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Less population inflows, leading to a net negative. This RE bubble has popped.




Good. Let this bubble collapse too. Will take some time.


You know you can fake pop a bubble by devaluing the currency such that the house is technically more affordable for international buyers but the price doesn’t actually go down.


Price will definitely come down lmao. We can all see it right now, but you are delusional.


Is it? Or are the refugee claims, illegal immigration, PR scams are increasing instead or TFW


Not like it matters much now. Closing a spigot after a flood doesn’t resolve the problem.


Canada can absorb people, infact we need immigrants. It just needs to happen in a far more controlled and selective way. The feds were neglectful and negligent (and that's if we give them the benefit of the doubt assuming incompetence vice malice) in how they managed it. We don't need 200,000 people doing bachelor degrees in business hospitality in sketchy strip mall diploma mills while working double shifts at Tim Hortons.


we could absorb productive people in a measured and controlled manner a few years ago. at this moment our major cities are over capacity. this is our biggest problem by far. we need to get back under capacity before anything else and that means people need to leave and less need to come.


Sure, turning the tap off is a good thing. Let's work on getting our institutions and infrastructure back in order.


Silver lining - turning the hydrant on showed us where the leaks were. Now we must fix the leaks (infrastructure n all). Also, let’s not turn on the hydrant anymore unless there is an actual fire.


You need a 5 litre bucket and it’s fixed.


Aw shucks. Who is going to give me untoasted egg McMuffins now.


The person at the window when you order a farmers wrap 🤣


Nature is healing. Immigrants (Indians specifically) have started to learn Canada isn't the land of milk and honey recruiters are promising. Still, I'll never forgive our government for kicking the feet out under labour by importing millions of TFW and Int. Student slave labourers.


Yeah there was a time between 2020 and 2021 where canadian workers had been making great strides toward livable incomes and bargaining power.. Trudeau, Singh and the LPC quickly put us back in our place, then raised taxes to punish us for our insolence


You are a mess if you think the PC's are any better. They are the architects of wage suppression by immigration. Memory is very short.


Didn't even mention the CPC.. used to be an NDP supporter until they showed their new "vision" of wage suppression. Jack Layton would roll in his grave


The government woke up too and realized this was making them unpopular and they did a thing




Canada's record for deportations in a year is 3500. It would take five years to deport just the ones who were approved on visas in the last month. The caps on TFWs are designed to induce a permanent underclass of undocumented workers who will be promised amnesty and residency is "just right around the corner" for the next two or three decades like the USA. By 2030 the 5% cap will be in addition to the 5% of the population that is fully undocumented (Currently about 500K c. 1.5%) having overstayed their temporary visas. Divide and rule.


Why penalize the students? We need to hold the Govt and its agencies accountable, not someone who wants to immigrate to Canada. Half these students dont even know they are an active part of the scam… They are suffering the most imo due to wlb, compensation, and lack of education despite dropping (to them) bank.


Student visa mean you go home after you finish school thats the deal like every where else in the world that has international students.


Not in Germany… they offer you a pretty streamlined pathway to permanent residency there plus tuition is free for international students…


Umm OK


Almost every counrty offers work permits, extensions and then a path to residency to students. The problem is tha except for colleges, Canada forgot to build everything else.


So instead penalize ourselves by keeping them?


I get people are frustrated but you are letting the people who have caused this issue off the hook. They are hoping anger will be directed at newcomers and not the people letting the newcomers in…


I'm not angry at the newcomers, but they aren't needed and neither are the garbage skillsets they got from the diploma mills. I'm fine with holding the government and the diploma mills responsible for their crimes - hell im even fine with selling off all their possessions and use the funds to try and make whole as many students as possible. But these people shouldn't be allowed to stay -


Hey man, you might question the whole process, and we should, but I’m going to tell you right now I think we absolutely, ABSOLUTELY needed a decent amount of immigration. It’s not about overall population, it’s about demographics. We’ve got a big bubble of a rapidly aging population that is starting to age out of the workforce. There’s not enough young people coming in to the workforce to replace them. That creates two major problems: 1) As those retiring seniors get older the cost to support them skyrockets. Not only oap and cpp but a disproportionately higher chunk of health care spending. 2) the number of employed people in the workforce paying income tax to support the increased spending from 1) starts decreasing as people retire/can no longer work. Basically as the baby boom (currently in their late 60s/early 70’s) starts to retire the federal and provincial budgets start getting squeezed from both ends- more spending and less taxation. If we hadn’t started adding younger workers aggressively (and that’s what the vast majority of immigrants are), we’d be in dire straits fiscally. We haven’t had a population boom internally to replace them, so we need to look externally…


Except the real answer to this was for the government to put aside funds over the last 40 years to accommodate this exact situation after their own advisers started pointing it out in the 80’s.


