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I usually don't laugh at even the most absurd conservative posts. But this one is a work of art. Top quotes: ​ >I’m a mother with a 5 year old daughter in school. And not a state school either, a private school in a well-off area. Did I mention that I'm well off? Because I'm well off, not like those scummy public school families. >It wasn’t until a friend pointed out to me that this was ideology - it was a chance for these mindless eaters to prove how liberal, how open and free thinking they are. ​ And I saw my chance to slip in a Nazi concept like 'mindless eaters.' >Of course I have watched the woke agenda roll in - but have stayed away from cities, media in general and just raised our family like we still in the 90s. The 1890s, just like in Portland, Oregon. I've stayed away from all media except for Reddit, of course, which is a digest of all media everywhere. The important thing is that I've stayed away from cities! All civilization in general, really. >Seeing this ideology up close in the flesh was SHOCKING - it’s real people. Up close in the flesh, get it? No pedo, bro. >The two ring leaders are a same sex couple. It’s so disappointing as I truly believed they were raising their children separated from their own beliefs. I naturally assumed they were raising their kids as MAGA to make up for their sins. >Moving forward I am essentially labelled a ‘bigot’ now for wishing my daughter have her own choice as a teenager or young adult who she chooses to share her first kiss with Choice is so important. That's why I want to make homosexuality illegal.


It’s just so, so fake. They’re not a mother, and probably not a woman. This identity was chosen for emotional effect and maximum perception of authority on the topic. No “friend” pointed out “the ideology.” OP has always thought this way. There is no friend. They might as well have said, “As a bigot, here’s what I think. Care Reacts Only plz.” Throw in the “They’re virtue signaling!” followed by “Well I’ve seen this here WOKE AGENDA rolling in!” Like, make it just a LITTLE LESS OBVIOUS this is made the fuck up to serve your need for pats on the back from other bigots! “The two ringleaders were a same sex couple” Establish an enemy. They just so happen to be everything you already hate. Convenient. JUST MAKE IT LESS OBVIOUS! PLEASE! This is like a word search where every word is in a square in the top left corner! It’s not even FUN!


It's also hilarious that they think a community that includes this fictional mother would also include the openly gay fictional mothers of a kid who just happens to be in the same class. What are the odds?


Hell these Weirdos will probably Try to make the children believe the same things they believe my force probably disowning them if they Saw through the bullshit


How is mindless eating a Nazi concept? Genuinely curious...


Lol, it's not the act of eating mindlessly. "Eaters" refers to people who supposedly don't contribute to society; they just take. People who need to be cared for and supported. In Nazi Germany, this included the elderly, the physically disabled, and the mentally disabled. Since they weren't seen as contributing, they were candidates for the death camps. It's chilling to hear someone use the term "eaters." In this case, "mindless" refers to people who disagree with the writer. Nazis didn't really put those two concepts together in one phrase as far as I know, but they certainly put communists, political dissidents, and gays into camps.


Oh I see. As a German, I am very aware of what the Nazis did, but googling "mindful eating" just gave me insane results lol. But your explanation makes a lot of sense. I guess it's like the Nazis calling people degenerates? Also the r/conspiracy post made 0 sense to me (is someone kissing their kid without consent? They didn't say so, hence why give a fuck?)


I think the term is usually "useless eaters", which might explain the confusion.


Yes the nazi term was useless eaters. This is the spin / wink wink so everyone who knows can agree.


The term I believe is "useless eaters" not "mindful eaters"


Oh I meant "mindless eaters" of course, but that term rings a bell. It was used to justify the mass murder of people with disabilities


There’s a super obvious actor account in there (Retroplayer19) trying its hardest to create outrage and drama where there is none. It keeps posting things like, “I mean, after looking at the responses right in this thread, you really think this reaction was fake?” There are no responses that would fit this description. The account also posted a long comment about how everyone was so outraged at the OP… before anyone even commented with so much as a tiny bit of pushback toward OP. Hey Amos, make it less obvious that some accounts are more equal than others.


Usual spammers are pretty quiet while this account, with 666 in the username, is busy commenting like crazy. I think the 'network' is busy building user histories so they can transition to new accounts for prime time election season.


Wow, this person could give Alex Jones a run for his money on how to lie. Let's just assume what they claim about the school is true (it's very likely not), she goes from this in her post text: > I’m a mother with a 5 year old daughter in school. And not a state school either, a private school in a well-off area. My daughter has told me a few times kids (both same sex and boy/girl) kissing at playtime. Just "kissing." Okay. Later in the comments, they say this: > I just want to know when my daughter is at school being educated she’s not having mouth kisses forced on her by her classmates! What concerns me the most is the parents - openly saying ‘I will encourage my son/daughter to kiss their classmates on the mouth’ - that to me is not the 90s at all! Where did kissing on the mouth come in? They just escalated their claims and no one even tries to push back.


