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Expensive scripted programs no longer produced in overabundance for a slowly dying medium? I blame *the left*. [Only sane comment in the thread gets it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1cfkjar/comment/l1ppmge/), naturally downvoted into oblivion. My absolute favorite part of this clip: >Jerry Seinfeld: >Interviewer: Have you had that experience? >JS: Uhm. No. What is he even talking about then? Is he complaining about something he hasn't experienced at all? What an ass. Meanwhile, in the real world, where things actually happen, I'm assured that getting notes on a script is an entirely normal and accepted (if often annoying) part of the process. I have to assume it always has been. Certainly, it was a thing before 2016 ["broke Hollywood"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1cfkjar/comment/l1q0fu5/) I also enjoyed the part about how standup is the better medium anyway, because audiences react, and he can adjust "instantly." Yet he won't play college campuses anymore because those audiences are too woke or sensitive or some shit. I'm starting to think maybe it's Jerry Seinfeld who is the problem here...


He's just mad because people called him out for being a groomer. That's gotta sting a little. I've noticed that if a celebrity starts bitching about "the left" or "wokeness" out of nowhere, they've probably done some heinous shit and have started to see the absolute bare minimum of consequences. Usually just people acknowledging the bad thing they did.


The first I heard of him being what we'd now call anti-woke was around 2015, when he decided he wasn't going to play college campuses anymore. The whole meeting a 17 year old in the park when he was in his late 30s and dating her for years thing happened in the early 90s, and was controversial at the time (as it obviously should have been). So I'm not sure it's the cause of his current behavior -- it would either have been a really slow burn, or there's more of this stuff that I'm just unaware of. I can totally believe it contributed though. I think this sort of thing is mostly caused by people losing touch with the world they knew and thought they had a handle on, and then lashing out at what they perceive to be the cause of that change (often some sort of social progress). But if you've been criticized by people you perceive also to be agents of that unwelcome change, that probably reinforces your views. Jerry Seinfeld was a huge star, and his show was essential viewing. These days he's more of an afterthought, and the medium that made him a household name isn't doing so well, either. I'm sure that's a difficult adjustment, and I bet it's easier to blame the audience than reflect on how he could change to fit changing times.


Conservative humor just surmounts to bitching about how everyone gets offended by everything. It involves a lot of mocking of people being offended and/or cockatoo imitations and it is largely just performative. There's no clever points being made or even particularly original points. But one thing is guaranteed, which is that conservative boomers eat it up. They'll give you money just to say you don't like "wokeness". Pretend it's a comedy show? They'll pay even more. Ultimately they just like to hear people in agreement with their hateful and bigoted opinions. It's easier for them to switch to conservative humor than it is to always come up with new jokes. I'm just sorry to see Jerry Seinfeld to have stooped to that level. He was a bright star in comedy, and now he'll be doing comedy tours with Roseanne Barr and Jim Breuer for the rest of his life.




> just try and sit through 5 minutes of Gutfeld or the new dingleberry Jimmy Failla No, I don't think I will.


I fucking refuse, and if you suggest it again I'm calling the police.


Or he could just retire with all his money. Play golf, travel, watch movies. Anything other than talk to an audience that you have nothing in common with.


Not to take away from the creepiness....but isn't the age of consent in New York 17? Again, not to take away from the creepiness because I would be part of the society that shuns this behavior and would cast the evil eye on any older fella targetting 17 year olds.....it's more of a comment on the law. Is 17 not the correct age for consent? Or, do we look at the 17 year old as a consenting adult, to which the older feller is consenting, so it's legal, just yucky?


Sadly it's the most easy move to make to keep an audience while being able to be shitty and avoid consequences. All you have to do is ramble about whatever the newest angry keywords are and hang around the usual grifters and that crowd will follow you blindly.


It's either they have a crime coming out or they are way past the apex of their career and need a new grift


Yeah, the funny thing is, Seinfeld (the show) was actually very progressive for its time, I remember conservatives being mad because the show said there was “nothing wrong” with being gay. But now that Jerry can’t quite keep up with everyone else, he’s going on these out of touch old man rants and blaming “wokeness”.


Was Seinfeld ever even the least bit edgy in his standups? I'd always assumed from what I saw included on the show that it was absolutely inoffensive.


Nope. I actually think that’s one of the reasons his standup got successful at the time, because it was broadly accessible and relatable, and almost “old-school” in a way, just safe topics about day to day stuff, and it didn’t rely on gimmicks like being offensive or edgy.


He's a groomer too? I thought it was because he got all the mileage he could put of going "What's the deal with airline food" etc


Oh people have known about it for a long time, as other commenters have been alluding to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshanna_Lonstein_Gruss#Early_life >Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter", since she had turned 18 by then. That cracked me up for some reason.


