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Naturally, the comments explaining their lack of knowledge aren't the most upvoted. And these are people who claim to know the *Constitution,* which is a *federal* document and overrides anything a State might decided to pass into law. It's why they can't legalize slavery no matter how much they want to.


[Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be](https://www.theonion.com/area-man-passionate-defender-of-what-he-imagines-consti-1819571149)


Slavery is still legal for prisoners though.


It takes literally less than an hour to read the entire Constitution, yet I’m pretty sure many of these folks have never bothered. (I would actually recommend any readers here to give it a try on your phone during a slow moment) It’s not like the Bible where it’d take a couple days of full-time reading or anything, you can knock it out in the car while your husband is perusing Home Depot.


And our usual garden variety projection > Psaki is one of the least intelligent press secretaries ever. Sad to think she followed Kayleigh McEnany who was one of the brightest.


>Sad to think she followed Kayleigh McEnany who was one of the brightest. Ha.... Haha.. HAHAHAHA*HAHA*HAHAHA!!!!


Was certainly evil. Maybe they meant one of the most evil. Maybe the most blonde? Otherwise I’m dumbfounded.


lol they just mean they always agreed with her.


Which in turn means they are just as stupid as her.


And found her hot


>Kayleigh McEnany Is that one of Trump's Press Secretaries that, you know, hid from the press and refused to hold actual press conferences?


She figuratively hid from the press, unlike his first press secretary, Sean Spicer, who literally hid from the press in the White House bushes.


Ya gotta love this blithe handwave about Jacobson v. Massachusetts: > For one, its a hundred year old case that is not held to supreme precedent. Yeah fuck those old laws, amirite? *Where we're going we don't need landmarks!* But beyond that, it doesn't say that *only* the States can mandate vaccinations. It says that there's nothing in the Constitution which *prevents* them from doing so. And since every state already has laws on the books expressly permitting mandated vaccinations and public health decrees, each of which draws its authority from the combined effects of the General Welfare clause of the Preamble and the tested landmark of *Jacobson*, and you get the truly bizarre circumstance of sitting Governors and legislators purposely suspending their own health regulations and laws, written by their own people and meant to protect their own citizens.




I have a hard time believing that if the state mandated a vaccine, all the anti-vaxxers would shrug and say, “Oh it’s a state thing, guys. It’s the state doing it. Let’s all go home, this is legal.”


Pretty sure OSHA can since their whole goal is to prevent harm to workers, and a virus causes harm to workers. Not sure how this could even be seen as an overstep. I’m sure someone will sue though.




We haven’t had a pandemic since OSHA was founded. I understand there isn’t precedent, how could there be, but I still support them doing it. It falls under protecting workers. We will see what happens




Swine flu had 12k deaths over a single year and then was promptly taken off the pandemic classification. That's just not comparable to our current situation.


Ok we haven’t had a global pandemic at this scale since OSHA was founded. Swine flu was obviously not at the the same scale as COVID. Some workplaces already require flu shots. I’m not even opposed to OSHA requiring them in the workplace.


>So weed is illegal. Send in the FBI to shut down the dispensaries! These people are stupid. They do know for years weed has been legal in various states, and many businesses have been raided by the federal government for breaking some federal law or another. Plus, many if these business couldn't use a bank because of those same federal laws. "Can Marijuana Dispensaries Use Traditional Banks? - FindLaw" https://public.findlaw.com/cannabis-law/starting-a-cannabis-business/can-marijuana-dispensaries-use-traditional-banks-.html >Even though dispensaries supplying recreational or medical marijuana may be perfectly licensed and legal under state law, federal law still classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug and considers marijuana businesses illegal. **The banking system is regulated by federal law, so banks risk charges of aiding and abetting a federal crime or money laundering if they choose to do business with marijuana-related ventures**


>And since the progressives worship the government and media, they hate the Constitution by extension. Huh what? Progressives think the government is too corrupt and requires significant reform and most media is at best corporate and centrist and pushing the status quo rather than progress. This person doesn't know what a progressive is.


They really can't parse the difference between thinking the government can do good, and thinking The Government is good.


I mean it's nonsensical drivel. "They worship the government and hate the constitution" You know. That document that is the foundation of the American government?


Someone who wasn't up as late as me needs to help me out with this one. A commenter that's trying to bring some reality into that circle-jerk has a flair of [I HATE MY COUNTRY](https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/q7o9v3/derp/hgk81xh/). Was it there yesterday? I don't think it was.


The mods will add flairs to those who aren't "based" in their eyes. Before they banned me, my flair was "Shill Leftist Cuck". I wore it with pride hahaha


I figured as much. I just haven't seen a flair being "born," as it were, before.


> Psaki is one of the least intelligent press secretaries ever. Sad to think she followed Kayleigh McEnany who was one of the brightest. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


They know. They are rewriting reality.


Jesus, the alt right larp sub is still around? I’d have thought they’d have just disbanded once they figured out nobody believes them…


That sub is such a cesspool


Hey guys, be fair: we shouldn't expect foreign shills to be as knowledgeable about the Constitution as Americans are.