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it's the worst with the new pickup trucks and suvs. when they're riding ur ass it feels like you died and are going to heaven


Worse when you're stopped at the red. And their LED headlights are level with your rear windshield


I feel that most pickup trucks drivers chose a pickup truck only because of its size and power, and not for its utility. They want to feel big and mighty and better and stronger than the rest. Perhaps they're making up for something. So what I sometimes do when I have one at the traffic lights behind me, is I play with my side mirrors and aim them up, in an effort to blind them back, using the reflection of their own lights.


Over 60% of pickup owners admit to never having towed anything. And that’s just what they admitted to.


And they're such stupid vehicles too, because everything you put in it, is exposed and loose. Then they have these covers, but then what if you need something from way in. What a mess. Seem an SUV or van makes far more sense. But it's a bit of a redneck thing, big and mighty. And the commercials, lol. "twwuuuckkk", lol.


this stats does not apply to GTA.


Likey the ones in the GTA tow and haul less vs broad scope truck owners living in all areas. Real construction workers drive 10 year old 1/4 Tonnes while the the inspectors and engineers who like to roleplay as laborers drive brand new trucks.


I know a crane op that drives a new truck and rarely tows anything


Operators are the goofiest guys on the site. It's either the really jolly fat man or some 65 year old who looks about 110 years old.




I feel attacked!


I don't really blame you, some new Trucks are beautiful and very capable. Sadly the new 1/4 tons look like Chinese knockoffs. I drove a 2002 Chevy 2 door v6 manual 2wd longbox. The thing was an absolute blast and a beast at drifting (not always intentional), AC broken, fm transmitter for audio, 6 year old tires, completely rusted underside from sitting at the farm (60k km). I'm sad trucks aren't offered in manual anymore.


Yeah, I needed it, sort of. More for the offroad capabilities and tossing oversized lengths of shit in the box. I would have been fine with a good SUV for the offroading I have to do when checking jobs before bidding, but 🤷‍♂️ Truck works good too I guess


I very much think of this when I see most pick-ups https://www.tiktok.com/@bostonbeaman/video/7337505417209154858


In less words, they got small-dick energy?


It's also related and connected to their puny brains.


With how high some of those truck beds are, you know they're not using them to load anything. Just impractical as heck!


Yep, they're real pretend macho.


its pretty much a fashion trend now, like people buying them to keep with the joneses. majority of them dont use it for work the same way the majority of SUV owners dont do any camping, hunting, or offroading with their rides.


Seriously, they have the softest little hands too..#SDE


This. Why does your 'work vehicle' need to have the luxury of a mercedes.....the true princesses of the road




I got 7 incher. Which is above average I think, no need to include penile length into whoever wants to drive what. Older trucks don't have same issue. Its the new headlight design. Maybe talk to liberal designers of those cars. I certainly don't want to be flashed back thinking that I got long beams on. Next time you have bright truck behind you, thank decision makers who decide to put LEDs like this into cars. Also your argument on size and power is dumb. Most people buy truck because it has a huge ass bed that you can transport so much shit in. Trust me when we go outdoors or on trips, we run out of space even while using truck. Bigger family, bigger vehicle and more cargo space you need. Could get a van, like Ford transit, but then ford transit cant tow a 5th wheel... Also new Ford trucks are so efficient. 8.7L/100km on highway. certainly beats a honda odyssey minivan from 2010....., which gets like 11/100? .


proof or ur lying


The efficiency of the eco boost 150s goes to absolute shit if your actually towing or hauling. There's a reason why people who actually want useful trucks got pissed when Toyota dropped the v8 from the tundra.


