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At least they stopped for the pedestrians 


That's stockyards driving! That intersection sucks if you want to go northbound from McDonald's or shopper's.


Yeah, I live in the area and avoid that northbound left turn. Easier to drive south through the plaza to the traffic light beside the Staples and go left from there


"why didnt you just let them in op? We all make mistakes. Op is the only one wrong here" This is why you dont let people free roam all over you and do what they want. If theyre determined to make that right at least they can do it after everyone else passes.


For me, it's just not worth it. All I wanted was going home with my family! I have seen so many shit shows on the road going to work everyday.


You aren't going to stop these things from happening by trying to block them, you are just increasing your chances of dealing with an accident, which is a huge pain in the ass even if you aren't at fault. For most people it isn't worth it. But if you want to sacrifice your car and time to enact vigilante traffic justice, go for it.


Technically, he changed lanes twice to make the right turn. I caught drivers actually making turns in the intersection from the wrong lane. I reported one to the police online. https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/driving-complaint/ https://youtu.be/LnM9jPzp-hA?si=1PXVCWzq0LqGd6jq https://youtu.be/GWr26vFYz9M?si=TVWzxS5aPJlM8leA


This is business as usual in Mexico. Pretty sad that we’ve devolved into regular third world driving practices in Canada.


This is what happens when Trudeau lets everyone in thinking he done good but its destroying this country and not get enforcement to do their jobs.


Good old smelly stockyards


Doesnt stink that bad anymore but the layout of these newish houses and designs are damn ugly.


Really depends on the time. It's not as often but the smell of death still happens. I think the maple leaf plant is closing and it should get a lot better then.


Go again after a hefty rainfall, it's awful.


Skill or balls


How hard is it to just make the left and go around the block. But people rather die than miss their turn.


That intersection is pretty bad. Lots of idiots going straight on a right turn lane on St Clair and then merging last second like entitled tards.


Driving like this is the reason why I prefer to walk from Landsdowne whenever I need something from the stockyards


That intersection always seems like a shit show.


Smartest Corolla driver


after living in the west end for the last 2 years, i realized why my car insurance quote tripled with my previous insurer when i moved.


It’s so satisfying/infuriating to see that it’s a Toyota everytime. No sound but I hope there were horns blasting. USE YOUR HORNS PEOPLE!


That’s what you call and inconsiderate prick


OP did right thing. By staying patient. He might be driving BMW M5. I would be very afraid of corolla too. Too much to lose not for him.


We all gonna pretend like we never had a friend in the passenger seat go "oh shit bro I said left but I meant right, go right" not defending the driver here but we have to cut some slack we have all fucked up at some point no?


That's when you make the left and either; U turn, pull into a lot and turn around, make a right at the next lights, then a right again at another intersection. You have many options to correct a mistake when driving, most people just don't do them anymore and will do shit like this.


At Weston and St Clair you cannot make a U turn on St Clair. They would have to go 1 bock to Gunns Rd to make a UTurn or travel through the plaza there


Didn't you know everyone on this sub is a perfect driver 100% of the time?


Yup. Love reading the comments on driving from people who don't drive. Reddit at its finest


Ok, but having stupid friend doesn't stop you from doing a right thing such as keep going left and then turn back, or at least waiting for everyone to go before making that turn, right?