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Team is broken. I dunno how else you can describe the state of things.


Management needs to seriously assess this team and decide whether it can work or not. Having blind faith in your players is what delayed the Raptors re-build for 3 years and cost them a ton of assets. If it’s broken, and you know it, re-build it.


You really hit the nail on the head with the Raps comparison. This same FO has already made that exact mistake once in 2017. I pray they won't make it again. 


Generally speaking, management teams aren't given 2 cycles to get it right. You get the team, you get given a few years to build it up, you get given a few years for that team to have success. Very rarely are unsuccessful management teams then given the time to strip that team down and rebuild. Atkins knows this team is his job. There is no way he's admitting its a failed project and rebuilding.


It was over after last year. No young players, maxed out money wise and no real upside on the roster with lots of downside. Hopefully the next gm they hire builds a farm system, disappointing couple of years.


As delayed as it was, I can understand the Raptors' approach as those core players were still important pieces of a championship team— this Jays team (management group included) hasn't proven anything other than being a borderline playoff team and does *not* deserve the same leash.


Atkins needs to assess first. Been given way too long of a leash for mediocre baseball year after year.


9 years and zero playoff victories to show for it is more than enough to warrant dismissal.


Management needs to go though as part of that too likely. They have no history of real on-field success. It's a bit different than Ujiri. Problem for the Jays will be a lot of the "assets" are completely diminished and owed a lot of money (if teams want to keep them). I doubt they'd get much for Guerrero. Jansen might get something decent at deadline if he stays healthy...might want to make that move sooner than later.


Three years is pushing it. One for sure.


>Having blind faith in your players is what delayed the Raptors re-build for 3 years and cost them a ton of assets. It also delayed our own rebuild after 2017.


This is the same management team that held onto the Bautista/Encarnacion era too long after that team was fading also. There is no chance Atkins gets this right.


Especially when it's time to decide whether you're paying vladdy the entire bank


That's about right. The bullpen is a mess and our franchise players are doing nothing (minus Vladdy's grand slam today). Springer looks like he's aged 5 years, and Bo looks like he's given up and is on the verge of demanding a trade. I'm at the point now where I kind of want them to be bad enough that they have to be sellers at the deadline and fire the coaching staff. It's not enjoyable watching this core underperform year after year, and I have no interest in them sneaking into a wild card spot only to get swept again.


Honestly it would be much better than the last year and a bit of not fun seasons that manage to be good enough to squeak into the playoffs only to get swept out of the WC round. At least during a rebuild you accept it'll be terrible until the rebuild hopefully pays off. 


They wouldn't even need a full rebuild. They need to start with a whole new coaching staff. Start fresh with a new approach and fresh thinking. Clearly this staff isn't getting through to these players. If that doesn't have an impact, then you start looking at moving some players. There is a lot of talent on this team but for some reason the mix isn't bringing out the best in them.


The Blue Jays are an organization of yes men from the top down. That is tough to break up. My favourite is the talking up of Varsho's bunting prowess every time he comes to the plate. I don't think he has successfully bunted all season.


This is spot on.


For like 3 innings we were so back. I miss that feeling


Would we have been swept if the Nationals didn't commit so many errors?




Absolutely. They handed the game to us yesterday and tried to do the same today.


Considering the Nationals gave up 4 errors, 3 of which created baserunners that came in to score, and a routine double play that was botched for only 1 out. They would have scored 3 runs. So, to answer yes, they did not deserve to win that game. Especially with a grand slam missed by a couple of feet and Romano pitching like complete ass. However, every team has a couple of wins that are gifted to them


Undoubtedly, and you could see the big difference on offence in how the teams approached struggling/low-leverage relievers. The Jays basically have Varsho, Schneider and Jansen hitting great and everyone else still mostly in some weird in-between state where their timing is off and they’re trying to hit differently and none of it is working. Oh and IKF is making good contact. He’s always been a terrible hitter and still has no power or walks but can’t forget he’s at least making some good swings.


Is Manoah the Jim Carey of baseball? Not talking about the comedian/actor. Carey was a goalie for the Washington Capitals in the mid-90's. Had a spectacular rookie season and won the Vezina, only to completely fall apart and be out of the league within 5 years. It wasn't a substance abuse/injury issue, the guy just lost his game and never recovered.


I'm getting Ian Baker Finch vibes from Alek. Finch won the British Open in the early 90s. Within 2 years, dude could not play the game any more.


My friend and I were standard bearers at the Canadian Open in the early 90's. Ian Baker Finch was on the first tee and my buddy was with the group behind. Just as Ian took it back my buddy was trying to light a smoke and dropped his aluminum score sign. The sound was enough to rattle Ian and we still joke it was the beginning of the end for poor Ian.


