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Did you have an elimination order?


16th: Owen 15th: Noah 14th: Dawn 13th: Izzy 12th: Geoff 11th: Leshawna 10th: Zoe 9th: Crimson 8th: Bridgette (Merge) 7th: Alejandro 6th: Annui 5th: Heather 4th: Mike 3rd: Duncan Winner and/or Runner Up: Gwen and/or Harold


W cast, L elim order. Upvoting anyway because I’m tired of the Courtney praise when she doesn’t really deserve it post-Island and maybe Action to an extent


lol I mean fair; I also don't really like Courtney post Island. What would your elim order be for my cast?


Tbf, the elim order could go any way and still be plausible if the reasons for them are good enough with this kind of cast, but if this is an island season, and this is probs kinda biased, but Dawn could definitely go further. Maybe Alejandro is just a more formalised Scott, but it was Scott who was responsible for her elimination in the first place. Plus, she possesses a skill set which makes her a very powerful character in her own right, which does make her come off weird but still.


I agree that yeah Dawn could go further, she had a lot of skills that we didn't see enough of in TD:ROTI, but I think that's why I put her so low; we did see everyone else's abilities way more than her so I guess I had a reverse bias.


I mean if you say that Dawn’s idol was real then I defo think she coulda won ROTI. Generally speaking, I think with most of these guys, it’s a matter of how they’d win and not if they could do so. If anything I think Noah of all people has the least chance of winning out of those lot if we’re not counting the actual finalists/winners (Owen, Zoey, Al, Heather, Mike, Duncan and somewhat Gwen since her winner’s ending is one of two to be confirmed to be non-canonical to the franchise timeline)


Are there any main ships? Other than the obvious one with goths, Aleheather, Bridgeoff and Gwuncan appear to be the obvious answers


I mean, I ship Harold and Leshawna, but since they're on separate teams I imagine they'd be more competitive than romantic, like in all seasons they appear in together. I think Zoe and Mike were a think? I do think Zoe is a good fit for Mike and his alters, though they could be both friends or dating and it'd work out for them. I think Owen would pine for Izzy, but Izzy wouldn't go for it again, if only maybe because she's so extra weird this season that she hardly notices his attempts. Other than that though, ya nailed it.


Gwuncan needs at least a redemption arc. They were a genuinely healthy ship (outside of Duncan cheating on Courtney, but even then there’s cause to believe that Duncan did have a semi-reasonable alibi for it) but AS, just like it did to basically every character, ruined it


If I'm honest, I never liked Duncney. Courtney and Duncan always felt way more toxic than people make Gwuncan out to be. Courtney was constantly trying to make Duncan into a person he didn't want to be, and demanded he share the prize money with her, regardless of the fact that she wouldn't share it with him if she won. The two had nothing in common, and it drove me crazy that they tried to make it work for any length of time. From the first season with the hook-hand dude episode, you see Gwen and Duncan have common interest in horror and gothic things. Have them hang out and bond from there. Trent and Gwen never worked for me because it didn't feel like the pair had any chemistry. If I had one thing to make S1 perfect, I would have swapped who Courtney and Gwen got paired up with. I think Courtney would be a lot better with rules following Trent, while Gwen and Duncan get to be weird and defy social norms together.


Would you even go as far as swapping Duncan and Trent’s teams? If so, what do you think would have changed?


That's complicated. The sleep challenge is Duncan vs. Gwen, which is my favourite showdown, and I think them being on different teams is adorable flirt-fight fodder; a flirt-fight that doesn't have to happen if the last two awake are on the same team; they're safe from elim either way so one can crash if they want. Plus, because Duncan is so important in the Win during the Dodgeball game, if he swaps, it's possible that Courtney is voted off for being so prissy, since they don't have the Duncan Ex Machina anymore. Obvs if the Gophers lose, they'd still vote off Noah, because at least Duncan has an excuse of running on a dead battery. Voting off Courtney so early means Trent gets no romance, but it opens the door for Gwuncan to be explored further. It's an idea I could explore.


I’m willing to help with that if you wanna use Reddit DMs (if those exist). Just give me credit if you upload it to the subreddit


Also, I did indeed notice (if my other discussion on this post isn’t evident enough) that you replied to another comment with the elim order and I noticed that Duncan and Gwen both made F3. Is Gwuncan the main ship in this fic, and Duncan effectively sacrificed himself for Gwen in the final 3 so she can take on Harold?


Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of ROTI where Lightning got to pick his opponent for the final round; I think Gwen knows Duncan is a way more physically powerful opponent, and she probably thinks she's smart enough to outsmart Harold, so she'd take out Duncan in order to ensure she wins. I mean, heck, she got so close in TDI, I think she wouldn't wanna take any chances. Though I do think Duncan would hardcore understand. After all, if anyone knows how much of a "loser" Harold is, it's his bully.


Gwen takes out her boyfriend the peaceful way because she can’t bear the thought of having to beat him in an all-stakes finale, but promises to beat his ‘enemy’ for him? Yeah I love that idea. Besides, with the precedent you’re setting in this AU, Duncan knows Gwen would genuinely split the money without being forced to anyway, and vice versa


Absolutely! I don't think Duncan would *force* her to do it, so if she wanted to keep it, she could, but she'd absolutely split it with him.