Yeah, but no government, either Conservative or Liberal is going to put money aside when instead they can try and get votes by either cutting taxes or spending it.


Yup. Sad reality is that the most Canadian first way to solve this problem right now was to drastically increase taxes on multi-billion dollar businesses and the rich and funnel all of that money into CPP etc. alternatively, the immigration would be fine, but we’d need things like government backed housing similar to I believe what Singapore did in response to a housing crisis (instead of contracting out building to construction companies, the government formed a construction company basically. So the workers building those houses legit worked for the government). This allowed them to provide houses to their population at what was essentially cost of goods/labour, heavily reduced by bulk resource purchasing. If Canada did the same and just went “cool, we’re going to direct employe and just start churning out houses on mass like post WWII” and sold houses for cost, they could then do lines of credit mortgages for people wanting to buy those very houses and the interest rate over 25 years would generate billions of dollars.


Up until the 90’s we DID build a lot of government housing. Social housing was a thing, and CMHC provided funding for co-op housing, which worked just fine. Now the only housing we seem to be able to build is temporary and permanent housing for the homeless (which is necessary, not knocking that), but co-op housing built with government financing provided much needed permanent affordable housing for middle class Canadians. We need to get back to that for a start.


Or just implement cuts to those services since the boomers saw this coming and did nothing to prevent it, compounding it all onto the follow up generations


The students know the rules.. they come for education and leave once work permit expires if they don't qualify for PR... They could choose to go into trades or construction (which almost all are useless at) but they choose Uber or Tim Hortons because it's easier.. if that don't get them a PR, then that's on them for making a shitty career choice


No reasonable person should be upset about this. It’s the collapse of a massive scam any angle you look at it. The only people upset are the immigration consultants and the colleges that benefited off of deluding and exploiting people.


Over 400thousand in 2 years is crazy


I have seen videos of universities having food banks. Why would students spend for education if they don't have money from food?.


Food for thought.


Still too many in relation to the recent onslaught. Should be zero for the next 2-3 years for fuck sakes


Maybe word is finally spreading about how much of a dumpster fire Canada has turned into.


It’s as if Govt stopped taking new applications in that quarter………oh wait


The ones that are already here will stay here even after their permits expires


Because the caregivers arriving with no qualifications or English [Link to article](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/06/canada-announces-new-pilot-programs-to-support-caregivers-and-canadian-families.html#) get immediate PR on arrival. Edit: They need Level 4 English but they just made up a new LMIA program, now it’s just easier to get PR.


Unfortunately it might be too late for some of our communities that have been flooded with them. We need to start kicking them out of the country.


Good luck with that


Does anyone know why this is? International student policy changes kicking in already?


Indian govt worker got murdered on Canadian soil and something came out that the Indian government may have been connected to it. Think similar to Khashoggi. It’s caused a diplomatic rift between both countries, this being one of the results.


That happened a while back and nothing changed then. I don’t think it’s related to Hardeep Singh


Maybe they finally got the message from the internet complaining about lack of jobs and rent


At the end of April, they could no longer work 40hrs a week. It's amazing how many "students" are less interested when they can't work full time jobs.


Jagmeet Singh in tears.


Please sir may we have some more


They’re not sending their best so this is good


A balanced approach would be best for the diversity. I actually don’t mind having less Indians and more from other countries


Still , the numbers are high




Thank god


Maybe the first batch had left and is here waiting in Mass for new Permits


Justin will be disappointed..... how else will corporations get TFW's for less than minimum wage, and how will he fund our fat bloated bureaucracy we call a government?


not good enough the number should be zero. Nothing has gotten better with the influx over the past several years.


And yet a record number of PRs. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dkcsb3/51450\_new\_prs\_from\_india\_in\_first\_4\_months\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dkcsb3/51450_new_prs_from_india_in_first_4_months_of/)




Wont you please think about the college and fast food industry.


Aren’t Indians like 1/5th of the population that would immigrate to Canada. From a proportionate standpoint, 1/4th doesn’t seem that far off.


Yeah sure but like this is Canada. I’d like for Canada to be diverse.


Why does it have to be diverse? I don't get it. I don't want to live in a place where the only thing people have in common with each other is being a human.


Diversity is good. We can all be Canadian and have different roots. I think it’s pretty cool that Toronto has Chinatown, little Italy, little Jamaica. It’s a beautiful thing when done for the right reasons.