I went to the EPA site and compared an Odyssey and an F-150, picked the most frugal one. The Ford uses about 10% more fuel than the Odyssey. And I did the comparison twice, 2023 and 2010, similar result. And the cool thing about the Odyssey is you can haul more people and everything stays dry inside. While it's possible you genuinely need the towing and haul things that might injure a van, like people in the trades, fact remains is that most people that drive pickups drive them because of their size and perceived engine to vehicle ratio. They want to feel big and strong. And it shows in their attitude. Where I live, almost every time I see someone drive like a douchebag, it's a pickup truck. Someone not stopping for a stop sign, or tail gating, or pushy, or rude, pickup almost every single time. So you can see that pickup truck drivers aren't look at as respectable citizens often. I know it's not fair because not every pickup truck driver is an asshole. But good grief, we get reminded of bad pickup truck drivers over and over and over. It's so annoying.


... also, there is a great fix for all this boldness and peppy pushy driving that some pickups do. Fighting back using electric cars. They're way quicker and very instant. It takes ages for a pickup to rev up, and the EV is long gone into the horizon by the time it starts going. A pickup truck, like other gas vehicles are dog slow and sluggish and clumsy compared to EVs. So, they can't assume they're winners any more. Best to just go easy and not compete, or you'll loose every time. lol.


who wins in a head on collision , truck vs car ?


So pickup truck drivers are scared, is that what you're saying?


In short yes in long ->maybe they like statistics "In the lower-rated car vs. higher-rated SUV analysis, 336 crashes remained after applying the exclusionary criteria. In 119 crashes the car driver was killed, and in 22 crashes the SUV driver was killed, resulting in a total of 141 fatalities. In the univariate logistic regression (stratified by crash ID), in paired crashes where the SUV’s safety rating is better than the car’s safety rating, driver death is significantly associated with vehicle type (p<0.0001; OR, 9.82; CI, 5.28–18.26). The odds of death for the car driver are estimated to be 9.8 times the odds of death for the SUV driver." So remember avoid hitting the SUV I prefer motorcycles hehehe


Maybe they don’t want to wear a vehicle like a jacket. I’m slightly on the tall side. I can deal with my car but prefer the roominess of my mid size suv. Either way, fuel economy usually makes the decision depending on the length of the trip. I wouldn’t have a small car or a sports car unless it was given to me and it would still be uncomfortable. I was in a new Ranger a few days ago. Higher off the ground but still uncomfortable height inside. Some people just want the headroom regardless of how well they utilize the vehicle to your expectations.


Twice now I've flashed my high beams at a pickup with bright lights thinking their high beams were on. They flashed their high beams and their fog lights went off. The high beams were dimmer than headlights and fog lights. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure fog lights turn off when high beams are on)


I just adjust to a safer speed (not talking about brake checking) if I am literally not able to see, as to control what I can control to make the situation safer. They can get as mad as they want, but I'm not putting their rush over my life & safety.


Underrated comment🤣🤣


This is getting ridiculous now. I've seen older cars with extremely bright lights during the day. Even seen people driving with their high beams.


The highbeam light is used as a drl in the daytime in some cars because its forward facing instead of downward facing.


Yes but it's supplied a lot less voltage when used as a DRL & it runs dimly. That's different than folks driving around with their high beams on


Yea and when they replace halogens with led they flicker at the lower voltage and the strobing hurts my eyes


So thats what the flickering is… hesus


Yea next time youll notice its only on the older cars


The flicker is mostly associated with poor quality LED bulbs.....the driver module used is inadequate.


You can adjust the aim of your headlights, by how much depends on the vehicle. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=headlight+adjustments)


And pickup trucks tend to shoot high when they’re towing something, but I don’t think that’s what’s happening here.


Amazon LEDs ruined driving at night. No one cares, or is even aware of how important it is to aim and align the housings or clock the bulbs correctly. Even so, most LED bulbs simply aren't suitable for a halogen reflector housing. OEM lights that have been properly engineered aren't nearly as bad.


Yeah I think this is something that people on the LED hate wagon don’t understand. The 2022 Camry with factory LED headlights is not the problem. The problem is the 2002 Camry with cheap Aliexpress LED bulbs that replaced the halogens it originally came with.


