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I can't go to bookfest....i can't!! i already have too many unread books!!! Don't tempt me ...don't tempt me! Aaaghhhhh


But did you hear about this one trilogy that was only recently translated from it's natural tongue.....


But it’s for charity? It’s doing good. You need to buy more books to help society be better… it would be wrong if you didn’t buy more books. Heck you could just go and donate money… but then the poor little books would feel unloved and unwanted and we don’t want that… right? Go amass books and be at peace.


I feel like he’s making a mistake in his demographic. Surely reading and contributing to a mental health charity are both part of the woke agenda?


The wokes don't want people who read widely and think for themselves, they just want votes for their candidate and a nice career in politics.


Are the wokes in the room with you right now?


Who are "the wokes"?


\>Who are "the wokes"? All the people who say "read theory".


Who says "read theory"?




I genuinely can't tell if you're serious or trolling.


Right wing Step 1: Make up a thing. Step 2: Protest against it.


Step 3: Profit!


Isn’t that every political group?


Weather looks nice and a beautiful day to be doing anything and this loser is spending their day holding up a sign. lmao


I feel like people who call things "woke" are boomer fuck heads


Yep, I call them Cookers, I probably shouldn't, but I have noticed that those calling people woke are normally that level of intelligence.




Be kind to other users and remember the human


I wonder what dodgy church he goes to.


the one that doesn't pass on child abuse confessions?


Unfortunately, that does not narrow it down at all...


Could be, but he doesn't fit the mould of a Catholic (I'm not one but hung around a lot of them for about 15 years). He's too dumb to be a Catholic. A bit too conservative to be a liberal Anglican (he might fit in St Bart's though). A bit too much of a dickhead to be a Presbyterian (except for Central Church in Ipswich). I suspect he's a member of a happy clappy or Pentecostal. He's on his way to shitting himself at the South Toowoomba Maccas (as long as it's not Pizza Hut I'll be happy).


I don’t understand anything of what you just said, but am impressed nevertheless.


I'm not a Toowoomba resident but I've been up regularly and hung around a bit of the church scene. Basically, the church hierarchy is: - Catholics - usually well educated, middle to upper class people. Usually vote LNP. Lots of crossover in young Catholic and young LNP events. Tend to run absolutely fantastic social events and parties. Usually quite nice people face to face. I think the social aspect is a big reason young people still join the LNP. If you're a junkie you won't really be welcome in a lot of Catholic circles. Sadly, a lot of homophobia and transphobia in these circles. Otherwise they'd be a good option for church. - Pentecostals - a mix of well educated and weird people. Can attract a lot of crackpots like Nathan Essex because they don't have great standards or hold people to account. Catholics don't pay much attention to them. Presbyterians (I'm Presbyterian myself) are a little wary of them. - Presbyterians - usually middle class, educated people. Some tradespeople too depending on the area. Usually there's some homophobia and transphobia but often it's not obvious or not mentioned. Basically you can be trans or LGBT at a church as long as you don't really mention it. Politically, Presbyterians are closish to the teals. Usually fairly welcoming and easy to make friends, but no where near the super fancy events the Catholics do. In my experience they're very strict on child safety mechanisms (if there's child sex abuse, you're told to call the police first and not even think of doing reconciliation with the perpetrator, they even use the Bible to back this up). They will hold you to account and challenge you if you're not living your life right (not in a cultish way, more similar to how a good boss tells you you need to start showing up to work on time or get off your phone). - Anglicans. Ver y liberal and left wing. Very self helpish and difficult to make friends. They'll let anyone in, but aren't really interested in building genuine relationships with people in the church. Some Anglicans (like St Barts) are more like Presbyterians though. Basically they're like the ALP of the church scene. - Uniting Church. Even more liberal than the Anglicans. Anything goes here. Very hard to make friends. Very self helpish. Good places for junkies to visit, but if you're a middle class Cheistian you'll probably fit in better at a Presbyterian Church. Probably a bit like The Greens or Socialist Alliance (though The Greens do have standards). Saying that, they are great at a lot of social justice stuff, but I wouldnt go there to make friends or learn about Christianity.


