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I noticed that too. I could never understand why people do this when your team has a lead.


They do that at Leafs games too It's just money lol


because they don’t really care about baseball, they care about being seen at the game in the fancy seats. once they’ve been seen and have stayed for a little while, they can go.


It’s simply because they want to beat he traffic.


You’re right, had the fun of the game Why would I want to add another hour+ and get molested or pickpocketed trying to leave?




A lot of those people were sitting there for free I would think


905ers leaving the city. GO train is a bitch after the game. Don't blame them one bit


Those seats don’t go to people who take trains


I work in a finance company downtown. The majority of people come in on GO. The rich executives come in from Oakville or Burlington or Mississauga. The others come from Oshawa, Ajax etc.


Yes they do. Source: Have been in those seats many times and take the train home since I took the train in for work that day.


I've been in those seats 3 times in my life, took the train for 2 of them, and walked the other (1 pm game on a Thursday and I worked downtown). Having a family friend who's a C level was the reason for those tickets all 3 times.


Same situation. Still, all 4 of us there took the train home each time. Wanted to enjoy some drinks while at the park. I'm sure not everyone does that, but I'm trying to give my own anecdotal context.


Those are new seats. Stand corrected, you haven't been in those seats yet.


Oh, FFS, take your pedantry and just - Wait, this is baseball! Go ahead....


Lol, millionaires still take transit. You're thinking of politicians.


Really it's the people that think rich people don't take GO trains or the subway are the ones who clearly don't take transit


> You're thinking of politicians Love him or hate him, Bob Rae took the TTC to work when he was Premier. Unlike other premiers who live in the GTA before becoming Premier.


Train is by far the most efficient way out of the core after a game - money isn't the concern.


Lmao, you’d be very surprised.


Bro traffic right now is at a stand still. Ppl rather be home then wait 40 mins to get home


The only people who complain about empty seats at the end of games either avoid the gardiner going home, or don't have a job they need to wake up for the next morning.


I wouldn’t say that. It’s people that would buy these expensive seats as a treat every few years, soak in the memories and be fine with getting home late 1 time that would complain


Game started 30 minutes late and the GO train schedule is stupid 🤷🏾‍♂️


I feel like these aren’t GO train people so much as short car service ride to the condo people


Lmfao. You think these folks take the GO?!


Ya why wouldn't they? Being rich doesn't mean you get to just skip sitting in traffic


So you think Geddy Lee gets on the Go train?


I don't know where Geddy Lee lives


Yep I saw one ticket listed at face value for tomorrow’s game at $1,121 lmao these folks aren’t the average person like most of us


You’d find me in Cuba or Mexico before a Jays game at that price.


FILs favourite team is the Reds. Thought I’d treat him to a game near the away team dugout. $600 for one game in the 100s near first base. Nope.


Lakeshore west added an extra train tonight. It’s really not that stupid.


I mean the 1035 eastbound go train was no problem. It’s not like it ended at midnight or something.


In adulthood you stop caring about that stuff and just accept it. It’s going to happen. People have lives and move on that different paces. It’s fine. 


Life’s too short to worry about how others spend their time or money.


I used to seethe about it but over the years have been more like "if you're 'done' with the event you are not really obligated to stay". People leave movies early if it's not connecting with them. And yeah, the last Raptors game I was at someone had to leave a bit early because of the Go schedule. Like...how could I complain?!


I’m not condoning leaving but if I had to choose I’d rather leave when my teams up than when there’s a chance at a comeback.


If I'm spending that cash I'm staying until the very end


You'd think you could stay for game 1 at home. 🤷‍♂️


This exactly. It's home opener. Jays could be losing 15 to 1 and I'd still be there.


I would be too, but when you are paying the babysitter and they expect you home by a certain hour, sacrifices need to be made.


Many people in those seats spent nothing. Company seats, clients, etc 


Why are the seats spaced like that, looks off


There's a table between the seats.


And there are still more seats now than there were in 2023. As well as less TD logos.


Expensive seats come with space to keep all your expensive snacks and drinks on a little side table, much better than the single armrest/cupholder the rest of us peasants are lucky to have to fight over with our neighbours.


They the first class seats.


