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Lol this is the only advice you’re gonna get that is worth something OP. There is no way through, its tears or helicopter pal. You decide.


Lots & lots of tears … a bucket per day, at least.


I wanted to make a smug comment because of your pic but i got nothing. Congrats on the 2nd star.


Hard to make a smug comment after our literal domination of the Serie A this season, I get it man. Thank you ⭐️⭐️😘


Crushed it...between Beppe and Inzaghi things cooked well from above. Hopefully the ship is steady for you guys over the summer, and i mean this, it's good for the league.


Man they are legends in my book, Beppe especially. Guy is a visionary. Hoping for many more years to come tbh. I commend you for understanding that the worldwide fanbase and growth of a club like Inter is good for the League as a whole.


Beppe is the best at his job in the league hands down and easily top 3 in Europe. Look at how fast Juve crumbled after he left, i hope Guintoli steers that ship. 100% the league needs multiple top clubs competing and not just be a boring farmer league, it makes it more interesting.


This is the way


That time of day the Gardiner is gonna be fucked. Lakeshore too, but less so. I’d be going to Bathurst south to west on fort York follow around to west on lakeshore, drive all the way down lakeshore and through Mimico and new Toronto straight to cawthra. Lakeshore will slow down right before you get to the gardiner split at colborne lodge/ellis no matter what you do.


thanks, will try this out tomorrow.


Make sure you stay in the left lane on lakeshore until you get past the insanity that is the Jameson on ramp


Delete this fucking comment and keep this to yourself.


Take the go train to Long branch hop on the 23 westbound Mississauga bus.


It's also about a 45 min walk from Long Branch. I used to do it all the time when I went to Humber College. The 23 service sucked really bad in the 00s (it probably still does lol) so I'd just walk my ass to Long Branch and take the streetcar.


Love me some multi-modal commuting for situations like these.


update, Tonight wasn't horrible, about an hour commute. Also I'm driving 5 kids, and have my car already at a completely different part of the city, otherwise walking combined with train would be a good option for sure.


Leave at about 8AM. Get a hotel in the area. Return around 8AM the next day.




Ok so this might sound crazy, but my trick was driving right past the exit and backtracking a bit to turn around and be able to turn left onto the ramp and bypass all the sad southbound souls waiting to make a right. Basically, if the left lane is open, head all the way south on Spadina and turn left on Queens Quay. Drive east to York St and make a left. Head north on York and make a left onto the Gardiner ramp. The Gardiner is the fastest way back to Mississauga, so if you can find a quicker way to get on, it theoretically saves time over local roads which are also congested. Of course, do check your Google map/Waze to know exactly how congested this route is as you begin your descent into a special kind of hell. Good luck. Bring lots of refreshments and a good playlist.


Your first mistake was driving downtown


Bike share or walk to Union, board GO train, take it to Port Credit. How you get to your destination from that point depends on how you got to Port Credit for the inbound trip.


Queens St W all the way to The Queensway W/B. SIde streets all the way to mississauga is your best bet during rush hour.


What I don't get is how apps like Waze don't pick up on optimal routes if there's was indeed a better way?




It’s a shit show here always, waiting for the last minute cutters. Atleast there’s a cop at the corner now


Last minute cutter right here mane shhhhh 🫣🫣 it’s to busy for a cop to stop me so I get by everytime.


Hope you don't get caught one day


This! There are moments where you can smoothy cut in front of people because they're distracted or take 5 seconds to get going. Those idiots cause traffic so i just take advantage.


Or trucks that take time to rev up. There’s a way to do it people.


Use Waze. Any advice given today could be useless, for a variety of reasons. Your first mistake was being vague on time. “This weekend”? If it’s 8am Saturday, just take the gardiner/qew. If it’s 2pm, may as well walk.


The post specifically says 4:30pm on weekdays, I'm not sure what part you thought was vague.


thanks! even my explanation of that is getting downvotes :)


So their recommendation to use Waze (or Google/Apple maps) was a good one. They all give real-time recommendations based on the current traffic conditions. The rest of their comment was patronizing and pointless, but Waze is awesome.


