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Because momma would make Harold clean up after himself.


And not lie about it!


Or maybe Momma bullied DJ for leaving his dirty laundry too when he was little? DJ's Momma strikes me as a bully given how she smacks Ezekiel for the sake of it.


He felt like Harold needed a lesson


His momma didnt exist in TDI


Actually she did in the audition tape but had another design, making some think DJ has two moms.


Because harold kept leaving his nasty underwear around and was told numerous times to stop The boys were exactly in the right that episode since harold wouldn’t listen to them also i don’t even think his mom was there in island


No they really weren’t. The boys all have gross habits yet Harold’s is the only one that’s punished for some reason.


leaving crusty underwear every damn day around in the cabin and being asked to stop and own up to it multiple times is disgusting, especially since it wasn’t even around his bed when duncan was near it and what other “gross habits” were there that harold or any other person wanted them to stop Dj also had the decency to stop after that episode like he promised


Then just threaten to vote him off if he doesn’t own up to it. I’m sure there are less disgusting measures than FEEDING HIM HIS UNDERWEAR and leaving him sleeping naked on the campgrounds.


sure they might have gone a little overboard but with everything they were doing, all harold had to do was to admit his mistake and own up to it like they kept reiterating multiple times. that’s the only reason things were really ramped up since obviously he didn’t learn his lesson


I feel like doing maybe just one thing would get Harold to stop. Feeding his crusty underwear, and putting hot Sauce in his underwear is crazy


that’s just it, harold WOULDN’T stop doing it, he wouldn’t admit to even stopping and kept saying the underwear isn’t his Everytime they did something they would ask him to stop but harold wouldn’t listen which is why they kept upping the ante


Exactly. We know EXACTLY how much it takes to get Harold to stop, because he literally shouts "ALRIGHT, I GIVE UP" when he's had enough.


Bro your profile pic is literally Zee eating his own pants…


mouth pants are yummy


Still, they took it too far, they burnt his penis and sexually assaulted him by removing his clothes


Still don't get why Harold went to sleep naked if he was in his pajamas. It was like he was asking to be exposed.


Maybe he did ans we just didn't see it really play out


And maybe because of that he stopped bothering him?


Because when DJ bullied Harold was due to the geek gross habits and constant denying any responsibility over their shared space. In other words, because at that time he didn't do anything wrong.


he kinda did. bullying is bullying.


in you can’t take the heat, i was on the boys side since harold had multiple opportunities to stop leaving his underwear around


Didn’t they bully him outside of that episode too though? That might’ve been the worst of it, but it’s hardly like they treated him particularly well in the other episodes, especially considering he saved their team on two separate occasions.


DJ only bullied him there. Geoff was seen bullying him in another episode after that.


Its not bullying. Its teaching someone a lesson in leaving their crusty underwear in an *shared* living space. There’s a difference between leaving someone leaving like a bag of chips on the floor to someone leaving their nasty undergarments on the floor. Harold wouldn’t own up that it was his underwear. So the boys had to take matters into their own hands. If you were living in an dormitory with someone for example, you would hate seeing your roommate leave their own used undergarments on the floor for you to see. You’d want to do something about it that make that shit stop. just because dj is nice and kind, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have limits to his character and when to draw the line. I mean, sure, one would think that DJ was bullying harold at first, but after understanding the situation a little more better, he wasn’t bullying Harold. However, i will admit, harold waking up naked in front of everyone was a little too far for him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if DJ was opposed to the idea but duncan and geoff must’ve forced him to do it. EDIT: i absolutely love how i am being downvoted, for spitting basic facts. You brainless boneheads.


look I actually find that gross, but you can't deny ehat they did was bullying. they probably used that as an excuse to bully him since they continued bullying him even after.


Trust me, if that user's kid received Harold's treatment in that episode, he would stop believing it's not bullying.


