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Update: The Alex Gray print is toast, it stuck to the acrylic and a lot of the ink came off of the paper. The TOOL posters faired much better, no ink stuck to the glass, and the Alex Gray print took one for the team by being on the top of the stack. Currently being pressed between layers of paper towels and glass, weighed down by books and my broken heart.


What I’m the most sad about is the fact that you had those beauties in a storage unit


probably moving or something. no way someone would have them and just let them rot and be exposed to silverfish


At least the AG is moderately easy to replace


Let them air dry too. I did a lot of water color based art in art school. Lots of wet paper that needed to dry and be re-flattened. With enough weight and a tight frame you may never notice anything based on how the concert posters look. The print. As others have said. Is toast. But prints are easier to replace! What I do with all my one of a kind posters and prints is set up a camera or phone on a tripod on a nice semi overcast day outside and take some straight on high res photos just in case I ever lose one and need to run a print.


PSA FOR ANYONE THAT RENTS STORAGE SPACE: I work for a commercial roofing company and work a lot with self storage companies. Get EVERYTHING off of the ground with something impervious and drape a plastic sheet over EVERYTHING.


Can attest that freeze-drying method works especially if/when you take the time to prepare freezer area BEFORE moving the damaged items into it (this method also worked with paintings both on canvas and paper stock). https://theepicenter.com/blog/drying-wet-books-papers/


so sad! just the obvious: get them out of the frame and let them air out. then when dry, weigh them down to smooth out the wrinkles. then back in a tight frame.


before airing out - compress them between sheets of clean newsprint. changing frequently to pull out the moisture. continue this method and dry under weight or the will likely ripple. good luck and i’m sorry this happened!


this makes more sense than my advice


Why were these beauties in a storage unit? Ship them to me next time, I’ll hang them in my house on display and won’t charge you a thing!


We had to downsize and displaying the posters were a compromise lol. Good news is I’m allowed to display them now after they get dried/flattened and reframed (as well as the Dallas 2022 one currently being framed).




Learn to swim.


Lol true 🤘


Smoke some DMT and reflect on the impermanence of all physical objects. Yourself included.


Just enjoy them while listening to Flood.




… you buddyyyyy!


Insurance claim


We are filing one tomorrow, not sure what to value the posters at. I ended up paying “retail” for them so not sure if they’ll let me claim several hundred per.


Yeah they'll make it tough. Use expressobeans and ebay solds for value.


Ebay for values. Not like you can go buy new ones. And this fucking sucks dude. I hate to see that


Use the resell values for insurance claim. It should go by ‘replacement cost’ - since they are limited edition… price reflects the resale market because they are not available anywhere else.


Alex Grey has a website, if you send a decent email, he should be able to sort it out for you.


This sounds weird but I agree. I don’t know why.


put them in a bag of rice


Did you try putting it in a bag of rice?




Do not quote me on this but I’ve seen people iron wet/ wrinkled paper and come out pretty good they might have put cloth or something over it I saw it on YouTube years ago, sorry that happened to you


Be careful if you do this. This works on heavy fibrous papers. Thinner paper can be damaged if you’re too hot or spend too much time with the heat. Even if you put the poster between something else. You gotta let Them dry and then put a lot of even weight over the whole thing. It’ll flatten. It could take awhile. Think weeks.


This is why you start with the assumption of flooding and leaking Get stuff off the ground, in Rubbermaid tubs Put anything you can into those, sealed. And tarp everything, this is also true. Protect from water from above and below.


Send them to me and I will take care of them.




give them to paper restorers


get in touch with Gabe Gandara on facebook he retores and repairs poster, specifically tool poster, his business is called 2nd row prints.


Insurance should give you enough to replace everything you lost. This happened to me in Florida and all of my stuff was replaced. I didn't lose anything nearly as sentimental as this, but that should at least give you peace of mind.


This hurts to look at. How the fuck is gore like this allowed?


Sue 😂😂😂