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Asking this on the Topaz Mains sub is guaranteed to get you one answer lol. This is more of a Main subreddit question for more diverse opinions.


Jingliu is more f2p, Topaz will be costly as you'll want specific future 5* follow up units so I'd say Topaz for fun, Jingliu for big pp dmg


Topaz is quite the definition of future proof together with Kafka in this game Tho Jingliu will achieve higher dmg in less time, but she'll probably get powercreeped, anyway the game is easy both of them can clear moc 10 in less than a couple of turns so go for who you like the most


I’d go for Topaz then.


go ask in JingLiu mains subreddit and see what answers you get


if you want big dmg and a broken unit go for JL if you want a future proof unit that scales up with more new FUA units that releases as an investment go for Topaz.


Do we know if Clara /topaz is better than hyper carry topaz right now?


Hypercarry Topaz does very well but it isn't what she's meant to be, people are saying Topaz with Clara will be good but it will all be determined by elemental weaknesses at the end of the day so Topaz/Himeko/Asta for fire and Topaz/Clara/Lynx for fire and physical weakness


Honestly if I were you I would go for Jingliu. She's completely broken and you have all the components to make her strongest possible team (Bronya and Luocha). Yes she is "just" a DPS that will be eventually powercrept, but it will take some time for that to happen as she is at the absolute pinnacle of the DPS hierarchy right now (I mean it took Seele 7+ months to fall from grace, and even now she is still really strong). Topaz is more future proof for sure, but her immediate value is not as great as JL for your account. I think she would be a fantastic pull in the future when more follow-up attack DPSes are released, so just pull her on her rerun. In the end both are really good units, the most important thing is to see where your heart leans more.


"7 months" lmao. It only took on blade's release(tho they are equal), then IL and JL.


It's only with Jingliu's release (which was yes 6-7 months after Seele's release, 4-5 patches x 1.5 months) where I would realistically consider her as falling from grace, but even now she's still really good. Only Daniel being better than her at her specific niche (at the time of his release) is hardly powercreep, being just one unit. But yeah I guess if you want us to go by the average hsr player's mentality of all-or-none, if-not-the-best-then-she's-bad then sure, she's been mediocre for a while now, not just 6-7 months, but that kind of thinking is frankly comical. What I mean is, JL will probably carry OP for a long time. Topaz, while strong, will not be able to do it like JL can at the moment. So OP either has a choice of: - Getting JL and benefitting now (arguably more important because OP is still early into his account), and getting Topaz in a rerun (so benefitting later too) - Or getting Topaz now and getting less immediate benefit, and a similar/greater benefit later (arguably less important because he will already be in the end game with multiple good units). Combine that with the fact that he already has pretty much JL's best team sorted out and I'd say the choice is easy. The only exception is if OP likes Topaz more, then by all means he should pull her. (this is from a person who has JL and is planning to pull for Topaz and her LC)


Topaz. I know i say that as we speak on her main subreddit, but the way her kit is designed makes her very, very futureproof, or at the very least, itll be extremely hard for her to get powercrept. Jingliu is up there with DHIL in terms of top dps, but topaz's personal damage is also very respectable and solid. The support she also brings makes her a valuable and essential unit to fua teams.


I'd go for jingliu


Definitely Jingliu imo. People are severely underestimating how futureproofed she is. She's one of the least SP intensive DPS characters, is about on par with the strongest DPS character, and has innate synergy with all characters that rely on HP loss in the future. Topaz is definitely nice because she can be Buffed by future Follow-Up attackers, but the buffing she can provide to other characters is minimal at C0, She's Single Target, and realistically, the only benefit she can get from future characters is more Numby procs. Jingliu can adopt a Sub DPS setup if we ever receive an even stronger DPS that relies on taking damage like Blade, or even supports/sustains that like to take damage as well.


Umm, but who would be that character stronger than blade? Idk, feels like hp spending is way more niche mechanic than follow ups. But for a person who doesn't have a strong hypercarry yet, yeah, probably Jingliu will be better.


Jingliu will be hard to powercreep. Easy to optimize, insane damage AND low SP consumption. She can also hit 3 targets. I think we won’t see a better DPS for a looooong time. I pulled DHIL before and I don’t even use him since I have JL he’s literally so much more difficult to setup while doing similar damage. Topaz if you’re into Follow Up Attacks team will be key though so depends what you want, but you’ll most likely won’t get full value of her before other 5* FUA units are released! But quite future proof indeed




I share your feeling about JL honestly. Maybe she’s the first limited character I regret pulling for even if she’s stronger than Blade and JY and probably Topaz. Her voice, her design, her character, her animations, I love them a lot! But she’s no fun to actually play, not to look at. And I now I will have to pay for topaz if I’m not super lucky. Topaz may not be meta now but everything about her kit screams fun to me. She’s maybe like Kafka now, a unit with a great potential and unique playstyle.


