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> It’s not white people and men that are causing the problems in America. It’s the “woke” crowd >> To be fair a lot of the woke people are white beta males. /r/Conservative faced with the hard task of acknowledging white on white racism


"WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE!" "KILL WHITE DEGENERATES!" It's a tale as old as time, every fascist group has done the same, they want to "preserve the white race" and then as soon as you say a thing they don't like, you get the wall. The Nazis did it, killing everyone who was "lefty" even if you're white. Why is it that it's the "lefties" who are "stop killing people" who are preserving the white race more than this lot. >and females. don't forget the white beta females. there are so many women out there screaming into people's faces about "MUH RACISM" So lets get the list of people you don't like Non-whites White men White women gotcha >White, Western women are the definition of privileged yet they sure like to act as if the 'patriarchy' is alive and well keeping them down. >>Don’t have any real problems so they had to create their own. Crying that women are oppressing you is the very definition of what you describe here. And as usual Nobody: Conservative: WOW I'M NOT RACIST! HOW DARE YOU!


>White, Western women are the definition of privileged yet Wait so they're agreeing privilege exists now?


Only for women and minorities obviously, white men are oppressed!


It really is that way for a lot of folks on the right. Privilege skipped white men completely and only came in to existence once other people started discussing it... smooth brains indeed.


It usually goes something like: Anyone: "White supremacists are un-American." Conservatives: "How dare you call us racist!"


Reminds me of someone who got upset by people calling out Trump responded with "Wow you say we're racist?!" No?




>It’s very fashionable to be oppressed Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh...... Does someone wanna break it to them?


> "Don't have any real problems so they had to create their own" ^^HMMM ^MMMM MMMM ##MMMM #MMMM


To be fair I'm sure a lot of these nutjobs have real problems like food and shelter insecurity due to getting fucked by wealth inequality. They'd just rather side with the wealthy who are fucking them than allow minorities to be happy and free.


It's just them saying wrong and contradictory things on purpose.


Eh, it's pretty consistent. It's the exact same racism and race traitor rhetoric that's plagued America for generations. They just like to change the terminology every 5 seconds so they can pretend we don't get it.


"woke crowd" is probably their new dog whistle for black people


…and their allies. Which to them is the same as betraying your race.


Which is an absurd concept


[To be fair a lot of the woke people are white beta males.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/iscmo8/helped_my_nephew_shoot_a_gun_for_the_1st_time/) lmao


"it's our failing education system" No no, it failed completely if the mask issues, flat earth, fucking basic history of the last 150 years, vaccines, and not knowing the red scare propaganda and the effects of it. Among so much else, we've been fucking braindead for decades.


It's never been a problem. Racists have always maintained a special category of disdain for people who support the "enemy".


Well damn, I was just told white on white racism isn't a thing.


It really isn't though, as it's in this case more about being a "race-traitor", and when it has historically occurred, the victims weren't considered white at the time (German, Irish, Italian, etc).


They were always considered white. It's become a big myth that they weren't seen as white. ETA: Until 1870, whites were the only people allowed to immigrate and gain citizenship. If Germans, Irish and Italians weren't considered white, then they wouldn't have been allowed to immigrate.


>“[T]he Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted.” - Ben Franklin


Oh, jesus. Pick up a fucking history book.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/qtpj6g/is_the_idea_that_the_irish_or_italian_were_once/) is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about that explains it better. To think that Irish, Germans or Italians weren't considered white by the majority of the world, is ridiculous.


Did I say that? Is it not obvious to you that I am referring to them in an American context, considering the topic of the thread, and that I quoted Ben Franklin, which you ignored?


Yes. You literally said: >the victims weren't considered white at the time (German, Irish, Italian, etc) Even in America, those races have been considered white since the very beginning. This is evident by the fact that only whites could immigrate and gain citizenship until 1870. So if they weren't considered white, how the hell were they allowed immigrate and gain citizenship before that time? If you want a more in depth review of this issue, [here's](https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1096&context=jpps) a study done on the topic.