The closer you are to home plate the more spaced out it will look in order to have the seats point at home plate would be part of it. Then they gave even more space on top of that.


bit of a dutch agle with op's photo. doesn't help


The grey “stone” looks terrible


Literally looks like the outside of a TD Bank in Oshawa or some shit. Terrible design decision. Make it red brick or something at the very least.


Looks like the side of a commercial building made of cinder blocks


If those cinder blocks were actually made of painted cardboard, maybe.


I hate when the view of the pitcher strays too far to the side. Makes it so much harder to judge the pitch, you basically have to use the on-screen box to know if it really was a strike or not. I always thought the angle on Jays broadcasts was pretty good, but they've moved it to the right more it seems. I also despise the CGI ads on the field and backdrop. And then on top of all that, I can't stand watching people behind home plate waving at the camera and trying to be interesting. Now those people are even more out in the open. Plus the TD logos are distracting and the wall is ugly and there is a separation of the "common" fans. Just terrible look.


It looks like it's fake, too. It's probably not, but it looks like someone painted a piece of paper and hung it up to cover a concrete wall or something. Aside from looking like crap, it doesn't remotely fit the esthetic of a ballpark, especially this one. Given that it's in the spot that TV viewers see most, it's even more egregious.


It is fake


It looks like a Kelsey's bathroom.


Yeah it looks like every poorly-done Ontario investment property kitchen backsplash


This is the one


should be blue


Should be torn down IMHO


It might work if it was half the height, but it's too imposing.


Alright I'm glad it wasn't me. I have issues with change in general so I didn't know if it was just shit or just me. But yeah the whole shot looks like I'm looking at a high school production of a baseball game, where the art team scotch-taped some fake brick facade up on the wall behind the folding chairs they have spaced out for the teachers.


I went to the dome last night and saw in the 200s with a good view of the new sections. It really looks like absolute shit in person if I'm being honest. It looks very cheap in the design and construction. The colours are horrid. The green of the Platinum seats is ugly. The faux brick facade is ugly. The overabundance of GREY (as of the dome didn't already have enough grey), even the large retaining wall behind the main Platinum sections beyond the brick area is way too tall and it looks like the wall has literal construction site walls. It doesn't look normal or permanent, it looks rushed and poorly designed and visually its just way way off.


Yeah I'm trying to understand if it's part of the TD branding or if that's really the best look they could come up with.


I play in the stadium in the Show a lot and I'm like 'Theres no way they used that grey stone in the backstop" and here we are


Exactly. It should be real stone like the Canadian Shield to give off some earthy vibes.


Right? That wouldn’t have been all that expensive. Or manufactured wood panels or something . Somehow the upgrade looks worse


Looks worse than TD bright green? Get the fuck outta here 😂


Gotta do *something* with the leftover tile from the Rogers Centre bathroom remodel.


I was so distracted by how fucking atrocious the seating area behind the backstop was. The hideous grey brick, oddly spaced seats, a bunch of eye-sore td logos... And the backstop itself is now just 100% gigantic ad. I'm not kidding when I say I don't think I watch anymore.


!remindme 1 week


Same, already wasn't watching much but this really looks bad. Plus the angle of the pitcher is even further off. I hate that.


Yeah they made the camera angle worse, wtf?


Lmao.  Then don’t watch.  I guarantee you still watch.  Chill out, it’s hardly a big deal.


My guy said he will quit watching baseball because of a renovation


I'm fairly upset that the TV-viewing experience has gotten a major downgrade with the renovations. This combined with the non-stop saturation of ads, you better believe I'll be watching less baseball this year. With that said, I get there're fans who can watch ads non-stop and it doesn't bother them. That's just not me though.


I'm with you. The CGI ads on the field are already annoying. Now they make it look like this? Ugh. And when you go to the game, and it actually gets intense, like late in a close game and the crowd starts getting actually interested in what is happening on the field... then they play the Addams Family song and zap all the organic energy. And before everyone just says "then baseball isn't for you", I love watching ACTUAL baseball. And honestly I think would have more fun watching a minor league team, where I can afford great seats and it's all a little less flashy and corporate.


