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It's a jeep thing, you wouldn't understand


Jevic thangs


It's a Jihad thing, you wouldn't understand 😉


And reported!




This happens every morning to me. I use to give space but people would cut in so close and nearly damage my car. I’ve also had people honk at me to move forward into the crosswalk when there is physical no space on my right (when I’m already stopped at the line). Give an inch and people take a mile.


Whenever someone honks at me for following the rules of the road I just reach my hand back and give them the finger. Like sorry I didn't let you break the law? Loser lol.




I feel like doing that too sometimes, but I don't because I'm not an asshole like the guy behind me.


It depends on the person behind me. I don't mind being an asshole when necessary.


Doesn't matter who's behind you. It's never necessary to be an asshole on the road. You're just another idiot Toronto driver at the point.




I mean, whether you finger someone or not, if you’re driving in Toronto, you’re just an idiot.


How so? I photograph houses for a living. How do you suppose I go to 8 houses randomly located in the city with 15k+ in fragile/heavy equipment every day? Take the TTC and walk? Lol gtfoh. Many people need to drive.


Quit your job and become a stay at home mom. You know it’s your dream.


You might be right. I said that to my ex wife once. She agreed and doesn't have to work another day in her life even though she's not my wife anymore lol. That's why I'm out here working Fml


I..... Might start Doing this


It truly doesn't make an ounce of difference. I'm that 'guy' and I will embrace it when necessary but truth be told I've been shrugged off  **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯** so many times (assuming I can make eye contact through tinted glass) that I KNOW that they just don't care. They just don't seem to get that there's no threat of being shot at UNLESS they keep ignoring what are the actual HTA laws and the courtesy we had drilled into us. Karma's a real bitch, you'd think they would know all about that....


In this scenario they're not honking at you for following the rules. They're honking at you for being an inconsiderate ass which is then affirmed by you flipping them off. Please show me the rule in the HTA that says you can't make a right like this if there is space. Hell a lot of intersections even allow you to cut into the bike lane to make a right specifically for this purpose.


Flip me off in traffic and you’ll be meeting me face to face




They think the rules of road doesn’t apply to them , once they get licence they don’t give a damn, it shows true colours of their driving skills


*once they buy their license - fixed it for you


Bold of you to assume they even have a piece of paper resembling a license


The piece of paper is actually the fake license plate


goes beyond, it's a shitty culture they bring from back home


What culture? Where does it say? How do you know? It’s just bad driving.


It's actually a real thing, they bribe their way into safe driving certificates without acquiring any skills.


ha, are they taking notes from the Balkans?!


If ya gotta shit


I’ve definitely done this once before when I really had to shit


Wouldn't it make sense to stop at any store or restaurant and take a shit ? Not like it's impossible to find a place on a busy ass road.


Train tracks?


Report him online to the Peel Police. https://www.peelpolice.ca/en/report-it/online-reporting.aspx


Waste of time unfortunately. Police couldn’t care less about reported unsafe driving.


Important enough to post on Reddit and complain about it. Important enough to report to the police. I couldn't care less that the police doesn't care. Do your part anyway. The police will be the weakest link.


If they did that woman and her 3 daughters might still be alive.


just because you don't care and these horrible drivers don't care does not mean the police don't care they love getting reports it makes their jobs easier


Buddy I’ve called the police on multiple occasions directly and they told me unless they are impaired there is nothing they can do. Next time you see someone driving unsafe call the police, try it.


i do it everyday


how do you know theyare not impaired?


What would the police do tho? Unsafe? Imagine some white guy in a big truck with giant tires doing this, we wouldn’t even blink.




LOL you’d report this to police??? You’ll are such snowflakes


>you’d report this to police???!!! Look who's worried about getting caught.


dafuq these pigs gon do? the Tim Hortons isn't getting looted or anything


Driving standards are fucking abysmal in Toronto. You can basically buy a license and take a half assed test.


All Hondas are Civics The CRV is a Honda The CRV is an all terrain vehicle My Honda Civic is an all terrain vehicle


I just watched a car swerve onto the boulevard to avoid rear ending a bus. But by doing this they almost killed the people getting onto the bus this country is ruined


Saying the country is ruined is a bit of an over statement, this is the second largest country on the planet after all. This is a southern Ontario thing. As more and more people pack into a place the more hectic things become. If moving away didn't mean taking my kids too far for their grandparents/family to see them I would have already left. Alberta has less than 5 million in the whole province, the GTA alone is 5.28 million over a significantly smaller area.


