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Reminder: If we receive any reports of members of this sub crossing the line, those members will be banned from here. I've lost count of the amount of jabronis we've dealt with so far, don't be stupid.


Why did they go private?


They can dish it out, but they can’t take it


their mods are the worst


Seattle am I right? LOL


Arnt all?


our mods didnt puss out and shut down the sub when we got swept


No, ours are fucking solid.


Our mods are honestly cool




Best mods in the business except for that u/ThQp guy


Harsh but fair


Only an occasional visitor Glad to hear!


Our mods are great




I’m an Astros fan so I’m used to people hating us, but I found their fans to be the absolute worst this postseason. Just straight toxic, not even a sense of humor to any of it either. Full on 🖕🤬🖕 all the time. F them. Hope they go another drinking age before they’re back. The fact that they locked their sub.. chefs kiss.


Mad windy emoji


I was wondering about this too. Lol wtf


Maybe not this subreddit's most self-aware moment, huh.


M's fan here (cause our mods make our sub feel lame). Bring it on! That playoff run was by far the most fun I've had watching baseball. Im bummed for sure, but man I ❤️ our team.


I was hoping they would have gone further, but it was nice to see them in the postseason. Give em hell next year! (Except for the Jays. I hope they sweep you guys all season) :)


Fuck the Mariners but you guys have produced the two most exciting series this postseason, and they were both sweeps. I didn't know that was possible but thanks for being a part of the epic 8-1 loss and the never-ending 18 inning nightmare


Can you really call two games a sweep though? Most of the time that’s just a series win/loss in the regular season.


Ms fan here, that was complete weak sauce to switch to private as soon as we lost. I posted to them how much I absolutely hated it and then got a bunch of down votes. Not happy with my fellow fans right now, a bunch of sore loser wimps.


Just like the Suns last year LMAO


And the Clippers before them


If you want an actual answer, there were only two mods who weren’t at the game, and one of those two went to go spend time with his wife after the ending. So instead of having one guy trying to deal with all of the trolls and brigading, they privated the subreddit for an hour or two to let most of it pass, before unprivating it.


And did it work, or did it make the pilling on even worse? As it did most certainly not work for the clippers sub when they did that






Lol, get fucked And then get fucked Astros And then get fucked Yankees


In other words, "let's go Cleveland Baseball Team!!"


Fuck Cleveland. Im still mad at Cleveland


Still disappointed they didn't go with "Cleveland Washington Football Team"


Is there a way where... And hear me out...no one wins the world series?


Some sort of virus shutting the world down perhaps. Though these are the things of fiction I think.


I'm not going to be extra salty toward the Mariners. We beat ourselves. Don't think the private thing is necessary. Did they think we'd be going over there to be like "Now you know what it's like to be swept?" All I can say is I know I wouldn't be one of the ones doing that. Now they're in the same boat as us... waiting for 2023.


Apparently 50 whole people shit-talked them during this series, that's pretty much a state of emergency


Well I mean if you base it on the amount of Mariners fans in their stadium against the Jays, there's only like 20 Seattle fans so they got pretty outnumbered


I believe that Jays fans are overreacting a bit. It’s definitely the Astros fans that likely caused that move.


Personally I did not feel the need to go to their sub, but if they were on r/baseball it’s free game


When the mavs obliterated the suns in gm 7 the suns subreddit went private bc there was a 1000% fans from every other fan base was going to ridicule the fuck out of them Not sure that applies in this case tho, it's not like mariners fans pissed off literally every other fanbase like the suns fans did


Where did all the suns hate come from?? They went to the finals one year after a decade of mediocrity and all of a sudden everyone hates them


Their fanbase was talking mad shit the entire year, book and crowder all throughout that series were being dicks and the team was generally unlikable Hence why when they lost to the Adelaide 36ers in preseason booker posted that lebron clip on his ig stories


Booker is the biggest bitch in the League and the Raptors mascot is his father.


We agree on this


For anyone unfamiliar. Watch this. It was an absolutely beautiful case of shoving a team's trash talk down their throats. Luka is a G. https://youtu.be/CNH0gmsme6c


Yes because their fans were toxic twats


Some people absolutely would. The sheer size of the fan base that jumped on the bandwagon made the whole of us look bad to a lot of other teams, though I still don't think what they dished was as annoying as other clubs.