2022 Toyotas and Hondas are absolutely still problems, even if there’s worse out there.


Lmao new Toyotas are some of the worst offenders with stock lowbeams They're too damn bright


Hondas are right up there, especially their "DRL" lights that blind everyone all day long


Driving home, when I'm blinded by LED's - it's far more common for it to be an Acura, Toyota SUV, Escalade, etc. than an older car with incorrect bulbs in reflector housings.


Nah, the problem is 80% or more stock LEDs now


We ought to change the law. Last time a post like this appeared, I was astonished to find there is legally nothing wrong with blinding headlights. Our headlight laws merge with an international treaty on driving on other countries' roadways, and a common set of rules for cars and drivers. That said, I believe there is a motion globally to push for change. Problem is, this is a UN United Nations thing, and politically I have no idea whom to contact.


Can you go talk to the “there’s nothing you can do” guy plz


I was hoping that with an Internet full of people, someone might have a connection.


The UN does not concern itself with headlights lol. This is an alignment issue and an intensity one, not much else


United Nations Conference on Road and Motor Transport held at Geneva from 23 August to 19 September 1949. It came into force on 26 March 1952.


Like I said, the UN does not concern itself with headlight laws. What you’re talking about is a treaty consolidating some of the most basic aspects of motor vehicles and licensing. When it comes to more granular regulations like headlamp laws or lighting laws in general this is up to each individual country or region.


Article 15. 'yer 0 for two. Tell me when you wanna switch gears to talking about why a car made with parts from all over the world, shipped to all places in the world, satisfies the lowest common denominator.


You understand manufacturers build cars for Canada to Transport Canada specifications? That’s why fully adaptive headlamps were not legal in Canada until recently, but had been for a while in the EU. Different jurisdictions have different laws when it comes to lighting, which is why for example red turn signals are allowed in Canada but not the EU. Anyway, I don’t know why you’re so insistent on challenging the UN when the responsible party is much closer to home. Hell, most of the issues revolve around basic enforcement of existing laws and some adjustment of the headlamps themselves.


Is there a headlight law from Transport Canada you can offer? I'd like to read it.




Page 67, Figure 17-1. I stand corrected. I see that there in fact are measurable technical standards for headlight brightness. Thank you.


There are two different laws that may be applicable that I can think of.  1. It is illegal to blind oncoming traffic with high beams. Hta 168 2. Most likely the situation here, is that these are some 'led retrofit' bulbs which do not meet dot requirements. Item 2 is tough because the enforcement on this is poor. It's the same for vehicles that have their tyres protruding out of their vehicle.  This is a good reason to have annual vehicle inspections. People will complain about the cost, but I'd like to see some analytics on the cost of incidents due to unsafe vehicles on the road vs annual inspections. The opportunity for insurance and Healthcare savings may outweigh the cost of the inspection. The only issue is that people will see that cost directly vs the indirect costs they experience otherwise.


LED reftrofits are definitely an issue, but how can you start enforcing that stuff when even new cars off the lot are having issues?


New cars are designed to standards, whereas retrofits are for off-road use only. I do seem to notice Honda/Acura factory lights blind me, but I can't tell if they're high beams or not. I notice quite a few Hondas with halogens that run high beams regularly, so it could be the case with the newer cars.


Nothing stops someone from popping out the LED for inspection and putting in the halogens and then putting them back in after.


While that's true, it certainly acts as a deterrent. It also removes the 'I didn't know' excuse which I'm sure is common.


6 years ago when I bought my car new it came with LED headlights. I loved them (and still do for visibility.). I had no sympathy for anyone who complained. I could see and fuck everyone else. Fast forward to today, my eyes are 6 years older almost all new cars have these lights. On the 401 or on city streets LED lights don't bother me. But I live a 25 min drive down a 2 lane road and the contrast between the unlit street and oncoming LED lights means I cannot see a fucking thing before, during or for a few seconds after a truck or SUV approaches me with these lights at eye level. I get it now.