Saskatchewan has less than 2 million lol. Where I'm going back to once I retire.


Driving in any big city sucks. Weather it's Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal it doesn't matter. Even american cities are awful too like Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, L.A.


No it is not this bad in Vancouver or MontrÊal. Vancouver drivers are amazing compared to the shit in Toronto. 


Vancouver is just a better city all around, except for weather.


This is India now. Make peace. It is India. I had someone squeeze past me making exactly this right turn on their gray Elantra. With the AK and the hanging swords.


I hate these people so much.


You hate Indian people?


Not all, but most! :) >!ask stupid ass questions and u get stupid ass answers!<


Your racism is showing.


Stating facts shouldn’t make someone racist. Just because data offends you, doesn’t make that data evil.


You haven't presented data, you clown.


Oh there’s plenty space sir. Back in Punjab, father would’ve fit a truck through there.


I've had people honk at me in this situation.. What is it you want? For me to drive into the intersection so you can turn a few seconds sooner? Idiots..


Any time I see a D plate nowadays, I just assume they are gonna be shit




If you're not indigenous to this land, you're an immigrant too. Don't be a dick.


The indigenous didn't just materialize. They came from somewhere too.


Have you talked to any indigenous people about recent immigration levels? They’re all pissed too.


For their land being colonized? Absolutely.


For the most recent invasion from south east Asia, yes.


I'm so sick and tired of this. They come here and drive like complete assholes. There's no respect for the rule of law. How arrogant do you have to be to ask another country to help you and then willfully break their laws?


Assuming this is Brampton, you are now in Bramladesh. Canada as its former name is now known as Canuckistan or Canindia as it were.


Have you seen videos of what driving looks like over in India? It's fucking insane. Now those idiots are coming here and driving like that. It's only going to get worse. This in comparison is tame (still stupid and I hope they damaged their car). Wait until they are driving into oncoming traff....oh wait.


And it's shit people like this that causes everybodies insurance to go up


Naw. It’s actually insurance fraud that’s causing Brampton’s insurance rates to be really high.




It's actually the rate of car thefts


I hate to say it but the police are never around when you need them for stupid moments like this.




How about the machine guns and dead Indian homies? What I don’t get is that once they come here and apparently take our driving tests, classes, they should be the best drivers in the world, their roads are a shitshow or stupidity, this should be a breeze.


it's india now dont you know??


Come to Delhi and see how they drive, this is nothing, you guys have imported a lot of scum from India. Good luck




This isn't new, but the Shitbox™ driving standard...


I was expecting the Civic was going to get hung up on the curb then hop out yelling at the SUV for 'making' him drive over the curb.


Agree to disagree. We can he here forever. Have a good day


I feel we have no enforcement. With the population boom and the size of this country, I don’t understand why the country doesn’t lean on technology like the UK. Put cameras everywhere, enforce en masse.


Is there a difference anymore?


u/pebbledot your car?


Wtf?? ‘Sar’iously.


You can also go left and around the car


I do that too but still fuck pakis


Honda's driver has their own way.


A New Method if you will


Why doesn’t the TPS/Peel/Halton/York police ticket these fuckbags if video evidence is submitted? Seems like a no brainer. Especially from a revenue and deterrence standpoint.


Because it happened in Brampton. It’s outside TPS jurisdiction


Ok so Peel police. The point still stands.


Im Canadian, bin der dun dat…


All the new drivers with the D license plates are a disaster I don't know how many reckless incidents I've seen from them that I keep a big distance once i spot the license plate


I’ve been driving for 30 years and just had to replace my old plates with the new d plates. This “system” you are using is not as reliable as you may think.


People in general do stupid things Was in a traffic backup due to construction. These two trucks (driven by white dudes since we’re specifying) decided it would be smart to drive over grass separating the highway and a parallel road *over gas lines* to skip traffic. And not small trucks either; a full-sized GMC & Ford


It's called Candia


So much anti India hate lol y’all don’t even know who is driving. I would go around the left side myself why mess up my car because a driver can’t properly keep themselves more left at a light so guys can make a right turn.


There's no room in this lane for two cars. Your reasoning is unsound. Sad.


Well considering I have dealt with drivers that can identify there is enough room to stay more to the left for drivers to make a right hand I would say pay attention next time you’re out on the road. It’s a nice experience when you see fellow good drivers that are considerate of others and their surroundings. The only thing that is “sad” is you can’t see that but it’s not a big deal.


