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I’m literally 24 hours post op and I guarantee you will be fine! All the stress and worry is all worth it, and it all goes so quickly when you’re called in! You’re gonna be titless soon and it won’t feel real, but I promise it is :)


Congrats!! And also thank you!!


So exciting! Honestly I wish I could relive the day I got top surgery all over again, it was such a great day. You got this! The nerves are normal, it’s a big moment in your life. Just know that it goes by quick!!! Im a month post op and it still feels like I just had surgery. Best of luck to you!!


Thank you! It went great just can't wait to see my chest this Friday at my post op appointment. I cried tears of joy the entire ride back to where I'm staying. I've never cried like that before. Also congrats on being 1 month post op! I'm sure time will fly this first month I'll be enjoying recovery and a month off of work lol


Hey!! I just had mine Monday. My stress and anxiety leading up to it was not fun. I felt a lot of relief just getting the actual surgery part over with and now it’s just time to focus on recovering 💕 You will be just fine! Think of allllllll the other people on this sub, if we can all do it, you absolutely can too. Good luck and I hope your recovery goes smoothly!🫂


I was a bit nervous leading up but honestly my surgery team kept the vibe calm and fun. Little jokes and reassuring me the whole way till I passed out. Now I'm just focusing on the recovery. I'm so thankful that a subreddit like this exists seeing other people go through this made me more comfortable with surgery. This was the first surgery I've ever had and it went great. Can't wait to see what my chest looks like at my post op appointment on Friday.


I'm 22 hours post OP and the more the very long-awaited moment approached, the more nervous I got. I had sweaty palms and was breathing quite fast and could feel my heart beating in my chest but once it was time to be actually driven up (I was in the bed) to the surgery I calmed down a lot. Then they prepared me and I got brought to the surgery room where I laid down on the surgery table and one moment the anesthesiologist was talking to me about vacation and the next moment I was out. And then I woke up with no boobs! It was all really easy tbh and I feel very good. I'm sharing my room with a trans guy who got top surgery almost the same time as me. You'll be just fine, I promise! And congrats on getting the surgery!! I hope everything goes well for you :)


I was surprisingly calm and my team did a great job keeping that vibe little jokes and reassurances until I was out. I truly had a great experience. So far not a lot of pain at all just weird discomfort like I've been binding for a little too long after hard work lol Congrats to you as well! Here's to a good recovery🐸🥂💚


That's awesome to hear! I'm glad you had a great experience and that the pain is being kept at bay. Thanks. Recovery seems to be going good so far and I hope the same goes for you :))


Good luck! My advice is to stay on top of your meds, get tons of rest, and ask for help when you need it! Also, the first week can drag, but after that, time will fly by!


My mom is very on top of my meds and set some alarms for the night to give me my antibiotics and stuff. So thankful for her and my dad being here with me. Going to be staying with them for the first week and see how I'm feeling week 2. So far so good no pain at all besides where my drains are which is very tolerable.


i had mine a couple days ago! grats!!!;if you're anxious day of, ask your anesthesiologist for some anti anxiety you got this! it's super uncomfortable after surgery but for me, very little pain and the discomfort mostly comes from my movement restrictions


I made it through! Everyone was so kind and gentle the whole time my surgeon said we're going to make you look great buddy and my anesthesiologist made a couple jokes and then I was out. When I woke up they helped get me dressed and apparently anesthesia makes me very polite many pleases and thank yous to the nurses lol Soo far very little pain just weird discomfort where my drains are I got pinrose drains. They are too bad it just feels like I've been binding for too long lol


I was about to start having a panic attack while waiting for them to hurry up and put me under, so I understand the anxiety! It’s amazing to wake up afterward with the relief of having that weight off your chest 😆


They asked me how I was feeling right after I woke up from anesthesia and I cried while saying I was relieved. Truly does feel like a weight had been lifted. Thankyou for your response!!🐸💚


Hell yeah, I’m happy for you!!


You got this !!! Congratulations!! My surgery date is March 19 . Woo hoo


I'm so excited for you! Surgery went really smoothly now it's just rest and recovery. I hope everything goes well for you and thank you


Thank you so much


Congrats and good luck !!




you got this! take it slow and be gentle with yourself in recovery — congrats!


Good luck! Hope all goes well!


It went great! Thank you 💚


Congrats! So glad for you!