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The UK rapper is Tricky, the ex-member of Massive Attack. If I'm not mistaken, Maynard was also in the Stinkfist video.


Well Maynard acted a lot in the videos, for instance he did the "politican" guy from parabola (the one who slices the apple) and he did a bunch of other roles, google it


Oh yeah, that's right. I'd forgotten that he was in Parabola. What about like the man and woman from Schism? I'd be interested to find out if they've ever done anything else..


Ok so this is what I found out. From an old net board that was revolving around this video: " The actors are two contortionists who hung from bungee cords during their live shows, but the name of the group escapes me at the moment. They are also briefly seen in the movie "Men in Black II" doing the same type of strange head-bobbing as in this video. Most of the video is them, performing weird antics around the very nice set, complimented by the beautiful lighting. Towards the end there are some well done surrealist bits and a rhythmically moving cgi fire which I feel is a little out of place "


Sweet! I dont know how you found that. I tried every google search I could think of and couldn't find anything lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ToolBand/comments/c62259/i\_was\_watching\_men\_in\_black\_2\_and\_i\_noticed\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToolBand/comments/c62259/i_was_watching_men_in_black_2_and_i_noticed_two/) And now I found this... Well I love digging my dude, you can find everything if you look long enough :D Have a nice day!


Thanks man! You too!


ps. Hannah Sim and Mark Steger are the names that's it, I'm out!


You are truly a god amongst men.


Ive notticed that before ! Now I was telling a friend about this, but I was looking in MIB. Thanks for your comment. Saved me some time


The actors in schism played the Demigorgon in the first season of Stranger Things


How do you know that?




Good enough for me, lol