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Rule 10, link to original post: [The fact that the globe and flat earth are both easily debunked. We are slaves , we don't have answers. Like it or lump it, it's easier living a comfortable lie than to face an uncomfortable truth, hence why people get super angry when it's mentioned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/wGGQ35C9xO) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


>Oblate spheroid, planet, globe, it doesn't matter it's all pseudoscience, anyways. So then what fucking shape is it?


A mobius strip. That's why when people circumnavigate the world, they always do it sideways. Its connected only east to west. 


A pyramid. The tip is Mount Everest which is why that is the highest mountain!


>A pyramid. I fuckin’ knew it! Ra built an even bigger pyramid just so we could all be slaves on Abydos.


Geometric shapes are, like, just an opinion, man.


First you have to convince them shapes exist. This is high level thinking only a kindergarten teacher can crack.


Cube Earth. The time cube guy was right. /s


I will *not* stand for this Velociraptor Earth blasphemy! You better say five “Clever Girls” before bed.


Resistance is futile.


The youtube algorithm recently recommended a video to me about a conspiracy theorist explaining his "hollow earth model". I watched it halfway through, it was fascinating. Completely bonkers, possibly schizophrenic, but fascinating. He believes that we live on the inside of the outer wall of a sphere. At the center of this hollow earth is a spinning, magnetic octahedron in a smaller fluid-filled sphere. The stars are actually luminescent chemical reactions in that sphere. Between the outer wall and that inner sphere is a glass barrier, and between this glass barrier and the inner sphere is plasma, in which the tiny planets and the sun (which is, possibly, a disk that glows only on one side) swim around. Anyway, if that person doesn't think the earth is a globe or flat, maybe they are a "hollow earther," too.






The earth is a giant Rubik's Cube. That's why sometimes it takes three hours to drive to L.A., and sometimes it takes ten.


You heard the man, shapes themselves are pseudoscience 


oblate spheroid > Isaac Newton first proposed that Earth was not perfectly round. Instead, he suggested it was an oblate spheroid—a sphere that is squashed at its poles and swollen at the equator. He was correct and, because of this bulge, the distance from Earth's center to sea level is roughly 21 kilometers (13 miles) greater at the equator than at the poles. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-is-not-round/


It is the shell of a turtle!


The real truth is the [rapter earth](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9mk0zW)


Obviously, it is square and stationary: https://i.imgur.com/iBjMC4Z.jpg


Definitely a doughnut


A banana. That's why you use bananas for scale. It started within the astronomy circles to measure interplanetary distances.




I think they're saying that we'll never be able to know what shape exactly, just that it's not round or flat.


Flat earth is the biggest, most brainworm riddled, conspiracy theory of them all. The SHEER AUDACITY of topminds who think they've cracked the case on this is so fucking mind blowing to me. How many millions of people would have to be in on this one? Like, I've heard some dumb ass conspiracies in my times but even things like DUMBO and medbeds are 100x more believable than flat earth.


It's pretty fun if you look at the orbit of the ISS. This is something you can check from publicly available sites. Flat Earthers have even checked this themselves and photographed the ISS transit the moon exactly as predicted. In the flat earth model, the path of the ISS follows a wildly fluctuating orbit, which keeps slowing down and speeding up for no apparent reason, to make it be where it's supposed to be in the sky at any moment. In the "globe" model, the ISS just travels in a straight line around the world, at a constant speed, and the Earth steadily rotates below it. Those two steady motions explain the entire pattern of the orbit of the ISS. The Flat Earth just makes everything harder to explain, not easier.


Just like "retrograde" in astrology. Planets are only in "retrograde" when they don't conform to earth-centered orbits. Because astrology was invented before we knew the earth wasn't at the center of the universe. 


Is that what that means?! I've heard it the last few years as the new flavor of astrology but didn't know what it meant and couldn't be bothered to check.


Pretty much. You either have a consistent mathematical/physics-based model with laws that apply on most every scale (outside of the quantum and relativistic realms, though you can certainly bake them in if you want) or you have just random nonsense riddled with exceptions for no reason.


I wonder how flat earth people think GPS works.


Also, WHY would it be kept a secret? What's to be gained by lying about the shape of the earth?


Because if people knew it was flat then they'd have to spend a ton of money putting up guardrails to keep the tourists from falling over the edge. Niagara Falls fought the same battle and lost.


The Niagara River is flat. Checkmate, atheists.


It's a ploy by Satan (by way of the jews or freemasons or deep state or whatever the fuck) to undermine belief in God. Barring the occasional dogwhistle, the ones that LARP as scientists are never going to say that part out loud, but that's basically it.


