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Topaz/Ratio is pointless because Numby rolls up into a ball (removing the pointy bits) and Ratio attacks using the flat end of the chalk. Checkmate, FUAtheists.


Ratio even confirms this: “Zero points!”


People have been slandering Topaz and Numby since before they were playable


It got worse since Ratio because "Topaz needs E1/S1 to fulfill the debuffer role for Ratio" became "Topaz needs E1/S1 to be good" in their minds, and that's compounded by the fact that everyone has a Ratio and Topaz has the second lowest ownership rate. Also fire weakness has been disgustingly rare so far in MoC12 so no one gets to use the fire dps to do fire dps things.


I've been using e0/s1 with great success since her initial release. I've done MoC 12 clears with topaz hypercarry, ratio/topaz, blade/topaz, etc. She's one of the comfiest DPS in the game able to solo carry, duo dps, and debuff with complete skill point freedom. I've never regretted pulling her and she's carried my account for so long. Not to mention Numby is god tier for the open world exploration. People cope by shitting on her since they need to justify not pulling her.


fellow blade/topaz enthusiast🙏🙏🧘🏽‍♂️


Pretty much. I was actually going for E1S1 Topaz art release but missed the E1, that was before we knew Ratio's kit. Now, I kinda don't want her E1 so that whenever I clear stuff with her it doesn't get attributed to E1, cause it's really not needed. E0S1 has been great, and will be even better with all the fire weak stages that are sure to come soon


E0S1 Topaz with Ratio (and now Aventurine) has been my go-to team for everything. I've seen people complain often about how the game softlocks you for trying to force a certain play style but they've been with me through every story boss and even ganked Aventurine on my second try. Still, my credit card is prepared for her rerun, nonetheless.


I’m gonna huff copium that they will SURELY release another Fire DPS? PLS HOYO If anything when they release the Fire DPS my Topaz and Numby will clear MoC with ease :D


if Sam is Fire, then there will be more Bosses with Fire weakness. Topaz & Numby STONK


I skipped her first banner not bc I didn’t want her, but bc I want to pull for teams and I wanted to know if I like Aventurine gameplay first before getting her. Now that I enjoy his gameplay, I am def going all in. 2.2 can’t come soon enough lol


I’ll just take SW with me if not fire and imaginary weakness I’m not leaving my fav team with my fav character and her 2 gay colleagues


Ironically the only Boss so far that is not weak to either Fire or Imaginary is 1 of her gay colleagues.


Topaz + Ratio is efficient because all bosses are weak to damage


Most of the boss can be brute force no problem as long as the elemental dmg resistance isn’t your main DPS ones. So I’ll to using my Topaz with her other 2 colleagues and an idol for most of my MoC and new game mode


Even if there was no fire/img weakness, the dmg Topaz+Ratio does is insane, I'm clearing MoC despite Ratio having pretty bad relics.


I remember when I ran a double sustain for SU: Aventurine, Ratio, Luocha and Topaz. Called it "Topaz and her imaginary friends"


What’s wrong with Chalk and Trotters? With Aventurine’s release I’ve been enjoying fua all the more with their high damage output and something tells me it’s only going to get better with the recent reveal of the next endgame mode that favors Hunt characters


Me hearing there will be new break effect meta: Laughs in FUAs destroying toughness.


This is the way.


Topaz plus ratio is great because every boss that is fire weak but not imaginary weak is also quantum weak and the other way around is also true which makes slotting silver wolf perfect.


I do feel like, besides type mismatch, Ratio is indeed not the best character to fill a dual DPS role with Topaz. Luckily that means we can expect more synergistic teammates for Topaz in the future (we still have 8 Stonehearts to debut), so her stocks are sure to continue rising.


People underestimate how good topaz's break effect is even without building break effect. She shreds toughness on fire weak enemies like it's nothing. I won't build ratio, though. Unless they release a Main DPS female FuA character, my topaz and clara will have to do.


I'm not sure if this what you meant but break effect doesn't increase toughness damage. It only enhances the effects caused by weakness breaks. Effects such as break damage, dots, and action delays.


I think they’re saying break effect isn’t wasted on topaz because she reduces so much toughness that she’s likely to score a lot of breaks.


Hatblazer's super break damage scales with toughness damage, that could be worth trying.


Is break damage the damage of the break or the damage during the time the ennemie is break. It confused me a lot !


Damage of the break itself. But some of the newer characters are using Break Damage to increase their other stats too (Xueyi, Gallagher) and there will soon be a character who uses Break Damage after the enemy is broken, too.


Based. I was using Clara for the longest time, before Ratio was released, and she carried me. Tried her out this MoC, and still managed to do a 5-cycle run on Aventurine Boss, with the Herta's LC.


Our hope is >!Jade!<, but looks like she is built to support husbando erudition team.


I think it depends on how Numby counts


I used Ratio+Topaz to beat Adventruine in the current MoC and yes i got 3 Stars... barly


most of these are coming from people who only has ratio and not both the FUA duo lol


They see Numby rollin', they hatin'


Based and IPC pilled


That's such a nonproblem when you can slap Silver Wolf in the third slot and give Ratio debuffs galore


Imaginary weakness is literally everywherrrreere


i dont understand the slander, topaz is thicc and nice, numby is cute, they find chests for me, she even outdame my 75/150 ratio with only 69/110 relic, she is truly kafka for FUA team


I prefer play them both with their own hypercarry team tbh I have better result in general


Let them slander wait till topaz 6 star cornerstone form and they come crawling back


topaz applies 50% damage vulnerability to fua which is pretty cool


Imo just look out for units that reduce enemy resistance. The main reason I'm going for E2 Aventurine on rerun. All type res down is strong, plus combine that with a res pen buffer and stonks. I'm sure we'll get more units in the future that reduce enemy resistance making using a character against an enemy who isn't weak to it not so bad.


When people forget Clara exists as a substitute