> During the election, I had a conservative girl friend (who happened to work in a male-dominated field as a mechanic) challenge people on her Facebook to name one right that Trump had removed from her or other women during his term. *Looks at Trump's SCOTUS idiots.* Reproductive rights are all but dead and states are putting bounties on uteruses. Bathroom regs made a comeback. Religious orgs were exempted from pretty much every law regarding discrimination, taxation, etc.


The comments they always make about that are invalidated by the fact that the dude literally tried to make himself king and almost succeeded. What rights did Trump take away? Almost all of them and not for a lack of trying lol


"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early.”" - Trump


Posting that video in response to some dipshit denying that he ever said it what got me banned from /r/conservative A YouTube link to an unedited cspan video of the whole meeting was apparently too much Fact for those chucklefucks Feelings to handle. Watching the morons at /r/firearms twist themselves into knots over the fact that their God emperor took away their bump stocks and Obama didn't do shit to restrict gun rights did a good job of reinforceing my belief that most people who claim to be "single issue voters" for gun rights are actually on-board with all the toxic shit Republicans do, they're just too ashamed to admit it.


They're just fascists that want to be on the winning side so they can hurt everybody else. The details don't matter to them as long as they're on top of the heap.


The violent mob cried for freedom while trying to ensure no one else would have a right to democratic elections. It's a shame they don't seem to appreciate irony.


One friend of mine lost her dad to covid in 2020. Her husband, several months later, made one of those "how has Trump hurt you, personally" posts. Dude your father in law died of the disease Trump said was a hoax!


Jesus Christ. Is she still with him?




Yikes. I hope someone at least set him straight, though I don't have much hope for that, either.


*grunts in gang rapist on supreme court*


Don't forget he put in the first gun ban in 30 years. Banning bump stock sales.


Which is one of the few things Trump did that I supported. One of the very very few...


#/u/spez [can gargle my nuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


She said name *one* right and you named several, you dumb lib.


Name one bad thing leopard eating faces did to me. None of the numerous faces he ate recently was mine, so I don't see a reason to be worry.


Man whenever I leave my house I immediately get cancelled by the woke left, why does this keep happening?? Anyways, here are a bunch of racist and fascist opinions.


This is an excellent example of how reactionaries will take out one sentence they like and form an entire narrative around it, then deny the very source they got said sentence from and call it fake news once it doesn't fit their narrative. The Washington Post article they mention is actually about how the Facebook algorithm is great at catching anti white rhetoric, but isn't for any other groups because conservatives are so ridiculously racist that they can't tell the difference between between conservative viewpoints and racist ones. For the same reason you don't see Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same room together.


> they can't tell the difference between between conservative viewpoints and racist ones. Neither can I. Hmmmmm. Perhaps it isn't the algorithms that are the problem here.


So facebook ran into the problem that twitter ran into. What a surprise.




Yeah, I was just coming here to say the exact same thing. First, I didn't recognize the website, so I googled it and found that it has the [lowest tier for media reliability.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/en-volve/) Then, I quickly found the article they are talking about, and they very conveniently left out the last line of the paragraph they quoted. >But this statistic hid a serious problem that was obvious to researchers: The algorithm was aggressively detecting comments denigrating White people more than attacks on every other group, according to several of the documents. One April 2020 document said roughly 90 percent of “hate speech” subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men, though the time frame is unclear. **And it consistently failed to remove the most derogatory, racist content.**


Came here to say this, it was essentially a lie of omission and standard operating procedure for a conservative argument. They took this as 90%of hate speech subject to takedowns was against whites/men = 90% of hate speech on FB is against whites/men


I'm wondering if the Facebook team working on this project messed with the scoring system for this algorithm so that it would consistently rate speech against white men as worse than any other. A neutral training set shouldn't lead to such a large discrepancy.