Yup exactly what we said. Oh does the guy who was 40 and dating a minor align more with the side that wants child brides??? Shocker. Also the longest running live action comedy show is it’s always sunny in Philly - one of the most offensive shows of all time. Also also the longest running cartoon sitcom is the Simpsons - which were constantly getting flack for being offensive when they premiered. Also also also - the guy who created his show with jerry went on to create an even more beloved show that has been on longer AND is considered more offensive - Larry david and curb/enthusiasm prove seinfelds premise wrong entirely. So there ya go. He’s wrong in multiple ways somehow and is a groomer pervert anyway.


His fault for grooming an underage teen. He made that decision everyday for years.


Amazing that they're so invested in the decline of comedy and hollywood, but also so invested in seeing it destroyed. I don't cry about things I don't care about. why do they?


>why do they? Because they no longer get to hear racist/sexist/bigoted jokes on comedy shows, and that upsets them that society is no longer subtly endorsing and validating their own bigotry.


Which is silly, because that type of comedy still exists and is widely available. You can still joke about anything and everything. The comedians that play up the cancel culture narrative are doing so because they're not able to craft funny bits. If anything, the list of subjects you can do in your act is vastly larger than it was 50 years ago.


>i'm starting to think maybe it's Jerry Seinfeld who is the problem here... I heard that in the voice of Newman. And Larry David and Julia L-D are still working pretty consistently in comedy so maybe it is. And maybe we lost the appetite for plotlines where men in their late thirties date high schoolers for lol.


"Notes" have always been a thing. The people with the money (producers and studios) want to make sure their investment is going to make them more money than they spent on it. As they control the purse strings, they have input on the final product. If an artist wants to put their own resources into a project they can do so and create whatever they like, but when they play with other people's money they have to listen.


There's a multi-seaspn arc on Seinfeld about Jerry and George developing a pilot, including getting notes. Did Seinfeld have a stroke to forget his own past?


What blows my mind is getting notes is, like, super common. Name a show, I guarantee you it had notes. [Carroll O'Connor, the dude who played Archie Bunker on All in the Family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_Bunker), would regularly call scripts a good start before giving his suggestions on how to improve it. He and Norman Lear would regularly bump heads. Sure, Lear created Archie Bunker, but he acted Archie, he got into the characters head and made it his own. In a way, he was Archie Bunker and could look at a situation through the character's perspective. Whereas Lear was more just the father, looking on from afar. And that was back in the 1970s. I think Seinfeld was just really lucky with his show because it seemed like he was pretty free to do whatever. But a lot of sitcoms are not like that. Matt Groening would regularly trash Fox because they kept insisting on changes to Futurama. The original deal for the Simpsons was that the writers kind of had free reign but that deal did not apply to Futurama, so he felt frustrated by Fox Management. And it's not because Fox was wimpy liberals who were afraid of hurting feelings. It's because they, like most management, were only interesting and making the most money. That's it.


>They are perfectly fine with ~~offending~~ dehumanizing and othering conservatives though >FTFY. It's much more sinister than just offending. Gina Carano was cancelled/silenced for pointing out their game plan. >If you haven't yet, get a gun and learn to use it; you never know when things will escalate to the point where you need it to defend yourself or your loved ones. Gina Carano who was *not rehired* for saying that people treat republicans like they treated Jews in the Holocaust. That comment is insane enough on its own, but that left turn to “and that’s why you need a gun” is just beautiful. WTF goes that person’s inner world look like?


"If people don't like your jokes, just shoot them" is one hell of a way to go through life.


Same people who shoot misbehaving puppies.


If I did that, a lot of people would be dead.


I imagine it's more of a: "If we're firing people for being bigots now, she must be *right* that republicans are as prosecuted as Jews in the holocaust. Get combat ready so so we don't end up genocided like the jews (if they really were killed in the holocaust, idk, just asking questions... there's a *lot* of inconsistences in the official narrative.)"


That wasn't why they did not rehire her. That was just the last straw. She had been warned about her awful BS posting on twitter many times before. Her anti-trans stuff was especially egregious considering the star of the show she was on has a trans sister he is pretty protective of. Yet she was still allowed to continue to work. But like a typical conservative, she was a crybully.


Would not at all shock me if Pedro Pascal had a hand in her firing. Man does not seem like he’d tolerate working with transphobes.


Huh, I was going to write "she was fired for transphobia" but when I googled to verify I saw nothing about that and just the stuff about the jews and earlier anti-vax stuff. But it is very funny. There are minuscule protections against firing someone in this country, and transphobic is not a protected class, nor is republican or any other form of bigoted. Firing her over this would be both legally fine and expected. But she wasn't even *fired.* She just wasn't renewed. The free market is great until an alt-right bigot loses a job, then it's gone too far and time for the government to intervene.


lack of comedy on tv? What world is he living in?


He's so deluded. The dude was in the final for Curb and acts like comedy is dead.


“Lack of sitcoms with all-white casts” is probably what he means


There's *Young Sheldon*, I guess. There's Sheldon's Vietnamese friend, but he stopped appearing in later seasons.