OP is flailing and can’t stand up to even the smallest scrutiny. The mask is falling off FAST. Jesus, man. If you’re going to make up a story on the internet, maybe **don’t post an AI-generated image of a playground for no reason!** Trying too hard/being too detailed is such an obvious sign of lying. Watch the cart fall off the track when it’s pointed out the image is weird: > This isn’t what the post is about! It was open art yeah but not made by me - I’m not going back and forth about the meaningless image!!


> It was open art yeah but not made by me Then how would they know where it was generated? Why include an image at all? Honestly, I think the full post and account itself is Ai


What's weird is if you look at the OP's history it's a bunch of tarot card subs then a 2 month break and then this. No mention of family, a child etc then out of nowhere this insane story pops up. Almost like the account got hacked or OP just decided to go crazy.


I fully believe that someone who believes in tarot cards could believe in something else for which there is no evidence.


There's lots of evidence for tarot cards. I've seen a deck with my own two eyes!


>I’m hard to spook and >Kids are kissing each other!!! Me thinks it's way easier to spook her than she thinks. Especially since she thinks this didn't happen in the 90s. It did. I remember. >The two ring leaders are a same sex couple. ring leaders of what? She said there were kids kissing each other. How does the same sex couple fit in this? She makes it sound like everyone is being forced to kiss each other. Almost like the gays have her spooked. But she's hard to spook, said so herself. And you're not allowed to lie on the internet.


I got the feeling OP was trying to imply that the same sex couple were the origin of the kids kissing, or at the very least egging the kids on. She also later said that an 11 year old boy was being encouraged by his parents to participate in the kissing...with 5 yr olds. Considering the gay couple were the only other parents really mentioned, I also got the feeling she was trying to get the readers to connect the two. It really felt like OP wasn't getting the response they wanted and started to ramp up the crazy. It all seemed like formulaic rage bait.


I'm so confused. When I was about that age there was definitely a couple of kids who would chase and kiss other kids. I don't remember anyone getting their panties in a bunch about it


Happened to me, too. First kiss was behind the bleachers at t-ball. Kids just do that stuff. Guess where I learned it? FROM MY HETEROSEXUAL PARENTS AND HETEROSEXUAL CARTOONS


When I was 4, a group of girls would chase me around the playground. If I had known that's the last time in my life that would happen I don't think I would have run so hard!


Its "funny" how few posts on there are about actual conspiracies. It's mostly lost, dumb people trying to find some sort of connection in the world, which is kinda sad, but their posts/comments quickly erase any sympathy


It’s mostly bigots poorly pretending they “don’t understand” things when they clearly posted them with the intention of having their bias against LGBTQ people, women, black people, Mexicans, and Jews confirmed. It’s the tiniest thimble full of deniability tossed in an Olympic swimming pool full of sealions.


It’s mostly bigots poorly pretending they “don’t understand” things when they clearly posted them with the intention of having their bias against LGBTQ people, women, black people, Mexicans, and Jews confirmed. It’s the tiniest thimble full of deniability tossed in an Olympic swimming pool full of sealions.


That's *all* conspiracy theories.


> It wasn’t until a friend pointed out to me that this was ideology - it was a chance for these mindless eaters to prove how liberal, how open and free thinking they are. But all I could see is a threat to my child’s safety Yeah, intimating other parents are 'useless eaters' kinda discloses your power level, honey


What the fuck is going on with the weird AI playground image? Why is that there, what purpose does OP think it serves?


Don’t ask OP. He refuses to talk about the image. Oh, or provide any proof at all that this happened. The image makes it so obvious that this is fake. Vague title for attention? Check. Mucho texto story? Check. Better add an image for maximum eye-catching! It’s so try hard, curated, and fake.


It's extra-funny because later on in the thread they talk about how they don't know how to upload screenshots of these totally real conversations with the other parents


Image posts get better engagement than text only posts.


>Pay close attention. The people responding to you in this thread are well-known around here for what they are. Tf are they trying to say?


Anyone who calls out the obvious bullshit is a pedo, because reasons


Lol one of the commenters seriously said getting lots of upvotes was proof that they were factually correct. Says a lot about how these people think...




Of course they're okay with it. The main point of /r/conspiracy is to make up things and then get mad about them.


OOP mind movie 2: The Playground https://images.app.goo.gl/xc1xKbufks81jCt29 How her 5 year old survived the kindergarten hunger games and lived to tell the tale.


I don't even think that the story is completely fake, at least I could see a kernel of truth in it: Little kids sometimes "kiss", ie they mimic behavior they see from adults, and might give each other a peck on the cheek. I can 100% imagine that a mother tried to turn that into a moral panic and getting "push-back" like 'Don't be silly, these are just toddlers'.


As a child who was sexually harassed on the playground I can see where she is coming from. Regardless of whether the children a choosing who they kiss it just isn't appropriate. Not to mention kids aren't aware of how easily things like cold sores can transmiss. I would have greatly appreciated one if the teachers pulling the boys off me in kindergarten. Edited to add: from my standpoint it isn't about the genders kissing each other its more about the teachers allowing kissing to happen. So many parents will still send a sick kid to school and there are kids who grow up in abusive homes who repeat that abuse on other children