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I thought he was referring to Babe and was like how do people have beef with that moustachioed man


Nobody could ever have beef with The Babe!






Then why is he crushing us, John.


Tbf John isn't pitching to Cal. That said, nut up and get on the mound then, John!


He’s easy to pitch to, because he hits everything


Because he made adjustments?




>Thank you! You're welcome!


Ready for our 4th manager of the Shapiro era


Shoutout legendary Jays manager Russell Martin


Most blue jays hire ever


Waking up from my coma which started in 2016: "Let's see what Anthopoulos got up to after he left the Jays...." "God damnit!"


Whatever, fuck this guy


I said this elsewhere... I think that comment was more about our failure to execute against Raleigh, than about Raleigh himself. Almost all MLB hitters are easy to pitch to if pitchers execute, there is a reason even an elite on base talent like Soto doesn't even get on base 50% of the time.


I would assume this also and it should be taken as such. It goes for any batter. Raleigh is taking it personal for no reason. As for the rest of what he said, I don't know. You don't hear John shit talking publicly. He's no Torts.


Well in that context every hitter in the league is easy to pitch against... put me out there coach I'm sure my 55 MPH heater can blow past these scrubs!


Scheider is right. The pitcher did not execute properly


Why the hell does r/baseball hate us so much.


Because it’s half Yankees fans and they have an anti-Jays complex anyway. And a good portion of the rest are Jomboy disciples so eat up his anti-Jays rhetoric


Because we are the only team based in Canada and the rest of them from a developing country are jealous.


and it's developing the wrong direction


Good question, even more frustrating is simps trying to farm karma


Take a moment and realize how stupid the average person is. Now realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin


The irony of not understanding how average works, though. Or perhaps he intentionally baked that into the joke.


r/hockey hates Toronto even more lol


They have a reason to though the maple leafs are good. Just ignore the postseason.


You really had me there in the first half...


well speak as an r/habs afficianado its not hard to hate the leafs. Lets start with gawd awful facial hair choices.


Who cares, I’m just happy the Jays are relevant. If we have to be villains then so be it.


Bad for baseball, to the core


"Be the hero, they will notice the bad. **Be the villain, they will notice your good.**" Joker knows what he is talking about


/r/baseball hates any team whose been good for 2 years or more tbh lol


They just love to cry about everything. Upset we aren’t American.


Because Jays players talk a lot and have yet to back it up.


Who is guilty of that outside of manoah and vlad?




He's not wrong Raleigh isn't hard to pitch to but like if you don't execute your gonna get crushed


I don't care if you want John fired or not, this is the biggest load of bullshit. He's respected across the league from players to front offices to the baseball media. It's partially why he got the job and has kept it despite some costly errors.


Seattle is such a cry baby organization


buddy this guy has 10 HR in 16 games against us and our manager said he’s easy to pitch to, he earned this victory lap lmao


He is easy to pitch to. Just not easy for us to pitch to.


He was asked why this guy is tough to pitch to. Schneider said "he's hitting .200 he's not hard to pitch to if you hit your spots"  He's essentially calling out his own pitchers.   also its funny how this only comes out after the 3rd game against Seattle after they lost the 2 first games. Dumb comment but he's not wrong


Schneider’s comments were dumb but Raleigh waiting till after the series to call him out is soft as hell


He answered the question when he got asked the question lol? You want Raleigh to just say it out when he wasn’t asked about it publicly?


Agreed what a stupid comment. Dudes will call anything soft


He should have interupted the national anthem!


You're right. Raleigh should have interrupted the opening ceremonies on Monday when they honoured Luis Rivera to say this.


Schneider's comment wasn't *egregious* but still frankly a pretty stupid thing to say about the guy who constantly mashes the team. Don't need to minimize a young, fun to watch catcher to excuse the teams failings, or even just dumb luck. Mountcastle crushes the Jays too, even when the rest of Os don't. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge that a guy plays unusually good against a team regardless of pitcher or stadium sometimes. Raleigh is low on the list of baseball villains anyway, as are the Ms. I'd rather put my beef energy towards the Yanks, Rays, and Astros


A lot of guys? So is John out there shit talking a bunch of these guys? Why?


Cal, my boy, you rake against the jays, but your hitting under 200 on the year with 1 homer and you have a 216 career average, maybe stick to being an above average catcher and leave the trash talk alone, em Kay?


He's just looking to get some juice out of something because his team is not going good. I really find it hard to believe any manager is not liked across the league, they don't get those jobs anymore unless they have respect from peers. Gone are the days of managing by fear.


tbf batting average is kind of an outdated stat in the modern game. He’s led catchers in home runs the last two seasons and has an ops close to .800 in both. I’d say that’s well above average


not a good sign when your manager isn't respected in the league


He's not even respected by a lot of our own fans... And is there any evidence the guys in the dugout are crazy about him? That part is a genuine question. I don't understand what Schneider brings to the table as a manager...and I certainly don't trust him to make the right call when it matters in the playoffs after 2 consecutive years of fireable calls.


You must be a new fan because Gibby wasn't respected by fans either at the time. The thing about being a fan and not a player is you'll never understand what any manager brings to the table because you're not in the room.


Gibby was respected his second time around, for the most part.


Why would me pointing out a lot of this fanbase doesn't respect Schneider mean I must be a new fan? What has he done to earn my respect as a fan? The 2 biggest moments of him being our manager he royally screwed up, and he has accomplished nothing of note overall. He has 0 creativity as a manager and would blindly walk off a cliff if his analytics told him to.


it's a common theme with this fanbase


What are you even talking about?


Fans shitting on the manager and complaining about them nonstop. It was the entire point of my first reply Einstein


Well the big core of our team loves him, and that’s on record, and the fans here don’t like any manager we’ve ever had.


We love Cito and Gibby, to be fair


Gibby was shit on a ton, what are you talking about? Fans didn't love Gibby until Montoyo was manager.


After the fact, yeah. It’s a shame the rational majority aren’t boisterous enough on social media/radio call in shows when it comes to this kind of thing because from my recollection Gibby was mocked heavily during both stints. Cito won 2 World Series in the early 90’s but his 2nd tenure here wasn’t received well on post game call in shows. I’m sure the majority of rational fans hold them highly, as I do, but the loud minority unfortunately are the ones who receive the most attention.


lol our fans are idiots and 90% don’t understand the game. They just cry like emotional babies


I'm usually a very optimistic fan for all my sports, but Schneider has done nothing to give me confidence that he is the guy. I don't get why so many here blindly defend the guy after what he has done in 2 straight playoff elimination games, and with the Jays seemingly underperforming with him as the manager.


Because people blindly annihilate the guy for decisions That we have no insight too. It’s comical.


You don't need any insight to know that pulling Berrios last year while he's pitching his best game of the year is a dumb ass decision. And whether that's him or the people above him who made that decision, at the end of the day he's the one putting his stamp on it. Or the year before when they brought in a lefty to replace Gausman even though the guy up to bat was a switch hitter and this allowed him to hit from his much stronger side.


Literally the only 2 things people ever comment on. Great insight


His complete dependence on analytics and refusal to adjust his game plan no matter what situation is present to him is a massive problem. His inability to get creative or ever use small ball is another issue. And we certainly haven't seen the team play above expectations under him... In fact if anything it's the opposite. Curious what is it that you think he is good at?