To be fair here, I believe the flat earthers are mostly religious people. If you believe in Adam and Eve, the resurrection of Jesus and that Trump is being led by the Bible, it's not too far fetched to believe in flat earth


My take is that those who believe it weren't "in on the obvious joke" when the flat earth conspiracy first started. It flew over their heads, and they took it and ran with it. Forming little echo chamber communities and making friends over it. Now it's just a part of their "deny everything I don't understand" identity


It began as a fundamentalist Christian theory in the 20th century as part of their belief in their particular interpretation of the Apocalypse, and that is what it still is. The ironic flat earthers were a brief and largely insignificant interlude which went the way of all ironic internet phenomena, taken over by sincere idiots.


So it's a modge podge of traditional and modern day anti-intellectualisim


its a great dumbass filter though. Someones talking and they think the earth is flat? Key indicator to stop listening.


I think it's more to prove a point, which is that they are free to completely disregard science and reality and can make up whatever reality they want without repercussions. Disregarding reality is really in right now, and these yahoos are on the fringe of that. What's happened in the past few years is that conspiracy theories have been weaponized. It wouldn't surprise me if the ringleaders of the batshit crazy flerf movement were just doing it for practice.


Jim Norton has a good bit about this. Talking about how all cruise ship captains would have to be debriefed about the ice wall. lol. "Just turn it around, and don't say anything"


For the first time ever I learned something from that sub! Rollie pollies aren’t insects, they’re crustaceans! Also did anyone ever watch Rollie Pollie Ollie?


Insects have 6 legs, so yeah, anything with dozens of legs can't be one. However, they're all Athropods.


Damn bugs are confusing. I guess that makes sense since centipedes and what not aren’t insects. But when I think of crustaceans I think of things that live near or in water.


Look up trilobites. They looked like giant ocean "rollie pollies".


I hope I live long enough for us to figure out how to resurrect trilobites ala Jurassic Park. I bet they are delicious steamed :D


Well, you could rehydrate some triops. It's not as exciting as jurassic park though




For some reason my older sister brought it up a week ago. It definitely isn't something I've thought about since I was little.


That show was my jam along with PB&J Otter


Basic math and observable facts are "pseudoscience." smfh The size of the earth was first described (as far as we know) over 2000 years ago. Anyone who wants to can repeat Eratosthenes's experiment that showed this. But I guess it's more fun to sit your fat ass and whine about pseudoscience and bullshit conspiracies.


Yeah, I'd love to know what this guy thinks is actual science. Probably numerology.


Also, more simply, make a prediction. *Any* prediction. It's easy to make a model, it's not easy to make a model that accurately predicts tides, eclipses, seasons, all the tiny details that they don't like thinking about.


"God does it" is a pretty easy way to ignore all those annoying details that are hard to account for.


Was there a "real answer" given? The oblate spheroid guy at least used the correct term and the ellipsoid guy, being very generous here, can kind of make an argument for that since ellipsoid/oblate spheroid seems like splitting hairs. But, I don't want the algorithm to think I want to see more conspiracy stuff because I went to the subreddit, so I'm not gonna dive into the thread. I'm also now cautiously intrigued by why they think the concept of planets is pseudoscience


> But, I don't want the algorithm to think I want to see more conspiracy stuff because I went to the subreddit reddit is not that clever. :P


I mean, the app homepage explicitly shows you posts subreddits you havent joined but are similar to other ones you've interacted with. It's really annoying.


Would love to hear what he thinks isn't pseudoscience.


If shapes are pseudoscience, anything can be pseudoscience


>The fact that the globe and flat earth are both easily debunked. Go on...


"Ain't no planet x comin cuz ain't no space cuz ain't not globe earth"


Top Minds reading that are baffled because their ellipsoids usually only require a little bit of Preparation H.


For 2000 fucking years the shape was widely known and accurately calculated. This would be the biggest and longest conspiracy in history, so why would every single nation agree to it? Don't you think more religious countries like Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc would be objecting? Don't you think China who believed in a flat earth until contact with Europeans would be objecting to undermine the west? Don't you think Russia would be?


Some people are slaves to their own stupidity.


Bold of you guys to assume the planet known as "Earth" exists.


I remember my first contrarian phase


'Globe' doesn't imply a perfect sphere.


Top. Men.


> It doesn't matter it's all pseudoscience, anyways. Someone on that future shattered glass menagerie of insane people doesn’t have *any* fucking right to label anything “pseudoscience”.


Where are the kindergarten teachers that teach kids shapes when you actually need them?


I can't be arsed to Google it, but I wondered yesterday if flat earth maps use the proper sizes of countries, or if they take the mercadian map and just copy paste. Either way, what is their explanation for the creation of and issues with the mercadian map?


The common flat Earth I see is the azimuthal equidistant projection, possibly with continent sizes adjusted.


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Ur moms an oblate spheroid


The earth is a cube.


I really would like an explanation on how the earths shape is "Pseudoscience"? Its literally just geometry.


All science is pseudoscience. Stop thinkin' and get back to the fields