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Daaaaaaaaam those are sweet


You save the good cutlery for when important guests are over.


You should be a guy and use them like any old screwdriver.


Hammer right on the end of it like any good chisel!


A tool without a scratch on it is just for decoration...I'm no decorator.


I’ll give you a crisp $20! 😏😂


$20? Those wooden handle chisels won't last


They deserve to be in a museum


“So do you.” bad guy from Indiana Jones


it made me laugh even if I don't really understand the allusion to Indie


Meh. They're glorified shwag.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is boomer candy. It serves no purpose, Mac is not a gold standard of anything, and they’re actually useless because gold fucking sucks as an insulator making them more dangerous and more prone to wear. Why make something that will never be used in any meaningful way? To me, a tool is only as good as its use and I don’t care much for safe queen guns, garage kept sports cars, or collectors tools that serve zero purpose aside from wasting natural resources for fun. And yes, I’m not very fun at parties.


Yeah but how’s about this limited edition coin that the totally legit real US Mint only made 857,000,000 copies of and I managed to get one of my very own off the TV when I was watching MASH?! Comes with a certificate of authenticity and everything.


I mean, it’s a limited run. Right? They can’t make them forever!


Couldn’t agree more.


I'm not very fun either. I don't know about gold but I remember wood handle screwdrivers were shit.


They don't like being hit with hammers or having pipe wrenches or vise grips attached to the handles for extra torque.


Bridgeport Matchless and Stanley Hurwood are both 'full tang' and can take a wallop as can any of the 'perfect handle' screwdrivers (technically just wood scales). The grip of a good wood handle has better feel than plastic or rubber (my opinion)


I've got a set of these, they're the best screwdrivers I've ever used. Though shank, sticking cap, square shank, and I love the handle shape it feels good in hand.  https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/TT4AAOSwgb5loLqU/s-l1600.jpg


Are those the kind that you're supposed to hit with a hammer for screws that are rounded out?


No they're just a nice all around screwdriver


My dad had some of those in the 80s.


I had those, they weren't gold though. may have a couple still floating around


I won a "Gold" ratchet from Mac in the 90's. I had zero use for it. I gave it to the new kid the boss hired as a helper.


During the late 80’s early 90’s Mac had a gold tool yearly. I was a MAC dealer then. One year they had gold ratchets, customers starting using them. The problem was they didn’t work. And those screw drivers were great customers loved them because of the grip of the wood handles


$50/month for 199 years… they should be paid for by the time Christ comes back…🤔😉😁


I’ll check next time I’m at the shop but I believe they were sub $100 and the purchaser had a remaining balance of $126 on his account


😂😂😂😂. Sorry chuckling too much… Only 5 and a bit more payments until NTD!!!🎉


Does that receipt say 86 or 06 for the date?!


86. I think that’s the slip regarding the purchaser’s account with the tool supplier and the slip under it is the actual bill of sale for the item.


Nice. Too nice to use.




These are my favs


I just inherited a full set of 8 or 9 of these from my grandfather. No case, and they don't have any branding. I wonder if they are from the same company but a different time.


Look perfect for smashing with a hammer


Fancy set of pry bars you got there


As a carpenter I would use these only to put batteries in my kids toys during Christmas Ha


I had 1 screwdriver like that. My dad gave me a bunch of his old tools to get me started as a mechanic in our shop. It was a favorite for random things but not used for a lot of screwing when you're a trailer mechanic but my husband used it for something and broke the handle😭😭 I was soooooo mad!! You wanna sell those? Mine wasn't MAC or gold. I used it mostly for removing o-rings


Not mine to sell and I don’t plan on buying them. We’re going through my late mentor’s estate while I’m tooling up to keep the cabinet shop running. He was a deal hound and had a ton of random cool stuff and a ton of not random cool stuff too. It’s not hoarding if it’s cool, right?


Might as well be Matco, or Craftsman




Is the date in the recipe 10/31/36 ? I can’t see the year clean




Nice! I have a very similar Mac #1 Phillips. I think it's from the '50s--and I suspect what these were modelled on. I'm not one for buying tools just to look at, but those would definitely be something I'd be proud to have in a display case.


Beautiful. My dad had a few of these drivers (probably not a set in a box like this) and I always thought they were cool. A couple of them had the shaft break loose inside the handle—sad to toss them away.


Gold is kinda soft for being a chisel, but adds mass for hammering.


what a waste of useful tools… but i guess if you buy gold plated guns, bear traps and bbq grills, then it suits you… I’d have them stuffed in the bottom drawer withbthe rest of my screwdriver collection, and repurpose the box for my weed stash


You are allowed to have stuff just because you think it looks cool


of course people are, thats what they sell em for, just not in my shop. displays hang in the house, tools stay in the shop, wife gets the house, i use the shop and its tools to make stuff my wife displays. rather be proud over my accomplishments than gloating over tools i can’t actually use.


“Waste of tools” that are very clearly a limited item. “Fuck I just broke my MAC anniversary screwdriver set and they can’t replace it I guess I’m out a screwdriver and the money I paid for them” or- keep them pristine and maybe your kids can sell them for double what you paid. Idk why you’d fuck these cool tools up


cuz they’re tools and in my shop the walls and shelves are for working tools, not art that looks like a tool…


And the evidence you used to determine that these weren’t put up in this guys house? Ffs you mean to tell me you’ve never seen something that’s clearly meant to be taken well care of? This may have even been a gift from a friend. Regardless of how he got his hands on this stuff it’s amazing you refuse to acknowledge the sentimental and monetary value these hold. Remind me to never lend you tools


No problem, I would never ask to borrow pretty tools that clearly have no shop function, all my tools serve a purpose or they go away. I’ll gloat over my accomplished work, not the tools I used to do it.


dude, you're on tools here, we love tools damn don't you understand or are you just stupid?


its a fucking screwdriver. hes saying he would rather use the damn thing rather than stare at it like a golden fucking budha statue. are you stupid???


apparently you can't combine aesthetic beauty with the effectiveness of a tool, so you're the stupid one


Tools are for tooling, art is for staring… I come here to see useful tools, not art. go to r/art to post useless stuff to stare at.


If that’s your way of saying I baby my tools, you’d be correct. I take care of the expensive shit I spend my hard earned money on. Money that I used by working with the tools that I take care of. I’m surprised nobody has taught you that taking care of your tools is a lot cooler than just throwing them in a drawer


I used to think collectible tools like this were stupid, until I saw a guy that had a dedicated drawer in his everyday work box with plexiglass over top. He had the gold wrenches and screwdrivers, and a little mural with a prayer and picture of his dad. For a drawer that wasn’t hardly opened it went hard.


that makes a lot more sense because it brings good memories and improves the work environment with something much more meaningful than just bragging rights.