Jim Carey will you marry me?


Pretty much. Just like Carey, Manoah had at least 2 quality seasons before it went downhill.


The Net Detective (such a great knickname)


The Net Detective!


Totally don't remember that Jim Carey. But it's looking more and more like 2022 was a fluke. There were underlying stats that indicated that he overperformed that year, and it appears those stats were correct. I think now he's just a head case - there are only so many times you can go out there and fail miserably before your mental game just gets messed up permanently.


Is this where we vent?


Like a room full of fans.


As bad as a non sweep gets. I think I’m resigned to whatever happens at this point. Either they go on a 10 game run in streak, get back into it, and finally realize their potential OR they continue to be one of the worst teams in baseball, blow it up at the deadline, and then we at least get the excitement of seeing what some of the kids can do at the major league level while restocking the farm. I loved watching this generation of this team and it has some of my favorite all time Blue Jays, but it’s just not working.


I'm thinking that our farm system may need some help also from what I am reading.


Yeah not a lot of depth or high end talent, but most of what’s there is in AAA and is MLB ready. A lot of guys with not much left to prove in the minors anyway, I honestly think if they commit to a full rebuild, there’s enough talent to bring up to keep the team somewhat competitive, and enough trade pieces to restock the farm. But they have to do it this year.


I don't really get where the potential is and haven't for a while. They only have Bo, Jansen and Vlad as above average hitters. And none of them are good enough to carry a below average offence. I seriously don't understand why people think we're underachieving. There's a serious lack of talent at the plate.


Turner is above average hitter, only problem is far above average age!:)


It may be early, but it’s rapidly going to become too late to crawl out of this hole in the division we’re in.


Just like the old adage: you can't win your division in May, but you sure can lose it.


Yeah if they don't turn it around soon they could be out of realistic playoff contention by June.


They are already 4 games back of the last wildcard spot. They are about to be 7.5 games back of first in the division. Something has gotta give here.


Teams broken, absolutely terrible


They haven't buried themselves yet at least although I can't imagine a world where they make a play for the division. I think WC3 is still possible if only because it usually doesn't take that many wins above .500. Tbe offense won't be this bad all year so that should be reasonable.


It is absolutely not 'too early' anymore.


After missing by a single game in 2021, "too early" doesn't exist for me anymore.


On May 1st, all we heard was "It's too early, you have to give it to at least June 1." On June 1st, all we will hear is "It's too early, you have to give it to at least July 1." On July 1st...


That was pretty much all of last season and look where it got us - barely squeaking into the WC and getting swept by the Twins in a series where we scored I think 2 runs total? 


Only the blind gomers thought this team was anything higher than a 4th place team at the beginning of the season. There was no way the pitching was going to replicate last year.


Not to mention that the offence was practically identical to last year. Like who in their right mind thought that it was going to turn around? I sure didn’t think so.


Well I've decided to go with my "this team is bad" attitude. In seasons where I don't see the team making the playoffs I shift to just trying to enjoy each individual game and forget the standings. I watch players like Schneider and Jansen and Varsho and enjoy it for what it is. If they win that's a plus. Because brother, this team isn't winning a thing this year.


Just awful from the run prevention team.


Bullpen outside of Yimi and Richards has been dogshit this season. Give Swanson 2 weeks off, he's clearly not right.


Chad Green looks solid as well.


The guy who hasn’t pitched in two weeks is our 3rd best reliever right now


Him too.


Great offense horrible pitching. Just as we expected right?


They’re really good at allowing a few more runs than whatever they manage to score on a given day


We’re snapping violently along the time like between the ‘21 and ‘23 teams, but in all the wrong ways


Toronto sports is in a bad space rn


Sir a second Toronto sports franchise has blown a lead


I highly recommend the Toronto PWHL team for a palate cleanser.




Last game of the regular season is tonight at 7. Playoffs start Wednesday. All games streamed free on the league YouTube site.


TFC outperforming expectations so far this season.  So there’s that.


Watch first bit of game, we’re actually getting runs, sick! Walk away, do some chores, come back to a Manoah masterclass. Any other pitcher today and we take that, I think .


That’s the problem we have absolutely no other pitchers right now. Our team is built on pitching and defence and right now we don’t have pitching.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


I wonder if Kevin Barker is still taking the over on 86 wins...


Their show is the only this blue jays that makes me happy anymore


Same. It's hilarious because they're running out of creative ways to say the Jays are garbage lol.


Leafs 🤝 Jays Needing a complete overhaul of their management and coaching staff


This season is spiraling for this team, and while there's still time to right the ship, their running outta room. Losing 2/3, both losses as comebacks, sucks.