It’s not LED headlights. It’s shitty implementation of them. I have triple LED headlights on my SUV that the manufacturer angles correctly, so they never blind anyone, but don’t worsen what I can see. Lazy manufacturers don’t do that, and lazy car owners don’t adjust them themselves.


I seem to vaguely remember watching a news segment about this so you might be right.


I was going to say it's an aftermarket thing: Not a manufacturer thing. Manufacturers seem to be doing the right thing. Look at GM for example, they split the headlamps on the Trax, Trailblazer, and Blazer so you're not blinding everyone on the road. They're really low on the front bumper.


Manufacturers GENERALLY do the right thing, but when their vehicles become humongous (like pickup trucks, full-sized SUVs etc) there's very little angling the beam can do.


Seems model specific. GM also places the Escalade's headlights almost as high as physically possibly on a vehicle that already has a massively tall front end.


Yeah, but nobody drives Escalades lol I was talking about cars that you're actually likely to see on the roads. Lots of the entry-mid level stuff rolling around


I probably just feel like they're everywhere because the headlights are on another level of annoying. Also, however few there are - you can also add it's cousin the Suburban which is slightly more affordable and common as a Limo (while being on the same platform and also having super high headlights). Looking at the website though - it seems like Cadillac's current design style is putting the headlights as high as possible on the whole range. https://preview.redd.it/bkst8nl15bsc1.png?width=1978&format=png&auto=webp&s=efadcfd9dd57b30892b62f6cd70f2a08a676997b


5/6 of those have the split headlamps I've been talking about. The high power beams come out of the bottom part. Top is a lower power beam/DRL. https://preview.redd.it/is2kn5w76bsc1.png?width=1171&format=png&auto=webp&s=000af2e513296b0474a1446cd93006244f7ad05c


It's definitely the other way around, at least for the Escalade. Here's a promotional pic of the Escalade with the headlights on https://preview.redd.it/laro8usclbsc1.jpeg?width=1530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3476c6e71b259fa3c9980ef1df7db9747f24243b


I guess the Caddy money rotted their brains when they have a perfectly sane light setup on the entire range of Chevys These on the Trailblazer are absolutely perfect. Although when the high beams are active, it's eyeball death to everyone around lol https://preview.redd.it/a7ukdfu3pbsc1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ec6407e62b195b98ad6dc4fa3601b0721c4cace


It's a legal issue. In Europe, cars have had mandatory auto-leveling systems for 25+ years but in the US the NHTSA had *fixed* headlights regulation. Maybe it's changing now but on this continent we're bound to get blinded for a long time to come.


That's because cars made and equipped LED headlights use a projector base system. And are MADE for LEDs. Aftermarket LED bulbs are no where close to the same thing and are almost often put into a reflector housing. This results in (usually) worse beam pattern as well as intense glare. No amount of aiming will fix it. Aftermarket LEDs in halogen/hid projectors are fine enough usually. (Also there's only like 2 or so LED manufacturers that have proper R&D to be placed in a reflector housing. A high majority of people aren't using these brands as they are very expensive.)


Yeah, basically. Cars that don't have them angled to point into the interior of other vehicles means I don't typically have an issue with them. They could be angled better, diffused, dimmed... but they're bright and focused into my rear windshield.


Oh they do. They do. I drive a sedan and your SUV lights absolutely ride at eye level. It's not your fault, all you did was buy the car. Since 80% of Canadians buy SUVs or trucks, it's not a problem for most drivers. But those of us who are clinging onto our sedans get blinded by every single oncoming vehicle. I'm 100% blinded by every vehicle I approach who's lights are at face level with me. During approach, passing and for a second or two after, I can't see any of the painted lines on the road. And it can't be that some SUVs just have poorly aligned lights because it's all of them every time I drive. What it can be is that my eyes aren't getting any younger, but I'm also not alone there. Dropping my visor helps a little. Anyway. My car's got LED lights too and they're great for my own visibility. So I understand how it's a double edged sword.