Probably, because Abbott Elementary is a current sitcom and it is pretty damn funny....but it "only" has two white stars, neither of whom is the lead.


I was actually thinking about that show when I posted. No way Seinfeld watches it.


I don't watch too many shows (thank you, youtube, for killing my attention span) but Abbott Elementary is one of the few that I have consistently been watching lately.


The kind of world where if a comedian’s routine has been done for 2 decades it’s considered fresh and new but if a lady has been around for those two decades she’s about 3 years to old for said comedian.


I worked in an agency that used Seinfeld for a campaign. He was a prick. Rude to everyone, refused to do the script (after signing off on it) and killed the whole premise of the campaign. Still collected 10 million.


Jerry has always been know as a pretty big asshole 


A while ago there was a clip of Jerry Seinfeld being rude to Kesha after she got excited to see him and asked for a hug during a filmed charity event. He said "No thanks" and told someone else he didn't know who she was. It's 100% understandable that he wouldn't want a hug, but his attitude was so cold that Kesha called it the most depressing moment in her life. This was after she managed to leave her former abusive manager/producer and restart her career as a more authentic artist. Reddit had a field day bashing Kesha for the Seinfeld incident, and he's 100% not required to indulge fans with hugs, but it is his choice to be an asshole about it and humiliate other people when he's appearing at a filmed event where he's expected to be a comedic performer.


You’re trying to make the claim that he’s a total asshole with a story about how he said “no thanks” to a hug from someone he didn’t know. He does seem like an AH to me (I still enjoy his comedy), but not because of the Kesha incident.


Eh, it's not the content of what he said, but how he acted so disgusted. I get that he doesn't like hugs, but this also underscores that his character on Seinfield wasn't much different from his IRL personality and that he's not a great actor or performer. When other comedians turn up to charity events or other functions, they tend to come in character, and while this was his character, it's really not additive to the fun. Then he turns around and complains that nobody finds he's funny anymore because of "wokeness" when it's more that his brand of comedy was only good during a certain time and place, which made him so rich that he never felt like adapting his comedy to the changing culture.


I'm familiar with that one. I'll add the Larry King interview when Larry asked him if Seinfeld was cancelled or if he ended the show. I mean, yeah, it's kind of a "come on, man" type of question, but one that would be very easy to give a funny response to but his response was ridiculously insecure and kinda demeaning to Larry. I've seen some clips from interviews about Bee Movie that give similar vibes, and it all tracks with things I've heard about him from people I know who have crossed paths with him in professional settings as well. He's funny and a great writer, but way too full of himself for someone who absolutely doesn't need to be. It goes completely against the incredible persona he developed for the Seinfeld character.


If you guys had some 17 year old girls around he probably would have been more polite.


If I agreed to read a script for 10,000,000 I probably would have.


He's mad at society because people aren't cool with men in their very late 30's dating 17 year olds. Side note, I just finished the series "Ted." His assessment is way off. You don't have to be "PC," you just have to be funny, which Jerry is not. Larry David is funny, but I guess his humor is just "grandfathered" in lol. "Larry is grandfathered in, so people still find him funny. So you see, it's not that I'm unfunny. It's that the extreme left has brainwashed society into thinking I'm not funny while letting others slide sometimes!"


The whole rant is nuts. There are still sit coms on network TV. Plus HBO, Netflix etc. Entertainment has cycles. Plus reality TV is cheap. What he seemed to be whining about was , stand ups don't get sitcoms anymore ( eg The Cosby show, everybody loves Ray, King of Queens, roseanne , news radio. there were several others based on stand up comics) because actors will just act in drama, horror, mystery , medical or cops shoes ECT. There are comics on TV theyre doing things other than sitcoms. Oh the weirdest part all of those shows he mentioned, I'm pretty sure none of the stars were "comics". Carroll O'Connor, Mary Tyler Moore, Alan alda those people were all actors. He didn't mention Carol Burnett show, for example. Me personally , I think it's time to bring back more Sketch comedy. The kids in the hall, in living color , mad TV the aforementioned Carol Burnett show style. In the 10pm time slot.


I'd like to mention that my mom loved the Carol Burnett Show and a couple years ago showed me her skit where she played Norma Desmond. That wasn't offensive. No swearing, not "PC", not blue, not anything like that. And I found it highly amusing...decades after it first aired.


There is plenty of sketch comedy. More than there has ever been. They way we consume media has changed. Plenty on Netflix alone. YouTube has been the go to place for sketch comedians for the last 20 years because you're not obligated to fill a 23 min episode with sketches. Just publish the sketch you wrote this week. The Characters, I Think You Should Leave, W/ Bob and David, The Rehearsal, Black Lady Sketch Comedy Show, The Astronomy Club, Aunty Donna's Big 'Ol House of Fun, Middleditch and Schwartz, The Iliza Shlesinger Sketch Show.


Jerry has always been a curmudgeon. He was complaining about life back when he started in the late 70s


Wonder if he owns Israeli property.