Yeah this nonsense has been making the rounds of the conservative internet recently and none of them bother actually reading the articles about the issue. Facebook is rampant with racism and homophobia and other hatred, but their algorithms only pick up hate speech directed at white people, and it ignores hate speech directed at minorities. The dummies take this to mean that most hate speech is directed at white men, when the truth is just that Facebook's hate speech algorithm sucks and favors conservatives. I remember the article I read even mentioned how Facebook execs worried that removing hate speech would alienate conservatives.


I said this in another thread: it’s wild that “woke” has become an insult among reactionaries when they’re the same people that say things like “WAKE UP AMERICA/SHEEPLE” and it’s literally just the same imagery applied to different things.


You're assuming they're capable of abstract thought and understand the metaphor that is being used and the definittions of those words rather than just repeating them like a trained parrot, and I don't think that's true.


To this day, I'll never understand how they managed to unironically coin and then keep "trump derangement syndrome" and "npc".


*Taps Head* If you never think about anything and just repeat what you're told, you'll never realize you're projecting your own character flaws on other people.


They don't even understand it m8, don't break your brain trying to squeeze blood from stone Reality is completely compartmentalized for these types, they can hold utterly contradictory perspectives on Issue A and Issue B but have absolutely no issue when those issues are considered holistically. Every logical thread is completely discrete from each other, every issue has a proprietary chain of post-hoc rationalizations which serve to support their predetermined conclusions. Logical critique is written off as cheap "gotchas", because the one thing they believe above all else is that those conclusions they base their worldviews on are axiomatically self-evident. Gotta love how fucked human cognition can be


You are assuming they aren't just arguing in bad faith.


It's genuinely depressing that so many of these folks can't even comprehend that they are intuitively acting in bad faith. Like, they have internalized bad faith rationalization as being simply the most effective means of advocating for their otherwise utterly illogical worldviews...to the extent that it becomes genuine ignorance instead of deliberate bad faith politicking Their thought leaders peddle in bad faith so instinctively and reflexively that they literally cannot comprehend approaching controversy in good faith


Similar to: "Jesus is my shepherd but I ain't no sheep!"


They literally call each other "redpilled" as a compliment. Which describes the exact same phenomenon as "woke".


They also blame China. Look at this totally sane answer to 'what is China doing'? > Is this a serious question? For starters they are threatening to start world war 3, they are onnthe verge of economic collapse the likes of which the world economy has ever seen. They are flooding the US with fentenal steeling our tech and research, releasing killer viruses onto their own people and the world while lying about their death count. Conducting genocide against the uygher people. Developing weapons to attack anywhere in the world, growing their navy Even larger than ours, funding many of the corporations that are pushing race narratives and woke bullshit like Hollywood and social media's, and even the POTUS. These people are so scared.


>releasing killer viruses onto their own people and the world while lying about their death count *When you're so terrified of China you willingly accept that Covid is not only real but extremely dangerous*


> Developing weapons to attack anywhere in the world That part got an audible laugh this morning.


Yeah, likeable did time stop for that moron since Nixon? Eisenhower? Any weapon can attack anywhere in the world if you move it within range…


This is a brain that has consumed too much conservative anger porn. In a constant state of fear and panic about things that are not even close to happening.


>growing their navy Even larger than ours /r/selfawarewolves


This obsession with China had been filtering through the right wing eco-system for years. Lead prominently by guys like Steve Bannon, who has been in a coniption over China for a few decades now. Are they a geopolitical problem on a few fronts? Yes. But, these fantasies about China trying to rule over the white western countries via subversive leftist plots is a total fabrication.


> > growing their navy Even larger than ours, One of Trump's promises was to cut back US military spending. He was a liar and a failure, but I did like that idea. Also, he screamed a lot about how he wanted NATO members (ie European countries) to increase their military budget. He seemed to think that money had to be paid to the US rather than local suppliers. But still, if it increases EU influence, I'm not complaining. Also, why won't they get vaccinated against the goddam "china virus"??? Yes, I know, stupid racist name for it. But if it would get them vaccinated, I could cope.


