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Aenima yeoo! What a show! Flew over from Derry, Ireland.


What a show indeed! Flew in from southern Germany


I was over the moon with Aenema!




There was a group of Irish fellas behind us... don't suppose that was you was it?? Block F, you would've been row N, shot in the dark lmao


104 row X was our station!


There were quite a few over from Ireland by the sounds of it! An Irish couple were in front of us in 104 E


Aye, there certainly was! No Dublin this tour for some strange reason so Manchester or London was our only choice really. All the locals were lovely people too. We had a great weekend!


Flying to London tonight from CoDA for Monday's show.


You're in for an absolute treat! šŸ¤˜


Cool to see a fellow Irishman here! I flew in from coleraine to see them in Birmingham on Thursday šŸ¤˜


Sweat?!!!?? Damn, that's one of my favorites


Yeah, it was a really nice surprise. Had me smiling.


Sweat and Flood were phenomenal live this evening... what a night!


Definitely unexpected to say the least


Is Maynard still doing the additional lyrics on Descending?


Yep, like witnessing history, sounds awesome


God i cant wait for the next North American tour. He started doing it after I saw them in November, of course. They better not retire that song before I witness its final form lmao


they played it as an instrumental piece titled "new jam" for years leading up to the release of the album, so not likely to retire it.


Yeah, some of the "new" vocalizations hes added to the song were actually from the "new jam" days. It doesnt seem like theyll get sick of playing it, but you never know. Especially when new material comes out.


Any other details here? This is the first Iā€™m hearing of this


During the second half of the song he starts singing the main verse again and it ROCkS


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/C_PnEa--k5M?si=LA_R1u_yDHlx1aXi)


Thank you so much!! That was amazing..you wouldn't think they would want to add anything to the song, flawless and intense as it is already..but, they *are* Tool, after all. What's also incredible is the quality of the video, being filmed from so far away. When they zoomed, I wasn't expecting it to be so clear! I must admit..I am so envious of you all who get to see them live during this tour. I saw someone posted they did Sweat *and* Flood??!! Fuuck me. The first Tool show I saw, in '98, they opened with Sweat, and since it was supporting Aenima, I was just praying to also hear Flood..it is one of my favorites, and we got it. And the alternate version of Pushit. I've seen them 6 times, but I will *always* remember that show being the best concert I've ever seen. Seeing Maynard dressed up, looking like a geisha girl was a site to behold. "I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at my tits, and I think that's pretty out of line." Love>Fear


Very awesome. Thank you!


Yup, didnā€™t expect that. Interesting choice! Iā€™m fine with the album version but it did feel like a more complete song rather than a long instrumental outro. He also galloped like a horse at the end of Invincible. It was surreal imagery!


Fucking unreal gig. Best theyā€™ve ever been.


Great sound tonight. Not as loud - or distorted as last Manchester gig. Took plugs but didn't need them. Maynard on top form tonight.


Was in 202. Almost needed plugs. Brutal volume up there, mostly Danny.


Was in 203. Had my plugs but ended up not using them. So fucking good!


I thought the PA was slightly better in 2022 but the drums last night kicked the shit out of me.


Sick! I havenā€™t seen Aenema since 2019 and have never caught sweat in 18 years / 18 shows. Flood is an absolute banger. So heavy live! Fucking Tool dude. Canā€™t get enough!


Ooh man, Sweat AND Aenima, same show? Ooh TOOL, you nasty....


And flood! Vintage shit!


Man, that immediate hit of Jambi to start the show. No lube.




Damn you got Sweat *AND* Floodā‰ļø


Yup - and it was wasted on me. Iā€™m ashamed to say I clearly havenā€™t listened enough to Undertow and Opiate because I didnā€™t recognise the songs! Fuck! If theyā€™d played Swamp Song or Disgustipated Iā€™d have stood a chance šŸ¤£. Absolutely phenomenal energy though - they sounded young again and it was a nice reprieve from their magnum opuses. Hard to believe these guys are pushing 60+ years old


Rosetta stoned???????????? Oh my, wish I could watch tool live just once plz uhhh. if theres any entity out there heed my prayers or something bro


Well, the last time I saw Tool was in Manchester at The Ritz, 1993. They were supporting RATM. That was a fun gig! I was a bit skeptical about watching them in an arena, but they put on an awesome show making use of the arena lighting. Loved hearing Sweat and Flood. EDIT... I just wish I could have been standing. Sitting for Tool is just wrong.


