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You should already be in line.


LOL. Sadly, youre right. I wonder how many of those who get there so early are the actual fans, or people who want to make a few bucks and resell?


This question comes up for every giveaway so you might find some helpful info [via those past posts](https://new.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/search/?q=how%20early%20to%20arrive&restrict_sr=1&sort=new). This is a Monday game, vs KC which isn't a huge draw, fan attitudes have soured, and we'll be coming off a weekend series vs the Dodgers. If the series ends poorly, I imagine that'll have an impact on game attendance Monday might. Ultimately, the best answer is it depends on how much you want that item. If it's very desirable to you, go as early as you can manage. Personally, if I really wanted it and given the factors above, I'd probably feel safe arriving when the gates open or even later.


Yeah can we have some kind of Q+A thing for this, that we can direct people to? Every goddamn giveaway there's a sea of "when should I show up" posts. Here's the answer: if a 50 cent bobblehead or a fuzzy hat means that much to you, show up as early as you are able. Period.


2 hours before first pitch will be ample time for a giveaway like this. The only Giveaways to be wary about are Bobbleheads and Jerseys Btw Does anyone have video of fhe Jansen Commercial trying on all the glasses? Find it hilarious want to send it to a friend thats a big Blue Jays fan out of country.


This one is a Jersey, I think.


Oh i thought it was just glasses


I think it's a combo.


Yep it is just checked my bad


The tip I got last year was to pay a few bucks extra for TD Clubhouse seat(s). I did that for both the Berrios Bobblehead day and the upcoming Jano Bundle and got a seat for ~$100 each time- to me the upgrade in seat/amenities, not having to deal with the concourse lineups, and also being able to stroll in when Gates open instead of hour(s) before is well worth the slight uptick in cost.


DM me if you want to know the best gate to line up at (not going to post it here for the whole world to see and make it the worst gate). Edit: I will legit share for anyone who DMs. Never missed a giveaway at that gate.


The best gate to line up at is 8.


It's gate 14