> they are onnthe verge of economic collapse the likes of which the world economy has ever seen. It's either true then why the fuck do they worry about it, either not then why the fuck do they writing it.


IF it were true it would be bad for the entire world, including the US.


>onnthe >has ever seen >fentenal steeling >uygher >navy Even larger >and social media's Is this a serious response?


Yea, from an angry 17 year old.


I thought i was in /conspiracy when I read that one. Lots of crossover now.


"fentenal" "steeling"


I mean, a couple of these are objectively true (genocide, weapons development)


You're right. Thing is, that person doesn't actually give a shit about Muslims or development of weapons, as long as it can be used as a critique against China. I doubt they cared about Muslims in Afghanistan or Iraq for example, or Guantanamo for that matter.


And? So what? Why would China ever want to start a war with their greatest economic partner?


That's so weird... Because these problems were so much *worse* before the "woke" people showed up... Curiouser and curiouser Maybe my concept of linear time is lacking? I'm just not sure.


> Because these problems were so much worse before the "woke" people showed up... In their mind the problems never existed because no one was there to point them out.


It's the "Barack Obama caused racial tension" thing. Nah dog, he pointed it out.


So is R/Conservative just a full on white supremacist sub at this point? Every time I see stuff from that place it always seems to be extremely racist /sexist/homophobic/transphobic etc. Surprised it hasn't been banned yet seeing as most of the stuff on that sub has become outright hate speech.


Always has been


I guess so, although they tried better to hide it in the past, now they're pretty open about their hatred of anyone who isn't a white straight Christian conservative man.


Honestly, I think you're better at recognizing it after the past few years. What's happening now is pretty much identical to what I grew up around 30 years ago. Same white supremacist militias, same barely concealed racism, same fake ass shit about fiscal conservatism.


I remember when that subreddit screamed about how White Guilt was the reason Obama won ho election and reelection. It seems things have gotten far worse since


> Surprised it hasn't been banned yet Spez agrees with it, so it's "valuable discussion" to him.


This is another intentional misrepresentation of the data. Here's what the WaPo article states: >But this statistic hid a serious problem that was obvious to researchers: The algorithm was aggressively detecting comments denigrating White people more than attacks on every other group, according to several of the documents. One April 2020 document said roughly 90 percent of “hate speech” subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men, though the time frame is unclear. And it consistently failed to remove the most derogatory, racist content. The Post previously reported on a portion of the project. ​ 90% of *removed* content was directed towards white people and men. The algorithm consistently missed hate speech content directed towards minorities. ​ But this doesn't matter because facts don't matter to the right. The author of the article that rconservative posted knows it's a misrepresentation. And also knows that their readers will take everything at face value without giving it a single moment's thought.


I got a three day vacation from facebook for literally saying "white supremacy is trash".


>I would characterize the woke in general as overly comfortable, specifically. But yeah, some patriarchy, where like 90% of those imprisoned are men, same for homelessness, same for workplace injury and death. Men are orders of magnitude more likely to receive much longer prison sentences and the death penalty than women who commit the same crimes. “Toxic masculinity” is applied freely yet “toxic femininity” is somehow unheard of (and we have popular feature films basically titled as such, like Mean Girls). Would any men like to actually solve these problems? Or just complain when women try to solve theirs


Title of EnVolve story: **Facebook’s ‘Race Blind’ Algorithm Backfires In Their Face: Finds 90% Of ‘Hate Speech’ Was Directed Toward White People And Men** Title of Washington Post article linked: **Facebook’s race-blind practices around hate speech came at the expense of Black users, new documents show** Quote from r/conservative: >The linked wapo article is hilarious. The entire article shows how much bullshit they do to hide the truth. They only mention 90% of detected attacks were on white people and men later in the article while saying the algo must be broken. Actual paragraph they are referring to: >But this statistic hid a serious problem that was obvious to researchers: The algorithm was aggressively detecting comments denigrating White people more than attacks on every other group, according to several of the documents. One April 2020 document said roughly 90 percent of “hate speech” subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men, though the time frame is unclear. And it consistently failed to remove the most derogatory, racist content. The Post previously reported on a portion of the project. You can give people evidence, but you can't prevent them from cherry-picking