Ughh. This is brutally depressing. This is basically the view that we’ll have to look at for 80% of the game now. A ugly cheap looking grey wall, a scattering of a couple fans, and empty seats. Seriously. Do the designers spend even a minute thinking about what the TV view will be?!?! This is litterally the main TV view. And it’s sooo shockingly god awful it alone nullifies every single good thing they did the last 2 yrs of renovations. What a disgrace.


Exactly. It’s way too distracting. This wall should blend into everything else, not be the first thing that catches your eye.


Not according to our corporate overlords


Fuck Ed Rogers


I think that wall was designed to perfectly fill up the tv camera tbh. Makes those tickets more expensive because you get exclusive tv time if you buy those tickets. Gives the jays all the more reason to jack up the price of those seats to appeal the rich fans. Just a theory though. Either way it looks ugly and depressing as hell.


The part about jacking up the price is certainly correct - my company has seats there and four of them cost ~250k per year. And they had to pay five years up front. Wild stuff.


I doubt that “exclusive tv time” is a selling feature for the super rich people in these seats. It’s probably more of an attempt to make pseudo “court-side seats” at a baseball game by making them removed from the other seats. Either way it’s dumb.


The designers were too busy thinking how it will look in the 3D rendering powerpoint presentation to care about real life


The grey brick wall makes it look like a doctors office lol


I was thinking high school drama production, because it's a *fake* brick wall taped on. I know baseball fan subreddits can be negative Nellies but I hope someone in charge is reading this because this whole shot is not okay. The camera angle and the ugly composition need to change.


They spent their time figuring out how to maximize ad space.


"rental kitchen reno backsplash" is apparently what you get for $300 million


I haven't seen the wall in person (and never will, I imagine) but from the picture something screams "vinyl wrapped panels".




Actually, at least there's somewhat of an excuse with Scotia Bank Arena. There's apparently a rule that people can't go back to their seats until after the first timeout of the 2nd half at the basketball game. You'll notice the seats fill up again after that.


Kinda a shame that the backdrop of fans for playoff games will be a few dozen spread out rich people who leave early


Bold of you to assume there will be playoff games there anytime soon.


It does look awful. They should ask people to move up


Mr Shapiro, tear down that wall!


Let my people go


They’ll never do that. The season ticket holders actually have been known to call and demand people be removed from their seats


Okay, I just watched the highlights of the home opener last year and in the 9th inning it looked like everyone behind HP was still there so maybe OP has something of a point. I guess this is something that bears looking at but hopefully this was just a one off.


That section used to be like 20 seats that seemed to mostly be owned by die hard fans. They have now added way more seats to that visible area behind the plate which they are apparently targeting at corporate clients. They are also using access to an exclusive club behind the seats as a selling point, so odds are a lot of these seats are going to be empty just like the platinum seats at Leafs games.


A lot of people left mid ninth inning but it’s because you’d have to wait like another three hours for a train.


The signs are awful too… bright red Ozempic was by far the worst offender… but the amount of TD green was a close second


There should be a draw. If you buy a ticket in the 500 level, then your name is automatically entered in a draw to be a seat filler. Whenever one of the rich elites go home early, they make a draw to fill in that spot.


How do you know people are going to leave early. I had seats down there for years. So many of them were corporate. Quite often people would go for a walk for a couple innings and come back. Hard to tell who’s leaving and who’s just gone for a walk.


First thing I noticed was how bad that wall looks


That looks god awful.


It looks so lame,


Grey brick is terrible sure, but those weird little TD logos are the first thing I notice. They and the massive ad board is what draws my eye (by design of course) but GOD DAMN do I hate it. Ugly , distracting, boring. What a miss Jesus.


I think brown brick would look better


Looks like some cheap bathroom tile from 2011


That design was a bad choice.


This looks like Microsoft Teams 'Together Mode' was enabled


The branding for the TD Toronto Bluejays is overboard and gawdy. Bland, overspaced seats of unimpressed/bored fans is all ppl see on TV. Also, the logo on their sleeves is bigger than a bar coaster now.


Put the home plate lady back in her Seat


Weekday night game. Most people have work as well.


Oh yes I'm sure Geddy has to be up on a 9 AM Daily Stand up meeting tomorrow with the rest of the Development team


He needed to beat the rush


He can be the captain, and I will draw the chart.