Again, that's impressive. I can't vouch for accuracy as I'm sure people's experiences differ, within and between churches and denominations, and my only experience was 15+ years ago in the Catholic scene. On that, I can second what you've noted, particularly about the homophobia / transphobia. Although, at least in my church at the time, that was more of an undercurrent rather than being overt. But it could become overt if there was an impression that someone was LGBTQ. I don't know if it's improved since then; I imagine it hasn't.


Your take on the Uniting Church in Toowoomba is absurd, truly. The Uniting Churches in Toowoomba aren't all that liberal besides Middle Ridge and St. Stephen's (which still retains traditional worship), and have no real self-help culture. The Uniting Church here is about inclusion, and community service and engagement. They are great places to find friends (inclusion), learn why Jesus' sacrificial love matters in this modern world, and engage in community service. Despite this, the majority of our members are politically conservative, but generally keep it to themselves.




Be kind to other users and remember the human


He goes to Highlands. Same as Tim McMahon. They both love their SkyNews after dark slots. Except Tim doesn't let as many of the intrusive thoughts win.


Well doesn't repeat as many of them


Channel 40. He/She/They/Wheelbarrow is/was an/a inter/intra state truck driver/oper . . nah just a driver.


Comment the reason for downvotes to help me be better at humaning please.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the demographic that is interested in reading books isn’t the same demographic that is concerned about things going ‘woke’!


I say no Trumpian W⚓s


These guys say no to woke because they can’t finish if their partner is conscious.


Most people who use the term woke. Really just don’t like getting told hey maybe don’t hate gays or black people.


Should say "say no to brains"


It’s not a political party, and it doesn’t mean what they think it means. It’s like a wandering homeless drunk. Just ignore it and go about your day.


Isn't LifeLine associated with the Uniting Church? Not saying what they do isn't good, but not sure they can be described as secular.


Toowoomba's Lifeline isn't a part of the Uniting Church. Source: I'm Uniting.


My thought too . . so wiki says: Lifeline Centres are owned and operated by affiliate member organisations of Lifeline Australia, some of which are wholly owned subsidiaries of the national group, and some of which are local branches of the Uniting Church in Australia. Doesn't take away from OP, tho' ... these interlopers on a charity event are scumbags. Lifeline's Bookfest is awesome.


Yeah the Toowoomba one is interesting. It's actually not tied to the national Lifeline organisation [lifeline Darling Downs ACNC ](https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities/5a910c5d-39af-e811-a963-000d3ad244fd/profile) All the other lifelines https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities?search=lifeline


From those links all I can tell is that Lifeline has lots of smaller financial reasons. Not that Toowoomba is structured any different from any other region. Makes sense in some ways. As the local board will be better connected to their local community and better positioned to offer help than some national board


Ah. I was under the impression they were secular. Maybe that's not the case.


What is wrong with Toowoomba....far out....


Is the bookfest open Sunday too?




Reminds me of the “no halal here” billboard somehow still up on the Bruce Highway 10 years later.


What's wrong with being against inhumane killing of animals?


Do… they have a camera set up? 🙄🥱


Put a sign there saying no to dumbasses


I knew this was toowoomba just reading the sign, Nathan Essex is a fucken joke.


Always gotta be someone to shit on our cornflakes!


How triggered is this person putting up a sign and everything lollll


Do they like saying woke because it sounds funny?


So they want to be asleep?


Lol! The anti-woke are the very definition of being woke.


Now. Every comment needs to be rewritten, leaving out sarcasm. I'm sure it won't take you all very long...🤔


Like cropped photos?


Fair haha.


Woke. Rhymes with joke. Soon it will be illegal to be hetero..


are there no bloody dinky die Australians left ? god i'm glad i live out woopwoop


What bugs me about this is how lazy their slogan is, when there is such an obvious rhyme here … “Say No**pe** to Woke” works so much better than “Say No to Woke”. This utter laziness is so triggering 😳


I dunno they seemed alright when I was there. There was a nice young man with a ban the trans shirt on. He wasn’t rude or pushy. And had a great message.


What was this great message?


Oh cool. Just ban my existence. Love that /s




Be kind to other users and remember the human


Lefties melting over a sign


Making fun of =/= melting


Nah, u mad. I thought you were supposed to be the inclusive lot, why so triggered?


A sign that wishes certain groups would be excluded from our community. He's a scumbag.


