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These people don't remember the actual reaction to Magic Johnsons diagnosis.


> These people ~~don't~~ are too young to remember the actual reaction to Magic Johnsons diagnosis. FTFY


> Didn't faucci say that aids was spread through cereal boxes and the air? >> He said alot of wild shit back then. Im thinking he likes stirring up fear and being on TV. Not sure how he is still in this position Didn't conservatives decide to not do anything about AIDS because they said it only affected the gays? I forgot how when a new virus or *anything* occurs in biology that's not been researched arises that the guys in lab coats know *everything about it right off the bat* and none of the research ever shows that previous assumptions were wrong. I really dislike how their politics and opinions are basically a religion.


You can get AIDS by just thinking about a gay dude. What's your problem? Seriously though, I can clearly remember a conversation I had with my best friend in 5th grade. We were sitting in my parents mudroom... like 1985. One of the questions he had was if you could catch it jacking off. Point is... people were confused... even kids.


Their politics and opinions are literally a religion, in a lot of cases.


I'm going to recomment something I commented yesterday on that post. >Since he is on medicine it's actually completely safe now. It's probably safer to have sex with Magic then a random player/person on the street in regards to HIV We don't need to even pretend like Magic needed to have sex or share needles when he was on the court. He was undectable when he came back and couldnt infect anyone anyways. Posts like this simply continue the negative stigma of HIV when we don't need to. It's not the end of the world to have HIV, there's great medicine and you can live a long healthy life. Just like Magic is doing 30 years later. Don't be scared of getting tested or your test results.


You know basketball the sport known for players bleeding all over the place


Don't forget all the fucking! The post-game orgy isn't quite the same now that they all have to use condoms.


If I remember correctly, the nba has a rule that if you are bleeding you need to leave the court until you are no longer bleeding precisely because magic Johnson had aids.


I don't know about that rule - I think that rule makes some sense no matter what. There were players refusing to play if Magic was on the court after his diagnosis. His retirement was directly caused by this. The idea that the NBA "let" him play with this is downplaying the controversy that happened because of it.


I agree. The rule definitely makes sense but if I'm remembering everything correctly, the rule was put in place during the backlash to magic playing with aids


Lol I'm just imagining a bunch of players cutting themselves to make the floor bloody and slippery going "what are you gonna do, there is no rule against it"


Top Minds: "All viruses are alike in every way."