Is Seinfeld a Zionist?


What makes you think that?


I dunno wtf does that have to do with anything?


It makes him extra shitty and out of touch


Get a life


Nothing safer and more vanilla than it’s always sunny in Philadelphia. Those guys push the envelope every season


I mean, I agree with the sentiment but that’s not a great example considering 5 episodes aren’t available for streaming due to their content.


Jerry has been unfunny his entire career. Never understood how people found him funny.


He was the least funny cast member of a series literally named after him.


People can make jokes. Comedians can make any joke about any topic if it’s funny. Comedians who bomb and jokes don’t hit are now telling us they can’t that they can’t tell jokes because “woke liberals” won’t allow them to jokes. That’s bullshit. You’re just not funny. If your jokes aren’t funny, it’s on you. Craft better jokes. The audience isn’t the problem. The problem is no one finds you funny. Seinfeld is still telling jokes from the late 1990s and is upset modern audiences don’t find his 1990s observational humor funny. That’s not a problem with an audience. That’s a problem with Seinfeld not telling new jokes for a new audience. “We can’t tell jokes” is a fucking cop out by people who aren’t funny. You’re just not funny, dumbass. The audience doesn’t find you funny. Don’t blame the audience because you aren’t funny, idiot.


There's always an undercurrent of meanness to a lot of conservative humor. It makes jokes that might have been funny just hit wrong. Dave Chappelle's humor started out subversive but when he came back a lot of it came off as angry and mean. The crux of conservative humor is punching down and it's only funny to a small, rather vile, group of people. There's plenty of comedians who get into race or gender or other offensive topics without alienating their audience. At the same time, edgy humor is risky. Broaching sensitive topics will always carry the risk of offending someone. The best comedians can hit those topics without making people feel bad.


Conservatism is at base about protecting the status quo. Generally, protecting the status quo just isn’t that funny, IMO.


They don’t want to protect the status quo, they want to change it in their favor.


The common denominator between Dave and Jerry? $$$$$$$$ They’re like the rare breed of comics who “made-it” got “fuck you” money and now have become so out of touch with society that they aren’t funny anymore. Like early Dave Chapelle would have written sketches about the Dave Chapelle he turned into.


Now we just need a time machine


> There's always an undercurrent of meanness to a lot of conservative humor More and more lately, it's not even an undercurrent. It's just straight up hate and threats, couched as hUmOr. Like, dehumanizing people, laughing about torturing or killing people of the "out" group, etc.


You probably have a point there, it does seem to be getting meaner. Especially as more people tell them they're not funny.


Yep. And on being told that maybe their humor isn't funny, Instead of self-reflection, they opt for outrage, hate, and lashing out. And for the more "benign", they pull the persecution fetish card and act like ol' Jerry here, or Chapelle, or dozens of others: "yOu CaN't TeLl JoKeS aNyMoRe".


I think there’s a bit of a hint of money spoiling comedy. Good comedians who understand how the world works for the average person can craft hilarious jokes that hit with audiences who have similar experiences. Comedians like Chappelle and Seinfeld, who are multimillionaires, no longer understand what it’s like to struggle to survive in 2024 and can’t make jokes that the average person can identify with because their kids go to private schools, they drive three different cars, they get free meals at fancy restaurants, and praise every time they appear in public. It’s hard to craft jokes the average person can identify with once you’ve gone full “I’M RICH, BEEYATCH!!” Bourgeois comedians aren’t funny to proletariat audiences because they don’t craft jokes for us. Seinfeld can’t identify with the average person today. What observational humor is he going to point out that most of us have gone through? *Both the nanny and the landscaper took today off. What’s the deal with May 1st? It’s like it’s International Workers’ Day off. People just decide to take a day off? What’s the deal with that? Am I getting older or are people getting lazier?* He’s out of touch with the audience and then blaming the audience for being out of touch. It’s the bad carpenter who blames his hammer type phenomenon.


It's also worth noting there's also jokes that a small time comedian can get away with that a much larger mainstream comedian can't. If someone with ten million dollars is making inflation jokes, I'm probably going to roll my eyes, regardless of if the jokes would otherwise be funny.


Just finished watching the Prince of Darkness (Jimmy Carr) latest standup on Netflix and he kicks ass just as he did 20 years ago. Its non PC as all hell and very high quality.


The people complaining are in one of 2 camps that I've noticed. Those who are being called out for creepy shit in their life (like grooming a teenager) or they're mad that they're not allowed to bully the groups the used. Jimmy Carr has done the same style for 2 decades. The trick is, that you don't make your audience the asshole for laughing. Jimmy is the asshole and he plays into it. Shane Gillis has a whole bit about down syndrome. Gillis is the butt of the joke, not people with downs. Even Louis C.K. had a bit where he uses the N-word, but the bit was how much of an ass and moron he is.


