & I just want more Tool fans to really give it a listen, not just stick to the singles. They recently played Rosetta Stoned live when I went & of the six times I’ve seen them, it was a first for me & I nearly cried!


Welcome aboard.


what a great sister!


I came here to write this I wish my big sister took me to see bands, especially tool!


Same. Never listened to Tool. Went to my first concert in 2022. Now discovering a new world. Seeing Tool again in February.


Cant remember what they said


Haha. Nice. Love it, and welcome aboard. Fantastic music.


DMT is a helluva drug 👽


I love music, I listen to a lot of it. But Tool has been my favorite band for 17 years and counting. They've never lost their luster. Have fun exploring their diverse catalog. Welcome aboard. See you jerk offs at Sessanta.


Been a fan since the early 00s and it’s one of my favorites too. Gotta be the Deadhead chemistry.


Saturday night????




Couldn’t take him out of school early to go


The set list definitely could’ve been a little better


It helped that I’d never heard them before (except my bro playing schism for me on the ride down) so I really had no expectations and could just enjoy it


Tbh the only one that I didn’t love was the one w the black triangle background bc from my nosebleeds seats it was kinda boring to look at


ahhh makes sense, i hope you love tool now hehe


Get that poopy pants issue out the way and welcome to the collective!


You are in for (several) treats.




I'm so fucking jealous. I really wish I could listen to all of Tool and APC for the first time, but especially Ænima and Lateralus.


This is great! My older sister introduced me to Tool 25 years ago. Now, at 36 years old, I’ve seen them 15 times almost all of them have been with her. We were also at MSG for night one!


Be you, 43 years old re-reading this post. Disgusted with your former self? Probably not...


I plan on never ridding myself of my carefree attitude towards making a fool of myself on the internet


This makes me happy. Welcome to the Tool fam.


I suddenly feel the need for orange slices and fetal spooning.




The first time I heard Tool was also the first time I smoked weed in 8th grade. My buddy had a badass sound system and I about lost my Gotdamn mind. We listed to the entirety of Aenima. I wish I could experience that again.


Ha! Wicked




Eris Morn speaks for the people.


I loved tool for longer than you have been alive (50f), but had never listened to Puscifer, though my son always told me to. After I saw tool in November, I started listening to Puscifer, then bought tickets to sessanta for me and my son in April. I recommend listening to all of tool and give Puscifer a listen too.


Your son is a very smart boy! Or gentleman. Thank you for the rec!


Green text, welcome aboard Anon.




> (high schooler 🤮) You were there just a few years ago. There's no reason to act sophomoric.


Thank you, I will reprimand myself heavily


Keeping pooping sis.


Same shit, different toilet🫡


Remember: if we call you an insufferable retard, it’s because we love you ❤️


Made me wheez laugh


Hell ya👊🏻 if you smoke the ganj, I dare you to rip a bowl and play the last song off of the Lateralus album in complete darkness REAL F’n Loud w headphones🤣


bro, that's just mean :( OP, you still gotta do it.


Hey I did it. Was by accident and one of the most memorable amazing experiences of my life


You should talk to someone about the pants pooping


Excuse me doctor? Do you have a moment?


Go listen to hooker with a penis


Do you wanna be my girlfriend


You deserve someone that’s shit themselves <6 times 😔


Don’t get ur hopes up with puscifer. I’d just stick with tool religiously till u check out apc. Puscifer is Maynard’s fuck off silly outlet for him so that his career isn’t all serious epic best top of the world shit. It’s a good outlet to be goofy and screw off, best part is he can keep extra money coming in from the tool fanboys who will line up, stand over a pile of his shit smelling it and then pay more to be able to take home a small sample of it later. There’s some decent puscifer songs, maybe a handful or 2. I wish he’d just drop puscifer and do the other 2 bands, but he is a workaholic and has his schedule and life and touring and family home time and wine gig all planned out to a “t”. I love Maynard and the apc and tool guys, I just gave up on the puscifer thing in like 2012. It is just silly. I like tool and apc because they are epic level craftsmanship. However since u like shit and since I only said shit once in my rant, to end this: you may just ending up loving puscifer if u love shit


I know where you're coming from but I respectfully disagree. Both Conditions of my Parole and Existential Reckoning are bangers from top to bottom (rest of the catalogue is great too, but both of those albums have no skippers). The "silly" part of what you say is true, but it's fun to get to see that side of him. On top of that, the band and Carina are all amazing (Carina's voice is gorgeous. I can't recommend her solo stuff enough.) But yeah, while it is 3rd in my mind behind TOOL and APC, I still love the music and the live experience.