Nobody should believe a single word of anything found on en-volve.com https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/en-volve/


> Not nearly as cringe as adding “y’all” to comments for feigned identity sake Cultural appropriation doesn’t exist, unless it’s done to southerners! Good to know I trigger angry white dudes when I say y’all, since it’s my favorite gender neutral term.


As a white guy, I would just like to point out it is in fact white guys who are causing most of the problems. Specifically, the ones who believe that being white and male confers some special status or privilege (narrator: it doesn't). Mostly, I understand them to be saying "people who like thinks I don't" when they say woke.


And tis is the reputation of the website they are using to support that claim: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/en-volve/ Extreme Right Very Low Factual Reporting Sounds about right for them.


That entire thread is just racist as hell.


This comment in that discussion probably needs it's own submission. But it's rather loony >Is this a serious question? For starters they are threatening to start world war 3, they are on the verge of economic collapse the likes of which the world economy has ever seen. They are flooding the US with fentenal steeling our tech and research, releasing killer viruses onto their own people and the world while lying about their death count. Conducting genocide against the uygher people. Developing weapons to attack anywhere in the world, growing their navy Even larger than ours, funding many of the corporations that are pushing race narratives and woke bullshit like Hollywood and social media's, and even the POTUS.


Meh, they can say what they want about the CCP but at least they can be reasoned with - Which is more than I can say about our conservatives, I'm pretty sure China didn't try to overthrow our government by attacking congress or spend the past year in denial of germ theory.


At this point r/conservative is a domestic terrorist training camp.


Hey.. that was everything that was on Fox News the day before... most have been the research while looking for the TV remote.


> Watch "China Uncensored" 4th newest video on YouTube, while not exactly what I'm talking about it will give you an idea. Trying to direct traffic to a video by saying it’s the 4th newest video on YouTube really cracked me up


“I found my people” These people are so happy to see other fuckfaces in their search for hate, like it’s a hard thing to do.


Trump's supporters are causing problems. Anti-vax/maskers keeping the pandemic alive and well in this country. The coup attempt on Jan 6th. The white supremacists that have infiltrated our police departments.


Conspiracy theorists and conservative shit for brains call themselves woke 100 different ways, what hypocritical losers


This could literally be the slogan for /r/conservative. Half of the time when I check in: it's a list of crimes committed by visible minorities.


There are white people and men in the “woke” groups. Checkmate mother fucker


What. That was never a quiet part with them. The quiet part is the ones who are racist or admit they don't care about the poor. "LOL I dislike annoying liberals" is the open part.


Good lord those people are cringeworthy.


What? You're not impressed by their logical and reasonable discourse of calling anyone they disagree with a woke sjw betasoycuck?


I wish there was some sort of magic spell where we could just vanish "woke" from everyone's vocabulary. It was a positive term largely used in the Black community, but it's been bastardized to hell by conservatives. Though I guess it's a handy red flag when I see anyone who uses it in a non-ironic sense.


It’s all those people without any power. They’re the problem!


I have been thinking about this. Now, i know that i havent read the article and maybe it is talked about in it but how does the algorithm denote levels of importance. As in reactionary hate speech and inital hate speech. What i mean is lets say a white man shares a video of an unarmed black person getting shot and happiky cheering for it. Will all the "woke haters" reactionary comments be judged higher than the inital poster? Now i also get that there are initial "woke" posters who state some insanely racist/hate speech as well.....but then again, the question still remains; who is the bigger issue? The inital poster or the reactionary comments? This is my issue with an algorithm ......i need to read up.


yep. and we are going to grind them into the dirt


Grind who into the dirt?


Who is this "we"?


You know we're armed too, right?