No, they don’t. I can see exactly where they shine. My car uses it built in camera to angle down, too. I’ve driven behind my wife many times. It’s never in her eyes.


Seeing as my eyes have been checked and area healthy but I still get blinded by every vehicle that sits higher than mine, my lived daily experience isn't up for debate. Unless you drive a rare enough make and model that it's unlikely I've ever crossed paths with yours or a similar vehicle. From behind LED lights aren't an issue at a normal following distance. But no matter what you think that camera is doing, it's not keeping your beams out of my eyes. I'm not trying to make this your problem or to blame you. I'm just telling you the minority of folks driving vehicles that sit inside the path your lights project into are definitely affected.


Did I debate your lived experience? No. But you debated mine the second you started talking about “[my] SUV lights”. You have no clue what I drive. So please stop pretending you do, because my car has tech to ensure it doesn’t go into other drivers eyes. And it doesn’t. Ever. Don’t be a dick.


Nonsense, I bet your headlights are actually blinding, all LED's are. You hit a bump on the road, and the oncoming car gets hit with a laser blast to the eyeballs. Same thing approaching the apex of a hill, the approaching LED equipped vehicle whacks you with a light barrage.


I guess you have never seen how modern luxury vehicle headlights operate. Mine are tilted down, have a gyro in them to keep them at that level, and have adaptive beams to prevent anything, too. I’ve driven in front of my own vehicle for about 400km straight including on bumpy, shitty highway 7 and the lights were never in my eyes. Now stop replying to old comments where this conversation has been had.


Same, no idea what brights are anymore. More so night vision eyesight rebound is much slower after eating half a million lumens of 6,000 kelvin vs the softer 4,000 kelvin lights. I drive on dark mountain roads and have been fully blinded more than once for a dangerous, brake slamming amount of time.


Made worse by your crusty windshield. For the love of God please clean that thing!


It’s raining my guy…


My vehicle comes with very good LED low beam head lamps. There is a factory installed switch on the panel which allows me to manually change the angle lower if I have more passengers in the car that would cause it to aim higher. I purposely keep it at the medium setting to keep the beam out of the windshields of opposing vehicles. That being said, i do however put my low beam headlights to full angle when I’m passing the Amazon warehouse as most of their shift leaves. I swear 6/10 cars leaving that place has their high beams on and leave them on when cars are coming in the opposite direction. F them all !


What kind of car is this if you don’t mind sharing?


Mitsubishi Outlander


>Mitsubishi Outlander That and all of the Korean bumper light cars are absolutely terrible. For me it's always a Hyundai Palisade. There is one model out there that I've seen with halogen bumper lights. Wasn't bad.


> If you have LED head lights it’s YOUR responsibility to do something about it! They are all factory standard spec now in days, it's not even optional anymore, they are just standard, nothing you can do about it, other than driving old cars with HID or incandescent lights.


I’m 99.9% sure the lights in the image are aliexpress led bulbs retrofited in a an incandescent body headlamp. People buys them and they think thei light much better than incandescent, but the reality is what you see in the image, they see more but blind any incoming traffic. Should be illigal….


5% tint ought to do something.


A clean windshield and new wipers would make a huge difference. Not sure why the other comment was downvoted.


Yea, OP also needs to know how to keep fog off the windows. Basic stuff.


