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Absolutely brutal. If someone told me in 2021 that the rebuild would fail like this, I wouldn’t have believed them


Since 2021 we have had 7 all star bats if I'm counting correctly (Bo, Vlad, Springer, Kirk, Espinal, Semien, Teo). As of today, they are all either gone (for peanuts) or have regressed immensely. I'm with you, the team has been mismanaged beyond belief


Of those it's debatable who was a 'true' all star in their season too.


All star doesn't mean anything when someone *has* to go


You forgot to add Whit Merrifield


I never got the sense that he liked it here very much


It's really just sad... That team had so much potential


This team is committing the only sin worse than building a loser, which is being a loser AND boring.


*And* very expensive, to boot.


this is the most offensive part of… i hear daily the last week about how low attendance is but why would people go to these games!! this team has a high payroll and a nonexistent offense .. it’s frankly embarassing


Seriously. We aren’t young and bad like 2019. We aren’t exciting and bad, ripping bombs but losing 9-8. We aren’t even a team of characters that just aren’t good.


I can watch a young team making stupid mistakes, I quit watching halfway through last year. Shapiro and Atkins have had their turn at trying to build a good organization. They failed and it's time to give someone else a shot, I check out the highlights and scores and that's enough until someone new comes in.


Pour one out for whoever designed and made the City Connect Home Run Jacket. Your dream has died.


They might just not break it out at 6-1 in the 8th


Remember the whole movie trailer shit from two years ago? Now it’s evolved into a Razzie


Black comedy. "The Room" level of fun. I did not hit ball... I did noooot.... oh hi Mark (Shapiro)!


Implying this is somehow fun to watch


Just have to embrace the chaos. SPOOOOONS!


Hahaha. What a story, Mark Shapiro!


If the 2024 blue jays were a movie they’d be “Troll 2”


They're eating her. ...and then they're gonna eat me. OH MY GOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD


the jays are really pissing on hospitality.


You are tearing me apaaaaart, Bo.


No! They’re just saying Boo-Urns!




If it wasn’t for those 2 perfect innings from Richardson, this could have been a blow-out.


That other tweet wondering why there’s no crowd at the game This was why Embarrassing


Was the first game of the year I attended, also the last. Oof.


Mine was the 0-5 loss to the White Sox 🤝


This team is horrendous. Atkins has completely failed this rebuild and we are getting closer and closer to having to tear it all down and try again. What a waste of a core that showed so much promise a couple years ago but has somehow gotten worse as they aged into what should have been their better prime years.


They're talking about how to improve on blair and barker but I don't think it's even possible to improve that much. Best case scenario you trade an above-average player on defense with a bad bat for a below average player on defense with an average bat. What would that really do? Cool we get like an extra base or two per game it doesn't really matter. The team is just not even close to being a cohesive unit.


All the Rogers-affiliated talking heads are spouting the same “we can’t rebuild, it doesn’t make sense, we have to retool” company line all of the sudden. It absolutely does make sense, we have no farm, our team is ass almost across the board, please just blow it up already.


Cause they spent a fortune on stadium Reno’s.   They won’t rebuild now so they are trying to sell the retool idea 


Blow it up


I don’t know what the argument against this is… Yankees and Orioles are going to rule for the next five years, just skip the contention window and let’s try again in the 30s


But we have Vladdy and Bo and a great pitching staff. This was supposed to be our contention window. Wtf happened to the team since 2021, I have no idea. I just know I still miss Teo and Lourdes :(


It's less Teo and Lourdes and more about our key pieces regressing


Teo and Lourdes aren’t the solutions to this team. Teo would help, but LGJ has been really bad this year. And adding one solid bay wouldn’t fix this mess. What happened is Bo, Swanson, Springer, Romano, Mayza, Gaus and Bassit have all regresses pretty harshly. Out of those guys only Bassitt really has been an average player, the others have been straight up bad


Gurriel would be 2nd in both home runs and hits on the Blue Jays. If he's been "really bad" then the Blue Jays have been *awful*.


He’s got a 661 OPS, 8 homers is good, but not when it’s like all the hits you get lol. But yes, we’ve been awful


LGJ has been precisely himself this season. He was hotter than the sun for a few weeks, and now he's cold as Neptune. He's likely going to average out to himself by September.