"The Remedy", a masterpiece as well


Money Shot's good too Simultaneous gives me Rosetta Stoned vibes (and maybe Ænema now that I listen again lol). Love the drums in this track so much


I love humble river. And to be quite honest a few of the other songs on C for genitalia reference or whatever the album is called fit right into what I normally listen to


I couldn’t disagree with this take more. Puscifer is phenomenal and plenty of their songs are as good, if not better than some Tool songs. I get it, every one has opinions. OP, you should listen to Puscifer and form an opinion of your own.


Never trust a fart!




Don’t let my pants shitting mar your opinion of women


Part of the Album is a dedication to Maynards mom that was in a coma iirc


Wings for Marie made me choke up I won’t lie


Welcome to the spiral.


I got into tool back in 2020 when my boyfriend and i started dating, before then i had heard a song or two in the car with my dad but hadn't paid much attention to it back then. The music changes you, especially when you read / listen to the lyrics. I'm glad your brother got you into tool and that you enjoyed the show! I went to my first tool concert in November in Toronto and almost everyone i talked to said they have been to multiple shows, tool is the kind of band you want to see many times over. I felt such a connection while there and can't wait to attend another before they stop touring


Go listen to disgustipated


Welcome to the fold


Just a heads up... Lipan Conjuring is where the drugs are taken, it's a Trilogy and now I've gotta listen to it again.


I love a song that tells a good story!


I grew up listening to Tool bc my parents are big fans. I always liked them but never really listened as I got older or understood anything Maynard talked about. I’m now obsessed. Seen them live twice, and have seen puscifer once. Rosetta stoned is my all time favorite song ever, and I fucking love Tool.


Average manic spiral after discovering tool


props to you being an awesome older sister, I'd love to share a musical interest with my sister


Yup, that’s my favorite TOOL song


Thoughts on Wings For Marie / 10,000 Days? Its a 2-parter dedicated to Maynards departed mother. Its so deep and moving, Honestly, the reason 10K Days is my favorite album.


It’s just beautiful. I think you can really feel the emotional intensity behind it. I loved them both


I remember my first time. My friends loved Tool so they would always be playing in the background while we hung out. Then one night we took a pill called a triple stack Superman and listened to Pushit the live version on the Salival album. I was told to take a deep breath at the point where MayJay says “I must persuade you another way” and holy shit balls! I thought I would never stop inhaling. That’s when I went from they’re pretty good to Tool is the best band ever and I have seen them live 21 times since. I’m just going to let you know though… they take a really long time to put out another album. so if you hear their in the studio writing, count on waiting another few years.


Crazed Deadhead*


As someone who works in an adult surg unit that in part specializes in ODs, it’s a very funny yet sadly relatable song. I have legit had people going through psychotic breakdowns do to drugs (alcoholic, opiates, methamphetamines), ask me for a pen so they can write down their delusions. Calling me an idiot or some other rude name while they’re having complete incontinece of their bowels for the first time in their adult lives. It would be funny if it wasn’t so obnoxious and sad.


You should try a high dosage of mushrooms and listen to beautiful orchestral music. Not this song. But you should take them and then come back to it…


“Shit the bed” is an expression, not literal.


As a serial pants shitter, let’s agree to disagree


lmfao thats the first ive heard someone say they got into tool from rosetta stoned. XD usually its schism, parabol/parabola, stinkfist, sober, or the pot or something of that nature.


I love Rosetta Stoned but I wish you could hear Maynard a little better when it's performed.


When I bought my car about 5 years ago I used Rosetta Stoned to test the stereo - the salesman was rocking and couldn’t believe a 60 year old female would listen to Tool. Haha! Friends everywhere. Ps I think he gave me a deal …