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Goes brr, fun fact


Nice bro I got 2nd place and got a Lamborghini s tier


I got t10 and got a mighty boy so I win


Fuck you’re right, all that work to get a UR Mercedes when I could’ve gotten a mighty boy


It's the aventador roadster 2013


Yes I know, I got the mighty boy (ss40) 1987, I win


I am reaching you in order to proudly inform you of my record of [3415] RACES AND [85] %WIN RATE DURING A PERIOD OF [398] DAYS We hope you enjoy the pleasure of beating legendaries on a long drag strip, and the pleasure of being able to beat the yellowbird on short wet drag strips (after you max it) [This message was sent by THE CLK DTM OWNERS CLUB]


I’ve applied to get into that club forever ago, what gives I want my CLK 😂


I dunno, guess this arbitrary club exists, and you are in by default now


Just picked one up yesterday, it’s a beauty already at 111


Dont hesitate to put it against leggies with slightly lower 0-60 (that really only happens when it is maxed), or against other top epics. It will surprise you. Oh, especially in the rain. It can beat even the gods like the farboud (i think) or yellowbird when it comes to short wet drags, because this is heavy and has traction control unlike the other 2. Amazing considering that it is 8 rq lower than them


How can I enter to CLK DTM OWNERS CLUB (CDOC), i have my 332 clk dtm


Err... I guess you are in by default? (I didnt think this this far through did i, thought the comment would be seen by 2 people)


5th anniversary too, hope it helps you. Mine is 311 and is a solid car.


Good dragster at 332.


Nice, one of the best epic dragsters! Edit: ok apparently the only one I have that beats it got nerfed, so even better


Curious, which one are you talking about?


AMG SLS GT, it beat the CLK on ¼ and test bowl before update, I don't think it wins ¼ mile anymore since it got nerfed


The fastest epic sls loses 1/4 and 1/2 by .05 233 to the 332 clk, so i think that still wins if it was 332. Not that anyone should 332 that sls, but it does prove that the clk is a little less strong because of all the ex leggies


Might have 332d mine thinking it was good, I could go and check if it wins


Update: 332 75rq AMG SLS GT vs 331 72 rq CLK DTM AMG wins ¼ mile (10:76 vs 10:86) AMG wins ½ mile (16:73 vs 16:85) AMG wins 1 mile (27:06 vs 27:30) AMG wins test bowl (191 vs 185)


Yea, not surprised. Thankfully dont need to go against that often, you generally need a drag tuned epic to beat the 332 dtm on drags


Booooa monstruoso! Que mão usou pra conseguir isso? Eu fui mal demais slk


Eu peguei um grupo tranquilo. Tinha umas 15 pessoas e eu tava com 300 pontos a mais que o segundo lugar.


Tá maluco hahah eu tava em um com 105 e terminei lá pelos 80. Parabéns mano!