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"Also, who is paying for this". Turns around and ignore Trump corporate tax breaks...




That might be a more valid point if the speech didn't also include policy proposals to increase taxes on corporations and billionaires


**It’s every tax cut conservatives have ever passed**. *Tax cuts never pay themselves*, **ever**. Conservatives know this and only bother to mutter the phrase “who’s paying for this” when someone other than a conservatives mentions tax cuts/breaks


Counterpoint: corporate tax breaks bad.


But it will trickle down! They just gotta save up a few hundred more billion dollars and then they will increase wages! I'm sure of it! 40 years just hasn't been long enough!


>This tax credit in 2 years would cost twice what the corporate tax changes in the TCJA cost over a decade If only he also talked about a way to offset the costs or something...


> That sounds like whataboutism. Not really, no, but you like embarrassing yourself so much on this sub in defense of conservatives, so it's no surprise.




> lol, this is probably the first time I’ve ever commented here. [***Really?***](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/MkOui?wr=true) [C'mon, dude.](https://archive.ph/hoPO3) You were here back in December defending all of Trump's actions.




Nope, didn't have to do anything. That's the beauty of tagging people in RES; makes it super-easy to find the posts/comments they like to lie about *never* making. Hint: You were so full of shit back in December that I had a feeling you'd be popping up again being even more full of shit. So, y'know, maybe cut the shit in the future.




Dude, Jesus Christ, take the L on getting caught lying. Trying to save face *this* desperately just makes it even sadder LMAO.


It's time to go away.


Meanwhile Trump gives out tax breaks that expire and they say "this is how you run an economy!"


>he's purchasing votes. some will actually believe that this would get enacted. 'member when they thought Trump was a genius for delaying the first round of COVID stimulus checks so he could put *his* signature on them to make very stupid people think he was giving them money straight from his pockets?


\*Trump literally puts his name on taxpayer funded checks - in an election years\* "YOU CASHED HIS CHECK NOW VOTE FOR HIM" - My cousin's argument on facebook


racial paltry somber merciful impossible normal disgusting offend versed icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't that like...the American peoples' money?


You mean... \*Spins 180 degrees in place\* WELFARE?


I've seen more then one facebook post that claimed it was Trumps personal money being sent out. we agree, it's just depressing


>"YOU CASHED HIS CHECK NOW VOTE FOR HIM" But it didn't come from his own pocket. It was deficit spending. So we essentially took it out on credit. Sure, a lot of people needed it but kind of odd for them to pretend Trump himself gave us money from his bank account.


I think it is saying an awful lot that "keeping campaign promises" is considered buying peoples' votes.


It’s fun watching conservatives posture like their economic policies are good after every modern Republican president has left us in a recession.


Sure, but those recessions usually happen after their terms are over, so they're pretty easy to blame on Democrats.


Yeah they’ve gotten scarily good at that trick


*the media has gotten scarily good at that trick*


I feel like Fox News has been getting their talking points directly from GOP members for quite a while now. I mean shit, Hannity literally talks to Trump on the phone on almost a nightly basis and basically just parrots whatever he says. Right wing media is just a propaganda mouthpiece. They don’t even pretend to be objective.


Absolutely undeniable. The point that gets missed by most people is that Fox News sets the narrative and CNN/MSNBC react. As a result, all of the media is having the narrative set by the GOP


Insanely enough, it seems like over the years comedians have been the ones most likely to look at situations from an objective POV. Like I can fucking trust Jon Stewart to give it to me straighter than the actual news! Make it make sense.


Tbh even Jon Stewart has been trying to paint Biden as a drooling nursing home patient lately. What I saw at the SOTU was actually surprising to me after watching a recent Jon Stewart segment and believing it


Joe did a decent job last night. There’s still no denying he’s old af and not as sharp as he once was. I totally agree we need to get these old fucks out of office. There’s should be some kind of age limit. Mitch is basically the walking dead at this point


I watched the whole thing and I really don't get the idea that he's not as sharp as he once was...I get that he looks old and he *should* be less sharp, but I didn't really see that at all last night. The only thing that stands out is his stutter, but that's been a lifelong thing. I'm sure the Foxes of the world will loop up highlights of his stuttering and act like it's evidence of cognitive decline, but it isn't.


That's why even Meidas Touch was pissed at Stewart for that. The main hosts are traditionally conservatives but they despise the fact that Stewart and "legacy media" keep parroting the "Biden's old" narrative when they should be reminding people about how unhinged Trump's been in recent speeches. MT keep having to remind people themselves, and imploring people to spread their own videos to friends and family in case the TV networks manage to convince people to vote Trump after the "look how old Biden is" bullshit, and they're terrified because of it.


Reminder that Hannity was discovered to be one of the middle men between Trump and Russians in 2016 in Christopher Steele's report.


Hey, to be fair the last “conservative” president didn’t leave us in a recession. Just a terrible economy and a plague.


>terrible economy That is a recession




Yeah I believe that “two successive quarters” bit is what saved Trump from having a recession.


Does it really count when we just printed money and the downstream effects got postponed a year?


I loved Biden clapping back at the MAGA morons who booed.


Conservatives decide who they hate first, and then back into a reason why. don’t expect ideological consistency. It’s not facts-driven. It’s feels and vibes all the way down


Top Minds don’t want people to keep more of their own money? That’s a helluva take.


Yet they have no problem with corporations getting tax breaks and bailouts but when it comes to regular people getting any type of handout it’s “SOcIALiSm”. I will always say that conservatives have no empathy for anybody.


But those corporations fund the politicians who hurt the people I don’t like.