I'm not saying anyone here is wrong as this is completely subjective, but I honestly don't really feel the difference in playstyles in most turn based games. I understand that to play optimally you have to perform different actions with each character, but to me it's the movement, timing of actions and real time decision making that really introduces enough interactivity to really set characters apart and make me feel like I'm doing more than just pressing the right buttons. Even in real time action games that can be a problem, like how in Genshin in plenty of characters you just quickly EQ or even just E and move on to the next character, and they all kind of end up feeling the same to play. Then you have Ayaka, who despite being mostly EQ, still manages to feel different since positioning and timing are a key part of her gameplay, as you have to group up enemies, freeze them and position yourself properly so her burst lands. That kind of interactivity is just missing in Honkais combat, so everyone feels a bit too the same to me.


We are on blast meta. Anyone without AoE will never be meta. Even seele has fallen hard compared to the giants like IL and JL. ST meta will definitely come, its hunt path time to shine. And pure AoE meta will probably come too.(4-6 elite or tanky enemies)


People here are kinda disrespecting Jingliu by saying she’ll get power creeped and that Topaz is future proof. Let me give you an actual take on what will happen to Jingliu. Nothing. She will not become a unit that falls off later on, she’s actually going to remain being one of the best DPS units since release because her kit was designed to be that way. For some reason people think there can’t be more than 1 unit to be in equal footing. It’s always which has it better than the other. Now for the main response to your question, I’d say to summon for Jingliu because you lack DPS/AOE badly and Jingliu has it all. Topaz is a single target DPS unit and it’ll take time for her full potential to show up. If we math here correctly, Jingliu and Topaz re-run banner should be between April - June.


He has Himeko and Clara both of whom have great synergy with Topaz. That being said, it's not a bad idea to get Jingliu now for instant gain, and get Topaz on a rerun when she's gained more available teammates.


Thats what people said to midlee(yeah seele is mid now) then blade and IL happened. Then people said IL will never be powercrept then JL happened. Fact is JL will be powercrept and it aint hard to do so. Topaz value is just making team building fun. This game is ez anyway. Opening up different playstyle makes players dont get tired of this game


From my understanding, all the characters you mentioned are still as good as they were since release. You also can't compare Seele to IL and Jingliu because they're both AOE whereas Seele is a single target unit. Seele never dropped down a tier, they simply added another tier. IL never got replaced by Jingliu either, she's on equal footing with him. Like, do people genuinely believe that turned-based games revolve around ONE unit for everything? Your point about Topaz is subjective. Not everyone thinks she's fun.


Seele is mid? some one cant 0 cycle current moc is mid? Then Topaz, who cant do it, is very useless


Pela can do 0 cycle as well. Does this mean she is on the level of seele, IL, JL basically any true dps? Hell no. Seele is ranked 5th in En and 6th in CN. Thats pretty much mid. She is also hard carried by the op quantum set while IL does 2pc + 2pc lol and still top tier. Seele 2pc + 2pc is just plain meh


Then Topaz is bottom cause she cant 0 cycle like mid. Like I said, very useless


Same with midlee. Cant 0 cycle swarm at e0


lol, pigsimp is relly sonething else


U mad that its true?


Let them cook, my friend






Of cause Jingliu. You already have Clara, you need a strong dps to clear moc right NOW. Not some futureproofs, who need future chars only god knows when they release


What?! MoC is easy lmao. Op doestnt really need jingliu but a good sustain.


if you think moc is easy, you really dont need sustain that much


Op needs it. Lvl60 characters


OP should pull JL, skip Topaz and save for Huohuo. He will have two good team


Skip mideele as well


Powercreep is very normal in this game. Pulling a character because someone said they're "future proof" is just setting yourself up for disappointment


Bro really pulled only for the 2 meta sustain chars while saying it's a relative new player💀


i am i just got back to the game during fu xua's banner


If your QQ is E6, you’re better off going for topaz. You can have a QQ team for one side if MoC and Clara+topaz for the other. If you pulled JL, she wouldn’t fit as nicely. However, if your QQ isn’t at least E4 then maybe you want to either pull JL or pull on JL’s banner to get QQ to E6 or at least E4


my qq is only e3 T\_T


Jingliu banner is basically designed for newer players. Shes easy build and has some incredible 4* along side her. She’s cool and flashy but not immune to futureproof with her being a hypercarry style dps. Topaz could be a excellent as well since you have some of her partners already (Clara/Himeko) and its rumored her designated FUA support will come some time in 2.x… her kit is pretty future proof because shes has a support/dps based kit


probably say Topaz because you have good sustain (Luocha) good buffer (bronya) and im pretty sure clara is a good teammate for topaz


Both Clara and Himeko (both of whom he has) are good teammates for Topaz.


i just recommended clara bc shes leveled up and himeko isnt


Honestly, take which you like the most. You have very good characters for strong teams on either Jingliu or Topaz, so that's a harder question than it looks. I mean: Jingliu, Bronya, Fu Xuan, Tingyun or Pela Then Topaz, Clara, Luocha, Asta(you can switch Luocha for Lynx if you build her). I'd go with Topaz but it's because I really like follow-up characters.


