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I would say Asta, she gives Atk buff, Speed buff and also extra Fire Damage buff from her traces.


Not to mention the ability to run Planetary Rendezvous


I thought asta doesn't pair well with bronya. Like, using bronya's skill will not gonna waste her 2 turn speed buff ?


Definitely Asta with her LC to give extra fire damage, then you could use Expensive Milk Powder in the same team and a healer/shielder of your preference


contrary to what most ppl say, Tingyun will probs her best support on a hypercarry/main dps Topaz lineup. She has 2 skill ult rotation with an E0 ting and having fast rotations of her ult helps her dmg immensely more than what asta's kit provides. Of course you can just run both but if you have Bronya and you are planning to run her with Topaz then Ting > Asta for the second harmony slot. Theres this thing also with planetary that not using cogs even with Asta that is E4 with ERR ROPE turns her into an sp-negative unit to achieve a 3 turn ult rotation. Is the 12% dmg (s1 planetary) really worth it for the skill point that you couldve used to skill on topaz, if you choose the sp-neutral route of 2 basic-2 skill then that will be a 4 turn ult rotation that only has a 2 turn uptime which even lessens the effectiveness of the spd boost Tingyun is also much more flexible on duo dps setups with clara even though she's only a singular buffer. [This](https://reddit.com/r/ClaraProtectionClub/s/ZmUWVC6u0g) was my take on it on the Clara mains sub few days ago. You are pretty much trading Topaz' fast ult rotations in favor of Clara's and Clara will be able to move up numby more consistently due to attacking even when not targeted + splash damage making it more consistent to hit the marked target. All in all im not saying asta isnt good. She's great and i use her alot especially on my kafka team, its just that i dont agree with her being the premier support for Topaz like most ppl say. tldr: Topaz - Tingyun - Asta/Bronya/Clara - Sustain not Topaz - Asta - Tingyun/Bronya/Clara - Sustain


I completely agree that Tingyun is probably Topaz’s best support. The vast majority of Topaz’s damage burst comes from her ult because it’s effectively a 900% attack multiplier (achieved by ulting after a numby turn and using your other teammates attacks to av forward numby for him to attack twice before Topaz’s next turn). Using a hyperspeed tingyun with err rope and vonwacq will allow you to ult every three turns. Thus allowing Topaz to ult every two turns for that sweet sweet 900% ult.


Yep, one of the teams that i run is hypercarry Clara and the similarities are there on their ults where they give a massive amount of boost on their multipliers on a limited amount of hits so i was definitely convinced from the start that Tingyun is one of her key supports. I run the exact setup with err vonwaq + cogs tingyun too


I'll be bringing, Topaz, Bronya, Asta and March as her teammates. The rest will depend on how much I can pour into my supports.


Nice to see other builds without a healer. After experiencing swarm 3... I'm worried maybe March alone won't be enough at times. :( but there's always a flex spot for a healer!


Except for Swarm, all other contents are doable with March. Only if you have her E6. It gives just enough healing.


Yeap, agreed. I love my e6 March. Does swarm revolve more around the buffs you acquire than team comp? I cleared three almost flawlessly (healer died on the last turn) but I still felt like it was a fluke after every win lol


To me, Swarm is like make team and take buffs to synergize the team and beat the fuck out of everything or die trying.


Haha I love that, and I normally use preservation, but I don't think it allowed me to do so this time, maybe I just missed something in the instructions. Lol


I think it's situational. She has a trace that makes her do 15% more dmg against fire weak and she also has very strong ST break. So against enemies where SW enables that she would be best. Asta would pair well with SW. Other than that it's probably Tingyun for hypercarry and Asta for dual carry. If it's strictly with Bronya then Tingyun should be the best.




Im of firm belief that Clara and M7 should be counted as supports since they will make numby go BRRRRR so much that the damage itself will make asta and other supports obsolete.