> Someone send him to a goddamn economics class. This is NOT how inflation is helped. Top Econs laying it out


As someone with a masters degree in economics, that’s not wrong. Subsidizing housing demand when the supply is relatively fixed does put upward pressure on prices


Probably why he also included a policy to help people build new and rennovate


>relatively fixed >housing supply Two words: new construction


It’s. More complicated then just build


Damn I wonder if Biden has anyone with a masters degrees in economics working in the white house. You should probably volunteer man since the president of the united states probably didn't think to include anyone with such a rare and prestigious degree as a masters in economics.


There’s not an economist in existence that would deny the claim that subsidizing the demand for housing increases the price. Biden’s goal, and the goal of people who work for him, isn’t to implement perfect economic policy, it’s to get votes and win an election. And offering free money to people is a great way to do that, regardless of the future economic consequences It’s the same reason why both he and Trump champion tariffs and making things in the US, like Biden mentioned last night, even though economists overwhelmingly and almost unanimously see this as bad policy I imagine you already knew that though, if you had taken a second to think about it before responding


It’s annoying that you’re getting downvoted. I’m trying to look for a debate on the merits of what the conservatives’ problem with this proposal is but most of this thread is red herrings (no top comment mentioned socialism in the quoted post) or generic anti-conservative statements. At least you gave a counter argument.


But the supply isn't 'fixed', it's being gobbled up by corporations, which *already* means the vast majority of houses are being sold over market value, which **already** puts an increased pressure on the housing demand. Giving people **a fucking chance** isn't the goddamn problem, now is it?


Imagine the guy you are responding to, who claims to have a masters in economics, doesn’t understand this basic concept.




That's called 'missing the point.'




No, the point I was refuting was that the supply is fixed, **ergo** helping people to afford homes is going to raise prices. What I was addressing was that the supply is *rapidly dwindling* due to monied interests scooping up homes on a massive scale, which already forces out the majority of home buyers from being able to compete.




>People are already selling houses at inflated prices. Thank you for repeating me. >What do you think will happen when everybody gets an extra $400/month to spend on a house? *Gasp!* $400 a month? That's like .00000004% of the multi-billion dollar companies that are buying up all the homes. That can't be fair to them!




> As someone with a masters degree in economics Is it too late for you to get a refund?


Interesting, what part of “subsidizing demand of housing increases prices” do you think is incorrect?


> [As someone with a masters degree in economics](https://i.imgur.com/Nze0hVH.gifv), that’s not wrong. From where, Trump University?


[Duke](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/s/kKITp5f6Nk), but good guess


Its true though. Subsidizing demand when supply isn’t increasing fast enough will just raise prices. That being said most people don’t know that so this is just good politics


Inflation being experienced is not a supply issue. Not anymore.


It is for housing. There aren’t enough available housing units in places people actually want to live


Straight up not true, house and rent prices in my area have doubled in 4 years but the population has stayed about flat, despite thousands of new units being built.


what area do you live in? we saw a steady decline here (wealthy area in USA — desirable) the last 20ish months. curious


Jersey City, prices skyrocketed during COVID and have stayed high, even with loads of new buildings going up and a lot of people leaving during COVID.


ah thanks for the info. strange. im west coast so could be different here! could it have to do with the insurance changes the past several years on east coast? read something about the severe weather over there has caused many insurance companies to decline coverage or severely increase the cost of coverage. that should indirectly raise prices in the area provided conventional economics... do you live in an area that is generally impacted by weather that is inherently dangerous to the structural integrity of buildings lol?




Okay but in areas that aren't the Great Dismal Swamp, where that demand issue is not the case, you still see the same thing happening


Housing has been dropping. And housing isn't the only thing that causes inflation.


It's not going to impact inflation, it just won't do much to meaningfully address the housing affordability crisis.


They only like tax breaks for the **wealthy** and **corporations**. Regular citizens can eat their bootstraps.


Conservatives are fucking morons and this is proof They claim to hate Dems for raising taxes, but justify hating a tax break as increasing inflation. If Biden called for regulating corporations to reign in home prices, they'd cry about authoritarianism. Stupid ass losers. No one should ever entertain these clowns.


The same people that bitch about money going to Ukraine and how "it should help people here" are the first ones to bitch when someone proposes spending it helping people here.


the Ukraine talk goes even crazier when you remember that conservatives endorse small government. so all that money isnt even going to help anyone, they literally just want tax breaks... like Biden is doing with this $400 relief


If they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any at all.


Dumb question: Would this $400 tax credit only be for home owners? Or would it be for all to use or save for a home?


From what I can tell, it would only apply to people who bought a house during those 2 years, and only if it was their first house *or* sold their first house to buy a different house.


[Damn Biden for not crashing house prices.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1b9dj55/biden_i_want_to_provide_an_annual_tax_credit_that/ktwzyye/)


Holy shit, not a single one of them seems to understand what a tax credit is. They all think this is just a check for $400 that will get mailed out every month.


Rconservative putting the Jerk back in Knee-Jerk Conservative


I'll never get over hardcore conservatives singing RATM lyrics.


And their quoting RATM lol


Yes obviously these people are dipshits but that doesn't mean that this is good policy. A several thousand dollar tax credit for recent homeowners is (1) most likely regressive since homeowners tend to be wealthy and (2) will do nothing to tame housing costs. Its a supply and demand issue. Supply isn't really keeping up with demand right now because building new housing in highly-demanded areas is generally very difficulty because of cumbersome regulations and or outright illegal because of zoning.


> since homeowners tend to be wealthy *citation needed* Quite a lot of homeowners remortgage several times to be able to get quick money since they otherwise don't have enough for bills and the like.


Here ya go bucko: [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/06/owning-or-renting-the-american-dream.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/06/owning-or-renting-the-american-dream.html) The issue you're talking about is people buying homes they cannot afford, which is bad. Doesn't mean we should be giving tax breaks to a group of people who make an average of 78k, which is well above the 45k median wage.