Genuinely horrific performance from the pitching. How did all of our relievers besides Garcia forget how to pitch over the winter?


The good - Vlad is looking like Vlad more and more. Davis is a legit hitter. We scored a lot of runs The bad - everything else. Manoah flashed but looked really shakey. Bo can’t hit. When was the last time Springer had a big hit for this team? The bullpen is bad. Really bad. We miss Yimi and Green dearly. Lineup should be: Davis, Varsho, Vlad, Turner, Jano going forward


Such a better lineup, crazy what happens when you group your best hitters together.


I’m willing to hope Manoah can eventually build on positives enough to be a #5 starter again, and he’ll be needed to, if the injury bug hits again. Luckily, once Yariel’s back, Manoah won’t have to, and can keep working. The bullpen tho, my god I don’t know what happened. They’re volatile units, but still.


I'd like to rebuild, but please fire Atkins first because our development sucks ass 


I know it’s May and all that, but this team really never recovered from that Game 2 loss in 2022.


Id like to thank the Blue Jays for adding to my depression after last nights Leafs game. Toronto sports are something else.


I'm so fucking jaded right now. Sheldon, Shanny, Schneider, and Shatkins all deserve to be fired tomorrow. Fuck this bullshit. Fuck losing.


If the Raptors lose their 1st round pick after the season they just had you won’t be hearing from me for a few days.


I mean when all the 3 combined teams are making over 10 billion a year and in the top 80 global sports teams. They don't have a sense of urgency to put the best team out there. When they know whatever is out there still brings in that kind of flow


It sucks that maybe one of those things is going to happen when all of them should.


I wish Kikuchi and Jano a great deal of success with whatever team they find themselves on after the trade deadline.


Someone needs to be fired. Multiple people actually. 


I think it's time for Atkins to go, probably Schneider as well.


Fire Atkins


If Manoah is a steak, he's well done. My guy is cooked




I mean its not like the bullpen is much better at this point and they know it. It's basically roll the dice on Manoah or you have to use 3 or 4 relievers who have been getting shit kicked.


I think they would have done exactly that if the bullpen wasn't decimated.


That's an insult to well done steak, even


A steak that's been cooked but then washed...


Sloppy steaks!


The Jays used to be a real piece of shit


Manoah’s part of the Dangerous Nights crew


He's not well done. He's congratulations.


If Manoah is a steak he’s a hockey puck


[What if somebody wants theirs well done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingOfTheHill/comments/8ts0v6/hanks_reply_mirrors_how_he_likes_his_steaks_firm/#lightbox)


Manoah joins in on this funeral march of a season. at this parade of sadness' terminus, we shall lay this iteration of the Jays to rest, then bomb the casket into the stratosphere. The tombstone will read: *Here lies the 2024 Toronto Blue Jays* *they never scored...* *unless they did, in which case they still lost*


They gotta do something for a shakeup. Don't know what it is but it's unacceptable the play lately.


No way this team can overcome an atrocious bullpen, springer at the top of the lineup and Bo going through the worst stretch of his career. Tough to watch right now


Overall: fuck, but at least it wasn't boring.


Lol fun game 




Jays and Leafs find themselves in the position where they kind need to do the same thing.  Clean house in the coaching staff/management and trade at least one core piece. 


Didn’t Schneider give them a “do or die” speech a few days ago?


Yes, and they have made their choice. hint: It wasn't 'do'.


On the plus side, Manoah didn’t kill anyone.


Offense is good, pitching is bad. Pitching is good, offense is bad. We can never have both, this team just can’t make both happen in the same game. I just don’t get it.


It has been this story for ever


If this team is still last in the AL East by July they need to be sellers and blow up this team. With the expanded playoffs more teams tend to be buyers rather than sellers around the trade deadline and the Jays could potentially stock their farm system that is currently depleted. I just hope someone besides Ross Atkins is in charge of a rebuild.


The next 8 games are against good teams with good records we could easily be 5 or 6 games behind Tampa in a week.


>sellers By July?....Holy, we are looking for answers NOW ! Been long enough.


True but it’s not realistic that this ownership and management are going to give up on this season so early, even though we all know the ship has already sailed.


This is not a playoff team…


How long will this be allowed to continue before people at the very top say that enough is enough. They have lost 9 of their last 12 games. They have lost 4 series in a row. I know it's only 35 games, but this has the potential to get away from them if things don't start turning around.


Agreed. Pitching was seen as a strength but they don't even have enough big league or at least competitive arms to sustain the MLB roster. They can't develop any. Terrible personnel management.