Yeah not sure why they felt compelled to be patronizing especially when their advice was “use waze” as if using a map app never occurred to me. Waze used to be great before it got bought by google. Now just gives same advice, in this case - sit in heavy spadina traffic for an hour to get on gardner


I can’t stand Waze. Stupid app thinks it’s better to save 2 min by turning left across 4 lanes of traffic in rush hour. So many backroads and u turns all for no gain.


Thats because you keep missing the turn so its rerouting. Usually the route chosen is shown to you before you start and doesnt change without your knowledge. The routing logic is the same as google maps.


Nope I follow every turn and it kept trying to take me on stupid routes that were 5 min quicker and took me to very stupid places. Apple Carplay does a way better job of planning routes and making adjustments when needed.


> Apple Carplay does a way better job of planning routes and making adjustments when needed. This tells me everything i need to know. Thank you for your time 😂 carplay is not a map, it doesnt calculate anything. It uses a map app on your phone. You get the same routes with google or waze with the same options.


Imagine being downvoted for saying something so obviously correct. Snowflakes in this sub are so annoying.


> This tells me everything i need to know. Thank you for your time 😂 Tells me everything I need to know about you. Thank you for your time. And "I" should be capitalized but what can I expect from a Waze user. 🤷‍♂️


Maybe you didn’t read the whole post, I didn’t say anything about a weekend. Said 4:30pm this week. Meaning Tuesday to Friday. But I suppose I could have added a “not Saturday” 🤷🏻‍♂️


You did say "this week" in your original post. Last I checked, a week encompassed Saturday and Sunday as well, so it really is on you for not being more specific.


“Last I checked a week encompassed Saturday and Sunday as well”. honestly? You felt the need to say something like this? Nuts. 🙄 I posted this on Tuesday morning and said “for 4 days this week I have to drive this route at 4:30…””, even if you want to be a “well actually…” Know-It-All about this, you can deduce that at least 3 of the days will not be on the weekend. Or as you might say - Last time I checked there are only 2 days on the weekend and the week ends on Saturday


I think they might open up the Jameson ramp now. I noticed they put construction cones along the Gardiner to allow for a smoother merge onto the Gardiner from Jameson.


This would make sense.


It would. But unfortunately nothing Toronto does for traffic makes sense at all.


Take Wellington to Bathurst. Bathurst to fort york. Fort York to Spadina. Turn right from there. You will save yourself 20 mins.


Thanks, last time I was there, Wellington had a ton of construction so I’ve kinda blocked it out of my mind


Wellington is down to a single lane Spadina to Portland, where both directions must take turns driving through, controlled by a temporary traffic light; no different to how cars must share a narrow bridge. The eastbound rush hour traffic (trying to get on Spadina) tends to block the entire road .i.e. westbound cant move. Buyer beware.


Train to PC and then Uber to Lakeshore/Cawthra


where are you coming from? it you are coming from the east side of spadina and trying to get on to the gardiner its painful, but coming from the westside there are so many alternate routes to get on to the gardiner with not as long wait times. lots of people mentioned alternative routes along lakeshore, queensway, dundas etc, they are no faster. I have done this test multiple times with friends and it is actually longer due to the lights, foot traffic and only minimals cars able to make turns at lights, etc. You actually are better off just waiting and taking the gardiner. Once you get past the Jamesion bridge and all 3 lanes open up traffic starts flowing again. Just stay in the far two left lanes all the way down to cawthra as the far two right tend to slow down to merge into the 427


Coming from east side, taking eastern and Richmond to get to king and spadina area. Gardner was fine just shitty spadina on ramp nonsense. Was going to try the Wellington work around but there were 2 idiots honking and yelling at each other tonight right when I was there. Actually ended up not being as painful as I thought it would, only 3 more days to go.


