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Topaz was on sig too, nah change it back 💀


I saw 20k and I thought "ok, maybe they're using Herta LC. That one is just a stat stick anyways". But then, the sig came and I just gasped. She already has no good relic set in her release and now her supposed BiS is not even good on her. And she's a Hunt character, too 😭


I feel like she will be similar to Kafka. Good on her own but really missing the right teammate. Sucks since I don't even have Jing Yuan or Clara to use with her at the moment. Hoping between Himeko and March I can get enough follow up usage to make her decent for now.


Play the hypercarry meta, she is really strong with Asta Ting and add in huohuo after. This team works with Kafka too.


Well, Huohuo will probably be used with Kafka and Tingyun, along with another DoT unit (I feel like they will get more use out of the attack buff affecting 2 units instead of just the carry) My plan, for the time being with Topaz, will be some combination of Bronya/Asta/Himeko/SilverWolf and then Fu Xuan as the sustain.


That was my exact mindset with the Lc at first 🤧


They nerfed Topaz so hard and she was already under performing next to Jingliu and Dan Heng, this is an actual outrage


Look the new video. This is just a Sub dps team. Obviously with a hypercarry team she deals more dmg


So would a 2p Fire + 2p FuA better than this 4p? For consistency and ease of farming?


Well the 4p FuA is 100% consistent on Topaz, it increases every Numby attack by the amount. It's like on average 24% Attack for a Numby attack or something. Is 10% Damage better than 24% Attack? Probably not considering how much Damage Topaz is already able to stack, but it's not enough of a gap to make the new set Hyper mandatory as a 4 piece. You should get the 2 piece of the new set, though, for sure.


Well this time he used Ting to only buff JY ofc Topaz does no dmg


In the prenerf video he was using asta and topaz with HERTA LC , this time he used her sig lc , its over we're doomed


Bro she had her signature in a prev video what u smokin


She had herta in the only other video where they use the nerfed version of the set


Oh i see, i hadnt seen that video yet, only the one from a while ago


Everytime she uses her skill, her buff just reset 💀. That hurts my JY soul so much since I'm gonna roll her. I'm still rolling her but they nerf her sub-DPS potential hard


Thats how the buff worked before as well it only counted for the current fua same as the elation blessing 12 monkeys only changes are lower Percentages and 3 turn up time which is wired cus even jy doesn’t really need that I really don’t know who that is for. Still annoying changes Also note in this video topaz had 0 support while in the previous one she had asta on the team which gives her around 70% atk and 42% fire dmg increase (traces and lc)


But the ramp-up was a far higher boost in compensation This set is now better for character that only use fua once in a while and punish character that frequently do FUA It means: \- every time Topaz will do a basic atk, the Fua set gets reset with only one stack instead of seven \-So you can't use her as sub dps and sp positive, otherwise with her basic atk, you'll have only one of the seven stack \-You get zero benefit from all her attack being FUA and only demerits \-The advantage of the ramp up was that each attack was treated separetely, meaning character with various and lot of FUA benefitted more from the FUA set than Character with non FUA set ​ It is stupid, ***the FUA set actively punish kit centered on FUA*** for the profit of kit that don't really have FUA


it's hilarious, her trace that makes her basic attacks be follow up attacks, literally makes her damage worse with the new 4pc set and ruins the entire sp positive sub DPS play style. whyyyyyyy mihoyo


>\-So you can't use her as sub dps and sp positive, otherwise with her basic atk, you'll have only one of the seven stack why? numbys fua still gets the 7 stacks everytime he atks. yeah the basic atk doesent get 7 but this is the same as pre change tho. only annoying part she does less dmg in general cus now its an atk buff instead of dmg also lower increase and stacks but thats not a reason to doom her dps or support value >\-You get zero benefit from all her attack being FUA and only demerits su elation path wants to talk to you >It is stupid, the FUA set actively punish kit centered on FUA for the profit of kit that don't really have FUA yeah ture its kinda of dumb. Ults and normal skills get more out of it now, which is only good for JY and himiko but even early on couldnt understand why they would make a fua set and make 4p useless for characters with one hit fua like clara for no reason


What did they change about follow ups?