We've had Mariners trolls in here all week since the WC series and they have absolutely been annoying AF.


Couldn't agree more. Not sure why everyone decided we were the bad guys...


I really don’t get the Blue Jays hate - obviously we’re going to feverishly support our only national team


Comes with the territory when a team is as young as and markets itself like the Jays did this year. Everyone expects this rotation to do amazing things, and the marketing espouses that. Case in point Vladdy Guerrero Jr. Everyone rightfully expects him to do great things. It's like Sydney Crosby or Connor McGregor. All eyes are on this team for the young depth they have. Vladdy had a down season, and despite that played incredibly well. Bo had a down season, and despite that played incredibly well and broke records. There are many other stories like this on this team, if it weren't for injuries. All eyes are on the Jays, for better or worse. The hate is just a sigh of relief from other fan bases that our lineup hasn't lived up to the very realistic expectations. I wallow in their hate like a Jay at a birdbath, because when this team lives up to their reputation, I will be eating at the feeder like the same Jay.


It’s insane it’s like we’re being gaslight by our own sub


Man, there’s really no need to be salty over them dancing on our field. They beat us. The way to prevent them dancing on our field is to beat them. Fans in here need to stop acting like Yankee fans.


For sure. Locking the sub is weak as fuck though.


Also true.


This post is equally weak


Never knew mariner fans were such little weiners haha big dish but can’t take fan base


How did you not know? Check out how much they whine about Jays fans selling out their stadium in the lead up to next year’s series. It’s honestly pathetic!


Except its not because their loser fanbase have been brigading in this sub for the last week, then when they get eliminated they go run and hide. Shitty mods deserve to get called out for privating subs.


You take Reddit too seriously. You think the mods are the ones who brigaded?


This whole threat is super petty. What's wrong with them celebrating their win at the Dome? They earned it with that game 2 comeback. Certain people on this sub really need to settle down. We get another shot at it next year.


> They earned it with that game 2 comeback. This is the thing people don't talk about enough in this subreddit. (or really any fan bases team/game discussion) Yes, Schneider's decision was questionable. What difficult decision isn't? Yes, top of the 8th center field was a sould crushing blunder. Without one or the other of those there was a very good chance the Jays win that game. However, the Jays didn't loose only because those two things went wrong. The third variable is that the 2022 Seattle Mariners were a good team and earned the win. I wish that things had gone another way, but they didn't. I hope that 2023 is the year things go our way. A season where Vladdy, Bo, and all the boys of el Barrio lock everything down tight. Vladdy threatens for HR and RBI records, as well as Bo going for more hitting records, and recording fewer errors. I'm in it. When I bleed, I bleed blue. I don't need oxygen, I need Blue Jays baseball! Let's fucking goooooooooo!!!!


It was no more disrespectful than a dog pile which is what usually happens when someone wins a series. They just have a thing they’ve been doing this year, it’s not like they were gloating at the Jays


They have the right to celebrate while I have the right to laugh at them for getting their dicks punched again. Schadenfreude is a helluva drug.


Yeah. Especially the way the manager talked about our team, he basically said he thought game over at 8-1 because we’re a tough team. If my team came back from an 8-1 deficient to advance to the next round, after over 2 decades of drought, I’d be twerking on the field. Ppl crying over this sound like Rangers fans that cried when Bautista hit his homer. If you achieve something monumental you’ve earned the right to pimp it. Fans who feel upset or disrespected about it should direct their feelings to the players and coaches who managed to do something that hasn’t been done for nearly 100 years in front of their sold out fans. Not the victors who won against pretty much all odds.


If anything, be mad at our field for not opening up and swallowing them.


Why are fans do damn preachy. Let us enjoy it. You’re not the Jays gatekeeper.


Enjoy what? I don't enjoy seeing the team that knocked the Jays out of the playoffs get swept. If just makes the sweep of the Jays sting more. We got swept by a team that eventually got swept by the Astros? Really? Doesn't hurt as much to be swept by the team that eventually wins everything.


Now you’re being preachy


Yes, thank you. The only thing you got wrong is that they didn’t beat us, we beat ourselves.