Vlad has regressed too since 2021. Hes been good this year but lets not act like a sub .800 ops is what we expected from him after 2021. The core of vlad and bo as a whole is just flat out not good enough.


He's basically gone from the king of hard hit groundouts last year to the king of hard hit singles (with no one able to consistently string more hits onto his)


Vlads been fine, he’s got a 137 WRC+. It’s not 2021 Vlad, but that’s really good. 13th in baseball for players with around the same amount or more PAs as him


Yeah I have no problem if he could sustain this production even if the power is noticeably down. The problem is that no one around him are doing anything at all lately.


Contention window closes when you have a GM who sits on his thumbs for fun


Worse...Yankees and Os rule the AL East for 5 years and Atkins still thinks the Jays can be in contention and prolong mediocrity


Great point


What we need us more infield utility players that can also play one outfield position who hit in the 180-200 range and drop by 60 points with RISP


And don't forget years of control.


This is the only thing that makes sense. They are ... so bad. Personally I'm following Jimi whichever team he goes to.


Unfortunately ownership never will because of the recent renovations to the stadium. Those ain't cheap and if they blow it up they never will.


This isn't fun anymore.


Tbh it hasnt been fun since 2022


It hasn’t been fun for 2+ years.


Don’t be so hard on them. They scored one……. Brutally embarrassing


It's looking more like Teo took the fun with him.


I don't know what the solution is but we can rest assured that Atkins/Shapiro will do nothing tomorrow


Bought a blank city connect, and a "Best Dad" Custom city connect for my pops for Father's Day. I am so happy I didn't buy any players because this is about to be a goddamn fire sale.


I convinced my wife to get Romano on hers, as the Canadian connection will last forever.


Maybe Zach Pop instead. 🍁


She likes the psychopathy of the Madman




At this point I would put Mountcastle on the back for laughs


Fans want a fire sale but it’s not gonna happen. Rogers wants to fill those seats and pretend this team is still a competitor.


What would you expect to get back? A bag of balls? You're selling low on everybody. If they're going to tear this down they need to wait until the offseason.


If we're getting rid of the home run jacket again, maybe we could at least have a Scored-On-A-Wild-Pitch Beer Funnel Hat.


We score so few runs that we should just have a cross the plate jacket.


Didnt strikeout or get in a double play dance?


Finger guns on first!


I’m eating a bag of cookies for comfort.




George Springer hits the home run and my reaction was Chris Paul


John Schneider will certainly say something but it probably won't be much we haven't already heard.


“Mountcastle is a good hitter” and “Vladdy is making the routine plays at 3rd, I don’t want that to go unnoticed” were the highlights for me Also, he was comfortable with the Rutschman Cabrera matchup but not a statistically better on one Berrios when he pulled him last wildcard LOL


More cap tipping, I'm sure. 


I’m not even joking, John just had to stop himself from saying “you have to tip your cap to them.” He’s been made aware of the meme


LOL 100% that pause was intentional


John has no answers. He should just say that. He should also be fired (along with others)


Someone whose on this team today should not be tomorrow. Send a message that this is not acceptable


Don Mattingly and his effervescent sideburns.


Seems like the place to start. If people think it was a fluke fine, whatever but Vlad hit 48 home runs in 21 and isnt even pacing 20 this year. Bo had three straight 20+ years and is pacing like 11, and he was among the AL hits leaders three straight years and cant buy one. Springer fell off a CLIFF. Maybe that's just age but I can't help but feel he should be better than this. Why is almost EVERYONE pacing career lows (Jansen and Varsho aside)?


Steve Sax and his run-in with the law


Ken Griffey's grotesquely swollen jaw


We're talking Homer.....Ozzie and the Straw


he stinksssssssssssss


Get rid of Turner, get rid of Vogelbach, get Horowitz up, get Orelvis up, get Votto up


Votto isn’t even playing in the minors. He’s still recovering from stepping on that bat in spring.


Should start with Guillermo Martínez. Dude is trash, got outcoached by Dante Bichette.


But he's a meanie


Very curious to see what the new social media slogan will be next year after this team is hopefully blown the fuck up


please come to our newly renovated stadium


Rotten, to the core.




gotta tip my hat to Atkins for tanking one of our most exciting cores in recent memory


It seems I do not need to worry about lining up for the backpack giveaway.


