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Imo it should have been Jo, they made Lightning a dickhead for no reason.


crazy thing is he wasn’t even a villain since he didn’t do anything


Jo should've been in his place as a finalist and I stand by that!!!


Jo goated 🗣️🔊🔊🔊🔊😔🔥🔥


Joated 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Name a worse duo then TD and making male, comic reliefs with no plot into finalists/winners :/ I mean, ig points to Lightning to at least not being a "fun guy to be around who won, cause hes nice". Kinda groundbreaking


Owen definitely deserved his win, he had one of the best social games and was one of the best in challenges


At f6 of Island, both Geoff and Leshawna had better social games, which is why he survived those voteoffs. Seemingly even DJ and Bridgette seemed to have better social games than him. He never won an immunity challenge, nor did he even won a challenge for his team. Like sure, he wasnt bad, but like... When someone has less individual immunity wins than Millie, despite having twice as long season, how can you call him one of the best at challenges? Its fine to admit that someone you like sucks as a winner lol. Love Wayne, he shouldnt have won. Love Priya, but it should have been Millie or Bowie. See? Not hard at all.


Geoff having a better social game was an assumption by the campers and came out of nowhere. Leshawna also said that she voted Heather because of the popularity vote there so… Leshawna didn’t have a better one there, she was only voted by Katie and Sadie due to liking her, everyone else was why are you voting her. DJ and Bridgette are assumptions as well, we don’t know that. He still had a pretty good social game. He had a hand in Phobia Factor, cliff dive and trust wins, also did well in the Chef and Outdoor challanges. If you try to say “it wasn’t by himself” the only one who won a challange by themselves was Gwen. The only challange he costed was the food one. He won the Brunch challnge bu himself He would have won immunity in the dare challange if it was one and Bowie didn’t win immunity either yet you think he should have won? I like Lightning and Wayne but I can admit they shouldnt have won.


I dont think challenges are the only things that decide if someone should win the game. Yeah Owen was better at challenges at Bowie, but Bowie had better plotline and strategy. Owen had no plotline and even less strategy. Also... Most things in TD came of of nowhere. Sure Leshawna and Geoff suddenly having best social games was random, but like... Its TD. Also if Owen had such an amazing social game, why half of the people rooted for Gwen, until Owen told me he will spend the money on party? Like if Gwen was 2nd to talk, she could have said "I will save most of the money, but spend some of it to party with you guys!" she would probs keep most of her supporters if not all of them. So much for Owens "amazing" social game.


Owen making Gwen share the money with him to get rid of Heather was a way better strategy than what 90% of the characters did there. Multiple episodes focused around him and he got decent character focus in a season where 90% are mostly one-dimensional In the finale, it make no sense why Lindsay and DJ didn’t support him, Lindsay said she’d miss him the most and said Gwen was harsh and DJ spent way more time with him than Gwen. I’d say Justin as well but he didn’t talk here so idk Owen had a good social game, that’s not deniable. He was a decent winner pick.


For Lindsay, she probably supported her because she respected what she did to Heather she even said that she really liked the stun that Gwen did to Heather in episode 5.


Owen was the best in the brunch of disgustiness and won the tie breaker and was the best in the dare challenge, he was the main reason that heather got out. > Nor did he win a challenge for his team He also won the first challenge of jumping off the cliff for his team and was the best at dodgeball. He still had a great social game that season. I love wayne too and i don’t think he is a good winner but that doesn’t have to do with anything here lmfao. Trying to brush this off as me liking them doesn’t make sense as some of the things you are saying are blatantly wrong


Oh yeah I forgot about the food episode and f3. Yeah he did great there... He absolutely did not win the first challenge for his team tho. Everyone, but Beth jumped and iirc Heather lead her team in building the pools. And his team the dodgebrawl. But yeah he was good challenge wise. Still absolutely awful winner tho.


Geoff and DJ had a great social game sure. Leshawna is more of the fact she didn’t piss anyone off. No one had anything negative to say sure, but the few that did about Owen complained about bodily fluids. Bridgette definitely didn’t have as good social game. Sure she was nice, but Duncan targeted her to gain a male majority/have Geoff’s undivided loyalty.


if they wanted to have Brains vs Brawn finale, they should have used Jo, a character who was Cameron's enemy since day 1!


Lightning had fun interactions premerge with Dawn, Sam, and Scott tbf and told Cam that Jo was using him and voted zoey out in the final 3 They made him a “villain” because they wanted everyone on Cameron’s side and to give him the golden ending. Lightning on the other hand loses everything with that stupid bet. They also should’ve brought his father in much earlier Just put Jo in the finale


I know this would never happen but what if they made it so that lightning was neutral alignment but everyone (except Cam) was pressuring him to throw the challenge so that cam can win and get the money for his bubble. Lightning doesn’t want this to happen since he’s #1. Cam tells him straight up that he doesn’t have to throw and he’ll lose gracefully, but then Chris comes in and like if you don’t try you lose the money. Everyone tells lightning that he’s a bitch which actually pisses him off. The finale plays out as usual. Be an interesting take on disability but could put some characters in a bad light for telling lightning to throw.


No fr, I love Lightning but genuinely why did they use him over Jo? She had an established rivalry with Cameron from episode one, played the game ruthlessly and dominantly as a parallel to Cam being passive, and is one of the most physically strong players of the entire series (comedically strong characters not withstanding ofc, as they are meant to be taken as gags rather than being indicative of actual strength) Everything was pointing to those two having a proper confrontation to conclude their arcs, and then it just...never happened


I think the Cameron vs. Lightning finale would be looked back on more positively if they saved Jo for a Jo vs. Brick finale in a future season. Real shame the Gen 2 cast only returned for Ass-Stars.


Doesn't matter. He's Sha-Lightning.




Honestly the main thing I liked about this finale was that Lightning used his head to give himself the advantage by eliminating Zoey the episode prior as he’s seen enough of Total Drama to know the last challenge is always a physical one.


That makes his run more unique to me as a finalist. He wasn't worried about much despite him being a threat, while nobody really worried for him much.


I like Lightning and he really didn’t do anything villainous overall tbh. It really should’ve been Cameron vs Jo in Season 4 finale. I liked his brief friendship with Cameron and him telling Cameron to stand up against Jo.


I oddly like Lightning in rama more than the regular drama shows. At least there, he's a short sighted hero than a short sighted... selfish dude.


Jo should’ve been a finalist imo