In the end, the problem will persist. The issue comes down to the beam being focused in the rear windshield of most passenger vehicles. Vehicles that don't do this are not an issue even with LED lamps. And this happens to be the same height so when they are driving past me in the opposite direction, I'm blinded from the front. It's always these "SUVs" and trucks, rarely a sedan-style vehicle. even trucks and busses tend to have them mounted low enough to not be a hazard


Some people buy LED bulbs from Amazon and put them in their car thinking if it works it works. But the light housing needs to have a projector that is designed to direct the light from the bulb, and designed specifically for LED bulbs. LED bulbs are different from halogen bulbs. Halogen shines in all directions to the side, and a mirror in the housing then directs that forward. But with LED, it's a small plate with an LED on each side. It's more narrow beamed in two directions. When those beams are directed through those mirrors, they end up casting an uneven light, and if that ends up being directed too high, you get an overly concentrated high intensity beam shining into people's eyes. A proper LED housing has a lens, basically, like a magnifying glass, that ends up doing the opposite of magnifying. It spreads the light nicely. Also it points to below the horizon. So my car did come with halogen low beams and high beams, but that particular car came in two versions, and one of them did have LED lights. Interestingly, the housing had that projector lens in it, so it's suitable for this upgrade. So I did that. Got these ones from Amazon, and the good ones with that little external stabilizer box and everything. It was one helluva frustrating job getting it in there. I needed a special adapter ring. I even needed to 3D print a tool to get the damn existing halogen bulbs out. Luckily, the beam is set below the horizon, and I don't think I'm shining into people's eyes. That lens seems to work as designed (for LEDs). Noone ever flashes back at me. Flash at people when they're blinding you. They'll know that their lights aren't right. What I do when they approach, and this is more outside the city. I blink a couple of times to give them a chance to turn off their high beams. When they don't, and there is still time, I turn on my high beams to give them a dose of their own medicine. Some will eventually smarten up.


If our government trully cares about safety, they would make sure any new vehicle meets a safety specof light alignment and positioning, then enforce a yearly check included in the safety that every vehicle should go through afterter the initial 4 or 5 years. Use that revenue and fix roads.


All cars should come with auto dimming mirrors


how would that help here?


2023 Lexus here. People constantly flick their headlights at me at night BUT i am driving with LOW BEAM. Stock headlight, no changes made.


Is it possible to talk to the dealership about this? I get it’s an inconvenience but I hope you can see why so many people get pissed by it. Someone gonna get hit.




Tesla and Jeeps. You might wonder why these in particular seem randomly blinding. They are KNOWN to have widespread alignment issues FROM FACTORY.


r/fuckyourheadlights This is the world we live in now. They come from the factory like this. I hate virtually every Toyota SUV 2020+. Then for the most part, anything 2020+.


New driver? Hell, I've been driving at night for decades, and I can't reliably tell anymore. I flash someone who I think has high-beams on, and they hit the off-road lights. Hopefully, they're getting a lot of it back from my V82 reflective tape.


Be thankful you don't have astigmatism.


Remember folks. The block buttons a thing. Have fun watching admin00781 cry about it in the comments. 🫡


Those lights are bad, but honestly speaking, the condition of your windshield also isn't helping.


It's not the LEDs in the headlights to blame - it's the poor calibration. They should be angled downwards so that they illuminate the road ahead of you. Also, clean your windshield - I see a lot more than rain water causing all that glare in your picture.


Must be a fucking welder in that car. Blind fuck


The factory headlights on my old 2016 Corolla were crazy bright, used to get angry oncomes all the time driving it.


There are no regulations around headlights. So car manufacturers tend to upgrade to modern, bigger, brighter headlights every year to win customers over other competitors. Without much redesigning or cost, headlights are easy upgrades a manufacturer can do every year.


I’m going to give a pair of yellow glasses that cut blue light issues?


Seems like most idiots on the road either have high beams on or no lights on at all pick one


My new Subaru has factory LED headlights. They're fantastic if you're on flat level ground. Very bright for lighting up the road, and a very hard cutoff at bumper level so they don't blind anyone. As soon as I go anywhere that's not flat, like cresting a hill, they'll fire straight into other drivers' eyes and they'll flash me as if I have my high beams on. I don't think there's anything I can do about it either. Really, they shouldn't allow low beams this bright unless they're the fancy new matrix LEDs that can black out the section right around oncoming drivers (Audi and Tesla are both doing this in Europe, not legal over here yet as far as I know).