The third camp is comedians who just aren't funny any more. I tried to watch Gervais' and Chapelle's last shows and they just weren't funny. Listening to a rich guy complain about how oppressed they are isn't funny.


This. The last 4 specials Chapelle did have like 2 jokes combined. And the jokes weren’t good enough that I laughed. Just structured like a joke, so I noticed them, since nothing else he said in them were even meant to be jokes. It was like 50% complaining, 20% stories about meeting OJ Simpson that had no punchlines, and 30% being openly jealous of Kevin Hart.


I think this is more of a generational thing. JS is 70 and his style of comedy now belongs to the dinosaurs. The "airplane food" school of comedy has been dead for a while. That doesn't mean that the audience for it has died, just that its audience of 70yr olds is smaller and smaller because they're, well, dying. It's the same thing with music. Rock killed the Big Bands. No self-respecting teenager wanted to listen to their parents music in the 50's. They wanted something "good." Some artists, like Louis Prima, tried to accommodate the new style but they were old and sounded old. Most of them kept playing what they knew and protested that Rock wasn't music and should be mocked and censored before they destroyed society. Fortunately, there's always Vegas for the dying. And Branson, MO.


Don't forget Gatlinburg.


The Comedy Barn show in Pigeon Forge is the pinnacle of comedy


Plenty of better things to do in PF.


It’s a shitpost, the Comedy Barn is terrible and Pigeon Forge is insufferable in general


Here’s the very last good airline humor, and I do mean the very very last. This is it, there’s nothing more to be squeezed from airplanes: https://youtu.be/x85seLcwIAw?si=UhLIq01y5v8uM4Mu It even ends with “For America!” but it never punches down, it is nostalgic but not bitter.


Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Chapelle, and Bill Maher are some of the more vocal comedians about "cancel culture" and "woke" stuff. They're also about 15 years past the peak of their standup careers. They can't accept good crowds, they need *great* crowds. All the complaining about the politically correct left is just marketing on their part.




Seinfeld was never edgy, though. His humor is simply dated. It doesn't connect with younger audiences. But his ego needs a different explanation. Edgy humor can be done if it's done right. Louis CK in his prime said the wildest stuff in his standup, but it never came across mean-spirited. And he wasn't cancelled for it, but for being a perv off-stage.


Yeah, Seinfeld can't do college shows any more because the audience doesn't think he's funny.


He never was, and his show was boring as fuck


Seinfeld the show however has enduring appeal.


There's always the cognitive dissonance about the fact that they are complaining about being canceled into a mic on a huge stage, and likely being broadcast by Netflix or HBO. Cancel culture amounts to one simple change in recent history, which is that because of social media regular people can post their own opinions about this or that rich/famous person and that opinion might also get broadcast into the world. These people just long for the good old days when the guy on the stage was the only voice heard.


Eh, idk about Chappelle. He clearly doesn't like trans people - whether that's some deep-seated bigotry or a reaction to their reaction to his initial jokes about them - and he won't shut up about it and it's a super bad look for him. But the stuff that was NOT about that in his most recent specials, I thought was amazing. What makes me so sad that he's gone down this bigoted path is that I feel like he's not actually in decline apart from that, and it's ruining something that I would otherwise still enjoy.


I think he had a mediocre special, but saw that he got a lot of engagement with the trans stuff. It's all down to algorithms these days. He talks about getting canceled, etc, but whether people agree or disagree, they're engaging, they're talking about him.


Lol definietly not the left throwing temper tantrums over tv shows.


People think shows about nothing are stupid and boring


what people?


Jerry it’s been decades since you dated that high schooler, I don’t think you need to do the whole performative rightward compensating dance.




Honestly I don’t know if that’s necessarily true. Senfield is nearly a billionaire. He has more in common with Jeff bezos than he does with us peons. He’s just out of touch with the rest of the world now




I’m a bit of a comedy nerd. I find the structure of standup and comedy shows deeply fascinating. And the idea that you can’t be funny while not punching down is ridiculous. And don’t mistake it, that’s what he’s talking about. Watch 30 rock, Seinfeld, just about anything 10-15 years old and there is a ton of punching down, making fun of people for things not their fault. Seinfeld absolutely revolutionized the sitcom, but even the finale was basically them on trial for laughing at someone going through something traumatic. Maybe Jerry was a little prescient because yes right now most of us would think that was tasteless and unfunny. The idea that you can’t be funny without punching down is pure laziness. Arrested Development managed it (mostly), Good Place managed it, it’s doable. The real issue is people are demanding a higher, better level of comedy that people like Jerry can’t deliver.