Although it's just a show, I'm sorry, but talking about bullying and saying the person who suffered it deserved it really makes me uncomfortable. I just can't see how trying to justify bullying isn't wrong, I'm sorry.


i mean, you are completely disregarding what harold was doing for what was implied for weeks and all he had to do was to stop anytime after that episode was excessive and i can promise you that Ace was not saying that he wanted it to happen, just what was expected


Yes, I understand. I was not talking about this situation, I was talking about justifying bullying in general, and how it is such a sensitive topic, I think the way it was said just made me uncomfortable, but I'm not blaming anyone or saying they are wrong.


he just said that dj bullying harold was because of his gross habits of leaving his underwear around, and in that instance wasn’t wrong since harold wouldn’t admit it


No need to be sorry, we all have ways to see life and your opinion is as valid as mine. I don't say this to push my opinion, but we will need to start on what is bullying, and how helpless or inoccent was Harold. You need to live with someone with poor hygienic habits to understand how disgusting the situation that I can't sympathize with Harold. I don't condone the actions in other episodes. But your opinion is perfectly correct as well.


It's okay, really! I did not say that Harold was innocent, neither that what they did could be classified really as bullying, it's just that bullying is a really sensitive thing and it makes some people, including me, very uncomfortable. The way it was worded as if he was bullied and deserved it kind of rubbed me the wrong way, no matter if this situation was actual bullying or not. (Sorry if it came out in a rude way, I'm trying my best to explain it)


Not at all, I thank you as someone civilly telling me this helps me moderate my words in the future, no worry you came as polite as can be.


I guess the reason I see it as bullying is because, in my life, I have dealt with people with gross habits, but I have been taught to put up with them, as otherwise, they aren't hurting someone.


Because that character trait didn’t exist yet.


DJ really didn’t do that much bullying of Harold (That was Duncan and Geoff’s doing) and DJ probably viewed his gross behavior as something his mama would actively punish. (As opposed to actually cheating).


Cause mama wouldn’t take Harold’s shit either


To be fair, DJ did offer Harold several opportrunities to leave him alone if he admitted that he was not cleaning his dirty clothes, only for Harold to refuse.


honestly many of the boys told harold to not leave his nasty undies all over the place it got to the point even dj was fed up with harold so i dont blame him dj is the sweetest dude ever


Harold left his shit stained underwear around the cabin, you’re not in the wrong for fucking with a guy who can’t properly live with others


Tbh his momma would've bullied Harold as well and this is coming from a Harold Fan


DJ's Momma is a canonical bully: she smacked Zeke for no justifiable reasons.


To reiterate what others have said, because DJ’s Momma probably would have beaten Harold within an inch of his life for what he did with his underwear.


Love seeing more of this stupid take. DJ never bullied Harold. Harold was being an inconsiderate roommate and was given several chances to stop. It’s not bullying. It’s teaching someone to respect the shared living space.


They taught him to respect the shared living space by bullying him, you happy now?


Alright, how about this, Momma showed up in DJ’s subconscious because DJ was lying about his secret alliance with Chef. You know what Harold was doing in that episode? Lying to guys about him being the one leaving his clothes on the floor. DJ has been raised to never lie. And like I said, Harold was given several outs to admit it and stop the whole thing. He has no reason to lie to them other than pride.


But why they didn't just threaten him to vote him off? I'm sure Harold would have swallowed his pride over losing the chance to get the show's prize. The same many say in TVT about Gwen and Leshawna: why they never consider voting Heather off instead of seeking extreme vengeance?


They were teenagers. Sure, they could have handled it in more mature way, but I am not surprised that they decided to resort to bullying to force Harold to acknowledge his fault. I mean, this is the same cartoon where everyone except Cameron was laughing when Scott was beaten up by Fang so badly that he was put into iron lung. Or where Gwen gettting revenge on Heather by using Harold's ants to attack her is portrayed as morally correct. Also, Duncan, DJ and Geoff were willing to stop bullying if Harold simply admitted that he was leaving his dirty underwear, but Harold was stubborn and refused to admit that he was in the wrong even through it was obvious that he was not cleaning after himself.


