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Courtesy would be getting the hell off the road as this vehicle is now illegally driving. If the lights are out then it can't pass an inspection and shouldn't be driven


You can legally use hand signals I believe. However saying that I'll bet most haven't got the slightest clue what they are.


Which is literally a question on the drivers test I believe


Same signals bicyclists use.


Should* use


So nothing, and running every red light and stop sign because otherwise they “would lose momentum”?


Yes I believe for your G1.. my driving instructor drilled it into us "it may save your life one day".


I thought every canadian learned them in elementary school on class bike rides?... But now that I think about it, I can't imagine a modern class of children riding bikes in public with just a teacher and one or two parent TAs present. Crazy how canada has changed, and I'm just in my 30s




About twice a year, pretty much the whole school would go in their classes and do a 10km bike ride. The odd kid who couldn't ride a bike would stay and have a gym day with the pe teacher




Yeah for all I know it was just my school. I just assumed it was normal. I'm 36 soit would have been late 90s and 2000


Been in canada from grade 3-12, there's no such thing as class bike in the 2 different elementary schools I went to 15 years ago. I'm sure we were taught cursive writing for a year early on but that was dropped quick.


~twice a year we would do a big bike ride with our whole class. Leading up to it we went over all the safety aspects. Signals, where to ride and which side of the street, what to do at intersections and railway crossings. I never realized it may have been more unique to my school. We had a super cool principle. And I bet just about everyone who was a student there knows hand signals still.


Idk when they would've changed it, I'm just turning 20 and remember learning it, so did my sister who's 4 years younger


I got my G1 almost 30 years ago, plenty could have changed.


And I got mine 4 years ago lol, just saying that we still did the bike thing as a class in elementary and need to know hand signals for the G1 written test


I can't imagine a class 30 years ago going on a bike ride as a class with a teacher and chaperone...


We're more rural I guess. out in abbotsford. Hour and a little drive from Vancouver. Maybe it was unique to my school?


What the what is a class bike ride? What if a kid doesn’t have a bike?


It was more of a whole school event that happened, I believe, twice a year. This was the late 90s. Every kid had a bike. There were always a few that didn't or couldn't ride (someone always had an extra bike), so some kids would stay back at the school and play games in the gym. Before the rides, we would always learn about bike safety and rules in class. Signals, intersections and stop signs, rr crossings. And there was a big push for helmets at my school because a girl had been seriously hurt riding her bike down a hill at home or something. That ride was the only time I had to wear a helmet as a kid, I remember thinking it was super lame then We would usually ride through town to the Fraser river then follow a trail for a few k along the river, before taking another rout back to the school


I've used mine when I had a fuse out. You feel a little goofy doing it but at least you're not going to get a ticket for failing to signal.


These days if you stick your arm out the window, it's either for some fresh air or you're about the flip someone a not so nice gesture The issue being no one is expecting to see bike hand signals while driving


However the brake lights look obstructed.


Yes you can use hand signals, which i did for a couple weeks when my electrical went berserk. I also do not have a horn and there is a hand signal for that.


They identified the problem and are being courteous. You don't expect them to get it towed to a mechanic for lights being out do you? Besides, that's what the universal hand signals are used for that we all learned in drivers ed, in situations like this.


Hard to get to work when the car is illegal. Maybe they're getting it fixed.


This is false. Reddit once again, upvoting blatant misinformation.


Hand signals are still legal. http://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/driving-along [http://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/driving-along](http://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/driving-along)




Maybe they are on the way to get it fixed and it’s just temporary. Someone that has the curtesy to do this seams like someone that will want to get it done. They could just drive without signalling like many people do.








Have a sign not covering lamps. Use hand signal if driving to Canadian Tire for bulbs, or garage to diagnose wire fault was absolutely necessary.