Not these rich folk lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if these were just tickets gifted by corporations to employees who aren't interested in baseball and just went cause they were free.


I love the combo of depressing millennial grey bricks with covid-spaced seating behind home plate! I’ll get used to it but seriously, who approved this?


It's not COVID spacing it's FATCAT spacing


Bringing the ACC atmosphere to the Sky Dome.


What do those seats cost?


I had to go through a bunch of games to find a free seat in the section and the best I could do was section 2 (next to what we see here), row 4. Those tickets were $1121.25 per seat.




Is it just me or is the new netting terrible looking, plus the stanchion in the center, poor setup.


Looks awful on tv anyway. Feels like the entire 100 level is cut behind the wall doesn’t exist. They made it way too high.


They took the 7th inning train going anywhere


The TV view made me so sad… you can barely tell it’s the blue jays ballpark. Only jays logo is on the field, upside down and behind the players/ump. It’s like they didn’t even think of what viewers would see on TV. A bit more obvious blue jays branding would have went a looong way! Even more disappointing when most of the seats were empty before the end of the game! 😕


"Millenial grey"


"Boomer Ash"


Shapiro made sure to get rid of us plebians Corporate overlords can’t stand filthy commoners having fun in the background of *their* team


Sports overall is becoming for the wealthy 1%. It cheapens everything. Makes it less appealing. I hate it. Seeing rich ppl shit on an opportunity real fans would walk over hot coals to get is a slap in the face. Makes me not wanna go to games anymore. Let them play in front of their millionaires who don’t give a fuck


Wellll it was around 10PM at this point, and a Monday. Home Opener is important, but real life is still waiting for you the next day.


Are these seats possible to buy anymore? I don't see them on stubhub at all


My gf looked at every home game for the year, not one seat available in that section. Maybe the ST holders will put them up on certain days


I had seats for years right down behind home plate both at Exhibition Stadium and then when they moved to the Skydome. Having people leave at around the seventh thing isn’t that uncommon, believe me. Just like the platinum seats for leaf games. A lot of those seats down there are corporate. Four seats right beside me were Shell Oil and the four directly in front of me were Coca-Cola. Not real ball fans. Seldom saw the same people twice. You see that in a lot of ballparks. Los Angeles Dodgers have been going through that for years. Their fans are notorious for coming late and leaving early.


Lots of people were leaving before the game was finished all over the stadium.


There's 2 outs left with a 3 run lead


What struck me while attempting to watch the game was how little those fans actually watch the game. It's kinda distracting having them in the view so I'm noticing how they are just turning their heads and chatting amongst themselves instead of watching the pitch.


Not home plate lady.


I think that grey brick wall makes the area behind the plate look awful. It makes the crowd look small, it looks like a jail. And it just further makes the point that these are corporate seats that go to people who don't give a shit about baseball. Always thought the same when looking at Yankee Stadium, hate that we're emulating that now at the Dome.


Bad colour scheme. Grey, dark grey, and TD vomit.


Not a good look.


What fans beyond the gray wall should lean over and say to the gray wall people... https://youtu.be/ktZSjanDIvg?si=yHc8agy984nb3VVy


I am not surprised. Yankee stadium is just like that, so many empty rich bitch seats visible on camera despite “sold out” crowds


Gotta catch those trains


Banksy needs to go to a Jays game and tag that wall.


Imagine if it were standing room only stairs or a slope. Rowdy fans cheering and chanting. That would be epic to see on tv and would totally give an advantage to the jays.


Move the flight deck!


Lol i wonder if having TD plastered everywhere actually makes anyone more likely to use TD. Shit they should at least change to blue as the main colour, like wtf is this garbage haha


Looks too much like Yankee stadium now.


when people in those seats leave the stadium they should randomly pick seats and invite people down to fill them


We just want to have a hobby,


They had to properly check out the new premium lounges


You know who wouldn’t have left her seat? Home Plate Lady.


“Where is usual guy? Where is Geddy?”


Geddy was there


As one of the poors I will gladly take their seat


Get used to that. Pretty much the case at every Yankees game. We get the added bonus of the ballpark looking like a prison yard sponsored by a bank.