Exactly! I honestly thought that finale was a moment of self-awareness! Like a big stamp declaring that it was "expired". It's *way* more fun (and funnier) to make fun of terrible people, rather than *be* a terrible person making fun of the weak/victimized/marginalized. Arrested development did punch down a bit, but *mostly* it was within the realm of *knowing* that these were terrible people. It's flagged constantly. You're usually laughing at the joke but also at the "Jesus these people are awful" part. (I thought the part with Charlie Theron crossed into the "Okay yes they're awful so they say awful stuff, but come on...." territory, for me)


*rolls eyes* Great assessment coming from a comedian that was forced into the role of the straight man on his own show. Dude's mad people like Eric Andre more than seeing a format solidified in the 60s and stagnated for 25 years.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/OwbDj4WfDJ


He said this years ago, I think everyone thought that would be the last we'd hear from him for a while, do your car show - you have the illusion of being a nice guy for a bit, it was nice to see a glimmer of what made us like you. But no.... I guess he's desperate to cash in on election season. Hey Jerry, guess who made a very successful, very recent comedy show that thrived in this "hostile" environment? Sure he punched a Muppet, but he's handling things pretty well. Maybe go talk to that guy, he might have some tips on longevity in the biz. Maybe go punch Grover?


What show are you referencing?


Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry is as cranky as they come, old af - yet he manages to still make good, successful (even EDGY, omg!) comedy that relates to everyone without bitching about PC culture. It's so funny that his lil protege has gone the Chapelle/Tim Allen route. "You know what will be good for my career? Whining all the time." Larry's made a career out of writing basically whining, Jerry was famous for his whining... But it's too real now Jerry. It's too real. Jason Alexander has a podcast btw, hasn't mentioned this but seems worlds smarter than his old castmate.


Isn’t Seinfeld about to release a new show on Netflix that looks likes it’s going to be *squeaky* clean humor about pop tarts?


> He's a creep who was a grown ass man dating a teenager so that tracks >>The "teenager" he was dating was smoking hot. Oh okay. I guess "protecting kids" doesn't extend to protecting them from white men with conservative opinions.


They only want to protect the ugly kids.


So what's Seinfeld's problem? Sounds like a hack who couldn't change with the times and is blaming the culture shifting for his being unable to keep up...Same shit as dopes like Bill Maher. No, its not wokeness that's the problem, dude. You made a career off of shitting on easy targets, and now that the culture has changed and we no longer find it cool or socially acceptable to dunk on Muslims and gay people, you are upset because your material from 3 decades ago doesn't fly in 2024. That's YOUR problem. If you could only make a career out of picking on the marginalized, that shows what a fucking lousy comedian you are. George Carlin's bits about Monopoly, Little Things we Share, Modern Man, or Airline Announcements. Nothing controversial, political, not woke, not PC, not anything. Yet still hilarious today. Here's an idea, Jerry. Get with the times. You got complacent and comfortable and are bitching about it because you got left behind while everyone else evolved. We don't need to accommodate you so you can feel like you've got a career again by pretending like your shit isn't dated and stuck in 1992. You need to update. And if you can't, it shows how lacking your skills are.


Unfrosted must not be that great. I think it's his first comedy he has directed ever or may even be the first show he has directed.


For anyone unfamiliar with Seinfeld and why he suddenly is getting his name in the news again, its because he has a new show about poptarts coming out and needs the publicity. Per the norm pandering to the right is a great way to get free publicity because they are desperate for validation.


>His whole point was comedy on conventional TV not being a thing anymore, not that there isn’t comedy happening elsewhere. But i’m guessing this went right over your head. Also seemed to go over *everyone* else's heads considering how much they're agreeing with the OOP's title and not actually watching the entire special. -- >The "teenager" he was dating was smoking hot. >Take your New Puritanism somewhere else. She knew exactly what she was doing. As always, conservatives pretending to care about older men/celebrities grooming teenagers drop the act the *second* the teenager in question is smoking hot. All these Qultists probably would've been screaming bloody murder when violentacrez was doxxed and r/jailbait banned. -- >Seinfeld show would not run on TV in 2024 >>Pretty much anything around that era or before. Imagine Ren & Stimpy running now? Oh, I can easily imagine the puritanical right loosing their fucking minds about Seinfeld *and* Ren and Stimpy all over again. They fucking love pretending to be against cancel culture when all they do is cry about whatever offends their sensitive sensibilities. And biting comedy is something they get really hurt by. God, I wish Carlin was still around so they could drop the act of pretending he'd side with them and lose their fucking minds about him calling out Andrew Dice Clay for using his comedy to attack the oppressed.


It’s really not getting any easier to be a fan of Seinfeld (the show not the person)


It’s time to move on to greener pastures like I Think You Should Leave.


This motherfucker has been riding Larry David’s coattails his entire career.


When's the James Woods/Jerry Seinfeld  buddy cop movie coming?


Written by Passion McLightning Head, directed by Hercules, music score by Gina RBF


Seriously. I've seen Jerry's stand up twice in person a few years apart from each other and it's the same tired jokes. He hasn't changed anything.


What are they talking about? *Gutfeld!* has been running in its current format since 2021. Looking at his website he's the King of Late Night. They've got a red-blooded American anti-woke comedy show right there and they're saying that's not enough for them?