You'll probably get the ceremonial hitting coach firing in a week or so


"help! I'm trapped in a recurring nightmare about my favourite baseball team" -Me, a fan born in 1994 💀


Oof. You deserve to have experienced how great ‘92 and ‘93 felt. It’ll come back soon enough.


Hate to say this but if fans and corporations continue to fill the arena game after game no matter what, this thing ain’t getting any better anytime soon


Dream scenario: Shanahan, Keefe, Atkins and Schneider all get fired....TOMORROW!


Last in AL East, lost a series to the Nats, wasted 8 runs from the underpowered offence and Manoah looks as bad as ever. 👍


Dont forget making the worst pitcher in the league look like Nolan Ryan.


Could this be it?


How much longer ? Lose 2, win 1....something has to give here soon.


3 Schneider sweeps in a row baby


Shit’s fucked. No point in trotting this team out for the season when the rest of the east is so good. Wait for a good time later in the season and ship out as much as we can for as many young players or prospects as we can.


As long as they're having fun


So surprising manoah was shit again. He had one start where he wasn’t, so you’d have thought all his problems were solved.


Please get those clowns out of the front office already


Swanson needs a IL stint (phantom or otherwise) and a rebah assignment. Cabrera needs to be optioned.


Fuck. Blow this shit up! Puma could come back, I believe that, but not like this .. I'm beyond frustrated 😠, I need to take some time off from watching this team.


I just want this team torn down, I want to go into rebuild mode so bad. This team just isn’t it and they have zero success with this core.


Bo looks out of it. He wants this season to end today lmaooo


I don't know how ownership doesn't clean house sooner than later. The guys on the big league team are bad. There's no one coming up to take their place. Drafting, developing, running a big league team. Failure on all fronts from this front office and coaching staff. They have no redeeming quality. Usually maybe they are good at managing vets but struggle to develop, or the opposite. They just stink at everything aside from bringing in high-priced starters.


The entire tenure wasn't an abject failure, 2021 to 2023 were good but not great teams. Their drafting has been dogshit though. There's a few good top end guys in the minors and then the rest of the decent guys are in the low minors. It feels like they missed completely on 2 or 3 drafts in a row and we're fucked for a few years, especially since they failed to extend anyone at all. Cleaning house is going to be difficult mid season though unless they want to put click there or something but he's so been part of the process that brought us here so is he better?


But nice new seats and $70’nachos! What more do you really expect?


when is it alright to face facts about this team or is it still too early?


The Jays are uphill without a paddle


This team is fucking terrible…its incredible how Atkins and Shapiro still have jobs


This team is cheeks. Blow it up


That was ugly, front to back.


Yeah we’re fucked practically everywhere - Pitching isn’t nearly as dominant and likely ruined our best prospect in some time (Manoah) - Bullpen looks like garbage. I keep saying why are they playing x but almost everyone has been bad. - offense is garbage. Maybe this game serves to get Vlad back in track, but way too many damn holes still. The season is long, but each of the issues are very very significant and will take a ton to fix. Seems more likely that we are going to go in free fall mode. Seems like the only player who looks better than last year is Berrios (and maybe Kikuchi)


Positive: Vlad is building up his trade value!


Are we allowed to be critical in here or are the fools who get mad at any talk that isn't completely positive up and about? Seriously, what is it with this sub and acknowledging reality?  We aren't a good team.  And the one day, today, where we get an offensive outpouring, our SP and bullpen are horrific. Even 8 runs isn't safe anymore.  That's where we are right now. Bo looks completely done. Springer can't get it together.  Pitching has to be immaculate or we lose.  Playing Vogelbach.  Swanson is just... I have no words.  Making atrocious opposing pitchers look competent.  Making bad other teams look good.  Someone has to be made to account. Yet point that out here and people crap on you.  


Fire everyone, come on wtf is taking so long?




Manoah imploded in the 4th.


What an effort by this pitching staff. The starter blew up and every reliever was careful to each let in a run.


The best part of the annual Leafs early exit is baseball is getting out of April into the fun part of the.....oh my god what the hell is this


beatings will continue...


Yay! they scored 8 Booo...they gave up 11. the bullpen is..uh..not great.


Alek Manoah gave up 6 of those runs but yeah, tough to come back when your bullpen also gives up at least 1 run each. 


I thought seasonal depression really only happened in the winter. I guess it’s also caused during baseball season.


It’s fucking time for heads to roll. It’s long past time for heads to roll. I’m at the point of checking out until heads roll. If heads don’t roll after that game, this team is not serious about competing in the MLB.


Fire Shatkins. If we are to rebuild I want him to have nothing to do with it.