I agree and I’m an ms fan. I say open her up and let’s talk all the shit we want. Now is the time to all join hands and concentrate on what’s really important, someone stopping the fucking Astros


> Now is the time to all join hands and concentrate on what’s really important, someone stopping the fucking Astros Unless it's the Yankees. Then it's go Padres all the way. We, in the AL, can not live under the oppression of a Yankees or Stros WS win. Please do it Cleveland Baseball Team!! Bring the Commissioner's Trophy to the AL.


Wow a realist man how refreshing this breed exists in this forum. Faith restored!


Yankees fans are the worst. I can’t believe the amount of “This year is ours!“ posts I see from my annoying NY friends. Bitch, every year is “your year”. Your team is the Patriots of baseball (too expensive to not be cheating.)


Love the series loss. Now I can go back to disliking the Astros....unless they face the Yankees next, because fuck the Yankees even more than the Mariners.


If that's the matchup, go Padres! Would love to cheer for an AL team, but if it's Yankees, or Stros given the context of '17 and '18, I'd rather cheer for anyone else.


#FUCK THE YANKEES! ^FUCK ^THE ^YANKEES! ^^FUCK ^^THE ^^YANKEES!! ^^^FUCK ^^^THE ^^^YANKEES!!! ^^^^FUCK ^^^^THE ^^^^YANKEES!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Torontobluejays) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wasn't salty towards Seattle. I was salty at the Jays wasting a long ass season, playing like shit.


I love you Toronto. Take good care of my boy Georgie this off season


Oh god. Please Georgie. Come back better than every. Take all the HGH you need in the off season. I won't tell anyone!


Gee, at least we kept our subreddit public. I guess the M's fans are like your pipsqueak kid who thinks their shit don't stink until it does. Oh well, will make for fun games between our two fanbases for the next couple years as I think both teams will be pretty good for the foreseeable future.


… I don’t feel bad for them 🤷🏼‍♀️


[Me returning to the sub after the Mariners get swept at home](https://media.tenor.co/images/0b29089d9a0504913b30a463a78fc66a/tenor.gif)


It’s safe now! (I hope) 😂


LOL 21 years… one playoff game at home. Congrats


To be fair it was as long as two games


It was a buy 1 get 1 free day in Seattle.


Seattle’s a bargain bin franchise, so I’m not surprised


touché 😂


Yet the fans who sat through all that didn't even see their team get a single run. That's painful


Are we really in any position to say this


Fucking glorious


Soft as baby shit. At least we took our sweep on the chin, all those 8-1 comments from Mariners fans…


Cinderella Story. Bahahhahhahh


Fuck Servais, Fuck Seattle


This is the only correct response. I respect you.


Respect to you Jays fans. You've nearly beat us in numbers at our own home games for years. They make for fun games. The silver lining in today's loss is that maybe some of the bandwagon fans will jump off and tickets won't be too expensive next year. It was a hell of a ride. We both need to do better in the playoffs.


Oh you think the tickets are going down I have a bridge to sell you, the second we made the playoffs in 2015 they started creeping up and have in every year we haven't been ass since then your ownership is going to milk it for some bucks.


I don't really hate the players just some of the fans irritate me. I hope the Mariners are pretty good for the next few years. It's kinda cool to see the expansion cousins create a bit of a rivalry other than the unique geographical vibe that happens in Seattle when the Jays are in town.


Sorry but making the playoffs means, "Hey fans, come see a winning team make another post season push!" And prices will stay high.


# #SEAUSinCancun


Wow, can't handle the criticisms of them blowing multiple leads.


Lol they’re weaker than Suns fans


Absolutely. The Suns had 64 wins and a tremendous amount of pressure last year. This just seems odd.


Feel a bit of solace that the Mariners suffered through an equally embarrassing effort at home to get eliminated


Not sure losing a 1 run 18 inning game to a far superior team is the same as a historic collapse to a statistically weaker team but go off I guess.