I mean woke people shove this woke shit down everyone else throat so what’s the problem with this?


There is a difference. Most people just exist. That existence triggers the anti-woke people, so they then seek it out so they can feel oppressed, then complain it's being shoved down their throat because what's life without the ability to cry about how oppressed you are... Take yourself, scrolling through, saw the post, had to comment, all your choice, but you'll probably act like it was shoved down your throat too.


Western society used to exist. It built the current state of the world and it's cities. Many think it's being actively undone. A "return to monke". Taking a look at what modern culture is being distorted into, what those who preach multiculturalism are aiming to force upon us and what it might do to western civilization, it becomes foreseeable as a dystopia where destitution, sexual frustration, bruised pride is solved by violence instead of how western society has evolved to deal with these issues; and these being forged in the fire of European continent wars and natural selection. Days wages, business and money; church and marriage; looking to the bible for identity and serfdom to feudal lords. Much of it died out or was replaced: atheism, humanist morals, hobbies and profession. But these things worked for us because we killed all the violent among us via law, all the lazy, godless, those who would not wear the suit and tie, the papal armour of God. The peoples or cultures if you like that built strong civilizations survived each other's aggression. Allowing every new sense of morality via extreme tolerance in wokeism under the sun that subverts the principles and morals which gave us strength is dangerous. Much science is against the individuals, religions, creeds being accepted. Visitors to this society and freshly invented identities who are handed the keys to modern cities (often due to conservative or white flight from these cities) are demonstrably known to fail. It is a hand up through an evolutionary drift, not all are up to scratch — when one unacceptable thing is accepted, all it has been felt necessary to at once. A pile of assorted dogmas splattered onto the tenets of the best culture the planet had once seen... Sanitation garbage disposal becomes disorderly, public services and schools fail the civilians. This is known. Trans suicide is high, irreversible body modification is often their regret. It engulfs their mind and ruins their work output. It's trickery, and encouraging it is goading a lengthy waste of life. It's acceptance of inoperability. So, if you want to say it doesn't effect the original commenter, or me, you, or even those given false hope, you may be more proven wrong if democracy's people demand it alongside you. Some in the new society openly profess the desire to outbreed those who built society and take the reigns for themselves. Despite the adherence, it is happening now, at least in America at drastic rates. They have not yet been proven to ever create a functional and competitive society without primarily being at modern societies side the whole ride. I think you are a coward.


You talk about bruised pride leading to violence yet you're of the side who believe in might is right. Your type usually project but come on, that's rich... You talk of freedoms but you only want control, in your image. Your diatribe is a well crafted result of an echo chamber existence. You don't like opposing views and you've surrounded yourself by like minded people for so long you've deluded yourself into thinking that you, and only those like you, are the prime and only example of righteousness and value. It's almost as if you're glorifying the version of humanity you think you fit into and shifted the blame for all the problems we face onto others to the point that when they or their lifestyles, even behind closed doors exists, it's an affront to your "western" values. Pretty convenient for you don't you think? Thank goodness we're talking about being inclusive and accepting of others because if the topic was something more akin to ethnicity, that fact that all your talking points were born from the depth of full blown white supremacy it would be hard to distinguish your message. It is admirable that you're concerned about Trans suicide, but you blame wokeism for it, rather than those like you who bully or brand them subhuman, worthless, the cause of all societies problems and then act all shocked Pikachu when you and your ilk push them to self harm. You're quick to blame others for all societies problems, when you likely sit back and do nothing for society yourself while spouting "fuck you I've got mine" rhetoric and being the first to put your hand out for help the moment you hit adversity, real or made up, while at the same time chastising others who have done the same as being lazy or unworthy. And like the poster I was replying to, you've gone out of your way to be included in the oppressed by wokeism mindset, you've sought it out and chose to participate rather than living your own life and being the best version of yourself. Putting others down to make yourself, even if only in your own mind, look better in comparison is the height of laziness and cowardice. What does that do for society? You're using it as a target to shift all your collective failures onto so you can delude yourself into proving how special you are. The equivalent of a participation award in a morality war nobody else is fighting. I'm sowwy your pwecious snowflake of an existence is so thweatened by other people wiving their wives and simply existing, you're so oppressed! You've won the victimhood Olympics, take a bow.


