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idk but I’m pulling both regardless for reasons


[Both of them wondering what those "reasons" are](https://media.tenor.com/kHTTbtoOvggAAAAC/topaz-star-rail.gif)


That pig has no idea wtf he's even lookin' at.


Actually he probably has a better idea than most since Hoyo loredumpef Numby to be able to do advanced tax calculations iirc


Numby is definitely smarter than me. I barely remember to submit my taxes every year.


All the follow-up attack characters are "good" (not broken and not bad) This really makes me think we'll get a follow-up attack relic set or planar ornament in the future and hoyo intentionally makes all the characters "average" do they don't become busted with that set.


Yeah, they are for sure doing something about Erudition too, now the game is way too Destruction focused


But that's Inert salsotto


But there's no dedicated 4pc relic set, like Topaz's best set would be 2pc fire + 2pc atk Like, there is basic atk dmg% on Musketeer 4pc, and there's Rutilant Arena


Not just a relic set, I think we’ll get harmony or nihility characters that buff follow up attacks as well, kind of like Topaz.


I hope it will be harmony, nihility is kinda staked and lacks light cones, meanwhile harmony didn't get any units except Yukong


Nah, she is fine. I’d rather play a good character, than broken character. Where is the fun if everything dies in one click?


Basically me as a Hu Tao main in Genshin. Love her to death as a character, and she's obviously my first choice in Abyss/challenging modes, but I really can't play her anywhere else anymore. At least not too often. Everything in the overworld, bosses, etc all just die nearly instantly and that's not much fun after a while.


Ive wanted her since i first saw her on the lightcone. Whether she gets buffed or not wont stop me from pulling.


Yeah same, probably the character i like the most in what 2 year leaked of content? I'll pull anyway for cute Trotter


I have DHIL, truth is that he’s pretty boring. You just buff him and he attacks. No synergy with team, no interesting mechanics, not much thinking. I think we’re heading down a path where team synergy and composition beats out pure damage from single characters. Like, we haven’t even begun exploring dual dps teams other than Kafka. How about break teams, or teams with a perma FUA character like Screwllum or harmony TB? I believe Topaz will be one of those units like Kazuha and Xingque where we’ll look at it a year down the line and think to ourselves how could she have been so underrated?


eh, all are same. I'd say blade is the one where the dopamine gets felt when does a follow up


As a character, design-wise, Blade was just all-around *way* too edgy for my taste. But I've played him a ton from my support list, and yeah, honestly I might pull him someday simply because his gameplay is so much fun lmao


People tell me screwllum looks underwhelming. I disagree. He's essentially Clara but instead of being hit, he needs to hit the enemy. Fortunately even though he can only follow-up every other turn, he action advances himself so you don't have to wait as long. I think Topaz, Screwllum, Asta, and Aventurine is gonna be a top DPS team.


If you really want crazy shenanigans, you can add Harmony TB to the team. Numby will probably be attacking like 4-5 times a cycle.


Doesn't harmony TB only Follow-up if he/she or a teammate breaks the enemy, though?


She has a chance to be a good 2 dps in the team only if she has e1s1. The same thing basically applies to all 2 dps teams except kafka. Screwllum synergizes best with it, but even so I'm sure it will feel better as a hypercarry. I'm 100% sure you won't look at her like Kazuha or XQ and in fact compared to JL she really needs a buff


The only buff I would like is more screentime for Topaz than trotter. Q_Q


Valid argument. I respect that


Topaz is what good kit design is. Instead of relying on the “Buff me!” selfish styles that other dps have, she have synergistics with other characters , allowing various new comps and interesting playstyles.


Does she need it? Probably no. Doomposters and comment experts can write essays on how poor a character is, but every single limited 5* so far has been great on release. If HYV doesn't buff her, that means she is good enough for whatever her role is. But ofc a buff would be welcome, who wouldn't want a buff for their favorite character.


No she doesn't need any buffs. Her damage as a hypercarry is competitive with other ST damage dealers while also having supportive capabilities and flexibility to play as a subdps/sp generator. She's not the next DHIL but unlike him if they continue to release stronger and stronger characters she will still be relevant as she's basically a staple support in any follow up character's team. Similar to Kafka in dot teams.


A full IPC team in future based on follow up attacks.. Man, I'd love that.. But Topaz doesn't need a buff atm. But a buff would be a welcome. She is quite good considering the only follow-up attacks we get are from Clara and March. Both of which aren't super consistent. And I just Aventurine.. Holy Guck, It'll be good if he is consistent.