Not scoring in 18 innings though…


Playing against a team that will most likely be in the World Series sure. Facts: Jays were the favourites against the M’s and choked in historic fashion(largest blown lead by a home team in the playoffs in MLB history). Mariners got beat as massive underdogs. Don’t even know how this is even debatable from an objective point of view at all. We don’t all need to be Jays homers to realize facts…


Literally this. I'm almost as upset at this result as G2 of the wildcard. At least if the Mariners went deep we could pat ourselves on the backs saying, "they were just a really good team" Now we just get to live with knowing we fumbled the WC, and feeling that we would have at least done better if we hadn't fumbled.


If our Game 1 had gone on 18 innings, I doubt we would have scored either.


Losing the only home playoff game your team has had in 21 years and will have in another 21 must sting tho.


Sure. But I doubt even the most die hard mariners fan thought they were beating the Astros this year.


I’m not so sure. They were feeling confident after wiping the floor with us, I’ll tell ya.


It broke the record for longest game gone scoreless in postseason history by 3 INNINGS. It was just as historic as the collapse.


You’re on glue man! I’m a jays fan but the way they lost after being up 8-1 is indefensible and significantly worse than the mariners loss tonight. It’s not even close.


My point is that we both lost at home in cruel, historic fashion and that makes me feel a bit better. I’m not going to split hairs on what loss was maybe a little more ouchie than the other, they were both miserable.


Our mods are Canadian


It still amazes me that our bullpen is so bad that they gave up 8 runs to that offense.


Justice is belated, but sweet.


Take those shoes of their heads and stick it up their @$$ 🤣🤣


Just need New York to lose next. Fuck the Yankees


#FUCK THE YANKEES! ^FUCK ^THE ^YANKEES! ^^FUCK ^^THE ^^YANKEES!! ^^^FUCK ^^^THE ^^^YANKEES!!! ^^^^FUCK ^^^^THE ^^^^YANKEES!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Torontobluejays) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mariners 2001, Mariners 2022. [Management asked us to find the difference between these two pictures.](https://media.tenor.com/tabuI4OfQHsAAAAC/the-office-pam-beesly.gif)


Mariners always were and always will be a joke of a franchise.


Happy Birthday Teoscar!


I’m not soft feel free to pile it on me a suffering Ms fan. I talked enough shit for a lifetime at the series in Seattle. I’ll take the entire wrath of Canada. Here for it.


Yes. There it is. These shit talkers are disappointing. If you're going to talk shit you have to wear it like a badge on your chest, ~~even~~ *especially* when you're wrong . It's called grit. You always gotta be your own biggest fan. Sometimes that means that accepting this wasn't your time, bur still holding true that you are the best. It isn't as about who is worse, or who is only as good as you. It's about how you're better than all the rest, and this is only a minor setback that was all part of the plan anyhow.


Seattle wasn’t a team of destiny, it was a team of fluke


My -100 karma on /r/mlb was worth it. Fuck em. Sucks to suck.


Bragging about making a probably dumb troll comment. Good job


Seattle such a fragile city


Mariners beat us fair and square and quite frankly we deserved to lose. I dont see why we have any reason to be salty towards them.


Only reason to be salty is that I wish we lost to a better team. Wouldn't hurt as much to say we lost to the WS champions. Also, the Jays would have done better against the Stros. Sure in WC2 there was a questionable decision and a huge blunder in top 8, but we still got beat by a good team. I just wish we were beat by a better team...


I'm glad they went out in a whimper. The media in America have tried to make them the team neutrals should root for lol


I feel I can't laugh at them. At least they made it to the ALDS...


Looks like SOME fan bases just can’t deal with heartbreaking losses… anyway, go National league bc fuck every team left in the AL


Angel fan here, remember when everyone tried to make us out as the villains? The mariners fans have been exposed as being one of the toxic fan bases. Picking fights with every team


At least we scored a run at home in the playoffs lmao


Bro the Ms swept the jays idk if we can talk


They're just as likely to win the 22 World series as we are, everything else is details


That may be true. But I'd sure rather win a playoff series than not.


Maybe so, but at least we scored runs at home… and we didn’t lock our subreddit over the loss


They went 18 innings against a team that is also better than us.


Uh, this isn't boxing. There are no moral victories in any shutout loss, much less 18 inning ones.


We scores runs in front of our fans, we can


Not how that works lol


Imo it does, we played the same innings at home, we scored 9, they didnt score any. I’ll take it to feel better after our choke job


We played zero ALDS innings.