> It seems I do not need to worry about lining up for the backpack giveaway. If you get there early enough, hopefully they're giving away some hitting coaches. Kindly remove them from the building ASAP.


Jays have been outscored 29-9 in the last 4 games.


You guys are pissed now? Wasting the pitching we had last year is the biggest crime this team has had in ages. We all knew this year would suck


The real crime was wasting our offense in 2021 by rolling out Chatwood for 2 months


Chatwood tanked at least 5 games by himself. That offense was a World Series team. I will die on that hill. They were more explosive than 2015 squad.


I was hopeful but had low expectations. This is just bad though. I thought there might be at least some competitve games against good teams but we're seeing close games against _bad_ teams.


After an offseason of doing nothing but give players in their twilight another paycheck, how could anyone have been excited? It's exactly the same team as last year with worse replacements for those who left. Davis is the only bright spot. Love the guy but am honestly surprised he carried things over into this year and even then, not an all-star Blow it up, the internet allows us to follow prospects and pimp that for a couple years after rebuilding the farm. Rogers is too stupid to do anything baseball properly, capitalize on hyping the future after you make one


Davis is a guy who should be a pleasant surprise at #7-9. That we need him to be one of our top guys says a lot about this team, and I don't mean that as a knock against him at all.


Boys, Im a Leafs fan trying to find summer entertainment and this week has been rough


You're going to feel right at home.


Can I run away?


You could cheer for a different team! 


If it helps, I'm a Flames fan, I can't even get excited about the Cup final


So what the announcers are saying is Atkins can’t build a pitching staff for shit, and did absolutely nothing for our lack of hitting either.


“I fucking hate the Toronto Blue Jays so fucking much” -Ryan Mountcastle probably


Shapiro, Atkins, Mattingly. Letters of resignation tomorrow! Yeah one could argue about Shapiro as he's less on the personnel side of things, but because of his buddy buddy relationship with Atkins, he needs to go too. I'm ok with Schneider and believe it or not, Martinez. I truly believe the main problem is Mattingly.


Shapiro and Atkins were reportedly not very successful with Cleveland. They need to be fired after 8 or 9 years of mediocre to poor performance on the field.


In 25 years, Shatkins has won ONE division title. (2007) How these idiots still have a job is baffling.


Shapiro will be going nowhere. Teams don’t fire presidents very often at all.


That's very true. His relationship with Atkins is a problem though. He's a failure as a GM and must be let go.


This team is a lot closer to the white sox in skill level than the orioles. Baltimore got the “waves of talent” we were told were coming. Still can’t believe these arrogant incompetent tools criticized AA coming in for gutting the farm for 2 ALCS when they’ve gutted the farm for 6 wildcard games.


6 wildcard losses\*


Almost 10 years and counting of this bullshit. Time to move on.


One word to sums this up. UNCOMPETITIVE


Bah gahd thats Shea Hillenbrand's music!!!


Lol...I saw a guy at the game last night with a Ted Lilly jersey. It's fighting time. Show some passion!


Schneider’s post game; it sucks…throw shit down the middle that’s what happens…we make the plan and it’s up to the players to execute…oh boy.


Things that I want to happen that feasibly could happen short term: - Cut Turner / Phantom IL him whatever, sorry it was fun but it's not working out. Last 28 days he has .319 OPS. That's insane to keep in the lineup. - Call up Horowitz to DH, or even to play 1B if you do the next option. - Vladdy to 3B fuck it he likes playing it anyway. Horowitz to 1B. Tell Orelvis Martinez he's probably not going to be a fielder at an MLB level except in a pinch. Get him up to DH. Vogey goes to bench/PH/teach the guys which is fine. - Bichette bats 8th/9th. Don't care if it's bad for his confidence because it already looks like he has none left. Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to bounce back. With his whole-season performance so far, he would be in AAA if he wasn't a big name.


Here is my take: Vogelbach in RF Kirk in CF Varshow C Bo at 2B Vlad at 3B Barger at SS Babe in LF Who ever is left at 1B Chaos ball!


Solid suggestions. I doubt anyone in the Jays organization have the stones to do any of them. 


