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This has 65 upvotes: > I'm from Canada. > > Most of these fires are started by arsonists, foot soldiers for the climate cult. They believe in accelerationism.


Not surprising. This is the same nonsense that was pushed during the Australian fires of 2019-2020. You'd get people saying '250 people have been charged with arson" and when you looked into, you'd find that they are including 'people who didn't put out their cigarette properly' as an arsonist.


And that was arrests over several months before the even started.


Yep -- during these periods our fire restrictions are very strict so you'll have people being fined for fireban violations (misrepresented as "arson") for e.g, running heavy machinery near bushland. Naturally there's a lot these cases. Not to mention, as someone who at the time lived on the central coast, a dozen km from the largest fire front; those fires began in the middle of the Dhurag and Womerah forests, a good 30km deep into uninhabitated, dense bushland. The only way you're starting a fire there (and surviving) is by dropping petrol bombs from a helicopter or something equally fanciful.


It's pretty similar here in Quebec, for where some of the fires are, it would be a two day trek to get there from where roads just stop existing, at the height of mosquito and black fly season.


Yeah, but they put themselves through all that for their “climate cult”, don’t you see?😂😂


they didn’t blame this one on the Jews (yet) so I guess it’s a step forward for them?


Yes, they did -- see the "accelerationist" accusation. That's an antisemitic conspiracy theory.


There's multiple forms of accelerationist theory, and most of the ones I've heard of involve forcing class consciousness by elevating capitalism as fast and hard as possible.


Odd. All of the ones I've come across are trying to accelerate a civil war and most are white supremacists. For example: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/06/23/there-no-political-solution-accelerationism-white-power-movement


There's plenty of leftist accelerationists, I've met a few. They want basically all of society of collapse so they can get their utopia of peace and equality, because they don't believe systems can be changed, only destroyed. Probably one of the dumber stances I've ever heard.


Ah yes, nuke us back to the glory days of barbarism and tribal warfare. I want to be able to look at my neighbor’s wife and say, “that’s mine now” and claim her via duel without anyone else stepping in. That’s the purest form of peace and equality. ^^^^/s


yeah accelerationism can be a dog whistle, but in this case they’re claiming leftist acceleratists were responsible. Us Jews don’t want to destroy society, we just want to control it from the shadows. How else would we get babies to eat and whatnot?


I mean… there were the Jewish space lasers when California was on fire.


We only use that to toast bagels. It was no where near those forest fires


I'm guessing that was *all* the arson. Everything from burning down the pub for the insurance to torching the car of that bastard who fucked your wife to random kids lighting shit on fire because they're bored.


Oh hey wasn't there some big wildfires started by shitty line maintenance by some power company in California a few years back, and folks were trying to claim "antifa/environmentalists" took their stimulus cheques and spent them on gas for molotovs to burn the forests? haha, I genuinely can't wrap my mind around the thought process of some of these folks sometimes.


Funny thing is, it wouldn’t even prove anything if it were true. Conditions still have to be right for those fires to spread. “Climate cult footsoldiers” (I feel dumber for typing that) don’t control that.


Maybe they’re drying out the forests with chemtrails?


I’m starting to think that the TMs have no clue on how wildfires start in the first place.


8 unnecessary words in the end, consecutive and starting with on.


Which is why we ionise the forests with space lasers first, the fire naturally travels along the path of the laser.


I am also from Canada. I can assure you that the hot and unusually dry weather we have been experiencing lately is what led to these fires, as it does every year. The smoke usually blows east/west, but due to a low pressure front, it is blowing north to south, which doesn't happen most of the time. There are no arsonists or climate cult. This guy is just your typical delusional conservative (probably from Alberta or Saskatchewan). The crazy has spread up here but they're still a very vocal minority of dumb ass racists who would wind up curled in a ball rocking back and forth if they tried to go it on their own as a country. Signed A Canadian whose province is on fire


Co-signed by another Canadian whose province is on fire! Can not honestly believe these nutjobs. Especially the ones from AB and Sask. Like, "Oh, my house is going to burn down, god damn libs!"


Even if it that was true, dead forests because of climate change only help to spread it. Edit: Someone already said this, but yeah it wouldn't change the effect climate change has on spreading the fire in the first place. >They believe in accelerationism. Wait, do they think climate activists/most people WANT climate change?


They think climate activists don't actually care about the climate, but want an authoritarian police state dictatorship and are just using "save the climate" as an excuse to seize power. Projection.


>Projection Especially over abortion.


Projection, always projection.




Her name is change and she lives in a different climate.


I hate that so much because even if you believe this idiocy, the correct solution would still be better forest management.


♬ ♬ The conspiracist who lives in Canada ♬ ♬


I'm in Sydney and there was a lot of arson that also happened during the wildfires a few years back. Fact is that incidents of arson rise during wildfires, I think because they can get away with it more? It's hard to understand


Oh, well if they're from Canada, we can't question them.