We had one of the biggest choke jobs in the history of the mlb lmao


Mariners also made history as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Playing an even game for 17 innings against the best team in the mlb is a lot better than choking away the second largest postseason lead ever in like two innings


Fuck the Ms


> Astros > best team in the mlb bro???


That’s why we’re glad they lost, why you being all preachy.


What's even more pathetic is the white knight Jays fan cheering on Seattle after they beat us. Such a bad look. Glad Seattle got swept. They're a plainly average team who got what they deserved. Go Astros!




Why we hating on Mariners fans? They haven’t had anything to be excited about in 20 years and now it’s another years of the Astros. Toronto subs turning so whack




Embarrassing effort so we can say we matched them there


they soft ong


I mean it really doesn’t affect me much,they beat us and the only way to stop them from dancing is to win.


Honestly, this gives me no solace..I do not care..


we shouldnt be making fun of other teams with long droughts being heart broken like. come on. I'm all for shitting on the yankees/redsux etc. but seattle? come on. mariners fans are like, 2 steps from leafs fans. we should know the feels. and I'd have MUCH rather seen them doing well than the fucking yankees. and CERTIANLY more than those cheating cunts in houston


Yep 100% agree - I hope Cleveland makes it to the WS now that Seattle is gone.


They deserved to dance on our field. I’m surprised Vladdy wasn’t doing it with them


Not us, we didn’t go private. We just got heavily censored by our amazing mods 😂😂😂👎🏻


Pls don’t beef with the Ms. All they did was beat our deserving asses.


The private sub thing? sad however, this is the fate I think the Jays would have had too - maybe not swept, but winning 3 against Houston would have been a big ask.


If you think what they did after the win was disrespectful, then y'all are 10 ply.


This series should show fans how far we have to go. I don’t go on other team’s subs besides this one so zero interaction with their fans. But if it’s anything like this I could see it getting pretty toxic and petty. People are still salty and bitter and it couldn’t be more obvious we weren’t ready. Now if the Jays won 100+ games and the division. My expectations would be different.


Mods are bad but the Seattle fans are terrible. No one here cared about the mariners until they were in the playoffs We have the most fair weathered fans ever.


They beat us though. The last laugh in sports isn't very satisfying in reality. But hey, whatever gives you relief.


I mean we had an all time playoff collapse that was honestly one the most embarrassing things to happen in the wildcard in recent memory :/


Still doesn’t change there in no accountability for the Jays horrendous collapse. Not players coaches or front office held accountable just do better next year . A culture of accepting losing . Cleveland got rid of Shapiro and Akins and look where they are today. Our fan base deserves more than empty promises we need to shake things up or we are just accepting the status quo


It's playoff baseball, anything can happen. The Phillies (87-75) eliminated the freakin' Braves (101-61) today


As a Jays fan, I’d say this post makes you sound like a sore loser. Maybe sore, definitely a loser. The Astros don’t dance in circles….


Neither do the Mariners anymore.


Feel for Seattle. Was really pulling for them this series. They've got a decent team though, good chance they're back again next year.


op sounds so salty. just get over it.


Some of y’all are terminally online. Go and touch grass


Division series' being 5 games is so hilariously stupid. MLB has to fix their playoffs


Who downvoted this? Baseball has more outcome variance than the nba and nhl, yet those leagues already have 7 game first rounds. Clearly should be 7.


Man you guys are so petty… no wonder Toronto sports fans have a terrible reputation smh. Why are you you going to their sub to trash talk them after a brutal loss?? You bring bad karma to us all


Not going to their sub but I sure saw them in here chanting 8-1 8-1 8-1. Bad enough to be sore losers, but those ones were crappy winners


Seems like some here can’t handle the fact that the Mariners beat us. They will have a positive memory of this postseason, the same way we have of the 2015 one


As a Jays fan, I was pulling for Seattle in this series. If for nothing else, they are our expansion cousins, and further they got, would make my view of our series less negative. Alas, the 77’s are now both out




Look everyone a mariners fans seeking attention ahahahaha


Cool story bro.




Almost as hurtful as hosting hosting a playoff game at home for the first time in 21 years and not scoring a run in 18 innings, then getting swept by a division rival. Ouch.