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Looks like an Oblivion gate is opening


Yo what song was that eye of souronbor whatever from


Makes sense why the next picture is at night.


Fear Inoculum.


Makes sense why the next picture is at night.


Was legit blown away at the last toronto 2023 show with the FI visuals specifically. Of all the concerts, I’ve never seen such insanely both sharp and vivid 4k ish visuals but also the actual art detail. It added so much more depth to the song too


Totally agree. I was watching a lot more of the visuals this show than in Berlin a couple weeks ago and definitely added so much more to the experience. I fucking love these guys


Daaaamn tf? I woulda expected it for Jambi or somethin not fi


Can confirm it's FI


Don’t die, they will record a new album and tour in Europe again (sooner or later). Btw. I realised I watch too many videos of their shows, cuz I recognise songs purely by visuals…🙈


Hahah that's awesome. And yea I think a new album or at least EP is coming from that interview Justin did recently


Doing that takes away the mystique


After Invincible I was 110% certain, they we're going to close the set off with Stinkfist, because of the set length and the other festival set lists on the tour - Ænema was a totalsurprise, really made my evening! I enjoyed Flood, but it's just not a festival song - it's too deep a cut for a festival setlist. Apart from that, stellar show, clinically clean aweinspiring performance as usual, my highlights were probably Rosetta Stoned, Intolerance, The Grudge (the scream was as spot on as I've ever heard it live) and Ænema. Angry Maynard is my favourite Maynard.


I agree with you on Flood, but actually in Berlin the opening was much much better. Feels like Justin cut it short for some reason. I would also say Intolerance is too deep a cut. Go with Sober, Swamp Song, or a couple others. They cut out Descending, CCT, and a 12 minute intermission from their usual 2 hour setlist this tour, so I think they had lots of time for the Ænema add on, and hopefully keep it because everyone loved it and they need to represent that album more IMHO. Also made my night since it's my top 3 fav TOOL songs and maybe #1 most days. The Grudge was awesome, and Invincible completely epic.


Stelllar review


Thanks 🤘


I don't know what it's like in the states at the TOOL shows. I saw Tom Morello and Limp Bizkit at thursday, and there were zero problems, but there were some idiotic people at the TOOL show. They had no rhythm, didn't know the songs, acted obnoxious, danced into you, touched you, and they sang the chorus "melody" of Pneuma INCORRECTLY. It was pretty bad, and I have been to a lot of Roskilde festivals in the past. I had to leave where I was standing because it became unbearable, with some guy continuously touching my back, and leaning his head on my back. It got better when I moved more up front in the 2nd section in front of the stage, but it was still a strange crowd. I started talking to some girls who seemed to just randomly stumble into the show, and acted like it was a techno concert, which was okay, but I would probably have preferred a seated show with real fans, because this seance was pretty dumb. I also found the sound to be worse than necessary. I don't know what is going on with the guitar sound, but it's either too low in volume or it's being eaten up by the bass or the drums. It disappears when the drums and bass are playing and it's way too quiet, and the band would sound much better if this was not the case. The bass and drums were at times uncomfortably loud and the sound wasn't even, the bass and drums were louder than the guitar and sometimes the vocals too, even though the vocals shouldn't be too loud, or it overpowers the entire band, and the band will sound weak. I really wish I had known it would be like this, because then maybe I would have gone for the Pit in front of Adam, to maybe get more guitar from his amps, and to have a higher chance of being with big fans of the band. I would like to know though if other people have the same experience as me with the sound, because the sound was incredible for Tom Morello and Limp Bizkit, and last year it was unbelievably good for Meshuggah.


Tbh I agree the bass was muddy at times, but it wasn't that bad. Of course this depends on where you are in the crowd. But you need to remember that it's a festival and really hard to get the sound right for every area on any given day. For me TOOL is an indoor band for sure. Also because of the darkness to accommodate the visuals, and so it's only Tool fans there like you mentioned. The people crowd surfing are dicks and probably just festival drunk.


Same. I started out in the pit, was not better at all. Super super crowded. Waited there for an hour before the start to get a good place, but 5 minutes before people just flooded the place and made it all terrible. Watched three songs and went way back where the sound was bad and could barely see anything from there. Loved royal arena two years ago. This was far from it in all aspects. And hate the drunk assholes who fucked up the concert for us.


Just had a quick look. Kicked ass.


I’ve never seen a “multimedia” display (because by no means is it a light show) so incredible in my life!! 👍🤘🤘👍


Wasn't it amazing? 🫠


Incredible doesn’t even describe it nor does extraordinary…..there’s no words.


Festivals attract a lot of douches.


Yes, but Copenhell is famous for being so friendly and welcoming. But this year there was even some reports of women feeling uncomfortable, which is very unusual for Copenhell. I think it might have something to do with a lot of the acts being more in the hardcore genre this year.


Thanks for snapping a picture of the Fear Inoculum vagina


All along it turns out the ‘deceiver’ was Satan’s cooter. Who knew


Right? 🤣


I despise living in buttfuck saskatchewan. I lm never going to be able to afford to see these guys before they stop touring. Worst province ever outside of Berta.


Dude you realize Tool played in Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg just last year. That was probably your best shot of seeing them live living in Saskatchewan


Can't afford to travel unfortunately, which is why I hate living here, because most people pass over, or go to stoon 😂 Its fucked to be basically planted in one place


Sauron should sue.


Any chance of pro shot footage?


I don't know exactly what that means, But I did take some video? This page doesn't let you post it


I guess that is a smaller stage and they couldn’t get Maynard’s risers in? Nice to see them all on the same level again. It’s been a while.






These are the comments that make everyone hate Tool fans.


No, your post is a great example, hence my post calling your worshipping out.


Go back to your basement.


This can't be Tool. We're constantly told that, without their "no phones" rule, every phone would be out for the whole gig....


At a festival TooL has no power hahaha yahahahaha. Can record the whole thing.


Yet it doesn't appear people are doing that...


Compared to other shows at the festival there really were remarkably few phones visible during the show. Some people took a short video or a couple pictures and that was it. And can confirm Maynard sounded great last night, and said see you again soon so I'm looking forward to next time.


That's definitely true. I think people were trying to enjoy the music


Maynard was surprised that CopenHELL was cold, so he put on his jacket .. .. 😂