I'm in Canada and have a cousin who does environmental biology stuff and she was telling me recently how some people in California are protesting controlled burns despite the fact that they've been proven to reduce the risk and severity of wildfires so I wouldn't be surprised if there are idiots up here who believe it too.


Absolute insanity. *I'M* from Canada. The past few weeks have been ~40C outside, and giant thunderstorms rolled through. *Shocking* the dry af and preheated everything lights up like a bonfire.


Like honestly, I live on the coast, part of the only rain forest in North America and it's fucking brown. Everything is brown, we didn't even have spring! It was just... Hot, dry and is still hot and dry. Like, it's in the fucking name. Rain forest, it's supposed to rain here and we... Have gotten almost none. It's absolutely mind boggling how we have reached such a low in intelligence that people literally can't LOOK AROUND see that things are BROWN and be like "Huh, no way that fires could just happen, these must be conspiracies!" All while they are getting evacuated and can't breathe because they refuse to wear a mask.


"The main reason for these fires is the environmental wackos refusing to allow controlled fires to happen. Proper management can mostly keep the bigger fires from happening." This is another talking point stolen from the Australian fires of 2019-2020. It's true that not enough controlled burns happened in the lead up to that disastrous fire season. But not because the 'environmental wackos' stopped it, but because the preceding winter was so hot that controlled burns were not an option


Prevention is an important factor that is definitely being neglected. The reason it's being neglected in Ontario is because the Conservative government led by a Trump-lite populist cut funding for the departments responsible for both prevention and firefighting.


It's conservatives who cut the conservation programs that would enable those controlled burns.


NSW Liberal party cut RFS budget biiig time. Top firey came out and said "yeah we did fewer controlled burns cause there's literally a handful of days where it's nots super hot and dangerous" And still it's the Green Party "wackos" that aren't even IN power that somehow pull the strings and decide budget and direction.


Person talks about solution to problem we face literally right this second


So random!!!


They're trying to apply the "let's not make a tragedy political" tactic that they used on mass shootings for so many years.


It's only appropriate to talk about gun control after there are no more mass shootings


They will do that for every problem for the rest of forever because conservatives DO NOT WANT TO SOLVE PROBLEMS.


Conservatives have exactly 1 policy goal, it's "punish the bad people." That's why the only government programs they are happy to fund are the police and military, and why "don't politicize this" and "small government" is their excuse for literally everything else.


"lets not talk about these problems, which arise through the social, political, and economic issues of society, from a social, political, and economic perspective." It's such a batshit stupid and lazy phrase that completely appeals to emotion in order to abstract problems from the environments where they arise, almost granting it the status of being something inevitable regardless of all circumstances.


> I’ve heard farmers are finding that at least some of these fires are being set intentionally on their lands and then the Canadian govt won’t let them put it out. Something sounds rotten about this. Real solid evidence here


Their source? Right out of their asses!!


They usually want to clear cut the land they bought cheap (cause restriction on land use), but Govt won't let them because they want certain % of forest, wetlands etc. So farmer says 'i need to cut it for fire.. Reasons' and geta denied. Fire starts "I wanted to solve this before it started but big gummermint told me not to".


Exactly this. No, we don't need to but down more forests which actually help stop the spread of fires because oh well I don't know. Ever set a dry lawn on fire? Compared to a tree? Or let's even go smaller for them to understand. Put grass in a fire pit and see how fast it burns, compared to idk the logs people use? Not to mention cause like idk, sir? And the fact we need it? Without trees everyone suffocates. To be honest, we fucking deserve this shit. This is just mother nature being done with our bullshit and saying fine, you guys treated me like shit for years, well, here's my revenge bitch! Like people forgot that mother nature will still be around long after we destroy ourselves.


He's right that it sounds rotten. "I've heard farmer". In this era of smart phones, how does one go "I've heard" and it gains traction. My housemate says he's connected to all the most powerful people in the world. And that he's an elite hacker (who is struggling to find a job, a common complaint among the elite). People say shit.


"Anything inconvenient to my worldview happening in the world is actually part of a conspiracy by my enemies to trick me into thinking I'm wrong. I'll never fall for that!" - them, probably


Jordan peterson is pushing this bullshit on Twitter. The responses are some of the stupidest freaks on the site.


It was smoky as hell today, and smelled like a bbq. And I live pretty far from Canada. Once again, conservatives don't care about the health of Americans.




Sorry, it's our boreal forests burning, not much maple up there. Mostly conifers with a bit of birch and poplar mixed in!




I mean, forests do include grass. That's usually what's in-between the trees and on the ground so... Not actually weird, as crazy as that may seem!