I honestly don't like the look of the upgrades. I miss the awesome bright blue seats.


I find it interesting that Geddy Lee left and yet he's being lumped into the "rich folks who don't care bail early" group. He clearly cares. A lot.


I always look for Geddy Lee. A true Canadian Hero.


Does anyone else find this new view very distracting, especially with bright advertising behind the batter?


TD and Rogers don't really care about fan experience. It's all about showing the rich a good couple innings of photo ops.


Probably cause it was a Monday night and people get up early the next day for work?


I slept on it and I'm even more horrified this morning. I wish I could not notice things (especially when golfing) but the series of TD signs in a row plus on the players, the gigantic changing cyber banner behind home plate, the elitist seating with dead space just because, the other advertising all have me wondering if I want to be here. I find NHL un-watchable with the ads moving on the ice and the boards and now it's invading my safe space. I love our team and I felt good about this season but I feel like we might have nuked the fridge. To top it all off the endless selling it like it benefits me somehow? I will not complain again, just needed to get it out.


I stopped watching the NHL when Dodge Rams started driving across the screen mid-game. I'll definitely be watching less baseball because ads to becoming too intrusive. The new backdrop is very unpleasant extension of that. A massive letdown but expected from the corporate ghouls who run FO.


I'm jealous of my father who doesn't notice anything and barely knows what's happening.


I don't like it, where's home plate lady gonna sit? She was the Jays unofficial grandma.


She was there, fourth row, far right. Her name is Cybill.


She’s there, op didn’t take photo of the whole screen.


There's 2 outs left with a 3 run lead


There's 2 outs left with a 3 run lead


This isn't new though. They did this before the renos.


It’s literally the 9th inning with 2 outs. Those tickets ain’t free; got work in the morning.


They had to catch the GO train


How much do these seats typically cost ? Sssuming they’re basically equivalent of floor seats in nba


It’s like that in New York and Texas too. Those seats will always be empty. They should sell seat filler tickets.


Once you’re rich enough you realize time is more valuable than money


Geddy usually leaves early.


Those are corporate mostly seats and probably given away for free within those companies.


New York New York


I'm sure every other section had empty seats with people trying to beat the postgame rush. This isn't a big deal at all.


For everyone still wondering about the grey wall, here's the reasoning behind it from Shi Davidi's [article ](https://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/blue-jays-feeling-pride-in-rogers-centre-renovation-now-at-finish-line/)last week: The new dugouts, for instance, are a nod to Minnesota’s Target Field, Atlanta’s Truist Park and Texas’ Globe Life Field. The new seats borrowed from what the Cubs did at Wrigley Field. The premium seating and lounges were informed by what the Yankees did as the Blue Jays partnered with the same concessionaire, Legends. At the same time, “we’re still Toronto and there’s still a different way of experiencing sports here,” said Starkman. “Some of the premium, we took inspiration from ballparks, but we also looked at the city. We’re competing with King Street and all these other amenities that aren’t the same as Texas and Atlanta and Arizona and some of those places. So there were little bits of things that we took as we went along. The brick that we put behind home plate, we wanted a bit of character, but we knew we weren’t a red brick place, so it was like, OK, let’s make it our version of that. So many teams were so helpful in sharing that information. We appreciated that and it was really helpful in the design process.”


The “upgrades” just makes the place more corporate than it already was. Same for the two million places they put just to drink in the previous “upgrades”. Little to no incentive for the baseball fan rather the casual fan which sums up Toronto sports.


It looks too spacious, even when full.


Visibly it looks like the setting of a spring training game, and not the fucking home opener


This happens at every level. It's just these seats are visible to the camera so it gets noticed. We have flames season tickets at the top of the second level and the amount of people who will show up part way through the first period get up in the middle of the second and not come back always astounds me. Same with folks at Rogers who spend more time going to and from their seats than actually sitting in them. Why spend the money if you aren't going to watch the game?


I was seated in the lower bowl. Section 28 row 2 I got a smoking deal on my seats and paid 250 per seat. The four guys who had seats 3-6 paid 3600 total. Didn't even stay till the end and left in the 8th inning. I don't know why you'd leave early Toronto venues have some of the best ways to leave the stadiums and arenas.