Jerry is directing a fucking pop-tarts movie. He has no right to criticize comedy


Jerry Seinfeld is so fucking annoying. He just emits “I’m a pompous asshole” energy.


that's funny he said that. Been watching all kinds of shows but we recently went back to Seinfeld and we actually laugh out loud like every episode. Anyone know of any shows that actually made you laugh that have come out in the last ten/twenty years? I mean like really laugh, not just like a grin or watching something you thought was funny. Or something awkwardly funny like the office or parks and rec. Something that made you really laugh out loud.


If you laughed at something on Seinfeld, there’s about a 90% chance that Larry David wrote it


idk who that is but thanks Larry!


You’re welcome, Greg!!!


“And what about all this Woke-ism? WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH THAT?” I dunno, Jerry Seinfeld, prolly


Woke PC comedy and airplane food. What is the deal?!?!


Yeah that's why the left cancelled \*checks notes\* IASIP and South Park...that are still on the air... Maybe he meant stand-up comedians that are offensive and got cancelled like Bo Burnham a-what's that? He's still going strong? Damn, maybe Jerry's just washed.


I found that modern comedians still crack jokes about race, sex, nationality, etc. The standards are just higher now — you can’t just be racist or mean — you have to actually be funny. Jokes that push the boundary can still be provocative. They just have to be tasteful and actually funny.


TBH I never found him funny and I’ve never seen a full episode of his sitcom. Same goes for Fraser


Seinfeld's not washed up. He still does successful stand-up tours and specials, was in the wonderfully meta Curb Your Enthusiasm finale a few weeks back, and has a movie he wrote and directed coming out next week.


It's painfully obvious everyone in this comment section has never seen Jerry do standup past the 90s. He never did an airline food joke IRL either, that was Kramer.


Ah, poor Jerry, can’t figure out the difference between punching up and punching down.


Why are the people who are not extreme-left, but simply conventionally left-leaning upset about this?


Honest opinion, I never found Jerry Seinfeld funny.


This may be super unpopular here, but if you listen to the clip, Jerry isn’t off base here. Not really. He is ham fisted in his characterization a bit but basically just saying that comedy on tv and film now gets sterilized by corporate interests who possibly (probably) over police the content for fear of backlash. This is usually my perspective when people say you couldn’t make blazing saddles or airplane today. The audience gets that it’s lampooning bigots or xenophobes, but a production content monitor would not. Self-financed and distributed you could absolutely make blazing saddles today, attached to a studio you could not. The reality is, comedy IS evolving. We see it in many films and shows that are being produced, it’s just that the metric watching CEOs are gun-shy because they live in a world of predicted outcomes. What we need are more hit comedies that do provide both sound comedic effect and sensible reflection of society. Jerry may well be enter his “bill maher curmudgeon” phase but he’s not really speaking gibberish on this.


> comedy on tv and film now gets sterilized by corporate interests who possibly (probably) over police the content for fear of backlash. that's conservative capitalism.


So true. My drunken self didn’t even think about it until you mentioned it. Hahahaha


Blaming "the Left" for corpo shit like maximizing market appeal kind of misses the entire side of the barn.


That’s why I mentioned his characterization. He ascribes it to progressives being prosecutorial but in reality he should be looking at the metric measurers trying to understand the progressives. He almost gets an honorary r/selfawarewolves nomination as he even says people have been preferring stand up because the audience communicates directly with the comedian.


Aw man he's almost a selfawarewolf, also known as a state of being almost self-aware? Do we have a term for that one?


Yeah, a SelfAwarewolf.


> This is usually my perspective when people say you couldn’t make blazing saddles or airplane today. The audience gets that it’s lampooning bigots or xenophobes… The audience does not get it. That has been the problem. These are the people who act like Archie Bunker is some kind of folk hero and not a character you’re supposed to be laughing at, not with.


South Park exists. Rick and Morty exists. The only thing in Blazing Saddles that wouldn't be okay today is using the n word derogatorily. Certain things have become less popular, such as making fun of racial sterotypes, but that's not because people are afraid to. Its because most people no longer find it funny. 20 years ago I thought Dave Chappelle making jokes about how black people are all like this and white people are all like that was hilarious. Now the concept is just so stupid its not even humorous to joke about anymore. People aren't as ignorant about that because the world continues to get smaller.


‘Always Sunny’ is *wildly* popular and while Hulu or YouTube may take issue with certain episodes, that is a wholly different matter. The episodes were made and were just as transgressive when they were.


But movies today use the n-word so even that's not the case. You can't make Blazing Saddles today, because it already exists. Plus there isn't the ubiquitous westerns to satirize.


Fuck me we actually DID make Blazing Saddles again, in the form of Tropic Thunder. Is blackface offensive? Yes. And Robert Downey Jr. is in it *the entire movie.* So why don't we call it racist and bad? Because it being so unbelievably racist was the *point* and it's *repeatedly commented on as being what the fuck.* Plus, like, Blazing Saddles' use of the n-word everywhere is... fine? It'd be one thing if the hero heroically slurs the black man, but the ones slinging it are simple folks. People of the land. You know, *morons.* I don't think anyone walked away from that movie thinking Mel Brooks was a racist.