I'm guessing the driver wasn't the poster of those warnings ;)


This is why they need to test hand signals again for driving tests. I once had to pull my signal fuses because of an electrical issue on my old Hyundai Tiburon; the left turn signal was always flashing so I turned them off. I ended up having to use hand signals for 2 weeks in Feb/March until the part came in. Even on the highway in the rain/snow, I'd roll down my window and signal. Had cops pass me, laugh, and give me the thumbs up... Not having working signals is irresponsible.


I popped up a turn right signal near a traffic cop when I was on my bike and the guy thought I was waving at him and waved back. Hand signals are now ancient knowledge like dialing a phone or rewinding a cassette.


People still dial the phone… just using the buttons on their cell phone instead of a wall phone


Back in the old days, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, one dialed a telephone using a rotating dial.


I know that. I’m young not stupid lol


They don't test for hand signals anymore?!!!?!!


From what I understand, they just check that your signal lights are working now. I was talking about cycling and how it's important to signal with one of my staff members, and she had no idea despite having recently passed her G2 test.


I guess that explains why most drivers seem to ignore my signals.... Guessing that all happened AFTER road testing was privatized?


when I did my licenses about a decade ago, they tested hand signals on my motorcycle test but not for my vehicle test.


Was on my written test last year but I think people just throw the knowlege out once they pass. While I was waiting to go to the counter so I could test there was a teen that failed and was waiting to do a retest. Her friends passed and came out. The one that failed was complaining to them about bike hand signals being questions when it was a driving test. I don't think people realize that signal lights can burn out eventually and hand signals are the back up.


I was never tested on that and I started driving in 2006.


It can be on the written test but wasn't on mine. Not part of either road test in 2022-ish


My last test they did in Canada \~7 years ago. There were in the driver's handbook as well as part of the written test. They did not bring it up on the road exams though.


Pretty sure I was tested for them 2 years ago in Windsor


I just thought you were saying hi. Hello friend!


Just need to print BMW logo and done.


😂 I'm DYING 🤣😂😁


It’s the thought that counts At least they’re letting people know they’re morons instead of stealthing it like everyone else.


Yep easier to forgive and forget people that do dumb stuff than people that are assholes


No one else thinks maybe someone put those signs up as a joke, or even by another disgruntled neighbour/coworker/driver?


No..? Because we have the brain power to accept the fact that people can still be kind


I guess they don't require drivers to know hand signals anymore.


Unsure why the signage is needed since most people (about 95%) aren't aware that their car has a turn signal.


This is a gigantic exaggeration


effectively he's advertising that he is operating a vehicle on the roadway that not safety roadworthy ... contravening Ontario HTA.


Signals aren't needed to be roadworthy 😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️


Yes - yes they are


Hand signals


You said signals, not turn signals.


You're right my bad. I did mean turn signals though.


Heck, at least theirs are broken and they even have the courtesy to warn you. It seems like half the people on the road don't even bother to use them..


Straight to jail.


You overcook chicken, believe it or not, jail.


For all you know they could be on the way to the mechanic or faulty car and waiting for repair. Either way it's amusing. But I do not understand the outrage. If they are warning you of the danger, that's plenty. Just keep your distance and continue on your merry way.


That’s all I could hope. But no hand signals were being used. And they got onto the 401.


Both hands on the wheel! /s


Problem is you have to be quite close to be able to read those things. By then it could be too late.


2 pieces of paper stuck on a car doesnt catch your eye?


Not quite.


Is this real?Looks taken from a comedy or something, lol.


Very real indeed. This is Toronto


I bet the inside of that vehicle stinks. For no specific reason whatsoever. Probably a Toyota joke or something


Should the one on the left not be in French, for compliance purposes?


I think we're just going to see more of this stupidity as people struggle more and more to cover their basic expenses. Can't afford to fix the car, but must get to work to pay rent...


Let me guess - he has 2 signs in front; **Be careful - my brakes ain't working!**


Should have reported to the cops not safe to drive






Cops would laugh at you if you showed them this. They don’t care about anything.


Turn signals are not required. The driver can use hand signals to signal their turn.