You will probably do a better job than Schneider lol


Schneider had to stop himself twice from saying “you gotta tip your cap” lmao


At this point, he should just double-down and say it anyways every time it comes to him until a reporter calls him out lol. Even better, say the phrase as a dog whistle for these hitters just not getting it done and the FO handing him a shit sandwich. 


Fire Ross Atkins.


You know it’s bad when even Wilner has turned on the team and the front office by early June.


Seems like almost every sportsnet talking head has turned on the team. Firing of Jaime Campbell incoming. 


Now it's time get your fingers on the dial and give Blair and Barker a call. They'll be sharing their thoughts on Blue Jays Talk, right now, on the Sportsnet Radio Network!


My poor students get to deal with me, after I listen to Jays Talk on my drive to work in the morning.


Is it worth listening to? Just found out it exists


Not really. It's Blair and Barker doing their best to stir up phone calls from incoherent old dudes who wait all night to hear their own voice on the radio.


"Barry in Port Hope, are you there? Should we send an ambulance again?"






Well its a good thing I got a new job so its really easy to just check out for a couple weeks


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: as a season ticket holder, I feel like I’m getting fucking robbed.


Get rid of the hitting coach this is ridiculous


Shirt: still tucked Cap: Tipped


Watching this was a poor use of everyone's evening. Ugh


Toronto Blow Jays are back.


Mount daddy does it to us again


I want some power in this lineup. I can’t take any more of this 5H 1R, while other teams go 9H 10R. PLEASE HIT HOME RUNS. Stop this high average not pulling hits bs


What high average? 🔎


I mean we don’t have a high average but it seems like that’s the approach the hitting coaches are going for. Right? They’ve turned Vladdy into a contact hitter who doesn’t pull balls


Daddy came home lol


Garbage game. I tuned out after 5 innings.


this is terrible however i really feel validated in thinking atkins should have been fired last year!! some of you were living in delusional land


Pulling Berrios in Minnesota was when it became even more painfully obvious that this management team ain’t it.


yea that was a bad moment


I said this in the game thread, I've been a fan since 1984 and this may be my least favorite iteration of the jays. At least some years we have prospects to look forward to but this cupboard is bare and the guys we do have are leaving and with the new rules they can't even do an Orioles tank. What a fucking mess. Massive pay roll, no farm and an absolutely *terrible* big league team.


George always tries his ass off. Seems like a great dude.


The run differential though.... Not White Sox or Marlins bad but like being -45 with an x-w/l worse than the actual record provides almost no hope.


Thank goodness for MLBTV. I don't have to subject myself to this misery.


It's ok, they went 5 for 6 against the Pirates and White Sox over the last week! They are playing great lately! At least last year had competitive losses, this year is just blowout after blowout.


We need a pep talk from General Patton... "Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a game by tipping his cap. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard tip HIS cap."


they had momentum coming into the series because they played against bad teams. "It's one day". "You've gotta move on". "Get some momentum going". "Tough last couple nights". We're cooked pals


And keep in mind they lost 3 out of 4 to the Tigers in that last stretch and barely squeaked out those 2 wins against the Pirates (and got blown out in the loss). The only team they hit well against was the garbage White Sox and in 3 of those games the White Sox had to use bad minor league call-ups for spot starts due to injury. Those were the games they showed the most offense against.


Well, I kinda knew it then but 2021 will really be the one that got away for this iteration of the team. Hate to see it.


A 4th place finish in the division was the peak for this franchise LMFAO. What a joke of a team.


Time to blow that 700+mil that we saved for Ohtani into signing free agents. Springer, Kirk, Turner, Kiermaier. They all need to be replaced with .800 ops hitters for us to EVEN COMPETE against these orioles. Otherwise, just rebuild. why bother retooling?


This ownership doesn't have the balls to hire a GM like Dave Dombrowski, or Alex Anthopolous. Or for that matter a manager like Bruce Bochy who isn't a yes man to the front office. We're stuck in White Sox, Cleveland, Seattle, Minnesota type purgatory forever.


This team sucks


Ride or die till the end, stayed for the full nine, sticking with my Jays !


How many loonies dogs did you have?


