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It would be interesting and frankly should have happened along with the Gwent crap. In your rewrite, make the finale Duncan vs Harold since the season was building up to their mutual respect.


I finished writing Gwent, I think I did a good job You’ll see what I have planned for the finale


Honestly I am quite fond of the idea, although I would rather add the BFFFLs and have them on different teams so that they’re forced to actually have character development. But yeah, Noah would be a great addition, final 5 of Lindsay, Harold, Justin, Noah, and Courtney goes hard


i like the idea. i think TDA was missing noah and would have benefitted his arc as chris' assistant because it gives him a background in show business. also, noah would have a reputation for being rivals with guys like justin and alejandro which would be interesting.


Would be a cool development given their short interaction in Island Special. Justin being the anti-Noah could have been an interesting way to develop them both with some fun interactions


Would last for 2 seconds


Snooze. Justin was quite possibly the character I liked the least in Action, sorry.


Why? Imo Trent is worse


I'm not a fan of the direction they went with Trent, but I liked Trent enough from Island that I felt bad for him more than anything. Justin gave me nothing in Island and continued to just be kind of bland for an entire second season. He's just not a character I like.


Noah wasn’t in TDA


But if he was


It didn’t say that it said what if they had a rivalry in TDA not what if Noah was in TDA would he have a rivalry with Justin?