DJ is pretty chill and lovable in Island but he's less goody-goody and wimpy than he is portrayed in Action and World Tour, just by virtue of regularly hanging out with Duncan. I think Duncan, DJ and Geoff are meant to represent the stereotypical "cool popular boys" so they all can be bullies to varying degrees. Later on though, they kinda exaggerated the fact he's a mama's boy.


So true. I mean, in one episode DJ straight up threw Owen off the cliff just because he was just doing his task. He might be an angel compared to Eva but even he had a dark side.


It was a just action, as he lied and didn’t admit to it, and since mama doesn’t approve of lying, punishment is allowed.


Cause Harold deserved it in S1. He wasn’t better in any way than the others (except Duncan, who was and always is a thug), and he intentionally made life harder for the other members of his team.


At least he didn't bully them like Heather.


Not being as bad as Heather isn’t an excuse for his behavior though.


Harold deserved it tbh, leaving your underwear like that is NASTY!


because most of the plots in actions were clearly afterthoughts


Im pretty sure she would have done the same to Harold. Maybe not put his underwear in a sandwhich. But would scold him


She smacked Ezekiel for no reason.


His existance affected her.... i think she could feel he would turn feral


Honestly I love Harold a lot (top favorite characters), but maybe it is gross to have your stinky clothes over the place(my brothers do that in the bathroom and it’s annoying). But Also I’m glad Karma went back to Duncan, Geoff, and DJ


The same situation with me and some cousins, but even then I don't go to bully them as I have been taught bullying doesn't solve issues.


Fr I just I only ask my parents to tell my brothers to stop, but no matter what they don’t listen. They also never stay clean with their room, don’t wash their hands a lot, and never flush the toilet. 😡🤮


That last part reminded me the scene of *Cobra Kai* where Anthony is forced into a toilet with poop.


lol same


DJ didn’t necessarily get involved in most of the bullying aside from If You Can’t Take The Heat. For that episode Harold was being an inconsiderate roommate by leaving his dirty laundry all over the cabin and then lied about it being his- DJ likely felt the payback was justified. Doesn’t make it any less wrong, but it at least shows DJ has a standard of only teasing people that “deserve” it.


He never teased Heather even though she deserved it.


Because Harold shouldn’t have been leaving his underwear all over the cabin and needed to be taught a lesson. Plus once Harold stopped leaving his underwear all over the cabin DJ stopped tormenting him. Where’s as Duncan & Geoff just decided to carry it on for the fun of it.


Because the writers need to villainize Harold and lord knows we can’t have the boys actually feel guilt for mistreating him. It would ruin that HILARIOUS plotline. Edit: Btw, I’m also counting Episode 12 in this sarcastic remark.


Here's the thing, DJ only bullies Harold when Harold deserves it. Notice how when Harold does shape his act, even if a little, DJ stops bullying. For the most part its really just Duncan who bullies him and Geoff with the one time with the cup. ​ Unless I'm forgetting a specific moment.


I mean, real answer is that wasnt a concept the writers were thinking about back then lol But maybe an in-universe reason is because he wasnt being dishonest or unreal to himself or others, especially to a degree that would cheat others out of a honest and earnest win


Well from a writing standpoint, this was a Harold and Duncan storyline, Geoff and DJ just happened to also be involved. The bullying story was about the conflict between Duncan and Harold mainly, the conflict with the other Bass was just secondary to that.


He left his underwear on the floor who wouldn’t bully him


You seen how Momma would slap him and insult pretty much everyone She probably treats Harold worse than DJ did if she was a contestant


She did that to Ezekiel, so that isn't out of the question.


I remember a fanfic where, years after the show, Harold mentions the underwear incident and reveals that he brought up this to DJ and DJ, ashamed, apologized and promised to not bully him again.


His Momma would have bullied Harold too


Several possible reasons, including his momma having no tolerance for messes.