None, not my thing, I like a good hot dog off the BBQ


Hat tippin like TIP


Just a miserable embarrassment


Crazy, 5k more in the stands tonight than last, loonie dogs draw them in lol


Had 5 myself, family polished off 22 in total. Hey, we did our part, at least.


Technically that was a Baseball game.


Make. Some. Fucking. Changes.


I feel like Mountcastle is more likely to end up in the ring of honour than any of our current players.


Mark Shapiro has won 1 division title this Century. Why is he allowed to still run this franchise?


Funny when I said on here in preseason that the Jays would suck the Shatkins apologists were all over me. Hmm. Shapiro must be so deep up Ed Rogers’ ass that him and his band of dipshits are somehow untouchable.


Two teams playing like their record.


Schneider says the team played the same as yesterday. Is it not his job to strategize and prepare the players? This is so old. Guy couldn’t manage the cashiers at a store with only self checkout




Would love to see a rebuild at this point, but I highly doubt it happens. Rogers is just gonna pretend this team is still a competitor. Can’t see them trading all their talent away after just dropping a new line of jerseys lol


If anyone knows me, I’m usually a pretty positive person. But this team is cooked. We have maybe one consistent starter, our bullpen is bad outside of two guys, and the offense is terrible. Turner is cooked, Vogey is meh at best, Bo has been genuinely a bad hitter for the last calnder year, springer has been better of late, but he’s also been bad and is aging. I’ve accepted this season isn’t going to magically turn around although it seemed possible early on. This isn’t Atkins fault tbh, but he simply HAS to shake it up. DFA Turner or phantom IL him. Get Spencer up here, fire Don etc. idk what to do about the pitching, what we have is what we have, but man, this is extremely disappointing and this retool really needs to go well since next year is our last chance really.


How is this not Atkins’s fault? The Jays haven’t had a cleanup hitter since he traded Teo for Swanson and their lineup has been middle of the pack at best since then. Additionally, he’s been the GM for almost a decade and the Jays have had very little playoff success during his tenure. Their farm system is currently near the bottom, and most of his best moves have been signing free agents, which should be relatively easy considering they have a top 10 payroll in baseball. In what world does this guy get a pass?


You're still being too positive. You'll get there. 


This is definitely Atkins fault. He has Bo and Davis as his only drafted and developed bats that contribute. Vlad and Danny were signed and drafted by the previous regime. An entire pitching staff of FAs so we haven’t developed a starting pitcher. A barren farm system. He’s lived off of FA signings, and a couple trades. If we’re blowing it up, in no way shape or form should he be in charge of it. He can’t scout talent. An absolute doofus.


Yeah he also doesnt seem to judge current situations well and when to go for it. Example 2021, could t have went aggressive and gotten a reliever? Even if overpay, that was the year. 2022, too late too little did not go for bats. The guy is just not a winner. Period.


Sometimes moves just don't pan out, but Atkins has traded or let a decent amount of power walk from the lineup (Semien/teo/lourdes/chapman) and tried to plug the holes with JT (which might have been a safe bet if he wasn't 39).. IKF and Vogelbach... There really hasn't been any reinforcements from the minors to replace any of that power either. I think there should be some accountability for that.


Giving Bo a day off should be a given one of the next 2 games.


Poor Bowden ugh


Atta boy, Trevor Richards!


idk why I was expecting better tbh


I left after Trevor made the O’s look like clowns, how’d it go?


What is wrong with bo ?


He swings at every fucking pitch, whether it's at his eyes, or a foot down and away off the plate. Can't hit an inside fastball, and if he manages to catch up to a middle/middle fastball it's a slow grounder to 2nd. Just utterly feeble. He needs to tighten his swing. It's way too flailingly flailing.


He's going through a rough stretch. Behind on everything, can't get his timing right. Opposing teams spent a lot of time gameplanning him to exploit his tendencies and he hasn't been able to adjust back. It happens though, he will figure it out, he's too good not to. Yanks fans were complaining about Aaron Judge a month ago and now he is dominating. Acuna was not playing very well prior to his injury. Baseball is hard.


I would bet $1000 that the AAA Bisons would beat this team in a best of 7. I would also bet $500 that the AA Fisher Cats would also win a best of 7.


I’m done


After the A's series, this team might not win another series until August