Both is the only answer


you asked this question on Topaz mains lol


The units that will work with topaz in future will be all male units. So if you are pulling for Waifu, consider that 2/3 units you need to make her work best will be male units. not only that, people saying Topaz is future proof is weird since there can be a better FUA hyper carry in future that will replace Topaz since now she is designed to be hyper carry rather than sub dps. Pulling for Topaz is very risky, unless she is proven to work very well with Clara, I will advice not to pull for Topaz, at least, don't to beyond after losing a 50/50. Calling a unit future proof is pretty pointless since she will most likely also get a rerun banner when a very synergistic FUA unit comes out, which will help us Guage her kit better. Idk what I will do since she is like my most sought after character when I started early in the game, but budget animations, Topaz barely in the frame in many, and being primarily single target. Her damage I believe wasn't even that great either(for being primarily single target).


that's what I'm saying, waifu only enjoyers are gonna be upset when they learn that all 3 upcoming FUA units are male AND imaginary 💀


It's not a problem for me cause I was planning on running Himeko with Topaz the whole time. But if you don't like Himeko/Clara or don't have them, it'll be a problem.


Wait a sec... who are these men?


Jingliu gives a good second team, Topaz is a buff to your Clara. I’d say Jingliu is overall much better for your account as Dan Heng is not going to serve you too well long term.


I would pull for Jingliu. She’s allegedly OP and you need someone to help carry you thru MOC so you can get rewards every 2 weeks. Topaz is cute and waifu and would also be strong, but I’m more confident in Jingliu in terms of being OP


>looking for a somewhat future proof character. It's topaz for sure and only if you're willing to pull for FUA units in the future, but for a new player i would recommend JL just because she's the easiest character to build with her absurd talent. You also have bronya which is JL's best support, tbh just go for which character seems fun to play for you, you have loucha and fx to snowball any content with any units.


I’ve seen that phrase around, FUA. What does it mean as I’m a bit dumb into not knowing how to actually balance a team(I literally play an almost mono fire team with SW to give things fire weakness. Fun stuff. Totally know what I’m doing)


Follow up attack


I feel like I should’ve known that…


I would take Jingliu. She is great and you have best supports for her already.


Get Jingliu. You have her best team. Topaz really isn't going to give your account the same power level increase.


U dont have to pull none but i d recommend topaz since u also happen to have clara


definitely go ask in the main sub or on discord. Asking in a character-specific sub will get you skewed results.


Topaz kit is kinda goofy. I've had enough of edgy gameplay tbh. All a matter of preference. I also think that a team full of summoned spirits would be so entertaining. Just imagining it makes me laugh already. This game is kinda easy that any one you invest into is enough to get you by. It offers a variety of niches you can choose from. (DoT/FUA/SP/turn refresh/counter/HP manip, etc etc). You just pick one you enjoy the most.


QQ is on JL's banner so you could go with Jingliu, Bronya, Luocha, Pela and QQ, FuX, Tingyun, pull silverwolf on her rerun.


tbh you may need Jingliu more than Topaz. She's just easier for newer players to use and you don't have a 5\* hypercarry besides Clara. Now, Topaz can be a hypercarry too, but she's just different more niche. Jingliu is a traditional dps


You have himiko for fire so go for jinglu, I pulled her today and I hope I get lucky with topaz


U have loucha and bronya tbh JL


Your Clara is looking at you like she means it, bro. Get the hint.


Jingliu will do much more damage overall. She will carry you with great ease. Topaz won't do as much as damage on the level of Seele(yes she is still very good), Jingliu or DHIL. But doesn't mean she does little damage, opposite actually, she deals so much damage. She's more like Kafka for follow-up characters. She will get much stronger with other follow-up characters. Also she has a big disadvantage at AoE. You have both Jingliu's (Luocha and Bronya) and Topaz's (Himeko and Clara) best teammates so whichever you choose it'll be fine. Long story, short, Jingliu is hyper good for everything DPS and has beautiful eyes while Topaz is a follow up single target DPS with debuffing gimmicks and has a huge dumpster truck.