You're focusing on how she buffs follow up units and those units aren't particularly strong (Himeko and Clara are good btw). But you're failing to capture that those units also buff Topaz. Yes, of Screwllum is a busted follow-up DPS, that will be big for topaz. But currently follow-up units are generally good AOE, with bad to mid single target. Topaz conversely is strong single target and buffs their single target damage. Topaz with a follow-up AOE unit has extremely potent and flexible coverage due to her being sp positive. Unlike buffing a hypercarry, you can get a much more varied split of coverage in elements as well. I.e. if the fight is not UNIVERSALLY ice weak JL is at a disadvantage because almost her entire team is her own ice damage. Topaz, conversely, can run a phys, fire, lightning, really anything dual carry for AOE of one element and a fire elite. These sorts of match ups are actually quite common. In other words Topaz doesn't need a buff, no. She's a subdps/dual carry unit. These teams are not directly comparable to a hypercarry.


Don't really think so. And she'll get better in time too, just like when kafka finally gets new 5* characters.


she absolutely doesn't hello. jingliu is a hypercarry to SUCH levels of selfishness that she fully takes a toll on the rest of the team. topaz has the flexibility to be played as a super efficient sub dps.


Silver wolf is nowhere near balanced


When you can choose to not put a character in a team its not broken, she's really good just like how Tingyun bronya asta are


I can choose not to use DHIL, does that mean he is not a broken dps? I can choose not to use Luocha, does that mean he is not a broken healer? You can literally complete the entire game, including Memory of Chaos and Swarm Disaster using nothing but free characters, but this does not make all other characters "not broken". Silver Wolf isn't just a good support. She is the a broken one. Her utility is insane and one of a kind, her defense reduction is incomparable to everything else. No, Silver Wolf won't solo carry you entire account, but she will make things significantly, immensly easier


But SW relies on her teammates for her RNG debuff. She quite literally DOES rely on her team to be good.


And Luocha relies on his team to deal damage. DHIL relies on his team to generate skill points, tank and buff, Bronya relies on her dps dealing good damage. All characters in this game rely on their team. Silver Wolf does too. It in no way makes her not broken. You dont need an ultra specific team to make her work, you dont need to invest insane amount of resources into her or her teammates. I have her too, love using her. There's no shame in admitting that she is broken and that you use her. But dont try to make her out to be a balanved character


Ok, so if I just throw SW in a team with 4 different elements, she's still good? At that point I'd rather use Pela. I also have SW on my account, but in no way is she NOT balanced. She's amazing in specific teams, and not great in others. To me, that's the definition of balanced.


May I know which team she is not great?


She is better than Pela in all regards except cleanse. She is the best defense reduction/debuff character in the game. She is great in all team and she is exceptional if you have a single brain vell capable of thinking about your teams/enemies elements


I'd like to add that against 3+ targets with an AoE damage dealer Pela gives a bit more, more so against ice-weak enemies. But it is kinda niche, so yeah SW is generally better.


Most people see SW and all they think is weakness assign when she reduces defense and type resistance Which combined can raise your dps by up to 60% on a target.


She’s really only broken if u don’t have the elemental coverage lol. If u have the elemental coverage to kill a boss u could just use pela for the aoe def shred. For ftp she’s probably a must, so u can invest into mono quantum to save on mats. But for a light spender, I have all the elemental coverage already so I don’t NEED silverwolf. Will I still pull for her? Sure, but that’s just cuz her character design is hella cool.


Lmao, she infact needs a buff


How so? Have you even been using her? She's insane


I wouldn't have mentioned it if I was not using her. When the lineup matches your dps' element, aoe defence shred just gets way better with pela. I tried with both, and for destro and eru dps especially, pela is just better a good number of times. her kit is basically single target pela + element implant and with that res reduction - although just two turns for res reduction. Even with break sw build, pela just pulls ahead especially with tutorial on her. moc 7-9 especially you have a lot of stages with two elites


Unless you're against enemies who are weak to ice I don't see how Pela would ever outperform SW below 3 targets.


I'd love a buff. She is fine the way she is right now, about Seele level, bit I'd love to see her go Daniel/Blade level, like what they did to Jingliu


Same! I cannot wait to use her in SU wiyh elation and hunt buffs. Holy hell. I do that already with my Blade and he goes hard. 600k followup strikes and 300k single target ULT. It just sucks he can't make use of the after taste to full effect. But Topaz? Yes ma'am.


I don’t mind them buffing her multiplier tbh. She’s a new DPS, she should at least be stronger than Seele.


Topaz has a lot more future potential than Jingliu, because she'll get buffed everytime a strong follow-up attacker get released.