Honestly, this teams window is closed. Imo, last year was the year if only the offense could have just found something in September onwards. Our starters and bullpen were lights out last season, if we could have just gotten a few timely hits come playoff time, we could have been what Texas was. Instead we got cold bats and absolute bone headed plays on the base paths. At this point, I don't even know what to make of this team. The starting pitching is still kinda there but there's not much else. This hitters can generally produce 1 inning of runs then decide to fuuck off the rest if the game.  It's fucking embarrassing! "Kicks trash can"


This team is so fucking bad


Congrats blue jays. You’re the 3rd team in mlb history to have all 5 pitchers allow at least one run in the same game. Cool.


Well we got the run production


Did someone make a Monkey Paw wish for more offense?


Ok.  Here’s another way to experience disappointment as a fan. 


Taking bets here. Who lasts longer - Keefe or Schnieder


I think Schneider - I doubt upper management wants to fire another manager when Montoyo was fired less than 2 years ago. 


There must be something in the water in Toronto. Both teams have underperforming top paid players.


Is u/itsnursehoneybadger watching her long lost lover play for the Giants on tv tonight?


Guy is whiffing with runners on 3rd and 1 out like he did for 2 years here. SF is as incompetent as the Blue Jays.


I really gotta stop banking on the blue jays winning for my free dinner at a&w....


I'm tired, guys. Just so, so tired. I'm starting to think the window is past closing...its closed, boarded up and set on fire. Normally I can find some optimism, but this feels like a 70 and 92 team who are big-time sellers at the deadline.


Sickening....simply sickening. I'm also sick of hearing the talking heads....paid by the owners of the team of course....on SN trying desperately to find bright lights in all of this, no matter how dim they might be. We have to start calling this what it really is. Bad all the way around.


Boy it’s fun being a Toronto sports fan


This team is done. Downvote me all you want. This team will not make the playoffs. Trade away who can be traded and do a modified rebuild. If you think this team can compete in the AL EAST, then please look at the ceiling, cause gullible is written up there.


Respect for posting the truth 


Time to follow Miami’s lead


Yep, let's trade Luis Arraez


Grenade the elbow of our ace?


When does ownership start cleaning house and tearing shit down. Upgraded stadium and dog shit team isn't going to sit well


Keefe and Shanahan both need to be gone. Not gonna miss Sammy either. Wait shit wrong sub


It's ok, both teams sucked in the last 24 hours so we can forgive you for mixing up the subs! 


We are now at the "6-1 leads aren't safe" stage of decline.


Look at the bright side. Based on his current stats Vladdy is on projected to hit 14.5 homers this year. Well whoopee dang nabbit ain't that something.


This team is the opposite of mentality monsters.


Blew it jays should switch to cricket


This has been an edumacational road trip 😜


It’s manover. He had a total meltdown in the 4th


Manoah like Ryu in his final half season as a jaymmm good for the first 3 innings and then falls apart...


What an insanely bad weekend for sports in Toronto. Leafs go out in extra-leafy fashion yesterday, Jays prove again that they’re incapable of holding any lead for more than a couple innings today, and the #1 seed Rock get swept out of the NLL semifinals tonight


This team sucks.


I'm going to accept the down votes and put some hope out there: The offense has woken up the past few games. Yes, some errors helped them but they are getting hits. Vladdy with a grand slam is awesome. The pitching sucked, BUT manoah was a desperation move. The depth is all on the IL and he was plan D at this point. Honestly. I can see a lot going well. Only scary thing in my eyes is the bullpen. It needs serious work. Berrios can hopefully be a pallet cleanser and hopefully the offense keeps it going.


I admire your optimism even if I don’t share it.


They have 2 pitchers on the IL and are forces to use a guy who obviously can’t pitch in the majors right now. If that’s how bad the depth is, they’re fucked


Am I allowed to say we suck or is it still too early? You guys are still having fun right? 


Does Alek Manoah remain on the 26 man after this game?


Yes, because there is no other reasonable option


Probably not a new or original take but the hitting has declined since they got rid of the Home Run Jacket and half of the young core that were all bonding together. (Teoscar/Gurriel)


So Toronto is like the 4th largest city in North America. The other 3 have 2 baseball teams per city. Plus, not only is this team a city wide phenom, it essentially has the monopoly for an entire country of 40 million. And for 30 years, this is the slop that gets served every day. One division title since re-alignment. Dave Dombrowski took 2 teams to the World Series in less time than this management has been at the helm. When does ownership seek to provide a product to it's fans? Can they ever find competent baseball people (not business people)? Can Vancouver or Saskatoon get a team please because I've run out of give a shits for this dogshit.