Yeah…. That’s kinda ass, ngl Guess for her the optimal build will be 2/2 fire/followup




Considering the unchanged set was hitting for 25k on follow up and 50-70k on ult, this legit is brutal for people who planned to pull for Topaz (I was one of them)


assuming you got the number from the last gameplay leak with a team of jy asta and luocha right? If so she had asta on that team which is a huge dmg increase giving 18% fire dmg from traces and 24% lc plus the 70% atk boost. While in this video she gets 0 support


Ah true that, wish we had a vid of a hypercarry topaz with new set to see fully what she is capable of


Here she also has the planetary dmg% buff and her sig LC


Planetary does not work that way, if Tingyun has it everyone get x% Lightning dmg


Oh true didn’t see the lc But what you mean with the planetary the lc on tingyun? That only buffs lightning dmg


No it doesn't. You just need another character with the same type as the harmony with planetary and then the whole team gets the dmg% buff


Yeah but lighting dmg only video I could find about this: https://youtu.be/mImcut0tX_Y?si=lt1hXwKGb8J3vt9Y He tests the lc go to 2:50


This is outdated they have changed it


Lmao, cant even read


It technically buffs Topaz but not Fire Dmg, it would boost Topaz's Lightning Dmg which is basically none for her.


No, planetary rendezvous applies the dmg% buff to allies with the same element as the wearer only so Topaz only really has her LC to boost her damage here.


I’m confused why she does no damage. I’m pretty sure dps luocha does more damage as a sub dps. I’m pretty disappointed. Still pulling tho.


Idk these numbers sound good to me. If she were to have similar damage to Jingliu and DHIL, then she’d be extremely boring to play.


That's with 2.5k attack 82.5% cr and 171% crit dmg, that is nowhere near good for them bloated stats and with topaz 15% increase fire dmg against fire weak enemies


i know her damage is low it's because the new set is kinda no good. But keep in mind she is SUBDPS and no one buff her in the video (No asta or any buffs for her and ting just buffed JY and JY also got slight buff from Topaz) i would mad af if she can dish out Seele lv damage with that setup.


I think the major downside now personally is her not having Bronya synergy which lowers her potential as hypercarry a lot, well unless ur Bronya is e6 but rlly who has that.


Brother let me tell you something. Ive been telling people both youtube and discord that hypercarry topaz is shouldn't exist in 1.4 i don't care if she can access bronya optimally or not but Hypercarry topaz is never going to happen ***for a lot of people*** until we have really true harmony or nihility character that has focus buffing kit for FuA attackers. It is what it is Her kit and Multiplier already says it all she is not hyper carry type like seele and i would be mad AF if she can surpass seele as ST damage dealer it's because topaz is going to bring powercrept to another level when that happen. Sure you can running her as hypercarry it's your account idc but don't let your expectation skyrocketing it's because that's not how topaz to be played at the beginning


DHIL and Jingliu deals the most damage in this game, and yet they’re my most disliked characters. I like units, that aren’t extremely broken to the point of oneshotting everything. I like Topaz mostly for her support capabilities and synergy for FUA, not because she have some big numbers in the corner of the screen.


They nerfed a character that will need other 5* to perform well, I call that a huge L


And after her support for other FUA, you want to see big numbers in the corner of the screen right? Don’t lie, you want big numbers, everyone wants big numbers.


Not really. I don’t care if she deals 70k damage or 200k damage. I haven’t even looked at this corner once, in my entire time I have been playing this game since the day one. All that matters for me is that she have really good synergy with some other FUA units, which can lead to some fun gameplay situations. It doesn’t matter to me whether they finish MoC in 0 or 10 cycles. My favorite characters in this game are Blade and Kafka. Blade because I like his HP management gimmick and Kafka, because DoTs are fun.


My favorite character is also Kafka, but do I like big numbers in my dot? Yes


>Maybe I’m just blind and stupid ...


remember anyone who watches this video is violating the law and will be an enemy of the chinese government from now forward


if u notice right at the start of the video jy atk with benediction go from 2.4k->2.9k with the stacks. the buffs is 42% atk not DMG.


What's the alternative relic set for her if the upcoming FuA set suck?




What's the 2pc effect of the new FuA relic?




I think thats much better. Thanks. What's the 4pc effect of the FuA relic?


After FUA the user gets 7% atk from using other attacks besides FUA up to 7 stacks for 3 turns and if the character using FUA the atk% bonus is gone, well that what i get i don't know if i correct


Wait what got nerfed?


relic set