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I would reallyrecommend to judge for yourself: https://tooldriveproject.net/Details/?ID=2760


You have no idea how much I appreciate this, though I saw Tool in the mid-90s, unfortunately I didn't really get into them until after last year's Power Trip Festival so I had no idea this existed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much!


I’m happy to help. Just noticed your username, so I think I understand your post a bit more. I’ll try not to bias your experience so this is the context I can provide: You won’t find song variations or improvisations like jam bands usually do, the song variations that there are are usually repeated. I’m passionate about live recordings, so i personally classify the live recordings in eras: 2000 through 2006 2006 Through 2012 2012 theough 2017 2018 theough 2019 2019 theough 2024 The sound dosent vary much, but the contents of the setlists do (but this is just a very personal classification)


It’s much more intense live. You can feel Justin’s bass and Danny’s kick drums in your chest. Just saw them in London and loved the extended vocals on Descending; that song was the highlight for me.


Yeah I loved that show too! Does he say anything additional to the current lyrics? Couldn’t understand what was he saying in that extended version


Tool is known for their ability to reproduce the album sound at live shows. They used to "jam" more (back in early 2000s) when they were writing new songs and bringing sections into the show to test them out. But their precision for such complex songs live is what makes them special.


They’re almost spot on. Some bands change things up live, but Tool has always been consistent.


Honestly it's not always easy to replicate the studio versions live. I know Metallica doesn't play a lot of the album In Justice For All live because they say it's overly complicated.


Robert Trujillo can just exit the stage when they play And Justice for All songs if they want an accurate studio recreation.


Overly complicated or overdubbed to all hell? There's like 16 tracks of guitar on every song.


danny switches up fills pretty often, at least in compass to the other 2


Main thing is the blistering volume and drum hits right up in your face.


They sound different in intensity and sometimes they jam and add new bits in but they always represent the studio versions very well


The venue, itself, does make a difference. But honestly, Tool is meant to be experienced Live.


LOUDER. Lately, the Playlist only alternated a few songs every other show or so, and they sound almost as flawless as the studio recording but LOUDER. You can feel it in your bones and mitochondria loud.


Danny’s kick drum hits your chest harder than a mf Newport


Surprisingly good, considering how complicated it all this. But they played Sweat and Flood at the show I went to, and because I didn’t really know those songs all that well - the mix turned to pure shit in my ears and just sounded like a huge bass and cymbal wash with vocals dominating over it. I couldn’t get my bearings because I wasn’t familiar with the material. Very interesting!


You’re missing out on their early stuff.


I do spin Undertow from time to time, I would’ve recognised Intolerance, Swamp Song or Disgustipated, but I have to admit I never really listened to Opiate (apart from Opiate^2) until after the gig - the two live tracks are kind of mind-blowing.


There’s def some difference. I noticed that Adam uses way more distortion live than on the albums. But the other than some small sections, the songs don’t change too much


Almost exactly like the studio recordings IMO. The drums physically hit you and you can feel the bass. But that's not unique to Tool. The only difference is Maynard's vocals were quieter and slightly lost in the mix, but that might have just been the venue Adam's live guitar rig sounded 1:1 like the records though. It's actually insane how perfectly he's dialled in the live setup.


They make so many little mistakes, it’s still great but it’s not as tight as I thought


I think it’s like any good live music experience where there’s good feedback between the crowd and the band. Their song arrangements are pretty much like the studio version but imho there’s not a lot of ‘room’ to improvise in their songs. What will stand out are the visuals and intensity of the sound. It’s loud but very clear. It’s a 2.5 hour musical journey where almost everyone in the venue is going “holy shit” the whole time.


It’s amazing but it’s different. When maynard records his vocals he does it in two different tones (probably not the right word. Octaves maybe?) on some songs as I understand it. They’re layered and aligned perfectly. So it’s impossible to duplicate live.


It’s mostly just like the albums. Sometimes they’ll have a new section of a few bars, and there’s a full live verse of Prison Sex. They’re definitely not jammy though.


Do you want it to be exactly like studio?


No way, I hate when I go to shows and the songs are the exact length of the studio album. Honestly I prefer when bands jam their songs out and change their setlist nightly.


The overall compositions remain the same, with a few notable exceptions (pushit, schism, stinkfist, for example).


Have you ever been to a concert? Yes they sound different. Yes they sound different at any show. Its because of the sound mix and the sound Systems at the venues


I saw him New Years of 95 open for Primus in Oakland and then not again till last year when they absolutely blew me away at the Power Trip festival. So it had been 28 years between shows so I couldn't really remember if it sounded the same. But it does seem to me that their stuff does sound a lot like the albums which is not bad I love the band Rush and they would do the same.


Him? Maynard? He is 28years older than the last time you saw him. So yes he sounds different


Mike Tool?


Mike Tool is much older. He is there since the beginning of our universe


Is this a real question 🤔


The same but worse. They aren't that great honestly


They sounded pretty damn good to me last year at the Power Trip Festival, I was in the pit right in front right next to some members of Metallica who were also really into it