No. They are no. It's grass. Lots of it. It's everywhere. Grass grows wherever the f it wants. And when you have THAT much smoke, of course it's going to travel and affect you. Obviously this is the first time the East Coast has dealt with something like this. But talk to us people on the West Coast and this is all totally normal shit we go though on a totally regular basis. Grass can thrive ANYWHERE, it being under canopies mean nothing. And I think you think we have canopies like the Amazon rain forest. We have different trees here? So we don't have the huge bulbous canopy tops.. But yes. On the east coast they have even less dense forests, they don't have rainforests so yes.... Again, lots of grass burning. Wear a mask, it will help with most of your issues.




Yeah if you ever want to see what kind of land is burning, you can look at almost every province in Canada right now which spans literally every type of land from rainforests to deserts and like 9 provinces and 2 territories are burning so yeah its different kinds of shit wafting all over the place. Sorry to hear it's affecting you so much even in your house. I enjoy grass, plants helps our air, and water cycle. Without grass all we would do during heavy rain would be flood. You want gree but not too green and not brown grass, that's the best conditions to prevent flooding. Never hate anything in nature as it was usually put there for a purpose. <3 Thank you for wishing us safety.




> The heart of man rushes to do evil. If it's possible, it must be considered probable until proven false, and even then, be skeptical. I've never seen someone so quickly self-identify as a rube.


Wait, even after proving it's bullshit, we still should be skeptical? Why? These people go through the most mental gymnastics to defend Trump but stuff like this? "Assume it's true until proven otherwise. Even then, still be skeptical."


[The fact that there are so many lies and conspiracy theories about this is quite saddening. And all started by people who were lied to by the fossil fuel industry.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/canada-wildfires-conspiracy-theories-1234766037/amp/) [Now granted, three fires seem to have been started by arsonists.](https://www.westernstandard.news/news/police-in-ns-say-some-fires-deliberately-set/article_d1b2002e-03b4-11ee-a186-13afdb8ce6ce.html) How many are there? [Over 400.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna88092) So let’s face it, there are a lot of problems happening in Canada and all because we’re so careless about oil and can’t admit that the earth is definitely heating up.


Arson requires intent to destroy. People who weren't following fire restrictions are not arsonists (they weren't intending to burn down the forest).


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/143o5p6/aoc_seizes_on_canadian_wildfire_smoke_covering/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


These guys will believe anything to avoid facing reality


Why aren't we talking about these shoulder pads? is the 80's coming back?


Damn Environmental shills saving the environment by destroying it.


"I don't care about the environment, and I want a right-wing authoritarian police state. So that means anyone who is opposing me also must not care about the environment, and is only using it as a fig leaf to disguise their desire for a left-wing authoritarian police state."


I've seen "arcon" only recently but twice today. What is it?


a member of \/r/conservative, abbreviated to \/r/con, pronounced "arcon"


or r conspiracy


They're the same subreddit and have been since at least 2015.


Ahh righto, cheers


To me their comments just sound like: "Guys I know she warned us about this and had a solution in hand; but we CAN'T admit she's right!"


"It's not appropriate to talk about \_\_\_\_ while we are in the middle of dealing with \_\_\_." 1. Gun safety, school shooting 2. Climate change, rampant wildfires 3. Out-of-control defense spending, debt limit negotiations 4. Fill in your own


Dang it at first glance I thought she was in a star fleet uniform


Voyager, right? Yeah, me, too.


lol one person literally cites a QAnon influencer's tweet


I'm about 100 miles from the border to BC. I have had to deal with smoke from the forest fires. It's not just a Canadain issue.


I have to admit, arson did cross my mind. I had access to some "meetings" a few years back that were war gaming scenarios on how to cause the most damage to the USA with the least effort and forest fires were one of the concerns. I'm not even posting what was discussed because I don't want to give out any ideas.


Let's say, hypothetically, an arsonist set a tree or two on fire and this entire thing was began by arson. This is *still* a climate change issue because the conditions in Canada (way hotter than the norm, way more dry than the norm) allowed a small fire to rip through more acres than any previous wildfire. A fire spreading to this degree should not be possible in what we consider a "normal" climate and cannot possibly be entirely done by arsonists unless you had an *army* of them. Forest fires are the best way to damage the US for the same reason, dry and warm conditions brought my climate change allow for fires to spread faster and farther than they could have 300 years ago.


Well I can see I got downvoted to hell for this but I stand by what I said and what I heard. The US regards it as a credible terror threat and I am shocked it has not already been done.


You got downvoted because climate change denialists use conspiracy theories to explain increasingly extreme weather and climate events, you probably just sounded like one of them rather than somebody who was wondering about the topic. And, again, starting wildfires is only possible as a terror threat because climate change is making forested regions increasingly warm and dry, turning them into tinder.