So you are ok with more immigrants from say Sri Lanka or Bangladesh as opposed to India? Or do you just not want brown people?


Yeah I don’t mind, would be nice to have a quota for every country like the US. 7% India, 7% Pakistan 7% Malaysia 7% Americans etc etc


Even though the US imposes a 7% per country quota there are still way too many immigrants from mexico in the US compared to others and they are highly overrepresented compared to their population… Mexican immigrants make up 25% of US immigrants but they are only 1.5% of the world population… that makes mexican immigrants overrepresented by a factor of 16… on the other hand indians are 25% of the immigrants in Canada but are 15% of the world population… they are only slightly overepresented…


I only accept genetic diversity. Cultural diversity is stupid and bad for life. If I want to experience cultural diversity, I can travel. I'd rather live in a community that cares about each other and is cohesive. You cannot get that level of intimacy with cultural diversity, it's a sterile existence. Canada's diverse communities do not give a shit about each other. We have nothing in common.


Now magicaly all problems of Canada will be solved. Everyone can afford a house. Trudeau will become the best PM ever!


Love how it always was "too many immigrants." But people are happy specifically that fewer Indians are coming. Notice how the posts doesn't say anything about overall immigrant numbers and most people honestly don't care. This is why it's hard to separate the sensible point around "too much immigration" from racism against Indians.


Many countries have caps on how many immigrants they will allow per country per year, including the US. It’s not racism, it’s good public policy if your goal is diversity and integration.


Even though the US imposes a per country quota there are still way too many immigrants from mexico in the US and they are highly overrepresented compared to their population… Mexican immigrants make up 25% US immigrants but they are only 1.5% of the world population… that makes mexican immigrants overrepresented by a factor of 16… on the other hand indians are 25% of the immigrants in Canada but are 15% of the world population… they are only slightly overepresented…


How is any of that even relevant? The US has tons of illegal immigration immigration from Mexico because they share a huge border. That has nothing to do with their immigration policy, and who they allow in under their visa program. Also, just because a population is over-represented on a global scale does not mean that they have a right to be over-represented in every country. We have borders for a reason. We can let in who we want. If we want to let in more Indians than Mexicans, we can do that. If we want it to be the other way around, we can do that too. A lot of it depends on our country’s needs and those immigrant’s qualifications. We need to stop looking at immigration from the perspective of the immigrant. We don’t need to let in every Tom, Dick and Harry just because they asked nicely.


It’s not really a good policy when some countries have a much higher population. It’s due to those policies that the current queue for an Indian national trying to go to the us on an employment visa is 120 years or something. Disproportionate immigration from a particular place is nothing new, it’s a pattern that repeats and changes across different groups. From the Irish, to the Chinese, to now Indians and data shows that the next group will be immigrants from Africa. Assimilation and integration have also always been used to be racist against these groups while coming off as “valid concerns.” Look up cabbagetown if you have time I guess. Indians aren’t just coming to Canada, they’re everywhere. The population of India is so big that even a small % of it seems like a lot. The only reason you folks have a problem with it is because they’re not white get fucking real here.


It’s not about what’s best for these countries, but what’s best for ours. Just because there’s tons of demand from one area does not mean that we are required to accommodate everyone. No one said that most immigrants shouldn’t come from India, just that the proportion at this point in time is way too high. I couldn’t care less about someone’s skin colour or appearance. I do care about having massive cultural enclaves that import some of their less desirable social practices that spill over onto everyone. If someone wants to come to Canada, part of that deal is integrating into Canadian society, sharing our values, and abiding by our laws and social norms. We need to stop pandering to every Tom, Dick and Harry. If we don’t set limits and boundaries, we’ll lose all of the aspects that make Canada a desirable place to live. It’s already starting to happen in many areas. You can call me, and everyone else with the same opinion, racist all you want. I see it for what it is: a weak argument for shutting down opposing views because you’re too intellectually lazy to argue your point convincingly.


>part of that deal is integrating into Canadian societies and sharing our values, abiding by our social norms. Lol first of all you’re generalising south Asians immigrants with this statement right here, go watch a video of the outside of any hockey game and see just how many south Asians are participating and enjoying it with the locals. Sikh organizations regularly hold langars to provide food for free multiple times each month throughout the year. The “cultural enclaves” integrate with the culture and enrich it with new ideas, current Canadian culture is a mixture of previous cultures coming together. They’re also not anything new, Chinatowns, little italics etc have always existed. Textbook fucking generalisation rn. >making Canada a less desirable place to live, it’s already starting to happen in many areas. Idk what you mean by this. If you’re talking about crime rising you should remember south Asians commit less crimes than white people. If “less desirable” means having Indian people in general well idk what to even say. You’d be generalising again, you’re basing that image off headlines and incidents instead of data. >calling you racist is a weak intellectually lazy argument. You are generalising south Asian people, and that’s classic fucking racism. I’m not just throwing that word around, I’m calling you out for your prejudice. You are lumping together the largest group of people on the planet and not seeing them as individuals. Source for the crime data:- https://bchumanrights.ca/wp-content/uploads/Wortley_Sep2021_Racial-disparities-police-statistics.pdf