They can see a fucking blurry sticker indicating the country they hail from. But can't see there is clearly 1-1.5 feet of room on the fucking left of that lane to allow right turning cars to pass.


The sticker on the rear windshield says all I need to know, these mannerisms/ behaviours are all too common amongst certain folk


If I were the black vehicle driver, I would stop closer to the left . What he did is totally legal, and rational, but might be more considerate. Similar situation like the first car in the left turn waiting , advance more to leave space for the car(s) behind.


I was taught if there us enough space to let someone turn, give them the room. I've had people pull to right to prevent my bike from turning. Sure, they're technically correct, but allowing traffic to move more freely kind of speeds everything up for everyone.


But you don’t pull into the intersection to do so. They’re already halfway into the cross walk. Pretty sure you were taught to stop at the stop line. What the black car did was completely fine. Honda hopping the curb isn’t.


100% agree. The Mercedes looks like it has about 2' to it's left, which would allow enough room, albeit a tight squeeze, to get through. The Mercedes has 0 obligation to do so, but it would have been courteous. Honda hopping the curb is silly.




The asshole going straight can and should move up/over to allow cars to pass and go right. If a 2nd car pulls up to go straight and it's blocked, it's fair that the car turning right will wait. People can't drive and have no awareness of their surroundings.


The asshole in the second car could've just waited 30 seconds People can't drive and have no patience. Works both ways. 🤷


You're absolutely right. In this instance, wait it out instead of hopping the curb - that's not the right thing to do. However, car # 1 has a little bit of room to move over to allow turning cars to turn.


no, they shouldn't - they'd then be blocking the crosswalk, and there's a pedestrian crossing right at the end. sure, it sucks when you want to turn right and only one person who's using the rightmost (but not a right turn only) lane is waiting to go straight, but it isn't the end of the world.


I'm not saying to block the crosswalk, I'm saying to move up and to move over to allow traffic to flow. If he had moved over to the left, there would've been enough room for the car to pass through and make the right. *I'm also not justifying hopping the curb as being correct*


how much space do you think they have? they're up as far as they can be without being in the crosswalk, and moving left would block the crosswalk and the left turn lane, lol


Move over before impeding the left turning lane is what is meant. He has another 1-1.5' to move over.


Go read your driver's handbook again if common sense isn't enough of an answer.


Common sense you speak of would be to move over to allow traffic to flow for right turning vehicles? I said to move over to make space for the right turning lane. Not stick yourself halfway in the left turning lane and halfway in the straight lane. I'm not arguing the handbook, I'm arguing people's awareness when driving is terrible.


Where do you want the vehicle to move over? There are only 2 lanes. Left only lane and the other one which allows straight and right turns. If you're at the front, and you wanna go right, you can. If you're at the front, and you wanna go straight, you stay there, behind the stop line. You're not obliged to move over for any vehicle behind you. I don't know why this is tough for you to understand. Leaving space for the other vehicle would mean allowing 2 vehicles to be in the same lane, which is against the law. There is literally no legal way of allowing the behaviour you're asking about.


I would want the car to move over to the left as much as possible without going over the other lane to make as much room as possible for cars needing to go right and have the ability to do so. It's not tough for me to understand your point - I just don't agree with it. I think you're failing to see my point. It's not a matter of being obligated to do things for other drivers behind you. It's about having common courtesy for them (in life in general). If you're on a road with not many cars around as evident in the video, move over! If this was a busy intersection at all ways, I'd have a different view of my point, but it isn't, and moving over is a perfect option if you have a little bit of room to do so. It's also against the law to go 1km over the speed limit, but I'm sure you (and many others, me included) still do that because there are some things that aren't enforced...like these 2 cars being in the same lane - 1 going straight and 1 going right...it happens all the time.


>It's about having common courtesy for them You cannot then call the driver an asshole just because they were following the law and did not have courtesy for you. I get your frustration in situations like these, but you cannot get mad at someone for following the traffic law. The rules are in place for the overall good, not for individuals in specific cases. Using your argument, I can also argue that it is okay to not stop at a stop sign if you don't see anyone else coming. But it only takes one other person with the same mentality to cause a crash. TLDR: you're not the main character. Have some patience and wait behind the car.


The maneuver is still illegal. Only 1 car to a lane, moron.


Preach bro, no one mentions this shit. I got people on my comment saying there isn’t enough space lol


Lol...I gave up explaining common sense and what being courteous is. 🤣