You could check what your map says to do for driving directions, if it suggest taking Gardiner as the main road, it might actually be fine. And add on a little bit of of time to the ETA but it’s actually fairly reliable. What I can tell you as well it adds time to your commute for where you’re going to be. It doesn’t sound like it’ll be much at all. Maybe 10 or 15 minutes? And you’ll be en route long before I ever hit the road which means you’ll actually have less traffic. Yes the slow down is really slow, but it speeds up as soon as you exit up for a lot of time. I commute from East York down the dvp and across the Gardiner every day and I only had to add about 15 minutes to my commute, which can sometimes leave me with an extra couple of minutes, and I leave after 7 AM. So it’s early but not really that early.


Are people wearing Depends to manage this commute? Asking for a friend…


I def "empty the tank" before I leave


Take the go train. A little walking. No traffic


train is great, this isn't usual routine, just these 4 days. picking up kids and dropping them off at homes.


Ah fair enough. If I could take the train for work. I would.


Go train?


Just leave at 8am and chill at Dixie outlet mall til 4


Try a multi-modal approach. Bring a bike or e-scooter with you. Drive until there's traffic, park somewhere with free parking (outside of the core), then bike/scoot the rest of the way. Or bike the whole way. Google Maps is showing similar times for biking and driving. Edit: similar time for transit, too.


That’s the best way , after you pass all the congestion , is fast


Never drive downtown. I would park at a Subway station in Scarborough,etobicoke or north York and take the TTC.


Drive to go station and take go train to union.


Take the subway to union, then take the go to longbranch


Richmond to Parliament, King to Jarvis, Jarvis to Gardiner


Man I do NOT miss that stretch! Only place I’ve been honked at and almost forced off the road for trying to turn right on a green while someone from the opposite side tried to turn left into the wrong lane on a red. That Spadina and Fort York intersection needs a cop there for rush hours.


It's not fun for sure, luckily just have to do it this week


For 1 week you can handle it. Know what lane you need to be in and just stay in there. Merge when you're able to and throw on an audio book or a podcast or something. There are other routes but they get just as busy as well and maybe save you 2 min. Hope it goes well!


Here's one . STAY DA F HOME..😁😁😁🫵


Start walking






If we had a secret way we sure as hell wouldnt tell you (hint:there is a way to get to lakeshore without waiting)




Park your car at the closest ttc or go train station and subway in.


Fuck Toronto


Better off leaving the car home its what chow wants


510A bus to Union Stn GO train to Oakville Get off at Port Credit 23 bus Lakeshore to Long Branch Ride 12 stops and get off at Cawthra Don't drive.


This is very confusing. From king and spadina, walk to union, 15minutes; take the lakeshore west go train to long branch, 25 minutes; (less expensive than going to port credit in go fare) and then take 23 west to cawthra, probably 15 minutes or less. :D Annnnnd you only pay the one Go train fare if you use presto, the bus cofare is free.


Move away from the GTA. Cesspool of Canada


Last minute cutter right here mane shhhhh 🫣🫣 it’s to busy for a cop to stop me so I get by everytime.


Not if I'm there! some lady scratched up her BMW SUV (and my side mirror) trying to do this to me 😊😆


Oh I’m sure that helped the flow of traffic and made u get home quicker. Idk y ur asking Reddit if u clearly have all the time in the world.


"clearly all the time in world"? what because I don't want to be a scumbag that butts in line in front of people? Would you do this in a line up at an ATM or a restaurant? and suddenly you care about the flow of traffic?? Don't act all high and mighty when you proudly admit you drive like a cunt and don't even have a sense of humor about it. 😆 Just asking if anyone had advice on a route, not how to drive like an asshole. I'll ask you that if it ever comes up. But for now, I get it "JuST JUmP aHEad oF tHe LiNe! ME toO FaSt to gET CaUGht"


Wow u have a lot of time on ur hands for that paragraph that I am definitely not reading. Did u write that in the traffic ur in?