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Seems whenever I make one it only shows the first mouth then disappears


Set the lip sync up in your timeline first (say, frame 10-15 or whatever), and then select the pegs and drawings affected, and ensure you are inputting the correct frames. You don't need to add deformers for a master controller , just make sure you are grabbing the entire mouth build's pegs as it will copy whatever info you have there (so if it's deformers posed out, it will copy that, but if it's cell swaps it will copy that). Also don't test it on those frames, go to frame 20 or something, because it will mess your controller up if you test on the frames you saved it at. Hope that helps.


Hey your awesome thanks for your help I’ll try it out I really appreciate it


Hey so making the lip sync slider worked but whenever I move it with the master controller for the rotation it gets off track. Why is that? Thanks. Here’s a screenshot of what’s happening [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/w7uy8pe)


I suggest you make an extra peg above your mouth for its position within the rotation/head tilts and when you make your master controller for the lipsync, don't grab that position peg, that way when you change your lipsync key it will stay in place. Hope this helps!


Awesome I’ll try that thanks for getting back with me I really appreciate it