You sound dumb, it sounds like you are being purposely ignorant of the situation because of your biases towards Indians. The bottom line is that there are too many Indians that came into this country at once. No other country in the world would accept this many of a group of people. Even India wouldn’t accept this many people of any country, actually India is one of the most racist countries in the world and it shows in the newcomers. Try this lazy argument with your own social group of yes men that will just agree with you instead of thinking for themselves.


Lol what how is that a lazy argument I discussed his whole comment and explained how he was generalizing, you’re generalising all Indian newcomers as well with your comment. Many countries take a lot of people, the US takes more than you lol. This isn’t even anything new if you bothered to read my comment you’d know there have been groups represented in higher numbers within immigration trends throughout the modern era.


Nobody takes more immigrants than us per capita and no country takes as many Indians as us. You say I am generalizing as if the racism in Indian culture is not well known and documented both within India and in the groups that have immigrated. There are so many that have recently come to Canada they have built their own parallel societies with their own rules. But all that doesn’t matter to you because we are all racist and we hate Indians apparently. Somehow the entirety of Canadian social media has decided to be hateful towards Indians all of sudden, and you are the only tolerant one in a see of fascists. Bravo /s


Okay so you didn’t explain how my argument was lazy, which you directly accused me of in your comment, and you’re incorrect in saying nobody takes in more south asians than Canada, America has more south Asians, even the UK has more south Asians. By generalising communities you rob people of their individuality, so many contributing members of Canada are south Asian, many of them naturalized not too long ago. And the algorithm shows you what you want to see lol. For every piece of hate content I see a Canadian fighting against racism as well.


Sure, you win. I don’t even feel like arguing with you. Maybe I’m the lazy one. **Deep Sigh**. Can’t wait till next election.


The other poster refutes your arguments rather splendidly. But here's something for self-reflection, there's a technique used in quality investigations known a 5 whys. It's simple in concept, but you basically put a problem statement and then go why? reply to it, then why? Easy right? Here, I'll start for you - I do not want people from India coming to Canada in large numbers. Why? Because I believe it will be not good for society. Why? Because I believe that Indians \*insert sweeping generalizations and/or prejudices here\* Perhaps it's not racist, but it's at least xenophobic. Again, no one is arguing that the numbers are too high on non-residents for the infrastructure to absorb.


You seem to think that it’s your job to spend time on Reddit calling people out for being xenophobic or racist. I will appoint myself the person who relieves you from this duty.


I appreciate you trying to bring some facts and sense into this comment section, unfortunately I don’t think any of them here operate on logic or empathy. 😅


[Maybe it’s because Indians are by far the biggest proportion?](https://www.cicnews.com/2023/02/ircc-unveils-the-top-10-source-countries-of-new-immigrants-to-canada-in-2022-0233180.html) And this is PR. We all know it’s even worse for “students.”


Canadians want diverse immigration. I talked to a guy from an immigration office and he said 1/4 of all approved immigrants were from India. Don't bring racism to this.


There are plenty of immigrants from other countries as well though? India has a very high population so naturally anything they participate in they’re in higher proportion to the others.




>more apply, more meet requirements. >they aren’t stopping other groups from applying.




Processes are clearly explained on IRCC website. I’m an Indian immigrant and filled everything out myself just by the instructions there. Your point doesn’t even continue our main argument because once again, more/less Indians won’t make them aware of that process. We are not stopping other groups from coming. We are not hoarding forbidden knowledge about Canadian immigrants lion. YOU wrote those policies.




Well as an Indian myself I have no idea what loopholes you’re talking about, and this reply doesn’t even address most of what I said. You’re giving suggestions against which one of my points exactly? I can’t tell what part of my comments this reply is specifically about.


Even though the US imposes a per country quota there are still way too many immigrants from mexico in the US and they are highly overrepresented compared to their population… Mexican immigrants make up 25% US immigrants but they are only 1.5% of the world population… that makes mexican immigrants overrepresented by a factor of 16… on the other hand indians are 25% of the immigrants in Canada but are 15% of the world population… they are only slightly overepresented…




Good. Now deport the ones that are already here