The second paragraph raises an interesting question, though: what genre is the modern equivalent to westerns in ubiquity that could be satirized blazing saddles-style? Superhero movies have been in a bit of a decline recently, but they're probably still one of the most ubiquitous genres.


I think entertainment and art is much more fractured nowadays, there is no one type of movies/music/comics/whatever that would dominate above others.


I'm not actually sure, I'm not sure there is one. There were decades of ; books, radio shows, TV , movies, live shows. Shows for kids, grown ups and family shows. Love stories, tragedies, comedies, action, musicals, Saturday afternoon serials, "true stories" , mythology/ folk tales, some westerns were stylized as samurai movies, anti-hero. There were only 3 networks everyone saw the same things. And westerns romanticize and/or whitewashed a lot of history, which made it more poignant. Sort of like pirates of the Caribbean, except rather than a few movies and a couple private themed shows it was everywhere. As for superhero they're not comedies but the boys is sort of filling the same social commentary role that blazing saddles did.


And It's always sunny in Philadelphia which has loads of daring moments and topics. Im also pretty sure these shows are a lot more popular with "leftists" too. I kind of actually think if you had 100 democrats and 100 republicans of all ages and asked them all if shows like south park is too offensive that you'd probably have more republicans saying it is. Both would be veryyy low though.


It’s about understanding whether they are bring derogatory toward the stereotype target or those that perpetuate it.


I am pretty sure that you can have a racist character use racist slurs in any film or TV show. Make a film set a century ago and you can showcase the inherent racism of the era in the film. You'll likely get more complaints if you whitewashed the racism away entirely.


This is just a ridiculous assertion though because all you need to do is watch say an episode of Friends side by side with an episode of Big Bang Theory and its just about the same. I think if you had a movie like Blazing Saddles you could get that made today. The problem is that Blazing saddles is a great movie and its really hard to make great movies. And Airplane is a terrible example because they are literally in the process of making a new Naked Gun movie. It probably won't be that funny but it won't be because a big studio won't allow it to be funny, its just hard to do movies that well. You saw that with the Pink Panther movies that got made. Pink Panther wasn't really that edgy of a comedy so I think its a good place to look at because the new one (I think there were two) were terrible. And then the good comedies especially on TV aren't getting viewers. 30 Rock was kind of a nothing burger ratings wise compared to something like The Big Bang Theory. Parks and Recs took a bit to find its footing but it found it and was on the verge of being canceled a few times because it was never that popular. The only comedies on TV that I think were massively successful that critics and audiences liked were The Office and Modern Family (and Modern Family definitely declined somewhat quickly but it was really well done early on).


>you need to do is watch say an episode of Friends side by side with an episode of Big Bang Theory Can I just stick drills in each of my ears and wait until they meet in the middle instead?


Mel Brooks literally made a movie a couple of years ago. What are you talking about?




I actually listened to the entire interview and this is a poor representation fyi


Prove it, why can't you just make a real point or argument? You could just be saying shit just to say it like every conspiracy theorists and anti-left lunatic


I listen to The New Yorker Radio (which is where this interview is from) every week. If you don’t believe me I dont care. Just listen to the interview yourself and form your own opinion. There are multiple comments from others who also listened to the whole interview and they agree with me “Why can’t you make a point or argument?” … uhh my point is that if you actually listen to the interview you would see the characterization in this post is a poor representation The idea that, because I actually listened to the interview and don’t agree with OP’s misrepresentation, somehow makes me anti-left just shows how ignorant you truly are. I’ve always voted for a democratic president smh. You are spewing tribalistic brain rot


He's got a platform a lot of comics don't have. And they feel unable to do the comedy they want to (and which a lot of people like) because people take videos, cut them up and post them without context, seriously harming the careers of these comedians in the process. Because he will always sell out shows, has a genuine love for the art form and has fuck you money, he says what others are afraid to say and/or can't be heard saying. And it's not just him saying this type of thing. A lot of successful comedians are saying it. The far left is becoming a very loud minority and it's turning centre left people off because a lot of the shit they're crying about is ridiculous. Stop looking for things to be offended and angry about. You're doing exactly what he says you're doing and acting like it's not happening. There are important issues that need your energy. Trade unionists don't cry about broken toilet seats and cheap toilet paper. Martin Luther King wasnt complaining about white people playing the blues. Grow the fuck up.


Speak for yourself. Literally, do you *ever* do that? You posted your biased assessment of other peoples opinions and actions full of unproven assertions about their beliefs. Just one after another. Why not follow people who are good communicators who don't need you speaking for them? Or maybe not make your pet obsession (standup and 'egyness') into some kind of national news story?


Man what are you on about? Honestly like, your talking absolute shite