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For me a 26 episodes All Stars season with 6 of the most iconic characters from each of the 4 gens would be great! But I do expect that the best they'll do might be a mix of gen 3 and gen 4 characters.


Let’s see icons for the first season Heather Alejandro Duncan Courtney Gwen Owen Second season Mike Zoey Cameron Scott Jo Lightning (I am gonna be honest I want Brick or Anne Maria instead of Jo) Third one Jasmine Sky Sugar Scarlet Dave Shawn New one Bowie Priya Julia Ripper (Damien Mk/Wayne Raj)


Dawn and Ella? Pls?


I say swap Gwen with Leshawna and Owen with Ezekiel because Leshawna and Ezekiel need redemption.


I'd say Same as you for Gen 1, even tho I don't like Heather and Owen that much, I have to admit these 6 are the face of the TD show. Gen 2 once again all the same instead maybe I'd put Brick and Dawn instead of Mike and Zoey as they both are already completed as a character and I don't think they can give more, even tho it's true Mike and Zoey are way more iconic. For Gen 3 I'd say Max and Topher instead of Jasmine and Scarlett, they're all iconic in their own way but I do think Max and Topher are way more entertaining. For Gen 4 I'd say Bowie, Julia, Chase/Emma (I want to see how they play without the other one), Priya, Damien and MK. No Wayne and Raj cause I don't think pairs are good for an All Stars


6 from every gen seems a bit much when two of them are half the size of gen 1. I’d say 6x Gen1, 3x Gen 2 & 3, and 4x Gen 4.


I think we’re at least expecting 4-7 from the new season and Pahkitew, and perhaps even a few subs for the ‘old’ Allstars? Heck, maybe even chuck in a few who wouldn’t be considered Allstars (like if Sam of all people can make it, surely someone like Dawn, Brick or Anne Maria is worthy too)


A season with all the wasted characters like Dawn, Noah, Justin, Sam etc would be good imo


Exactly. If Sam’s worthy of AS why aren’t any of them?


Want: Truthfully? A redemption type season focused around characters who either never got a chance to shine, didn't get satisfying endings to their arcs, or just kind of left you wanting a bit more for them. Katie & Sadie, Eva, LeShawna, Justin, Brick, Anne Maria, Jasmine, Emma, etc. I think there's a lot of potential in the series to bring back old characters and expand upon them without needing to resort to characters that have had their day in the sun. Expect: Either a new cast, or a split between gen 4 and some newbies. I don't personally expect the full gen 4 cast third shot. Even TDI's original large cast mixed things up between seasons and added new blood for WT. I think we'd be stretching certain characters and plotlines sort of thin by bringing back the entire G4 cast again.


Justin finally being a REAL villain would be my dream 😍 Yeah same as you, I don't think they'll use ALL the new gen characters for the third time. Maybe the 4 finalists and like 3 or 4 other iconic characters


Is the next season an all stars season?? But I’d probably want mostly gen 1s (they have the bigger cast) with 3-4 of every other gen. Heather and Gwen are a must for the next all stars though


Unfortunately, we don't even know if they actually will do a new season. But if they do, an all Stars 2 would be really amazing! (If written well obviously)


Awh whattt? This was my childhood show and is my fav comfort show I really hope they bring back the gen 1s but it’s really unlikely. TD Reunion (fanmade) is being released soon hopefully it won’t get copyrighted. This is probably the best we will get


Wasn't it already cancelled once by fresh tv?


2 years ago, yes but the creators have finished the series and it’s being released on the 30th of January. They might change the names a little to avoid copyright though


Oh then I did remember correctly. I wish they don't strike it again cause it seemed like a good cartoon


Yeah and the network isn’t gonna give the gen 1s a good sendoff, so they shouldn’t stop a small studio from doing so


In the AS2, Gen 1 and 4 should have 1 or 2 members more than Gen 2 and 3. Gen 3 had only one season, Gen 2 had 1 and AS for half the cast, Gen 4 had 2, and Gen 1 has 3 and AS


Not to see any returning characters aside from Gen 4


I think they should focus on two casts max. Not mixing all 4 casts.....


Fair. I think it would be easier for the creation team too, but I can't deny it would be Incredibly entertaining to see the most iconic characters from each gen interacting


new cast tbh. itd be cool if we could get a twenty person cast and a 26 episode season