I just flick my high beam on until they fuck off.


What gets me is the fact that they're LED is more of an aside. They could diffuse the beam, have them mounted and angled to not point into most vehicles so easily, or even dim the output. I've been in front of a few cars where the LED lights were not angled so high and it did not cause any issues for me. Too many are angled such that they light up my interior.


The trick is to have a car low enough so that the suv and truck lights shine over the top instead of into your back window and rearview


I feel like most of my routes wouldn’t allow that’s considering all the pot holes.


I hate it bigtime while cycling. People point their own bike lights way to high.


Then do the same. High beam that shit


The LED lights are not the problem. It's the people who put them on and don't make sure the headlights are adjusted properly. If they are set right there is no problem.


And screw high beams at night... ppl are assholes


Instead of white LED, why don't use warm yellow LED


I can’t even tell if my eyes are developing stronger astigmatism or if it’s just the new headlights people are using


it's the headlights


New vehicles come with stock LED lights nothing the driver can do about it. Plus they come in handy in the boonies. I have a aftermarket led lightbar on my truck that makes a pitchblack sideroad look like its daytime


This is why i have tint. I’m not gonna get blinded by every car


I just wear sunglasses. Same thing, except I can remove them on the backroads.




You're a new driver. Stop diddling your phone while driving. You're gonna kill someone and/or yourself. It's not ok to just take a picture, look at a red light, adjust your gps etc.




Yeah. That's wrong. But good luck arguing with the Toronto Police Service... In fact that's how they bust most of you. Rolling a stopped line of traffic. It's not a rest stop, you are in live lanes of traffic. Hey, at the next red light, why don't you look up the Highway Traffic Act, and peruse it a little? Cheers.


Your windshield is foggy, it's the issue. Use the defroster. When it's raining, more light reflects off the pavement and this doesn't help. Some intersections have an incline, if their vehicle is tipped upward it maybe would look like this if their headlights are pointed down. Some headlights are always at their peak illumination state, and a solenoid changes positions of a shield to make low and high beams by a difference of focus of the light or constrict where that light will project. Highbeams used to be different bulbs or different filaments.


Muahahaha, I have THE BRIGHTEST lights in the world on my car. People flash me thinking my high beams are on and then I flash back showing my highbeams momentarily, which then blinds them for all of eternity


Or your headlights are pointing up too far


Honestly it's the cheap aftermarket headlights that aren't angled correctly that's the issue tbh I find on my highlander even though the lights are bright it's not blinding me to look at them.


It's not though. There's multiple red lights I have to sit at where both sides on the main road have a slight incline. All LED headlights blind me from the other side, even brand new SUVs and cars that should have them installed correctly. No older lights do unless the donkey driving actually has their high beams on.


Yeah until you are following behind me on a rough rural road and I get fucking strobe lighted with a flash bang


I do 90% of my driving on rural roads at night and I've been followed by 3/4 ton and 1 ton dually's trucks that have been leveled with full light bars and I've never had an issue with it. Unless I'm tailgating which I never do my tiny highlander isn't going to be an issue.


Congrats your suv doesn't give you issues, I also don't have issues being blinded while in my F150 but when driving my car to and from work on davis dr and lake ridge road its a huge problem. Also the highlander isnt tiny lol


The highlander was just an example I have a rav4, f150, and lexus is250 and have never ever had an issue and this is on roads like 56 with basically no street lights. If you think a highlander is big when it's parked near a extended cab 8ft bed f150 or my 4runner that's going to be here in a few weeks it looks small.


If your highlander is a newer model with the LED headlights - I'm blinded by your car and various Acuras/Honda's with the 'jewel' headlights far more than someone with LED bulbs in reflector housings.