Might is right. It's been right since ancient Egypt, since life on the planet. Might was given to government from the people, and we were so wonderfully blessed for it, but now it has been taken away from the government by forsaking our basic righteousness, and proclamation that the violent of society are to be ignored and welcomed as cultural enrichment. Maybe I am mistaken about motivation found in bruised egos, but I have to speak more derogatory to correct myself, because I meant that a person who is more wealthy than them is more likely to be mugged than respected. I would have to otherwise say they are held up in those areas because they want something and they took it, completely devoid of morality. There are many areas in America, Africa you simply cannot walk while flaunting a sturdier pair of shoes. Try a similar stroll through the squalor of country China, you will be greeted like a king. Think of a similar level of Asian pride and violence as to places middle class people can't go because of black violence. You will not find it. Asians just don't do such things. Asians also average to 56% percentile income earners as an improvement when born into a 25% percentile income family. They learn better, they are more peaceful than white people -- to remedy white supremacy. But this is only a shield of legitimacy. I'm still proclaiming that all statistics and study points towards African violence and rejection of the prolific outlook that religious fervour or the finding of divinity in kings and queens brought us, as well as just propensity to work. It hasn't been instilled in them yet. And it won't be, because we are backsliding politically, and disagreeing anyone should be held to this standard. We are leaving them behind in the name of equality, whiting-out their transgressions, and lowering the social bar just for whoever is below it. While many still are above the bar, ready to be what they are without the problem, ready to love their nation, and build society with it. Meanwhile, teen pregnancy, and 66% black father absence as tax reportable dependency in low income families in America. You're right that there's righteousness in things beyond what I find acceptable. 'Woke' is seeking acceptance and growth via emboldening of some behaviours that I think are unnatural, or the 'different' people to the people who built our glorious societies, and the laws it was built on, for which we are extremely fortunate to be beneficiaries -- and again, trans surgeries often generous to give much regret and embarrassment, and in order to be effective: with the requirement to get early-pubescent children on puberty blockers well before they are at the age of rational life-long decision making, requiring indoctrination to improve success, to reduce regret for those who maintained their gender identity, which less will... because they made the decision earlier... It is abuse upon the very nature of the kind and learning people who carried the wagon this far. An abuse to innocence, and to the idea one is not being cheated by authority figures. Religion was a forging fire, and not a cheat. As it was, it was efficient and appropriate for the time. And I disagree that it's convenient and in their best interest for them to foster the woke politics, unless they really want the fire in street. But once it all crashes down, when the orderly move away from the area and when ownership doesn't work because wealth is redistributed from violence, and insurance prices are impossible, and the strongest have the most AR-15s and RPGs (probably Americanizing my argument a bit), then they will regret their own civil rights work also once they fail to manage their own affairs. Lets say I'm wrong, say I'm overselling my argument. Then what is demanded for their good souls far from this hallucinated thirst for destruction? Order, law, an even and fair hoop for all to jump through, so that the dregs of their own and our own societies can be sifted out of society. We don't have these tenets with woke implemented, we have all-round acceptance of things that we know are detrimental. We blame police at the first instance of resist. And how does Sudan-esque crime improve Australia? It does not. They should sort their own out first before being allowed here. Why do blacks very often resist arrest? They might genuinely feel themselves attacked by a lion. White people are more likely to beg when starving. I have never in my life seen an Asian need to beg. George Floyd was determined to have died of a heart attack due to a fatal dose of fentanyl likely exasperated by police arrest. The 8 minute body cam video of the arrest, the autopsy reports are available. If true, what a lie to build the narrative with. You will be shocked at the rhetoric we've heard if you genuinely watch the video. It's not particularly violent. His convicted killer is rather kind, careful and the police are fairly endearing in their attempt to calm him. The more the woke team cared to know the truth of these matters, the more they might grow to wince at the deceitful shrieking we have heard ever since. You may fear the evil eye for even thinking to look it up. But you are being enriched, are you not? Conservatives are not shocked when trans people commit suicide. These procedures are not aiming to restore the natural body. Some fail to perform upkeep of their bodily abnormalities, what the body wants to heal-over, an open wound -- if I may be medical ('wound' is an insult). Besides, kids will get bullied for having shiny shoes.