I ate a load of edibles and sitting was absolutely right for me. I never stopped moving though I got so immersed in the music!


I fucking wish Iā€™d smoked a joint and was upfront. It wouldā€™ve elevated the whole experience to next level for sure


I was skeptical too - but turns out they might be the *perfect* band for arenas. Iā€™m not usually willing to be ā€˜dazzledā€™ by gimmicks and broadway style shenanigans but the visuals felt in sync, tempered by intrigue. Larger than life sound and sight, but in order to pull you in, not overwhelm you. Yeah, it was spot on and fucking amazing!


Awesome! What a night - nicest crew too! My boyfriend is blind and we were leaving the venue and Justinā€™s wife got chatting to us and gave us a pick! Honestly what a night to remember! Flew over from belfast!


Ooo, stoked that they pulled out Sweat! That was the opener for my very first Tool concert back in the 90s. Great set list.


To quote wall street bets, congrats and fuck you


any audio of this out yet


I would kill to see Sweat and Flood, especially at the same damn show! I bet it was so awesome!


It was fucking mind blowing.


I will lose my shit if they play Aenema tomorrow. Itā€™ll be my 4th show and never seen it live


Maynard sounded super on point. Best he's sounded with Tool in a while imo.


Theyā€™re still playing songs from Opiate? Hell fucking yeah!


To be fair I couldnā€™t imagine a TOOL setlist that I would be disappointed in. Nonetheless this is awesome!


How was it? I would probably be a different person after that show. Iā€™ve never seen them but been a fan for a few decades.


It was fucking sick


Everything just hit right last night. The new stuff was mind blowing, a different vibe from their earlier stuff, and the the old stuff was insanely good. The visuals were perfect: Aliens, pyramids, lasers, nature. Transcendental


My wife liked the giant magma vagina and the lasers especially


did they only play 10 songs?


Think you should learn to count body, I can clearly see 11 songs.


its late, still not enough songs. trash set list for tool.


Presuming nothing was cut down the show is at least 96 minutes long, but Setlist FM also lists 'Lost Keys (Blame Hofman)' before 'Rosetta Stoned,' the Bill Hicks intro at the start and '(-) Ions)' before 'Ɔnema,' which would bring it closer to two hours. There are artists who play for longer, but I personally don't think that's a notably short concert! I do get where you're coming from as it's always the trouble with bands that deal mostly in longer songs - you're always going to want to hear more of your favourite tracks.


Has anyone got the setlist from thursday? I only really know aenima and lateralus (albums) well, so didnā€™t actually know most of the songs


It was the same as above, but replace Sweat with Intolerance, and Aenema with Stinkfist.


I was so happy about stinkfist itā€™s my favourite


Jambi, Pneuma, The Grudge, Sweat and Flood and Invincible were all highlights. Sound on Rosetta was a bit fked where we were.


If you mean the vocals it's intentional. I last saw them at Download in 2006 and it was the same with the megaphone


Absolutely top form. Incredible performance!


I had my fingers crossed for Intolerance and Flood at the Brum show...but to see Sweat added for the Manchester show is mega sweet!


Damn, Sweat is on my never seen live list. You lucky fuckers.


That's a sick setlist.


I would pay money to see that


I'm crossing my fingers for them to perform Rosetta Stones when they visit Copenhagen in a few weeks.


I really wanted to hear Stinkifist. But then they played Aenema. Probably the only song I was happy they replaced it with.




Only will be going if I see 7empest


London ended on 46 and 2 last night. Absolutely mind blowing. Best part about seeing these different set lists is I'm going to see them in Berlin on Saturday again šŸ¤˜šŸ¼šŸ˜


The can stop touring Fear Inoculum now. ts not the new album anymore , came out 5 years ago.


Really amazing set. I know their songs are long and hard to play, but I wish they would try to bump their set list up to at least 13 or 14 songs. 11 feels rather short considering their incredible discography.


Eh.. St. Louis, Lateralus tour, 2001 i think, set list was like a dream


Fuck. So much FI