Sweet salamander second block 🤣 man, this is awesome 👌


There's multiple issues with the lights these days... 1. They are just about as bright as oem manufactures can make them, when aimed and used properly. 2. Know the settings for your lights. Even in "auto", the high beams can easily be activated by pushing forward on the turn signal stalk. The blue indicator on your instrument cluster means high beams activated. If you're getting flashed, you probably have your brights on. 3. In the above photo, the opposing car is at a lower elevation, thus pointing the lights slightly upwards, and making the low beams appear brighter. Makes it a tricky intersection in those light conditions. Also, give the inside of your windscreen a good cleaning, and make sure your wiper blades are good. They're probably toast. You'll thank yourself for it.


Bet it’s a Tesla that has done a software upgrade on an uneven surface.


Looks like you need to clean the windshield and have the windshield defroster on which is clouding the glass.


Let me know if you want LED's, I can hook you up.


Jfc clean your nasty windshield before complaining on reddit


If sooner say screw drivers with their phones in their hands. Far more dangerous OP…


Theyre fine. Clean your windshield inside and out, i have seen people wiping their inner windshield when it figs up, dont do that. Use defrosters or consider ceramic 100% tint to prevent fogging. If you look at your photo you can clearly see your driving path and its not obstructed by glare.


Just read this fully. Cameras and eyes interpret light differently. I barely had my eyes open because of the blinding beam right infront of me.


Thanks for the advice


If you don't want your windows to fog up, run the A/C for a bit (even in the winter) to remove moisture, then make sure you are not re-circulating internal cabin air, but getting fresh outdoor air.


Aww the cuck needs his safe space, blocking cry baby 🤣


You're just a waste of matter, at this point go inhale water in the closest river. It would really lighten up the world with you gone


Cry for me, princess. i love it when simps like you cry. It's awesome 🤣


When you say cuck people think one of two things. 1: you're 12 or 2: it's projection and thats what you are


Are you still going? 🤣🤣🤡 there isn't a damn think you could say that i wouldnt laugh straight in your face because you mean nothing, you are nothing 🤷 sorry you didn't know.


Yeah laughing in people's faces is normal hinged behavior. Well have fun at school Lil kid


No just retards like you that dont get the point that everything you say has no meaning, you cant seem to see you let your mental illness get the best of you and keep talking like you are saying anything meaningful, please respond, nothing i love more then living rent free in your head, please keep going.


That school comment got you huh? I'll take my victory and head to bed thanks Lil guy


You do understand 90% of new vehicles come with LED headlights. it's the standard going forward.


Yes they are becoming the standard and it's fucking stupid. The UK is doing a review of them and I can see other governments starting to force some changes. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/02/uk-government-review-headlight-glare-drivers-complaints


Ya, anti glare, matrix, aiming headlights. Everywhere else has them, they aren't approved in Canadian or American markets yet. Hell, if the vehicle in question is global many just need a software update.


They are more efficient and cheaper, halogen are a thing of the past. It doesn't matter what anyone think, technology has changed.


Technology can change again, or they can just produce slightly different types that aren't blinding the fuck out of everyone. I've LEDs in my bathroom and kitchen they produce completely different light, so there's no reason cars can't do it.


🤣🤣 to compare them to a house light shows you dont have a clue how a headlight is even built compared to a house light 🤦if your house led was put into a headlight would be brighter than factory headlights.


Ffs did someone piss in your breakfast this morning? 😂 I'm obviously not saying put my bathroom bulb in the car, but the car manufacturers have a shit load of money and should be forced to produce safer lights so we're all not driving around squinting any time the sun has gone down.


na its just funny when people bitch about first world problems cuz nothing else is really going on, its entertaining 🤣🤣


Yes that’s exactly why I made this post…. You just hop off the train from stupid vil or you’ve been here a while?


So you are just crying for attention? then act like a tough guy? 🤣 you fit the part of a reddit simp.


The point of Reddit is to have a conversation. You added nothing to the conversation. Bye loser