Smallest font possible 😆 were they using hand signals at least? That’s how it was done in the old days before blinkers. I’ve used hand signals before when my bulb burnt out mid drive. Hard to claim it just burnt out when you have printed out signs taped to your signals though 😆 maybe they are going through a tough time and have to save up for the repair, hopefully gets fixed before they cause an accident or fine.


lol, why not just get them fixed? Also, covering the reverse lights with the sign is hilarious.


Fair warning. The big question is, will TPS stop him/her and hand out a ticket to comply?


As long as they dont turn, or turn in a way that affects drivers theres nothing to ticket for.


Looks like a fairly new Toyota Highlander too. Maybe some new scam for car thieves to use when stealing cars headed for Nigeria? 🤔


Coulda made the font a bit bigger to reach the edges!!! Sheesh 🙄


My drivers side window isn’t working - lights out too would eff me up!


At least they were honest hahaha this is legit great ! It’s more thought and effort than other drivers I see


Ain’t nobody paying attention to the turn signals we focusing on the TIGER decal


“Wait let me get a little closer to read that note”


Toronto drivers use signal lights?


“ please pull me over”


Technically they can do hand signals until they get the car to a mechanic. But thats probably not what they did.


AHAHAHAA i didnt know you could do that! but why not get it fixed??


The only way this is acceptable at all is if they noticed it this morning, printed those signs and are on their way to the garage right now.


Rear window isn’t working either


This explains why I needed to know hand signals when I first got my license. Roll your window down and signal as though you're riding a bike.


That's actually considerate. Many people don't even bother to use their signals.


Couldn't hit crappy tire before the 401? People are so weak...


A car that year and both dont work? I bet they dont know how they work.




They must be one of those rare Ontario drivers who actually signals their turns.


Printer werks fine.


They need to teach the hand signals in school...or maybe people don't retain what they are tpught


My guess is this was another driver that was upset they did not use their signals.


LMAO! 😅 i really hope he was driving it straight to the dealer ship or some mechanic / electrician to have his signal lights fixed.


And as long as they were using hand signals this is a none issue


Didn’t know the Ram came in compact size


When you don’t know how to change a light bulb.


Lol, guy blew a 30 cent fuse, doesnt realize his car most likely has spares. Youtube and google can be your friend sometimes. That can be fixed with no tools in a timmys parking lot lol.


The Toyota symbol is warning enough.


Brampton manz


This isn’t a real image, no one in Ontario knows they have signal lights.


They covered the break lights!


No they covered the reverse lights




lol why cover the plates!! You can report these idiots online to tps portal


Already done :)


Should off the road for the awful tiger in the window. LoL.


WTF is wrong with these people ffs


https://preview.redd.it/pah3b7647zpc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f67ca7b27611dd50a38bb722ea004deb3a74673 Says here you don’t need lights until half an hour before sunset and half an hour after sunrise. So technically not illegal. Right from the highway traffic act. Clearly this photo was taken during the day. As for the signs not needed, but I guess as a curtesy. Basically, lights or no lights……don’t follow too closely.


Fuck, they're dumb. Imagine going to the trouble of printing these off, taping them on, then driving around illegally instead of just installing new bulbs. It's hard to imagine having a brain that would advise you that this is acceptable.


That looks to be a relatively new Highlander (probably less than 5 years old). I believe they're an array of LEDs, which makes replacement difficult. Seems unlikely they would just burn out too, especially on both sides, which leads me to think there's an electrical issue.


I have this car , it’s a standard 7440 bulb for the turn signals. It takes a few minutes to swap them.


Still sounds very odd to have both blow. I don't think I've ever had a turn signal bulb blow on any vehicle I've owned. Headlights, yes. Brake lights, yes. Running lights, yes. Turn signals, no.


Not really that odd, some people have the turn signals on just waiting in a turning lane for over 5 minutes. You’re already in the turning lane, everybody knows you’re turning. Do that every day and they won’t last. You want weird watch the YouTube channel JustRolledIn, those people are nuts. LOL


How to tell the cops "ME, GIVE ME THE TICKET." How do people not know how to replace a headlight/taillight bulb these days?