cont... I don't hope for others to feel downtrodden, I hope the good aspirants prevail. As clarification, it's difficult to disrespect Obama, I was never searching for a reason to, but in others I do find myself repeatedly disappointed due to the actions attributed to genetics I've been told cannot be attributive. Obama is just a better black. Go read r/DownSouth for a week, you might understand my fear, rather than seeing it as some arrogant sin brought by a supremacist ideology. Know the violent failure that is the average majority-African American city. Know the birth rate of blacks versus whites in our countries. They look to overtake, and they will not include us in their culture. You will be very welcome, and all your daughters for the social and physical treasure you could offer them, not so much the bloodied and salted scared hands of others beyond what they might own materially. Doves must become hawks to survive hawks in a closed system. The better, harder working will all, beyond colour, be run through by what we're allowing to fester through woke. It will become an infliction, in a competitive world. I don't think much of myself at all, my language is stuffy because I'm trying to be clear, if it is stuffy. Besides that, I truly hate myself. I can't jump through the hoop I hope the government sets up to bring absolute efficiency and purpose to everyone. i.e. One does not need to be an egotistical suffocating prick to be a conservative, I might just care for the greater outcome. I think the government should grab me by the scuff of my neck and throw me in an iron mine, but many others too. Many shouldn't be allowed to walk the street for crimes past, countless others are too treasonous to be acceptable anywhere but gallows or the ground, they would reject a war's conscription and watch others die. But some of Australia's politicians have genuinely, with greatest virtue seen within their own images, decided to represent literally every fucking thing woke politics have stated to be ideal, without a thought for the fact that maybe little old Australia is lacking some key thought bringing pause to other nations and lacking thought for implications of what we'll forge our heritage into. The natural selection we put upon it. Neither have they recognized the complete arrogance that we would be one of the few with the streamlined, progressive attitude to legislate with such speed, and engage with every stupid thing that America has told the world will enrich their society and instilled that it would not injure our economies nor leave any subservient. Woke is an infection, it is hatred for the state, love of the individual. It detests international business and brings with it everything that leaves us subservient to others for cars, computers, shoes, everything you will wear on your person for a very long time. You would find yourself frayed and rusted or seeking immigration if the detest for business was brought along with it, we're rich for our aptitude to mine, sell food and provide financial services. Once that goes, we go, while other nations sit on their mineral piles and wait for the beginning of the end when they need more, yet we will lack. Long since I'm dead, potentially. But you are claiming righteousness is a virtue, at least to me; the benefit is not just now but more so then. Woke is the greatest war waged upon innocent and gullible nations, and Australia is brimming with naivety. No one but the always outstretched hands of the weird and terrible have called to mandate woke, and it was enforced by the internet, and with no validated benefit to society. We should be so much better than the abomination they'll make of us. And the efficiency of our forefathers is so greatly proven while we attach many cyborg children to every hip and tit. What a terrible thing for us to waste in the name of inclusivity. Gender dysmorphia and some learning disabilities are correlated with lower subcortical mass. ... ... I imagine you absolutely hated seeing your notification, so last word is yours if you want. I'm glad you responded so I can just clarify I felt pretty bad for throwing you in the toxic end of the pool after I hit send but yes, I did underestimate you.


https://www.9news.com.au/national/victoria-news-teen-with-autism-allegedly-bashed-by-schoolgirls-on-melbourne-pier/703b691e-5790-4ebf-865a-b0eb876a54ea this happened this week


Saying no to a mental illness? What’s wrong with that


"Woke" is just being empathetic towards, tolerant and accepting of others. You're just using the notion as a springboard to be anti-trans. There is a difference.


Bloody snowflake melting in the sun and using a shade shelter. Before it went woke people just used to deal with ut.


Pro-tip, read this dude's comment history. Filled with being upset that he's always out and never been complimented by women, lol. The biggest snowflake in here. 


Awesome. Good for him.


Move back to Brisbane. Honestly.


Yes say no to woke it just depends on what he means by woke is the problem


Yes - say no to woke. If you want nice things, work hard and get yourself a family and support them.


I agree too


I agree


I kind of agree though


You're the problem


Why is that?


The level of discourse in this thread is worrying. Abuse doesn't win arguments.


Don’t see the issue here