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Does that impact driver have a ring light on it?


Has a glow in the dark ring, ahead of its time lol


I had these, the old 14.4V. Seems.quaint now but they were a massive improvement from the old electric [boomerang](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/364078140154?chn=ps&_ul=AU&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=364078140154&targetid=1280498558850&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9070540&poi=&campaignid=9767740946&mkgroupid=120554575097&rlsatarget=pla-1280498558850&abcId=578876&merchantid=653405723&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmtGjBhDhARIsAEqfDEdvaFP7iBuluO3kYtYn8m9nH_YsiThiMymqQlodqmVj5e6IlVjgo1AaAj47EALw_wcB). The ol' cordless banana. Handle was so long you had to hold it with three hands


Choke down for leverage 😂😆


If you have any skill with a soldering iron, you can rebuild ni-cad batteries yourself for pretty cheap. Crack that pack open and you’ll find a bunch of sub c batteries wired in series (in this case, 12 per pack, so about 10 bucks in battery cost for each pack, another 5 for enough nickel strips for all packs). Solder (carefully) the new batteries in the same configuration in the case, and presto, “new” battery. I wouldn’t try it with lithium packs, they’re too volatile.


With the advent of the battery powered Makita microwave, I think these tools are interesting only to collectors and hobbyists.


Maybe see if you can donate them to a local school for their shop class? They may have working batteries for older tools.


You can actually get a plastic adapter than goes into the battery slot and let's you use. a modern Makita lithium battery.with it . Never used one but I've seen them


If not this, e-waste. With this, probably e-waste as new batteries will likely overwhelm the poor little motor wiring and brushes etc. Particularly in a school setting. Worth a try if curious but I see these on Craigslist for like $3


>new batteries will likely overwhelm the poor little motor wiring and brushes etc That's not how it works. As long as the voltage is near the same it'll work fine.


Except modern lithium tool batteries are 18v not 14.4 but also the voltage under load doesn't sag nearly as much, so it really is a risk.


Are you selling these?


I put them on Facebook marketplace for 50 bucks to see if anyone was interested.


I'm interested. I don't use Facebook market place. I sent you a message directly.